Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.coderadar.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import com.coderadar.solr.bean.SourceBean; import com.coderadar.solr.service.SolrSourceService; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/") public class MainController { final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MainController.class.getName()); //TODO: this should be configurable in Management. private static final int ROW_PER_PAGE = 5; private static final String SEARCH_BY_NAME = "search-by-name"; private static final String SEARCH_BY_CONTENT = "search-by-content"; private static final String RELEASE = "release"; private static final String FILE_TYPE = "fileType"; @Autowired private SolrSourceService solrSourceService; @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) public String firstPage() { return "index"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/about") public String about() { return "error"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/login") public String login() { return "error"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/management") public String management() { return "error"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/aboutme") public String aboutMe() { return "aboutme"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/find") public String findSource(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { long enter = System.currentTimeMillis(); findSources(request, model); double used = ((double) System.currentTimeMillis() - (double) enter) / 1000;"Time used :" + String.valueOf(used)); model.addAttribute("timeUsed", String.valueOf(used)); return "result"; } private String getSolrString(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { String solrSql = ""; String q = request.getParameter("q"); model.addAttribute("queryText", q);" param q = " + q); if (StringUtils.isBlank(q)) { return solrSql; } String filterByName = ""; String filterByContent = ""; String searchOptions = request.getParameter("search-options");" param search-options = " + searchOptions); if (searchOptions != null) { if (searchOptions.contains(SEARCH_BY_NAME)) { filterByName = SEARCH_BY_NAME; } if (searchOptions.contains(SEARCH_BY_CONTENT)) { filterByContent = SEARCH_BY_CONTENT; } } String searchOptionsType = request.getParameter("search-options-type"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchOptionsType)) { searchOptionsType = "OR"; } searchOptionsType = " " + searchOptionsType + " ";" param search-options-type = " + searchOptionsType);" searchByName =" + filterByName + ", searchByContent=" + filterByContent); String path = request.getParameter("path"); // compose the name and content condition String escapeQueryCulprits = com.coderadar.util.SolrUtil.escapeQueryCulprits(q); String byName = "", byContent = "", andPath = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filterByName)) { byName = "name:" + escapeQueryCulprits; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filterByContent)) { byContent = "content:" + escapeQueryCulprits; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)) { andPath = "path:" + path + "*"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(byContent) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(andPath)) { solrSql = "(" + byName + searchOptionsType + byContent + ") AND " + andPath; } else { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(byContent)) { solrSql = byName + searchOptionsType + byContent; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(andPath)) { solrSql = byName + " AND " + andPath; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byContent) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(andPath)) { solrSql = byContent + " AND " + andPath; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byName)) { solrSql = byName; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(andPath)) { solrSql = andPath; } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(byContent)) { solrSql = byContent; } else { // defalut , query all data. solrSql = "name:" + escapeQueryCulprits + searchOptionsType + " content:" + escapeQueryCulprits; } } // filter options String filters = getFilters(request); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filters)) { solrSql = "( " + solrSql + " )" + " AND " + filters; }"Solr String :" + solrSql); return solrSql; } private String getFilters(HttpServletRequest request) { String selectedFilterOptions = request.getParameter("selected-filter-options"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(selectedFilterOptions)) { return ""; } String[] filters = selectedFilterOptions.split(","); List<String> releaseOpt = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> fileTypeOpt = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String filter : filters) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filter)) { if (filter.startsWith(RELEASE)) { releaseOpt.add(filter); } else if (filter.startsWith(FILE_TYPE)) { fileTypeOpt.add(filter); } else { logger.error("Error filter option :" + filter); } } } List<String> filterResult = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(fileTypeOpt)) { String fileTypeStr = "(" + StringUtils.join(fileTypeOpt, " OR ") + ")"; filterResult.add(fileTypeStr); } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(releaseOpt)) { String releaseStr = "(" + StringUtils.join(releaseOpt, " OR ") + ")"; filterResult.add(releaseStr); } return StringUtils.join(filterResult, " AND "); } private void findSources(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { String path = request.getParameter("path"); model.addAttribute("path", path); String q = request.getParameter("q"); model.addAttribute("queryString", q); String searchOptions = request.getParameter("search-options"); model.addAttribute("searchOptions", searchOptions); String selectedFilterOptions = request.getParameter("selected-filter-options"); model.addAttribute("selectedFilterOptions", selectedFilterOptions); String searchOptionsType = request.getParameter("search-options-type"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchOptionsType)) { searchOptionsType = "OR"; } model.addAttribute("searchOptionsType", searchOptionsType); String pageStr = request.getParameter("page"); if (!NumberUtils.isNumber(pageStr)) { pageStr = "1"; } int page = Integer.valueOf(pageStr); if (page < 1) { page = 1; } String solrString = getSolrString(request, model); int start = (page - 1) * ROW_PER_PAGE; List<SourceBean> sourceList = new ArrayList<SourceBean>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(solrString)) { sourceList =, start, ROW_PER_PAGE); long count = solrSourceService.count(solrString); if ((sourceList != null) && !sourceList.isEmpty()) { this.setFacet(solrString, request, model); } model.addAttribute("sourceInfoList", sourceList); model.addAttribute("count", count); } model.addAttribute("pageRecordCount", sourceList.size()); model.addAttribute("page", page); model.addAttribute("rows", ROW_PER_PAGE); model.addAttribute("pagesize", ROW_PER_PAGE); } private void setFacet(String query, HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { String release = "release"; String fileType = "fileType"; List<String> facetRelease = solrSourceService.facet(query, release); List<String> facetFileType = solrSourceService.facet(query, fileType); sort(facetRelease); sort(facetFileType); model.addAttribute("releases", facetRelease); model.addAttribute("fileTypes", facetFileType); } private void sort(List<String> sortlist) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(sortlist)) { Collections.sort(sortlist); Collections.sort(sortlist, Collections.reverseOrder()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> sortList = new ArrayList<String>(); sortList.add("tc-5.5.x"); sortList.add("tc-6.0.x"); sortList.add("tc-7.0.x"); sortList.add("tc-8.0.x"); sortList.add("trunk"); Collections.sort(sortList); Collections.sort(sortList, Collections.reverseOrder()); System.out.println(""); } }