Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 Comcast Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.amazonaws.util.json.JSONWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CNSTestingUtils { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CNSTestingUtils.class); public static List<CNSSubscription> confirmPendingSubscriptionsByTopic(String topicArn, String userId, CnsSubscriptionProtocol protocol) throws Exception { String nextToken = null; int round = 0; List<CNSSubscription> confirmedSubscriptions = new ArrayList<CNSSubscription>(); ICNSSubscriptionPersistence subscriptionHandler = new CNSSubscriptionCassandraPersistence(); while (round == 0 || nextToken != null) { List<CNSSubscription> subscriptions = subscriptionHandler.listAllSubscriptionsByTopic(nextToken, topicArn, protocol); if (subscriptions.size() > 0) { nextToken = subscriptions.get(subscriptions.size() - 1).getArn(); } else { nextToken = null; } for (CNSSubscription s : subscriptions) { if (!s.isConfirmed()) { CNSSubscription confirmedSubscription = subscriptionHandler.confirmSubscription(false, s.getToken(), topicArn); confirmedSubscriptions.add(confirmedSubscription); } } round++; } return confirmedSubscriptions; } public static Vector<String> getArnsFromString(String res) { //System.out.println("Starting parsing: res is:" + res); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; ListTopicsResponseParser pl = new ListTopicsResponseParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), pl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } return pl.getArns(); } public static ListSubscriptionParser getSubscriptionDataFromString(String res) { //System.out.println("Starting parsing: res is:" + res); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; ListSubscriptionParser pl = new ListSubscriptionParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), pl); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } return pl; } public static Vector<CNSSubscriptionTest> getSubscriptionsFromString(String res) { ListSubscriptionParser pl = getSubscriptionDataFromString(res); return pl.getSubscriptions(); } public static String getSubscriptionArnFromString(String res) { javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; SubscribeParser p = new SubscribeParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), p); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } String arn = p.getSubscriptionArn(); return arn; } public static SubscriptionAttributeParser getSubscriptionAttributesFromString(String res) { javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; SubscriptionAttributeParser p = new SubscriptionAttributeParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), p); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } return p; } public static TopicAttributeParser getTopicAttributesFromString(String res) { javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; TopicAttributeParser p = new TopicAttributeParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), p); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } return p; } public static String getArnFromString(String res) { javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser saxParser; CreateTopicResponseParser p = new CreateTopicResponseParser(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), p); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing", ex); } String arn = p.getTopicArn(); return arn; } public static boolean verifyErrorResponse(String res, String code, String message) { SAXParserFactory fac = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl(); SAXParser saxParser; ErrorParser p = new ErrorParser(); res = res.trim(); try { saxParser = fac.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(res.getBytes()), p); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Exception parsing error response", ex); } if (code != null) { String rescode = p.getCode(); if (!code.equals(rescode)) { logger.error("Wrong error code"); return false; } } if (message != null) { String resmessage = p.getMessage(); if (!resmessage.equals(message)) { logger.error("Wrong error messahe"); return false; } } return true; } public static void addParam(Map<String, String[]> params, String name, String val) { String[] paramVals = new String[1]; paramVals[0] = val; params.put(name, paramVals); } public static void addTopic(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String topicName) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "CreateTopic"); if (topicName != null) addParam(params, "Name", topicName); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); } public static void addPermission(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String topicArn, String account, String permission, String label) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "AddPermission"); addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "AWSAccountId.member.1", account); addParam(params, "ActionName.member.1", permission); addParam(params, "Label", label); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); } public static void listTopics(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String token) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "ListTopics"); if (token != null) addParam(params, "NextToken", token); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); logger.debug("Response: " + out.toString()); } public static void testCommand(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String command) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", command); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); //System.out.println("Out:" + out.toString()); } public static void confirmSubscription(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String topicArn, String token, String authOnSub) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); //System.out.println("Deleting Topic arn is:" + arn); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "ConfirmSubscription"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); if (topicArn != null) addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); if (token != null) addParam(params, "Token", token); if (authOnSub != null) addParam(params, "AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe", authOnSub); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); logger.debug("confirmSubscription"); cns.doGet(request, response); //System.out.println("Done Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); response.getWriter().flush(); logger.debug("confirmSubscription Out:" + out.toString()); } public static void deleteTopic(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String arn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); //System.out.println("Deleting Topic arn is:" + arn); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "DeleteTopic"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "TopicArn", arn); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); //System.out.println("Do Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); cns.doGet(request, response); //System.out.println("Done Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); response.getWriter().flush(); //System.out.println("Out:" + out.toString()); } public