Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * #%L
 * Bobcat
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Cognifide Ltd.
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;
import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException;
import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * This class contains utility methods for checking with waits if WebElements are meeting different
 * conditions.
public final class WebElementUtils {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebElementUtils.class);

    private BobcatWait bobcatWait;

     * Checks if generic condition is met within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param condition condition to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if condition is met within timeout.
    public boolean isConditionMet(final ExpectedCondition<?> condition) {
        return isConditionMet(condition, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if generic condition is met within specified timeout.
     * @param condition condition to be checked.
     * @param timeout   timeout in seconds within which the condition has to be met.
     * @return value indicating if condition is met within timeout.
    public boolean isConditionMet(final ExpectedCondition<?> condition, int timeout) {
        try {
        } catch (TimeoutException | StaleElementReferenceException e) {
            LOG.debug("Condition has not been made before timeout: ", e);
            return false;
        return true;

     * Checks if specified WebElement is displayed within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if WebElement is displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final WebElement element) {
        return isDisplayed(element, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if specified WebElement is displayed within specified timeout.
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @param timeout timeout in seconds within which the WebElement has to be displayed.
     * @return value indicating if WebElement is displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final WebElement element, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(visibilityOf(element), timeout);

     * Checks if all specified WebElements are displayed within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param elements WebElements to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final List<WebElement> elements) {
        return isDisplayed(elements, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if all specified WebElements are displayed within specified timeout.
     * @param elements WebElements to be checked.
     * @param timeout  timeout in seconds within which the WebElements have to be displayed.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final List<WebElement> elements, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(visibilityOfAllElements(elements), timeout);

     * Checks if WebElements specified by CSS selector are displayed within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param bySelector CSS selector of WebElements to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final String bySelector) {
        return isDisplayed(bySelector, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if WebElements specified by CSS selector are displayed within specified timeout.
     * @param bySelector CSS selector of WebElements to be checked.
     * @param timeout    timeout in seconds within which the WebElements have to be displayed.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are displayed within timeout.
    public boolean isDisplayed(final String bySelector, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector(bySelector)), timeout);

     * Checks if specified WebElement is hidden within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if WebElement is hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final WebElement element) {
        return isHidden(element, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if specified WebElement is hidden within specified timeout.
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @param timeout timeout in seconds within which the WebElement has to be hidden.
     * @return value indicating if WebElement is hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final WebElement element, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(not(visibilityOf(element)), timeout);

     * Checks if all specified WebElements are hidden within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param elements WebElements to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final List<WebElement> elements) {
        return isHidden(elements, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if all specified WebElements are hidden within specified timeout.
     * @param elements WebElements to be checked.
     * @param timeout  timeout in seconds within which the WebElements have to be hidden.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final List<WebElement> elements, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(not(visibilityOfAllElements(elements)), timeout);

     * Checks if WebElements specified by CSS selector are hidden within default timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param bySelector CSS selector of WebElements to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final String bySelector) {
        return isHidden(bySelector, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if WebElements specified by CSS selector are hidden within specified timeout.
     * @param bySelector CSS selector of WebElements to be checked.
     * @param timeout    timeout in seconds within which the WebElements have to be hidden.
     * @return value indicating if all WebElements are hidden within timeout.
    public boolean isHidden(final String bySelector, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(not(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector(bySelector))), timeout);

     * Checks if specified WebElement contains specified text within timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @param text    text to be present in WebElement.
     * @return value indicating if specified text is present in specified WebElement.
    public boolean isTextPresentInWebElement(WebElement element, String text) {
        return isTextPresentInWebElement(element, text, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if specified WebElement contains specified text within specified timeout.
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @param text    text to be present in WebElement.
     * @param timeout timeout in seconds within which the WebElement has to contain specified text.
     * @return value indicating if specified text is present in specified WebElement.
    public boolean isTextPresentInWebElement(WebElement element, String text, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(textToBePresentInElement(element, text), timeout);

     * Checks if specified WebElement has specified attribute within timeout defined in
     * {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element   WebElement to be checked.
     * @param attribute name of the attribute which presence is to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if specified WebElement has specified attribute.
    public boolean hasAttribute(final WebElement element, final String attribute) {
        return hasAttribute(element, attribute, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if specified WebElement has specified attribute within specified timeout.
     * @param element   WebElement to be checked.
     * @param attribute name of the attribute which presence is to be checked.
     * @param timeout   timeout in seconds within which the WebElement has to have specified
     *                  attribute.
     * @return value indicating if specified WebElement has specified attribute.
    public boolean hasAttribute(final WebElement element, final String attribute, int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(webDriver -> element.getAttribute(attribute) != null, timeout);

     * Checks if specified WebElement has specified attribute with specified value within timeout
     * defined in {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element   WebElement to be checked.
     * @param attribute name of the attribute which presence is to be checked.
     * @param value     value which presence in attribute is to be checked.
     * @return value indicating if specified WebElement has specified attribute with specified value.
    public boolean hasAttributeWithValue(final WebElement element, final String attribute, final String value) {
        return hasAttributeWithValue(element, attribute, value, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Checks if specified WebElement has specified attribute within specified timeout.
     * @param element   WebElement to be checked.
     * @param attribute name of the attribute which presence is to be checked.
     * @param value     value which presence in attribute is to be checked.
     * @param timeout   timeout in seconds within which the WebElement has to have specified
     *                  attribute.
     * @return value indicating if specified WebElement has specified attribute with specified value.
    public boolean hasAttributeWithValue(final WebElement element, final String attribute, final String value,
            int timeout) {
        return isConditionMet(webDriver -> element.getAttribute(attribute).contains(value), timeout);

     * Waits for the animation of specified WebElement to be finished within default timeout defined
     * in {@link} constant (in seconds).
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
    public void waitForAnimationFinish(final WebElement element) {
        waitForAnimationFinish(element, Timeouts.BIG);

     * Waits for the animation of specified WebElement to be finished within specified timeout.
     * @param element WebElement to be checked.
     * @param timeout timeout in seconds within which the WebElement's animation has to be finished.
    public void waitForAnimationFinish(final WebElement element, int timeout) {
        final Deque<Point> locations = new ArrayDeque<>();
        isConditionMet(webDriver -> {
            Point currentLocation = element.getLocation();
            boolean animationStopped = false;
            if (!locations.isEmpty()) {
                animationStopped = locations.peekFirst().equals(currentLocation);

            return animationStopped;
        }, timeout);

     * Checks if WebElement with specified name is present on the specified list and clicks it if
     * it is on the list.
     * @param elements    list of WebElements within which the specified WebElement is searched.
     * @param elementName name of the WebElement to be clicked.
     * @return WebElement that has been clicked.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if element with specified name is not on the list.
    public WebElement clickElementIfExists(final List<WebElement> elements, final String elementName) {
        for (WebElement element : elements) {
            if (elementName.equals(element.getText())) {
                return element;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("There is no element named %s", elementName));