Java tutorial
/* * * * Authors: * Eric Butler <> * * Based on code from * nfc-felica by Kazzz. See project URL for complete author information. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Thanks to these resources for providing additional information about the Suica format: * * * * * * * Some of these resources have been translated into English at: * */ package com.codebutler.farebot.transit.suica; import android.os.Parcel; import com.codebutler.farebot.card.felica.FelicaBlock; import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.Station; import com.codebutler.farebot.transit.Trip; import net.kazzz.felica.lib.Util; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; public class SuicaTrip extends Trip { private final long mBalance; private final int mConsoleType; private final int mProcessType; private final boolean mIsProductSale; private final boolean mIsBus; private final boolean mIsCharge; private final long mFare; private final Date mTimestamp; private final int mRegionCode; private int mRailEntranceLineCode; private int mRailEntranceStationCode; private int mRailExitLineCode; private int mRailExitStationCode; private int mBusLineCode; private int mBusStopCode; private Station mStartStation; private Station mEndStation; public SuicaTrip(FelicaBlock block, long previousBalance) { byte[] data = block.getData(); // 00000080000000000000000000000000 // 00 00 - console type // 01 00 - process type // 02 00 - ?? // 03 80 - ?? // 04 00 - date // 05 00 - date // 06 00 - enter line code // 07 00 // 08 00 // 09 00 // 10 00 // 11 00 // 12 00 // 13 00 // 14 00 // 15 00 mConsoleType = data[0]; mProcessType = data[1]; mIsBus = mConsoleType == (byte) 0x05; mIsProductSale = (mConsoleType == (byte) 0xc7 || mConsoleType == (byte) 0xc8); mIsCharge = (mProcessType == (byte) 0x02); mTimestamp = SuicaUtil.extractDate(mIsProductSale, data); mBalance = (long) Util.toInt(data[11], data[10]); mRegionCode = data[15] & 0xFF; if (previousBalance >= 0) { mFare = (previousBalance - mBalance); } else { // Can't get amount for first record. mFare = 0; } // Unused block (new card) if (mTimestamp == null) { return; } if (!mIsProductSale && !mIsCharge) { if (mIsBus) { mBusLineCode = Util.toInt(data[6], data[7]); mBusStopCode = Util.toInt(data[8], data[9]); mStartStation = SuicaUtil.getBusStop(mRegionCode, mBusLineCode, mBusStopCode); } else { mRailEntranceLineCode = data[6] & 0xFF; mRailEntranceStationCode = data[7] & 0xFF; mRailExitLineCode = data[8] & 0xFF; mRailExitStationCode = data[9] & 0xFF; mStartStation = SuicaUtil.getRailStation(mRegionCode, mRailEntranceLineCode, mRailEntranceStationCode); mEndStation = SuicaUtil.getRailStation(mRegionCode, mRailExitLineCode, mRailExitStationCode); } } } public static final Creator<SuicaTrip> CREATOR = new Creator<SuicaTrip>() { @Override public SuicaTrip createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) { return new SuicaTrip(parcel); } @Override public SuicaTrip[] newArray(int size) { return new SuicaTrip[size]; } }; private SuicaTrip(Parcel parcel) { mBalance = parcel.readLong(); mConsoleType = parcel.readInt(); mProcessType = parcel.readInt(); mIsProductSale = (parcel.readInt() == 1); mIsBus = (parcel.readInt() == 1); mIsCharge = (parcel.readInt() == 1); mFare = parcel.readLong(); mTimestamp = new Date(parcel.readLong()); mRegionCode = parcel.readInt(); mRailEntranceLineCode = parcel.readInt(); mRailEntranceStationCode = parcel.readInt(); mRailExitLineCode = parcel.readInt(); mRailExitStationCode = parcel.readInt(); mBusLineCode = parcel.readInt(); mBusStopCode = parcel.readInt(); if (parcel.readInt() == 1) { mStartStation = parcel.readParcelable(Station.class.getClassLoader()); } if (parcel.readInt() == 1) { mEndStation = parcel.readParcelable(Station.class.getClassLoader()); } } @Override public long getTimestamp() { if (mTimestamp != null) { return mTimestamp.getTime() / 1000; } else { return 0; } } @Override public long getExitTimestamp() { return 0; } @Override public boolean hasTime() { return mIsProductSale; } @Override public String getRouteName() { return (mStartStation != null) ? mStartStation.getLineName() : (getConsoleType() + " " + getProcessType()); } @Override public String getAgencyName() { return (mStartStation != null) ? mStartStation.getCompanyName() : null; } @Override public String getShortAgencyName() { return getAgencyName(); } @Override public boolean hasFare() { return true; } @Override public String getFareString() { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.JAPAN); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); if (mFare < 0) { return "+" + format.format(-mFare); } else { return format.format(mFare); } } public long getBalance() { return mBalance; } @Override public String getBalanceString() { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.JAPAN); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); return format.format(mBalance); } @Override public String getStartStationName() { if (mIsProductSale || mIsCharge) { return null; } if (mStartStation != null) { return mStartStation.getShortStationName(); } if (mIsBus) { return String.format("Bus Area 0x%s Line 0x%s Stop 0x%s", Integer.toHexString(mRegionCode), Integer.toHexString(mBusLineCode), Integer.toHexString(mBusStopCode)); } else if (!(mRailEntranceLineCode == 0 && mRailEntranceStationCode == 0)) { return String.format("Line 0x%s Station 0x%s", Integer.toHexString(mRailEntranceLineCode), Integer.toHexString(mRailEntranceStationCode)); } else { return null; } } @Override public Station getStartStation() { return mStartStation; } @Override public String getEndStationName() { if (mIsProductSale || mIsCharge || isTVM()) { return null; } if (mEndStation != null) { return mEndStation.getShortStationName(); } if (!mIsBus) { return String.format("Line 0x%s Station 0x%s", Integer.toHexString(mRailExitLineCode), Integer.toHexString(mRailExitStationCode)); } return null; } @Override public Station getEndStation() { return mEndStation; } @Override public Mode getMode() { int consoleType = mConsoleType & 0xFF; if (isTVM()) { return Mode.TICKET_MACHINE; } else if (consoleType == 0xc8) { return Mode.VENDING_MACHINE; } else if (consoleType == 0xc7) { return Mode.POS; } else if (mIsBus) { return Mode.BUS; } else { return Mode.METRO; } } private String getConsoleType() { return SuicaUtil.getConsoleTypeName(mConsoleType); } private String getProcessType() { return SuicaUtil.getProcessTypeName(mProcessType); } /* public boolean isBus() { return mIsBus; } public boolean isProductSale() { return mIsProductSale; } public boolean isCharge() { return mIsCharge; } public int getRegionCode() { return mRegionCode; } public int getBusLineCode() { return mBusLineCode; } public int getBusStopCode() { return mBusStopCode; } public int getRailEntranceLineCode() { return mRailEntranceLineCode; } public int getRailEntranceStationCode() { return mRailEntranceStationCode; } public int getRailExitLineCode() { return mRailExitLineCode; } public int getRailExitStationCode() { return mRailExitStationCode; } */ @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) { parcel.writeLong(mBalance); parcel.writeInt(mConsoleType); parcel.writeInt(mProcessType); parcel.writeInt(mIsProductSale ? 1 : 0); parcel.writeInt(mIsBus ? 1 : 0); parcel.writeInt(mIsCharge ? 1 : 0); parcel.writeLong(mFare); parcel.writeLong(mTimestamp.getTime()); parcel.writeInt(mRegionCode); parcel.writeInt(mRailEntranceLineCode); parcel.writeInt(mRailEntranceStationCode); parcel.writeInt(mRailExitLineCode); parcel.writeInt(mRailExitStationCode); parcel.writeInt(mBusLineCode); parcel.writeInt(mBusStopCode); if (mStartStation != null) { parcel.writeInt(1); parcel.writeParcelable(mStartStation, flags); } else { parcel.writeInt(0); } if (mEndStation != null) { parcel.writeInt(1); parcel.writeParcelable(mEndStation, flags); } else { parcel.writeInt(0); } } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } private boolean isTVM() { int consoleType = mConsoleType & 0xFF; int[] tvmConsoleTypes = { 0x03, 0x07, 0x08, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15 }; return ArrayUtils.contains(tvmConsoleTypes, consoleType); } }