Source code

Java tutorial


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 *    Copyright 2015, 2016 Taylor G Smith
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package com.clust4j.algo.preprocess;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.clust4j.TestSuite;
import com.clust4j.except.ModelNotFitException;
import com.clust4j.utils.MatUtils;
import com.clust4j.utils.VecUtils;

public class PreProcessorTests {

    public void testMeanCenter() {
        final double[][] data = new double[][] { new double[] { 0.005, 0.182751, 0.1284 },
                new double[] { 3.65816, 0.29518, 2.123316 }, new double[] { 4.1234, 0.27395, 1.8900002 } };

        final Array2DRowRealMatrix d = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);
        MeanCenterer norm = new MeanCenterer().fit(d);
        RealMatrix scaled = norm.transform(d);
        double[][] operated = scaled.getData();

        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));

        // test copy
        operated = norm.copy().transform(data);
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));

        // Test inverse transform.
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(data, norm.inverseTransform(scaled).getData(), 1e-8));

        // copy coverage

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            norm.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // test not fit
        a = false;
        try {
            new MeanCenterer().transform(d);
        } catch (ModelNotFitException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testBoxCoxTransformer() {
        Array2DRowRealMatrix iris = TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData();
        BoxCoxTransformer bc = new BoxCoxTransformer().fit(iris);

        RealMatrix X = bc.transform(iris);

        // make sure it works...

        // we suffer some accuracy issues on inverse transform due to log bases, etc...
        //assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(bc.inverseTransform(X).getData(), iris.getData(), 1.0));

        // Test a large matrix...
        Array2DRowRealMatrix big = TestSuite.getRandom(400, 5);
        bc = new BoxCoxTransformer().fit(big);
        X = bc.transform(big);

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            bc.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // test not fit
        a = false;
        try {
            new BoxCoxTransformer().transform(iris);
        } catch (ModelNotFitException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // Test too small:
        a = false;
        try {
            new BoxCoxTransformer().fit(TestSuite.getRandom(1, 5));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testYJTransformer() {
        Array2DRowRealMatrix iris = TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData();
        YeoJohnsonTransformer bc = new YeoJohnsonTransformer().fit(iris);

        RealMatrix X = bc.transform(iris);

        // make sure it works...

        // we suffer some accuracy issues on inverse transform due to log bases, etc...
        //assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(bc.inverseTransform(X).getData(), iris.getData(), 1.0));

        // Test a large matrix...
        Array2DRowRealMatrix big = TestSuite.getRandom(400, 5);
        bc = new YeoJohnsonTransformer().fit(big);
        X = bc.transform(big);

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            bc.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // test not fit
        a = false;
        try {
            new YeoJohnsonTransformer().transform(iris);
        } catch (ModelNotFitException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // Test too small:
        a = false;
        try {
            new YeoJohnsonTransformer().fit(TestSuite.getRandom(1, 5));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testMedianCenter() {
        final double[][] data = new double[][] { new double[] { 0.005, 0.182751, 0.1284 },
                new double[] { 3.65816, 0.29518, 2.123316 }, new double[] { 4.1234, 0.27395, 1.8900002 } };

        final Array2DRowRealMatrix d = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);
        MedianCenterer norm = new MedianCenterer().fit(d);
        RealMatrix scaled = norm.transform(d);
        double[][] operated = scaled.getData();

        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));

        // test copy
        operated = norm.copy().transform(data);
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.median(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 0, Precision.EPSILON));

        // Test inverse transform.
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(data, norm.inverseTransform(scaled).getData(), 1e-8));

        // copy coverage

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            norm.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // test not fit
        a = false;
        try {
            new MedianCenterer().transform(d);
        } catch (ModelNotFitException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testRobustScaler() {
        final double[][] data = new double[][] { new double[] { 0.005, 0.182751, 0.1284 },
                new double[] { 3.65816, 0.29518, 2.123316 }, new double[] { 4.1234, 0.27395, 1.8900002 } };

        final Array2DRowRealMatrix d = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);
        RobustScaler norm = new RobustScaler().fit(d);
        RealMatrix scaled = norm.transform(d);

        // Test inverse transform.
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(data, norm.inverseTransform(scaled).getData(), 1e-8));

        // copy coverage

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            norm.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // test not fit
        a = false;
        try {
            new RobustScaler().transform(d);
        } catch (ModelNotFitException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testCenterScale() {
        final double[][] data = new double[][] { new double[] { 0.005, 0.182751, 0.1284 },
                new double[] { 3.65816, 0.29518, 2.123316 }, new double[] { 4.1234, 0.27395, 1.8900002 } };

        final Array2DRowRealMatrix d = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);
        final StandardScaler norm = new StandardScaler().fit(d);
        final RealMatrix normed = norm.transform(d);
        final double[][] operated = normed.getData();

        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 0, 1e-12));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 0, 1e-12));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.mean(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 0, 1e-12));

        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.stdDev(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 0)), 1, 1e-12));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.stdDev(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 1)), 1, 1e-12));
        assertTrue(Precision.equals(VecUtils.stdDev(MatUtils.getColumn(operated, 2)), 1, 1e-12));

        // test inverse transform
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(data, norm.inverseTransform(normed).getData(), 1e-8));

