Source code

Java tutorial


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 *    Copyright 2015, 2016 Taylor G Smith
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package com.clust4j;

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;

import com.clust4j.TestClust4j;
import com.clust4j.TestGlobals;
import com.clust4j.algo.AffinityPropagationTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.BoruvkaTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.ClustTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.DBSCANTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.HDBSCANTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.HierarchicalTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.KMeansTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.KMedoidsTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.MeanShiftTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.NNHSTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.NearestCentroidTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.NearestNeighborsTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.ParallelTaskTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.TestLabelEncoder;
import com.clust4j.algo.RadiusNeighborsTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.pipeline.PipelineTest;
import com.clust4j.algo.preprocess.ImputationTests;
import com.clust4j.algo.preprocess.PreProcessorTests;
import com.clust4j.except.TestExcept;
import com.clust4j.kernel.KernelTestCases;
import com.clust4j.log.LogTest;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.HaversineTest;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.PairwiseTests;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.TestDistanceEnums;
import com.clust4j.metrics.scoring.TestMetrics;
import com.clust4j.optimize.TestOptimizer;
import com.clust4j.sample.BootstrapTest;
import com.clust4j.utils.FormatterTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.HeapTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.MatTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.MatrixFormatter;
import com.clust4j.utils.QuadTupTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.SeriesTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.TestArrayFormatter;
import com.clust4j.utils.TestUtils;
import com.clust4j.utils.VectorTests;
import com.clust4j.utils.parallel.ParallelTests;

@Suite.SuiteClasses({ AffinityPropagationTests.class, BootstrapTest.class, BoruvkaTests.class,
        BufferedMatrixReaderTests.class, ClustTests.class, DBSCANTests.class, FormatterTests.class,
        HaversineTest.class, HDBSCANTests.class, HeapTests.class, HierarchicalTests.class, ImputationTests.class,
        KernelTestCases.class, KMeansTests.class, KMedoidsTests.class, LogTest.class, MatTests.class,
        MeanShiftTests.class, NearestCentroidTests.class, NearestNeighborsTests.class, NNHSTests.class,
        PairwiseTests.class, ParallelTaskTests.class, ParallelTests.class, PipelineTest.class,
        PreProcessorTests.class, QuadTupTests.class, RadiusNeighborsTests.class, SeriesTests.class,
        TestArrayFormatter.class, TestClust4j.class, TestDataSet.class, TestDistanceEnums.class, TestExcept.class,
        TestGlobals.class, TestLabelEncoder.class, TestMetrics.class, TestOptimizer.class, TestPublicAPI.class,
        TestUtils.class, TrainTestSplitTests.class, VectorTests.class })

 * Main test suite for clust4j. Runs all production tests
 * @author Taylor G Smith
public class TestSuite {
    // Easy access to a global formatter for test classes
    public static final MatrixFormatter formatter = new MatrixFormatter();
    public static String tmpSerPath = "model.ser";
    public static File file = new File(tmpSerPath);
    public static Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(tmpSerPath);

     * Data sets
    public static final DataSet IRIS_DATASET = ExampleDataSets.loadIris();
    public static final DataSet WINE_DATASET = ExampleDataSets.loadWine();
    public static final DataSet BC_DATASET = ExampleDataSets.loadBreastCancer();

     * Condensed dataset (first two cols) for haversine...
    public static final DataSet IRIS_SMALL = IRIS_DATASET.copy();
    static {

    public static final double[][] bigMatrix = new double[][] {
            new double[] { 0.08594657, 0.60925865, 0.39881186, 0.26410921, 0.19803359, 0.21035565, 0.11966197,
                    0.52581139, 0.38387628, 0.4825036 },
            new double[] { 0.56943745, 0.9438055, 0.03867595, 0.49143331, 0.27470736, 0.08862225, 0.6203588,
                    0.76004573, 0.28224907, 0.98504973 },
            new double[] { 0.83903022, 0.48852263, 0.06229877, 0.00903001, 0.63412978, 0.01088595, 0.34147105,
                    0.31239485, 0.54709824, 0.60489573 },
            new double[] { 0.73606295, 0.64216898, 0.04652937, 0.00361512, 0.26470677, 0.59203757, 0.6751856,
                    0.36033876, 0.91600272, 0.97278172 },
            new double[] { 0.58265159, 0.82568491, 0.18918761, 0.85330221, 0.12915527, 0.21483348, 0.4457545,
                    0.61225749, 0.59133551, 0.74850421 },
            new double[] { 0.57694678, 0.71203528, 0.93801156, 0.12880288, 0.37977797, 0.1621018, 0.28997765,
                    0.48443738, 0.22086107, 0.33982515 },
            new double[] { 0.44102127, 0.03442744, 0.85580514, 0.49294382, 0.49326928, 0.16050842, 0.07405442,
                    0.55629147, 0.24660354, 0.12663662 },
            new double[] { 0.23211021, 0.94979067, 0.05108022, 0.59183824, 0.14980919, 0.32508404, 0.59326028,
                    0.92051835, 0.05639324, 0.53309613 },
            new double[] { 0.04267053, 0.78979235, 0.67823901, 0.47411163, 0.47987525, 0.64574195, 0.19336916,
                    0.75687751, 0.62494332, 0.31120583 },
            new double[] { 0.35446975, 0.90690062, 0.84454885, 0.37504377, 0.30435096, 0.91211773, 0.00132654,
                    0.08953336, 0.77461863, 0.51186425 } };

    public static Array2DRowRealMatrix getRandom(final int rows, final int cols) {
        final Random rand = new Random();
        final double[][] data = new double[rows][cols];

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                data[i][j] = rand.nextDouble() * (rand.nextDouble() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1);

        return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {