Java tutorial
package com.commander4j.thread; /** * @author David Garratt * * Project Name : Commander4j * * Filename : * * Package Name : com.commander4j.thread * * License : GNU General Public License * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * * */ import; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.ArrayConverter; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.StringConverter; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import com.commander4j.db.JDBArchive; import com.commander4j.db.JDBControl; import com.commander4j.db.JDBInterface; import com.commander4j.db.JDBSchema; import com.commander4j.db.JDBUser; import; import com.commander4j.messages.GenericMessageHeader; import com.commander4j.sys.Common; import com.commander4j.sys.JLaunchReport; import com.commander4j.util.JArchive; import com.commander4j.util.JPrint; import com.commander4j.util.JUnique; import com.commander4j.util.JUtility; public class InterfaceThread extends Thread { private String currentDateTime = ""; private String currentTime = ""; private String currentDate = ""; private String lastRunDate = ""; private String hostID = ""; private Boolean shutdown = false; private String sessionID = ""; private OutboundMessageThread outboundThread; private AutoLabellerThread autoLabellerThread; private ReportingThread reportingThread; private InboundMessageCollectionThread fileCollectThread; private InboundMessageThread inboundThread; private boolean threadsRunning = false; private boolean houseKeeping = false; private Boolean enableEnterfaceStatusEmails = false; private String siteName = ""; private String interfaceEmailAddresses = ""; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InterfaceThread.class); private boolean abortThread = false; private int backupMessageRetention = 30; public String getSessionID() { return sessionID; } public void setSessionID(String sessionID) { this.sessionID = sessionID; } public InterfaceThread(String host, String session) { setHostID(host); setSessionID(session); abortThread = false; } public InterfaceThread(String[] args) { JUtility.initLogging(""); Common.base_dir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String uniqueID = ""; uniqueID = "service"; logger.debug("Checking if parameter [" + uniqueID + "] is a Unique Host ID"); Common.hostList.loadHosts(); hostID = Common.hostList.getHostIDforUniqueId(uniqueID); if (hostID.length() > 0) { logger.debug("Host ID identified for service is [" + hostID + "]"); } else { logger.debug("No Host has been identified to be target for service - check hosts file unique id."); logger.debug("Host with unique id [" + uniqueID + "] not found - Interface thread aborting."); abortThread = true; requestStop(); } } public Boolean isThreadAbortingStartup() { return abortThread; } public void requestStop() { shutdown = true; } private void setHostID(String host) { hostID = host; } private String getHostID() { return hostID; } public void run() { startupInterface(); } public void shutdownInterface() { } public void startupInterface() { setSessionID(JUnique.getUniqueID()); Common.sessionID = getSessionID();, "silentExceptions", "Yes", true); Common.applicationMode = "SwingClient"; JUtility.initLogging(""); JPrint.init(); if (JUtility.isValidJavaVersion(Common.requiredJavaVersion) == true) { Common.hostList.loadHosts(); Common.selectedHostID = getHostID(); houseKeeping = false; while (shutdown == false) { logger.debug("Connecting to database."); while ((Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).isConnected(getSessionID()) == false) && (shutdown == false)) { Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).connect(getSessionID(), getHostID()); } if ((Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).isConnected(getSessionID()) == true) && (shutdown == false)) { JDBSchema schema = new JDBSchema(getSessionID(), Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID())); schema.validate(false); JUtility.initEANBarcode(); JLaunchReport.init(); Common.init(); JDBUser user = new JDBUser(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBControl ctrl = new JDBControl(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JeMail mail = new JeMail(getHostID(), getSessionID()); user.setUserId("interface"); user.setPassword("interface"); user.setLoginPassword("interface"); Common.userList.addUser(getSessionID(), user); enableEnterfaceStatusEmails = Boolean .parseBoolean(ctrl.getKeyValueWithDefault("INTERFACE EMAIL NOTIFY", "false", "Email startup and shutdown events :- true or false")); interfaceEmailAddresses = ctrl.getKeyValueWithDefault("INTERFACE ADMIN EMAIL", "", "Email address for startup and shutdown events."); StringConverter stringConverter = new StringConverter(); ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter(String[].class, stringConverter); arrayConverter.setDelimiter(';'); arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(new char[] { '@', '_' }); String[] emailList = (String[]) arrayConverter.convert(String[].class, interfaceEmailAddresses); siteName = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getSiteDescription(); if (user.login()) { if (enableEnterfaceStatusEmails == true) { try { String subject = ""; if (houseKeeping == true) { } else { subject = "Commander4j " + JVersion.getProgramVersion() + " Interface startup for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(); mail.postMail(emailList, subject, "Interface service has started.", "", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("InterfaceThread Unable to send emails"); } } houseKeeping = false; logger.debug("Interface Logged on successfully"); logger.debug("Starting Threads...."); startupThreads(); while ((shutdown == false) & (houseKeeping == false)) { com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(1000); currentDateTime = JUtility.getDateTimeString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); currentDate = currentDateTime.substring(0, 10); currentTime = currentDateTime.substring(11, 19); if (currentTime.substring(0, 5).equals(Common.statusReportTime.substring(0, 5))) { if (currentDate.equals(lastRunDate) == false) { lastRunDate = currentDate; houseKeeping = true; } } } logger.debug("Stopping Threads...."); shutdownThreads(); user.logout(); logger.debug("Interface