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 * Copyright (c) 2014 CollegeSource Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is
 * the confidential and proprietary information of CollegeSource Inc. (
 * "Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential
 * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the license
 * agreement you entered into with CollegeSource Inc.
package com.collegesource.interfaces.student;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

import com.collegesource.interfaces.student.dao.BannerDao;
import com.redlantern.interfaces.student.StudentFinder;

import uachieve.apis.student.StuDemo;
import uachieve.apis.student.StuDemoPK;
import uachieve.apis.student.StuMaster;

 * Implementation of StudentFinder for a Banner SIS.
 * @author Vincent Turpin
 * @author neighborsj
public class BannerStudentFinder implements StudentFinder {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BannerStudentFinder.class);

    private BannerDao bannerDao;
    private String studentInstidq;
    private String studentInstid;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

     * Find a student in Banner by name.
     * @param instidq
     * @param instid
     * @param firstName
     * @param lastName
    public List<StuMaster> findStudentByName(String instidq, String instid, String firstName, String lastName) {
        logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("Searching for student by firstName[{0}] and lastName[{1}]", firstName,
        List<Map<String, Object>> results = bannerDao.searchForStudentByName(firstName, lastName, logger);
        List<StuMaster> students = new ArrayList<StuMaster>();

        for (Map<String, Object> map : results) {

        return students;

     * Find a student in Banner by stuno.
     * @param instidq
     * @param instid
     * @param stuno
    public StuMaster findStudentByStuno(String instidq, String instid, String stuno) {
        //Trim Values
        instidq = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(instidq);
        instid = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(instid);
        stuno = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(stuno);

        logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("Searching for student by stuno[{0}]", stuno));
        StuMaster sm = new StuMaster();
        List<Map<String, Object>> results = bannerDao.searchForStudentByStuno(stuno, logger);

        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(results)) {
            sm = createStudent(results.get(0));
            if (!findStudentInStuMaster(instidq, instid, stuno)) {
            } else if (!validateStuDemo(sm)) {
        return sm;

    private void createStuMasterAndStuDemoRecord(StuMaster stuMaster) {
        logger.debug("Attempting to save StuMaster and StuDemo Record for student.");
        String insertStuMasterQuery = "Insert into Stu_Master(Instidq, Instid, Stuno) values ('"
                + stuMaster.getInstidq() + "','" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "','" + stuMaster.getStuno() + "')";

        try {
            //StuMaster Insert
            logger.debug("StuMasterQuery[" + insertStuMasterQuery + "]");
            int stuMasterResult = jdbcTemplate.update(insertStuMasterQuery);
            logger.debug("Inserted [" + stuMasterResult + "] Records");

            //Get IntSeqNo from StuMaster (Sequence PK)
            String intSeqNoQuery = "Select int_seq_no from Stu_Master where instidq = '" + stuMaster.getInstidq()
                    + "' and instid = '" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "' and stuno = '" + stuMaster.getStuno() + "'";
            logger.debug("IntSeqNoQuery[" + intSeqNoQuery + "]");
            List<Map<String, Object>> results = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(intSeqNoQuery);
            logger.debug("Results[" + results + "], Getting First Result");

            //Set IntSeqNo to StuMaster Object
            stuMaster.setIntSeqNo(((BigDecimal) results.get(0).get("int_seq_no")).intValue());

            //StuDemo Insert
            String insertStuDemoQuery = "Insert into Stu_Demo (Stu_Mast_no, Source_Id, Stuname) values ('"
                    + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo() + "','" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "','"
                    + StringUtils.replace(stuMaster.getStuDemos().get(0).getStuname(), "'", "''") + "')";
            int stuDemoResult = jdbcTemplate.update(insertStuDemoQuery);
            logger.debug("Inserted [" + stuDemoResult + "] Records");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);


    private void updateStuDemoRecord(StuMaster stuMaster) {
        String countQuery = "select count(*) from stu_demo where stu_mast_no = '" + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo()
                + "' and rtrim(source_id) = rtrim('" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "')";

