Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import; import; import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpSession; import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The TestNG test class for ParkController. * * @author TATA */ public class ParkControllerTest { ServerUtils utils = new ServerUtils(); @DataProvider(name = "testUserFrontWithValidTokenData") public Object[][] testUserFrontWithValidTokenData() { return new Object[][] { { "username", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "Username", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "USERNAME", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "USERNAME", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "UserName", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "UserName", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "username123", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "Username123", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "USERNAME123", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "USERNAME123", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "UserName123", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "UserName123", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "1234", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "1234", "validTag", "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(dataProvider = "testUserFrontWithValidTokenData") public void testUserFrontWithValidToken(String token, String tag, String q, String[] sort, String[] otherTagsExp) { ParkController controller = new ParkController(); Map<String, Object>[] filteredStbs = new HashMap[1]; Map<String, Object>[] allStbs = new HashMap[2]; Map<String, Object> stb1 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); stb1.put(MetaStb.ID, "sample"); stb1.put(MetaStb.TAGS, Arrays.asList("tag1")); stb1.put(MetaStb.MACADDRESS, "00:00:00:00:00"); Map<String, Object> stb2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); stb2.put(MetaStb.ID, "otherDevice"); stb2.put(MetaStb.TAGS, Arrays.asList("tag2", "tag3")); stb2.put(MetaStb.MACADDRESS, "00:00:00:00:01"); filteredStbs[0] = stb1; allStbs[0] = stb1; allStbs[1] = stb2; ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); ParkService mockService = EasyMock.createMock(ParkService.class); if (q == null) { EasyMock.expect(mockService.findAll((Pageable) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(allStbs); } else { EasyMock.expect( mockService.findByKeys((String[]) EasyMock.anyObject(), (Pageable) EasyMock.anyObject())) .andReturn(filteredStbs); EasyMock.expect(mockService.findAll()).andReturn(allStbs); } if (tag != null) { EasyMock.expect( mockService.findByCriteria((Criteria) EasyMock.anyObject(), (Pageable) EasyMock.anyObject())) .andReturn(filteredStbs); } EasyMock.replay(mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "service", mockService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "config", createConfig()); Integer page = Integer.valueOf(1); Integer size = Integer.valueOf(1); Boolean asc = Boolean.TRUE; try { Model model = new BindingAwareModelMap(); MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(); Assert.assertEquals("index", controller.userFront(token, tag, q, page, size, asc, sort, model, session)); Assert.assertEquals(model.asMap().get("search"), q == null ? "" : q); String otherTagsJson = (String) model.asMap().get("otherTags"); String deviceTagsJson = (String) model.asMap().get("deviceTags"); JsonCerealEngine engine = new JsonCerealEngine(); List<String> otherTags = engine.readFromString(otherTagsJson, List.class); Map<String, List<String>> deviceTags = engine.readFromString(deviceTagsJson, Map.class); Assert.assertEquals(otherTags.size(), otherTagsExp.length); for (String tags : otherTagsExp) { Assert.assertTrue(otherTags.contains(tags)); } Assert.assertEquals(deviceTags.size(), q != null ? 1 : 2); Assert.assertTrue(deviceTags.containsKey("sample")); Assert.assertTrue(deviceTags.get("sample").contains("tag1")); } catch (CerealException e) {; } } @DataProvider(name = "testUserFrontWithInvalidTokenData") public Object[][] testUserFrontWithInvalidTokenData() { return new Object[][] { { "username@#$%^", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "Username%^&#$%", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "@@#$%^USERNAME", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "USERNAME^%&))", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "UserName%^%", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "UserName%E&E^$R(", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "username123%&%E$&^$", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "Username123{{}{{}&^(", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "USERNAME123(&%)&%%", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "USERNAME123$^^(&^(^$^&", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "UserName123%$#@%^@", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "UserName123$&$&%$", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "1234&$&$$(())", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "1234%(^%(^$R(", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { null, null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { null, null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } }, { "@!$#@%$#%$", null, null, null, new String[] {} }, { "!#@%^#^%)(&_)", null, "filter1 filter2", new String[] { MetaStb.ID }, new String[] { "tag2", "tag3" } } }; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(dataProvider = "testUserFrontWithInvalidTokenData") public void testUserFrontWithInvalidToken(String token, String tags, String q, String[] sort, String[] otherTagsExp) { ParkController controller = new ParkController(); Integer page = Integer.valueOf(1); Integer size = Integer.valueOf(1); Boolean asc = Boolean.TRUE; try { Model model = new BindingAwareModelMap(); MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(controller, "serverUtils", utils); Assert.assertEquals("login", controller.userFront(token, q, tags, page, size, asc, sort, model, session)); } catch (CerealException e) {; } } private DawgHouseConfiguration createConfig() { DawgHouseConfiguration config = new DawgHouseConfiguration(); config.put(DawgConfiguration.DAWG_SHOW_URL, ""); config.put(DawgConfiguration.DAWG_POUND_URL, ""); return config; } }