Java tutorial
/* * * CODENVY CONFIDENTIAL * __________________ * * [2012] - [2013] Codenvy, S.A. * All Rights Reserved. * * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains * the property of Codenvy S.A. and its suppliers, * if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained * herein are proprietary to Codenvy S.A. * and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, * patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained * from Codenvy S.A.. */ package; import com.codenvy.ide.BaseTest; import com.codenvy.ide.MenuCommands; import com.codenvy.ide.VirtualFileSystemUtils; import org.exoplatform.ide.vfs.shared.Link; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import java.util.Map; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; /** @author Roman Iuvshin * */ public class JavaFoldSelectionTest extends BaseTest { private static final String PROJECT = JavaFoldSelectionTest.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String FILE_CONTENT = "/* TEST COPY RIGHT\n" + " *\n" + " * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify " + "it\n" + " * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n" + " * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1" + " of\n" + " * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" + " * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General " + "Public\n" + " * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free\n" + " * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, " + "Boston, MA\n" + " * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:\n" + " */\n" + "package helloworld;\n" + "\n" + "import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;\n" + "import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;\n" + "import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;\n" + "import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;\n" + "\n" + "public class FoldingExample implements Controller\n" + "{\n" + " @Override\n" + " public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request," + " HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception\n" + " {\n" + " String userName = request.getParameter(\"user\");\n" + " String result = \"\";\n" + " if (userName != null)\n" + " {\n" + " result = \"Hello, \" + userName + \"!\";\n" + " }\n" + " ModelAndView view = new ModelAndView(\"hello_view\");\n" + " view.addObject(\"greeting\", result);\n" + " return view;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public String hjk(HttpServletRequest request, " + "HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception\n" + " {\n" + " ModelAndView view2 = new ModelAndView(\"hello_view2\");\n" + " return view2.getViewName();\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " static class StaticNestedClass\n" + " {\n" + " static final String str = \"blabla\";\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; private static final String FOLDED_PART_OF_COMMENT = "/* TEST COPY RIGHT\n" + " *\n" + " * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n" + " * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n" + " * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, " + "MA\n" + " * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:\n" + " */"; private static final String FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE = "import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;\n" + "import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;\n" + " if (userName != null)\n" + " {\n" + " result = \"Hello, \" + userName + \"!\";\n" + " }\n" + " ModelAndView view = new ModelAndView(\"hello_view\");\n" + " view.addObject(\"greeting\", result);\n" + " return view;\n" + " }"; private static final String FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE_2 = "import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;\n" + "import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;\n" + " String userName = request.getParameter(\"user\");\n" + " String result = \"\";"; private static final String FOLDED_FEW_METHODS = " }\n" + "\n" + " public String hjk(HttpServletRequest request, " + "HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception\n" + "}"; private static final String FOLDED_PART_OF_COMMENT_AND_CODE = "/* TEST COPY RIGHT\n" + " *\n" + " * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n" + " * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as\n" + " * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of\n" + " * the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n" + " {\n" + " result = \"Hello, \" + userName + \"!\";\n" + " }"; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() { final String filePath = "src/test/resources/org/exoplatform/ide/operation/java/"; try { Map<String, Link> project = VirtualFileSystemUtils.importZipProject(PROJECT, filePath); } catch (Exception e) { } } @AfterClass public static void tearDown() { try { VirtualFileSystemUtils.delete(PROJECT); } catch (Exception e) { } } @After public void reopenEditor() throws Exception { IDE.EDITOR.closeFile(""); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer(""); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.openItemWithDoubleClick(""); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.PROGRESS_BAR.waitProgressBarControlClose(); } @Test public void foldAllContent() throws Exception { IDE.EXPLORER.waitOpened(); IDE.OPEN.openProject(PROJECT); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitPackageExplorerOpened(); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer(PROJECT); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer("src/main/java"); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.openItemWithDoubleClick("src/main/java"); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer("sumcontroller"); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.openItemWithDoubleClick("sumcontroller"); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer(""); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.openItemWithDoubleClick(""); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.PROGRESS_BAR.waitProgressBarControlClose(); // check that folding buttons displays in expected places IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(1); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(14); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(21); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(35); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(41); // select all content and fold it. IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.callContextMenuIntoJavaEditor(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitOpened(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitWhileCommandIsEnabled("Select All"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.runCommand("Select All"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitClosed(); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.callContextMenuIntoJavaEditor(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitOpened(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitWhileCommandIsEnabled("Fold Selection"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.runCommand("Fold Selection"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitClosed(); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line assertTrue(IDE.JAVAEDITOR.getVisibleTextFromJavaEditor().equals("/* TEST COPY RIGHT\n")); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(1); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(1); // expand folded content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(1); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); } @Test public void foldPartOfComment() throws Exception { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.PROGRESS_BAR.waitProgressBarControlClose(); // select fold part of the comment. IDE.GOTOLINE.goToLine(4); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); // select 4 lines of the comment for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.typeTextIntoJavaEditor(Keys.SHIFT.toString() + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } // fold selected lines from context menu IDE.JAVAEDITOR.callContextMenuIntoJavaEditor(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitOpened(); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitWhileCommandIsEnabled("Fold Selection"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.runCommand("Fold Selection"); IDE.CONTEXT_MENU.waitClosed(); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_COMMENT); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(4); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(4); // expand folded text and check content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(4); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); } @Test public void foldFewMethods() throws Exception { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); // select and fold few methods IDE.GOTOLINE.goToLine(35); // select 4 lines of the comment for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.typeTextIntoJavaEditor(Keys.SHIFT.toString() + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } IDE.MENU.runCommand(MenuCommands.Edit.EDIT_MENU, MenuCommands.Edit.FOLD_SELECTION); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_FEW_METHODS); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(35); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(35); // expand folding and check content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(35); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); } @Test public void foldPartOfCommentAndCode() throws Exception { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); // select and fold few methods IDE.GOTOLINE.goToLine(6); // select 4 lines of the comment for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.typeTextIntoJavaEditor(Keys.SHIFT.toString() + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } IDE.MENU.runCommand(MenuCommands.Edit.EDIT_MENU, MenuCommands.Edit.FOLD_SELECTION); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_COMMENT_AND_CODE); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(6); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(6); // expand folding and check content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(6); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); } @Test public void foldPartOfImportsAndCode() throws Exception { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.GOTOLINE.goToLine(15); // select 10 lines of the code include imports and part of code for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.typeTextIntoJavaEditor(Keys.SHIFT.toString() + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } // call fold selection from edit menu IDE.MENU.runCommand(MenuCommands.Edit.EDIT_MENU, MenuCommands.Edit.FOLD_SELECTION); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); // expand folded text and check content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); // collapse folding and check that expand button appear IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); // expand folding IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); // // repeat same case but with different number of the selected lines // reopenForFirefox(); IDE.GOTOLINE.goToLine(15); IDE.STATUSBAR.waitCursorPositionAt("15 : 1"); // select 9 lines of the code include imports and part of code for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IDE.JAVAEDITOR.typeTextIntoJavaEditor(Keys.SHIFT.toString() + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); } // call fold selection from edit menu IDE.MENU.runCommand(MenuCommands.Edit.EDIT_MENU, MenuCommands.Edit.FOLD_SELECTION); // check that selected text is folded and expand button appear in right line IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE_2); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); // expand folded text and check content IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); // collapse folding and check that expand button appear IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnGutterCollapseButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FOLDED_PART_OF_IMPORTS_AND_CODE_2); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitGutterExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); // expand folding IDE.JAVAEDITOR.clickOnExpandButtonInSpecifiedLineNumber(15); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitWhileJavaEditorWillContainSpecifiedText(FILE_CONTENT); } // TODO // Temporary solution for incorrect work of the 'Go to line' feature after fold selection operation in Firefox browser private void reopenForFirefox() throws Exception { System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" + BROWSER_COMMAND.toString()); System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" + BROWSER_COMMAND.equals(BROWSER_COMMAND.FIREFOX)); if (BROWSER_COMMAND.equals(BROWSER_COMMAND.FIREFOX)) { IDE.EDITOR.closeFile(""); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.waitItemInPackageExplorer(""); IDE.PACKAGE_EXPLORER.openItemWithDoubleClick(""); IDE.JAVAEDITOR.waitJavaEditorIsActive(); IDE.PROGRESS_BAR.waitProgressBarControlClose(); } } }