        try {
            //See if Student Has a StuDemo Record
            logger.debug("CountQuery[" + countQuery + "]");
            int count = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(countQuery);
            logger.debug("Record Count:" + count);
            if (count > 0) {
                //Has a Record, so Update it
                String updateQuery = "update stu_demo set stuname = '" + stuMaster.getStuDemos().get(0).getStuname()
                        + "' where stu_mast_no = '" + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo() + "' and source_id = '"
                        + stuMaster.getInstid() + "'";
                logger.debug("Attempting to update Student Demo Record[" + updateQuery + "]");
                int updateStuDemoResult = jdbcTemplate.update(updateQuery);
                logger.debug("Record Updated[" + updateStuDemoResult + "]");
            } else {
                //Does not have a Record, Insert it
                String insertQuery = "insert into stu_demo (stu_mast_no, source_id, stuname) values ('"
                        + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo() + "','" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "','"
                        + stuMaster.getStuDemos().get(0).getStuname() + "')";
                logger.debug("Attempting to insert Stu Demo Record[" + insertQuery + "]");
                int insertStuDemoResult = jdbcTemplate.update(insertQuery);
                logger.debug("Record Inserted[" + insertStuDemoResult + "]");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    private boolean validateStuDemo(StuMaster stuMaster) {
        String intSeqNoQuery = "Select int_seq_no from Stu_Master where instidq = '" + stuMaster.getInstidq()
                + "' and instid = '" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "' and stuno = '" + stuMaster.getStuno() + "'";

        try {
            //Getting IntSeqNo From StuMaster (PK sequence number)
            logger.debug("intSeqNoQuery[" + intSeqNoQuery + "]");
            List<Map<String, Object>> results = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(intSeqNoQuery);
            logger.debug("Results [" + results + "], Grabbing First Record");

            //Set IntSeqNo on StuMaster Object
            stuMaster.setIntSeqNo(((BigDecimal) results.get(0).get("int_seq_no")).intValue());
            logger.debug("Student IntSeqNo[" + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo() + "]");

            //Get Student Name from StuDemo and Compare to What came back from Banner
            String stuNameQuery = "Select stuname from stu_demo where stu_mast_no = '" + stuMaster.getIntSeqNo()
                    + "' and rtrim(source_id) = rtrim('" + stuMaster.getInstid() + "')";
            logger.debug("StuNameQuery[" + stuNameQuery + "]");
            String stuName = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(stuNameQuery, String.class);
            logger.debug("Results[" + stuName + "]");

            return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(stuMaster.getStuDemos().get(0).getStuname(), stuName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;


    private boolean findStudentInStuMaster(String instidq, String instid, String stuno) {
        String query = "Select count(*) from Stu_Master where instidq = '" + instidq + "' and instid='" + instid
                + "' and stuno = '" + stuno + "'";
        int count = -1;

        try {
                    "Searching for student record[Instidq: [{0}], Instid: [{1}], Stuno: [{2}]]: ", instidq, instid,
            count = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(query);
            if (count > 0) {
                logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("Found student record[Instidq:{0}, Instid: {1}, Stuno: {2}]: ",
                        instidq, instid, stuno));
                return true;
            logger.debug(MessageFormat.format("Student not found in StuMaster. Count:{0}", count));
            return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //Student doesn't exist inside of StuMaster. Try to create it.
            logger.debug("Student not found in StuMaster.");
            return false;

     * Create a StuMaster object from the search results map.
     * @param map
    private StuMaster createStudent(Map<String, Object> map) {
        StuMaster stuMaster = new StuMaster();
        StuDemo stuDemo = new StuDemo();
        StuDemoPK stuDemoPk = new StuDemoPK();

        stuMaster.setStuno(StringUtils.trimToEmpty((String) map.get("spriden_id")));


        String name = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(StringUtils.substring((String) map.get("stuname"), 0, 35));


        List<StuDemo> demoList = new ArrayList<StuDemo>();

        logger.debug("Created StuMaster with Banner Records: " + stuMaster);
        logger.debug("Student Name[" + stuDemo.getStuname() + "]");
        return stuMaster;

    /* Property Setters */

    public void setStudentInstidq(String studentInstidq) {
        this.studentInstidq = studentInstidq;

    public void setStudentInstid(String studentInstid) {
        this.studentInstid = studentInstid;

    public void setBannerDao(BannerDao bannerDao) {
        this.bannerDao = bannerDao;

    public void setDatasource(DataSource datasource) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
