Java tutorial
/*- * #%L * Bobcat * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 Cognifide Ltd. * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier; import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber; import cucumber.runtime.Backend; import cucumber.runtime.Runtime; import; import; /** * Classes annotated with {@code @RunWith(Bobcumber.class)} will run a Cucumber Feature */ public class Bobcumber extends Cucumber { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Bobcumber.class); private final Properties properties = PropertyUtils.gatherProperties(); private final double maxFailedTestPercentage = Double .parseDouble(properties.getProperty(ConfigKeys.BOBCAT_REPORT_STATISTICS_PERCENTAGE)); private final StatisticsHelper statisticsHelper; private final boolean storeFailedResults; private final boolean isItFailedTestsRerun; private File featureFile; private File statisticsFile; /** * Constructor called by JUnit. * * @param clazz the class with the @RunWith annotation. * @throws if there is a problem * @throws org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError if there is another problem */ public Bobcumber(Class<?> clazz) throws InitializationError, IOException { super(clazz); statisticsHelper = new StatisticsHelper(); storeFailedResults = clazz.isAnnotationPresent(StoreFailedResults.class); if (storeFailedResults) { featureFile = createFile(clazz.getAnnotation(StoreFailedResults.class).value()); String statisticsFilePath = properties.getProperty(ConfigKeys.BOBCAT_REPORT_STATISTICS_PATH); statisticsFile = createFile(statisticsFilePath); } isItFailedTestsRerun = clazz.isAnnotationPresent(FailedTestsRunner.class); } @Override public void run(RunNotifier notifier) { if (isItFailedTestsRerun && !canRerunFailedTests()) { shutdownRerun(notifier); } else { if (storeFailedResults) { notifier.addListener(new BobcumberListener(this)); }; closeWebDriverPool(); } } private File createFile(String path) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException { File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file, CharEncoding.UTF_8); writer.close(); } return file; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void closeWebDriverPool() { try { Runtime runtime = (Runtime) FieldUtils.readField(this, "runtime", true); Collection<? extends Backend> backends = (Collection<? extends Backend>) FieldUtils.readField(runtime, "backends", true); for (Backend backend : backends) { if (backend instanceof JavaBackend) { GuiceFactory factory = (GuiceFactory) FieldUtils.readField(backend, "objectFactory", true); WebDriverRegistry webDriverRegistry = factory.getInstance(WebDriverRegistry.class); webDriverRegistry.shutdown(); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error("unable to close web driver pool", e); } } private void shutdownRerun(RunNotifier notifier) { double percentageOfFailedTests = statisticsHelper.getPercentageOfFailedTests(statisticsFile); int failedTestsNumber = statisticsHelper.getNumberOfFailedTests(statisticsFile); if (failedTestsNumber == 0) { notifier.fireTestFinished(Description.EMPTY); } else if (percentageOfFailedTests > maxFailedTestPercentage) { String failureMessage = "Percentage of failed tests was bigger than " + maxFailedTestPercentage + "."; Failure failure = new Failure(Description.createSuiteDescription(failureMessage), new TooManyTestsToRerunException(failureMessage)); notifier.fireTestFailure(failure); } } private boolean canRerunFailedTests() { int failedTestsNumber = statisticsHelper.getNumberOfFailedTests(statisticsFile); double percentageOfFailedTests = statisticsHelper.getPercentageOfFailedTests(statisticsFile); boolean haveNoTests = (failedTestsNumber == 0); boolean haveTooManyTests = (percentageOfFailedTests > maxFailedTestPercentage); return !haveNoTests && !haveTooManyTests; } File getFeatureFile() { return featureFile; } File getStatisticsFile() { return statisticsFile; } }