Logged out successfully"); if (enableEnterfaceStatusEmails == true) { try { String subject = ""; if (houseKeeping == true) { } else { subject = "Commander4j " + JVersion.getProgramVersion() + " Interface shutdown for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(); mail.postMail(emailList, subject, "Interface service has stopped.", "", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("InterfaceThread Unable to send emails"); } } } else { logger.debug("Interface routine failed to logon to application using account INTERFACE"); } try { backupMessageRetention = Integer.valueOf(ctrl.getKeyValueWithDefault( "INTERFACE BACKUP RETENTION", "30", "NUMBER OF DAYS TO KEEP BACKUP MESSAGES")); } catch (Exception ex) { backupMessageRetention = 30; } String archiveReportString = ""; if (shutdown == false) { logger.debug("Initiating data archiving...."); JDBArchive c = new JDBArchive(getHostID(), getSessionID()); c.runSQLJobList(); archiveReportString = c.reportData(); c = null; logger.debug("Data archiving complete...."); logger.debug("Disconnecting from database."); Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).disconnectAll(); } if (houseKeeping == true) { logger.debug("HOUSEKEEPING START"); // Archive old backup files goes here String archivedFiles = "Backup message files removed by auto archive = "; if (backupMessageRetention > 0) { archivedFiles = archivedFiles + String.valueOf(JArchive.archiveBackupFiles( System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + Common.interface_backup_path, backupMessageRetention)); } else { archivedFiles = "Auto archive of messages disabled"; } String freeSpace = JUtility.diskFree(); String memoryBefore = "Memory used before garbage collection = " + String.valueOf( (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / 1024) + "k"; System.gc(); String memoryAfter = "Memory used after garbage collection = " + String.valueOf( (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / 1024) + "k"; String stats = GenericMessageHeader.getStats(); GenericMessageHeader.clearStats(); if (enableEnterfaceStatusEmails == true) { try { mail.postMail(emailList, "Commander4j " + JVersion.getProgramVersion() + " Interface maintenance for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(), memoryBefore + "\n\n" + memoryAfter + "\n\n" + archivedFiles + "\n\n" + freeSpace + "\n\n" + "Maintenance is scheduled to occur at " + Common.statusReportTime + " each day.\n\n\n\n" + stats + "\n\n\n" + archiveReportString, "", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("InterfaceThread Unable to send emails"); } } logger.debug("Interface Garbage Collection."); logger.debug("HOUSEKEEPING END"); } } } } } public void startupThreads() { logger.debug("Starting Inbound Interface Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); inboundThread = new InboundMessageThread(getHostID(), Common.interface_recovery_path, Common.interface_error_path, Common.interface_backup_path); inboundThread.setName("C4J Inbound Interface"); inboundThread.start(); logger.debug("Starting Outbound Interface Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); outboundThread = new OutboundMessageThread(getHostID()); outboundThread.setName("C4J Outbound Interface"); outboundThread.start(); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); LinkedList<String> test1 = new LinkedList<String>(); JDBInterface interfaces = new JDBInterface(getHostID(), getSessionID()); test1 = interfaces.getInputPaths(); logger.debug("Starting File Collection Thread....."); fileCollectThread = new InboundMessageCollectionThread(test1, Common.interface_recovery_path); fileCollectThread.setName("C4J Recovery Thread"); fileCollectThread.start(); logger.debug("Starting Reporting Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); reportingThread = new ReportingThread(getHostID()); reportingThread.setName("C4J Reporting Thread"); reportingThread.start(); logger.debug("Starting Auto Labeller Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); autoLabellerThread = new AutoLabellerThread(getHostID()); autoLabellerThread.setName("C4J Auto Labeller"); autoLabellerThread.start(); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); threadsRunning = true; } public void shutdownThreads() { if (threadsRunning) { logger.debug("Stopping Reporting Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); reportingThread.allDone = true; try { while (reportingThread.isAlive()) { reportingThread.allDone = true; com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); } } catch (Exception ex1) { } com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(5000); reportingThread = null; logger.debug("Reporting Thread Stopped."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); threadsRunning = false; logger.debug("Stopping Inbound Interface Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); inboundThread.allDone = true; try { while (inboundThread.isAlive()) { inboundThread.allDone = true; com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); } } catch (Exception ex) { } inboundThread = null; logger.debug("Inbound Interface Thread Stopped."); logger.debug("Stopping Outbound Interface Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); outboundThread.allDone = true; try { while (outboundThread.isAlive()) { outboundThread.allDone = true; com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); } } catch (Exception ex1) { } outboundThread = null; logger.debug("Outbound Interface Thread Stopped."); logger.debug("Stopping File Collection Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); fileCollectThread.allDone = true; try { while (fileCollectThread.isAlive()) { fileCollectThread.allDone = true; com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); } } catch (Exception ex2) { } fileCollectThread = null; logger.debug("File Collection Thread Stopped."); logger.debug("Stopping Auto Labeller Thread....."); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); autoLabellerThread.allDone = true; try { while (autoLabellerThread.isAlive()) { autoLabellerThread.allDone = true; com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(250); } } catch (Exception ex1) { } autoLabellerThread = null; logger.debug("Auto Labeller Thread Stopped."); } } }