Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (c) 2014, CODEROAD, All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of CODEROAD * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with * CODEROAD. */ package com.coderoad.automation.rocketTruedx; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import; import; import; import org.testng.Assert; import com.coderoad.automation.common.enums.LogLevel; import com.coderoad.automation.common.log.LogUtil; import com.coderoad.automation.common.util.WaitUtil; import com.coderoad.automation.common.util.old.BasePage; import com.coderoad.automation.common.util.old.TestLogger; import com.coderoad.automation.common.util.old.TestUtils; /** * The Class CP3BasePage. * * @author Ruth Chirinos * @version 1 */ public abstract class RocketTruedxNaBasePage extends BasePage { public final static String FRAMESET_PARENT = "frame1"; public final static String HEADER = "headerMenu"; public final static String FRAMESET_SUBPARENT = "frameset1"; public final static String MENU = "menu"; public final static String MAIN = "main"; /** * Instantiates a new c p3 base page. * * @param driver the driver */ public RocketTruedxNaBasePage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } /* * Method override */ public void openPage(String url) throws InterruptedException { super.openPage(url); Thread.sleep(2000); this.waitForVisibility(getDriver().findElement("userName"))); } /** * this method sets the state of the checkbox. * * @param fieldName the field name * @param state the state */ protected void setCheckBoxState(WebElement fieldName, boolean state) { String id = fieldName.getAttribute("id"); String classStr = fieldName.getAttribute("class"); TestLogger.logDebug(id + ":" + classStr); WebElement checkboxElem = getDriver().findElement( + "-inputEl")); // rememberMeCb-inputEl if (classStr.contains("x-form-cb-checked")) if (!state) {; } else { TestLogger.logDebug("Check box already Checked"); } else { if (state) {; } else { TestLogger.logDebug("Check box already unchecked"); } } classStr = fieldName.getAttribute("class"); TestLogger.logDebug(id + ":" + classStr + ":" + state); } /** * this method return the state of the check box. * * @param fieldName the field name * @return the check box state */ protected boolean getCheckBoxState(WebElement fieldName) { String classStr = fieldName.getAttribute("class"); if (classStr.contains("x-form-cb-checked")) return true; else return false; } /* * Method override */ protected WebElement waitForElement(final By by) { WebElement element = null; TestLogger.logMsg("Start waitForElement : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { try { element = new WebDriverWait(driver, TestUtils.timeout).until(new ExpectedCondition<WebElement>() { @Override public WebElement apply(WebDriver d) { return d.findElement(by); } }); } catch (Exception e) { TestLogger.logMsg("Wait waitForElement : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } } TestLogger.logMsg("Done waitForElement : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); return element; } /* * Method override */ protected void waitForVisibility(WebElement element) { TestLogger.logMsg("Start waitForVisibility : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, TestUtils.timeout)) .until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(element)); } catch (Exception e) { TestLogger.logMsg("Wait waitForVisibility : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } } TestLogger.logMsg("Done waitForVisibility : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } /* * Method override */ protected void waitForElementPresence(String element) { TestLogger.logMsg("Start waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { try { WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, TestUtils.timeout)) .until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(; } catch (Exception e) { TestLogger.logMsg("Wait waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } } TestLogger.logMsg("Done waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } /* * Method override */ protected void waitForElementPresence(final By by) { TestLogger.logMsg("Start waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { try { WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, TestUtils.timeout)) .until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(by)); } catch (Exception e) { TestLogger.logMsg("Wait waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } } TestLogger.logMsg("Done waitForElementPresence : + " + this.getTimeStamp()); } /** * this method selects the options from the combobox. * * @param dropDown the drop down * @param option the option */ protected void selectOptionIn(WebElement dropDown, String option) { String triggerId = dropDown.getAttribute("id"); WebElement arrow = dropDown.findElement(; if (arrow.isDisplayed()) {; } WaitUtil.waitUntil(5); List<WebElement> options = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//li[@role='option']")); for (WebElement opt : options) { if (opt.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(option)) { click(opt); WaitUtil.waitUntil(2); break; } } } /** * this method send the click () event to the web element. * * @param elem the elem */ protected void click(WebElement elem) { //; JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) getDriver(); executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", elem); } /* * Method override */ public void waitForPageLoaded() { ExpectedCondition<Boolean> expectation = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) { return ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete"); } }; Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(this.getDriver(), TestUtils.timeout); try { wait.until(expectation); } catch (Throwable error) { TestLogger.logError("Timeout waiting for Page Load Request to complete."); } } /** * this method returns the timestamp. * * @return the time stamp */ public String getTimeStamp() { java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); return (new Timestamp(date.getTime()).toString()); } /** * Takepic. * * @param make the make */ public void takepic(String make) { String browser = getBrowserName(getDriver()); WebDriver augmentedDriver = new Augmenter().augment(getDriver()); File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) augmentedDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MMM_yyyy__hh_mm_ssaa"); String destDir = "testresult/" + make; new File(destDir).mkdirs(); /* * if(browser.contentEquals("Firefox")) browser="Firefox_"; else * if(browser.contentEquals("Internet Explorer")) * browser="InternetExplorer_"; */ String destFile = browser + "_" + dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".png"; try { FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(destDir + "/" + destFile)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Gets the browser name. * * @param driver the driver * @return the browser name */ protected String getBrowserName(WebDriver driver) { if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { Capabilities capabilities = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities(); return capabilities.getBrowserName() + "_" + capabilities.getVersion(); } return "UNKNOWN_BROWSER"; } /* * This method checks the validation when the phone number entered is * incorrect 1: correct number 0: incorrect number */ /** * Verify phone number validation. * * @param xpathInputPhoneNumber the xpath input phone number * @param phone the phone * @param typeValidation the type validation */ public void verifyPhoneNumberValidation(String xpathInputPhoneNumber, String phone, String typeValidation) { WaitUtil.waitUntil(3); WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpathInputPhoneNumber)); element.clear(); element.sendKeys(phone); element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpathInputPhoneNumber)); Assert.assertTrue( element.getAttribute("aria-invalid").contains(typeValidation.equals("1") ? "false" : "true"), "The validation does not function correctly."); LogUtil.log("The validation functions correctly.", LogLevel.LOW); } }