static void deleteallSubscriptions(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out) { //Get all topics try { listSubscriptions(cns, user, out, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); assertTrue(false); } String res = out.toString(); Vector<CNSSubscriptionTest> subs = CNSTestingUtils.getSubscriptionsFromString(res); //Delete all topics //System.out.println("Deleting arns size:" + arns.size()); try { for (CNSSubscriptionTest sub : subs) { //System.out.println("Deleting arn:" + arn); String subscriptionArn = sub.getSubscriptionArn(); if (!subscriptionArn.equals("PendingConfirmation")) { CNSTestingUtils.unSubscribe(cns, user, out, subscriptionArn); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); assertFalse(true); } } public static void deleteallTopics(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out) { //Get all topics try { listTopics(cns, user, out, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); assertTrue(false); } String res = out.toString(); Vector<String> arns = getArnsFromString(res); //Delete all topics //System.out.println("Deleting arns size:" + arns.size()); try { for (String arn : arns) { //System.out.println("Deleting arn:" + arn); deleteTopic(cns, user, out, arn); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception", e); assertFalse(true); } } public static void subscribe(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String endpoint, String protocol, String arn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); //System.out.println("Deleting Topic arn is:" + arn); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "Subscribe"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); if (endpoint != null) addParam(params, "Endpoint", endpoint); if (protocol != null) addParam(params, "Protocol", protocol); if (arn != null) addParam(params, "TopicArn", arn); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); //System.out.println("Do Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); cns.doGet(request, response); //System.out.println("Done Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); response.getWriter().flush(); } public static void unSubscribe(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String subscriptionArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); //System.out.println("Deleting Topic arn is:" + arn); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "Unsubscribe"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); if (subscriptionArn != null) addParam(params, "SubscriptionArn", subscriptionArn); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); //System.out.println("Do Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); cns.doGet(request, response); //System.out.println("Done Delete Topic Arn:" + arn); response.getWriter().flush(); } public static String getQueueUrl(String response) { int beginLoc = response.indexOf("<QueueUrl>"); int endLoc = response.indexOf("</QueueUrl>"); return response.substring(beginLoc + 10, endLoc); } public static Vector<String> getQueueUrlfromList(String response) { Vector<String> res = new Vector<String>(); int beginLoc = response.indexOf("<QueueUrl>"); int endLoc = response.indexOf("</QueueUrl>"); while (beginLoc != -1) { res.add(response.substring(beginLoc + 10, endLoc)); beginLoc = response.indexOf("<QueueUrl>", endLoc); if (beginLoc == -1) break; endLoc = response.indexOf("</QueueUrl>", beginLoc); } return res; } public static String getReceiptHandle(String response) { int beginLoc = response.indexOf("<ReceiptHandle>"); int endLoc = response.indexOf("</ReceiptHandle>"); if (beginLoc != -1) return response.substring(beginLoc + 15, endLoc); else return null; } /* * Get the body of the message from the CQS response * @param response, the response from receiveMessage on CQS * @return the content inside the Body tag. */ public static String getMessage(String response) { int beginLoc = response.indexOf("<Body>"); int endLoc = response.indexOf("</Body>"); if (beginLoc != -1) { return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(response.substring(beginLoc + 6, endLoc)); } else { return null; } } public static String receiveMessage(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user, String queueURL, String numberOfMessages) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); request.setRequestUrl(queueURL); //System.out.println("Queue URL: " + queueURL); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "ReceiveMessage"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "MaxNumberOfMessages", numberOfMessages); request.setParameterMap(params); logger.debug("Sending request:" + request.toString()); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String setPermissionForUser(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user, User user2, String queueURL) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); request.setRequestUrl(queueURL); //System.out.println("Queue URL: " + queueURL); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "AddPermission"); addParam(params, "Label", "testLabel"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "AWSAccountId.1", user2.getUserId()); addParam(params, "ActionName.1", "SendMessage"); request.setParameterMap(params); logger.debug("Sending request:" + request.toString()); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); logger.debug("Add Permissions Response:" + out.toString()); return out.toString(); } public static String deleteMessage(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user, String queueURL, String receiptHandle) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); request.setRequestUrl(queueURL); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "DeleteMessage"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "ReceiptHandle", receiptHandle); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static void listSubscriptions(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String nextToken) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "ListSubscriptions"); if (nextToken != null) { addParam(params, "NextToken", nextToken); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); //System.out.println("Out:" + out.toString()); } public static void listSubscriptionsByTopic(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String topicArn, String nextToken) throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "ListSubscriptionsByTopic"); addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); if (nextToken != null) { addParam(params, "NextToken", nextToken); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); //System.out.println("Out:" + out.toString()); } public static String listQueues(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); request.setRequestUrl(CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSServiceUrl()); addParam(params, "Action", "ListQueues"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "QueueNamePrefix", ""); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String deleteQueue(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user, String qUrl) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); request.setRequestUrl(qUrl); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "DeleteQueue"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String addQueue(CQSControllerServlet cqs, User user, String qName) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); request.setRequestUrl(CMBProperties.getInstance().getCQSServiceUrl()); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "CreateQueue"); addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); addParam(params, "QueueName", qName); addParam(params, "Attribute.1.Name", "VisibilityTimeout"); addParam(params, "Attribute.1.Value", "30"); addParam(params, "Attribute.2.Name", "Policy"); addParam(params, "Attribute.2.Value", ""); addParam(params, "Attribute.3.Name", "MaximumMessageSize"); addParam(params, "Attribute.3.Value", "65536"); addParam(params, "Attribute.4.Name", "MessageRetentionPeriod"); addParam(params, "Attribute.4.Value", "600"); addParam(params, "Attribute.5.Name", "DelaySeconds"); addParam(params, "Attribute.5.Value", "0"); request.setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); response.setOutputStream(out); cqs.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String doPublish(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String message, String messageStructure, String subject, String topicArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "Publish"); if (message != null) { addParam(params, "Message", message); } if (messageStructure != null) { addParam(params, "MessageStructure", messageStructure); } if (subject != null) { addParam(params, "Subject", subject); } if (topicArn != null) { addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String doGetSubscriptionAttributes(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String subscriptionArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "GetSubscriptionAttributes"); if (subscriptionArn != null) { addParam(params, "SubscriptionArn", subscriptionArn); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String doSetSubscriptionAttributes(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String attributeName, String attributeValue, String subscriptionArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "SetSubscriptionAttributes"); if (subscriptionArn != null) { addParam(params, "SubscriptionArn", subscriptionArn); } if (attributeName != null) { addParam(params, "AttributeName", attributeName); } if (attributeValue != null) { addParam(params, "AttributeValue", attributeValue); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String doGetTopicAttributes(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String topicArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "GetTopicAttributes"); if (topicArn != null) { addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } public static String doSetTopicAttributes(CNSControllerServlet cns, User user, OutputStream out, String attributeName, String attributeValue, String topicArn) throws Exception { SimpleHttpServletRequest request = new SimpleHttpServletRequest(); Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); addParam(params, "Action", "SetTopicAttributes"); if (topicArn != null) { addParam(params, "TopicArn", topicArn); } if (attributeName != null) { addParam(params, "AttributeName", attributeName); } if (attributeValue != null) { addParam(params, "AttributeValue", attributeValue); } addParam(params, "AWSAccessKeyId", user.getAccessKey()); request.setParameterMap(params); ((SimpleHttpServletRequest) request).setParameterMap(params); SimpleHttpServletResponse response = new SimpleHttpServletResponse(); response.setOutputStream(out); cns.doGet(request, response); response.getWriter().flush(); return out.toString(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * We will send the message using the URL and HttpUrlConnection classes */ public static String sendHttpMessage(String endpoint, String message) throws Exception { if ((message == null) || (endpoint == null)) { throw new Exception("Message and Endpoint must both be set"); } String newPostBody = message; byte newPostBodyBytes[] = newPostBody.getBytes(); URL url = new URL(endpoint);">> " + url.toString()); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("GET"); // POST no matter what con.setDoOutput(true); con.setDoInput(true); con.setFollowRedirects(false); con.setUseCaches(true);">> " + "GET"); //con.setRequestProperty("content-length", newPostBody.length() + ""); con.setRequestProperty("host", url.getHost()); con.connect();">> " + newPostBody); int statusCode = con.getResponseCode(); BufferedInputStream responseStream;"StatusCode:" + statusCode); if (statusCode != 200 && statusCode != 201) { responseStream = new BufferedInputStream(con.getErrorStream()); } else { responseStream = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream()); } int b; String response = ""; while ((b = != -1) { response += (char) b; }"response:" + response); return response; } public static String getBodyFromHTML(String response) { int beginLoc = response.indexOf("<body>"); int endLoc = response.indexOf("</body>"); if (beginLoc != -1) return response.substring(beginLoc + 6, endLoc).trim(); else return null; } /* * Generate the Json string with the message in token * @param message The message you want to encode * @return the Json String */ public static String generateMessageJson(String message) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Writer writer = new PrintWriter(out); JSONWriter jw = new JSONWriter(writer); try { jw = jw.object(); jw.key("Token").value(message); jw.endObject(); writer.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } return out.toString(); } /** * Generate the Json string for sending different messages to different endpoitns * @param emailMessage The message to send to the email endpoints * @param emailJson The message to send to the email-json endpoints * @param defaultMessage The default message to send to the endpoints if there is no other specified * @param httpMessage The message to send to the http endpoints * @param httpsMessage The message to send to the https endpoints * @param cqsMessage The message to send to the cqs endpoints * @return the JSON string to send to the publish method */ public static String generateMultiendpointMessageJson(String emailMessage, String emailJson, String defaultMessage, String httpMessage, String httpsMessage, String cqsMessage) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Writer writer = new PrintWriter(out); JSONWriter jw = new JSONWriter(writer); try { jw = jw.object(); if (defaultMessage != null) { jw.key("default").value(defaultMessage); } if (emailMessage != null) { jw.key("email").value(emailMessage); } if (emailJson != null) { jw.key("email-json").value(emailJson); } if (httpMessage != null) { jw.key("http").value(httpMessage); } if (httpsMessage != null) { jw.key("https").value(httpsMessage); } if (cqsMessage != null) { jw.key("cqs").value(cqsMessage); } jw.endObject(); writer.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } return out.toString(); } }