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            norm.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // assert that fewer than two features will throw exception
        a = false;
        try {
  , 4));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testMinMaxScale() {
        final double[][] data = new double[][] { new double[] { 0.005, 0.182751, 0.1284 },
                new double[] { 3.65816, 0.29518, 2.123316 }, new double[] { 4.1234, 0.27395, 1.8900002 } };

        final Array2DRowRealMatrix d = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(data, false);
        final MinMaxScaler norm = new MinMaxScaler().fit(d);
        final RealMatrix normed = norm.transform(d);
        final double[][] operated = normed.getData();

        for (int i = 0; i < operated[0].length; i++) {
            double[] col = MatUtils.getColumn(operated, i);
            assertTrue(VecUtils.min(col) >= 0);
            assertTrue(VecUtils.max(col) <= 1);

        // test inverse transform
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(data, norm.inverseTransform(normed).getData(), 1e-8));

        // test dim mismatch
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            norm.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException dim) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testMinMaxScalerBadMinMax() {
        boolean a = false;

        try {
            double[][] d = new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new double[] { 1, 2, 3 } };

            final Array2DRowRealMatrix data = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(d, false);
            new MinMaxScaler(1, 0).fit(data);
        } catch (IllegalStateException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testScalersNotFit() {
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            new StandardScaler().transform(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData());
        } catch (ModelNotFitException m) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new StandardScaler().fit(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData())
                    .transform(new double[][] { new double[] { 1 } });
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException d) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new PCA(1).transform(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData());
        } catch (ModelNotFitException m) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new PCA(1).fit(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData()).transform(new double[][] { new double[] { 1 } });
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException d) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new MinMaxScaler().transform(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData());
        } catch (ModelNotFitException m) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new MinMaxScaler().fit(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData())
                    .transform(new double[][] { new double[] { 1 } });
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException d) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new MeanCenterer().transform(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData());
        } catch (ModelNotFitException m) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new MeanCenterer().fit(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData())
                    .transform(new double[][] { new double[] { 1 } });
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException d) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

    public void testPCA() {
        final Array2DRowRealMatrix X = TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData();
        PCA pca = new PCA(2).fit(X);
        RealMatrix xp = pca.transform(X);

        double[][] expected = new double[][] { new double[] { -2.68420713, -0.32660731 },
                new double[] { -2.71539062, 0.16955685 }, new double[] { -2.88981954, 0.13734561 },
                new double[] { -2.7464372, 0.31112432 }, new double[] { -2.72859298, -0.33392456 },
                new double[] { -2.27989736, -0.74778271 }, new double[] { -2.82089068, 0.08210451 },
                new double[] { -2.62648199, -0.17040535 }, new double[] { -2.88795857, 0.57079803 },
                new double[] { -2.67384469, 0.1066917 }, new double[] { -2.50652679, -0.65193501 },
                new double[] { -2.61314272, -0.02152063 }, new double[] { -2.78743398, 0.22774019 },
                new double[] { -3.22520045, 0.50327991 }, new double[] { -2.64354322, -1.1861949 },
                new double[] { -2.38386932, -1.34475434 }, new double[] { -2.6225262, -0.81808967 },
                new double[] { -2.64832273, -0.31913667 }, new double[] { -2.19907796, -0.87924409 },
                new double[] { -2.58734619, -0.52047364 }, new double[] { -2.3105317, -0.39786782 },
                new double[] { -2.54323491, -0.44003175 }, new double[] { -3.21585769, -0.14161557 },
                new double[] { -2.30312854, -0.10552268 }, new double[] { -2.35617109, 0.03120959 },
                new double[] { -2.50791723, 0.13905634 }, new double[] { -2.469056, -0.13788731 },
                new double[] { -2.56239095, -0.37468456 }, new double[] { -2.63982127, -0.31929007 },
                new double[] { -2.63284791, 0.19007583 }, new double[] { -2.58846205, 0.19739308 },
                new double[] { -2.41007734, -0.41808001 }, new double[] { -2.64763667, -0.81998263 },
                new double[] { -2.59715948, -1.10002193 }, new double[] { -2.67384469, 0.1066917 },
                new double[] { -2.86699985, -0.0771931 }, new double[] { -2.62522846, -0.60680001 },
                new double[] { -2.67384469, 0.1066917 }, new double[] { -2.98184266, 0.48025005 },
                new double[] { -2.59032303, -0.23605934 }, new double[] { -2.77013891, -0.27105942 },
                new double[] { -2.85221108, 0.93286537 }, new double[] { -2.99829644, 0.33430757 },
                new double[] { -2.4055141, -0.19591726 }, new double[] { -2.20883295, -0.44269603 },
                new double[] { -2.71566519, 0.24268148 }, new double[] { -2.53757337, -0.51036755 },
                new double[] { -2.8403213, 0.22057634 }, new double[] { -2.54268576, -0.58628103 },
                new double[] { -2.70391231, -0.11501085 }, new double[] { 1.28479459, -0.68543919 },
                new double[] { 0.93241075, -0.31919809 }, new double[] { 1.46406132, -0.50418983 },
                new double[] { 0.18096721, 0.82560394 }, new double[] { 1.08713449, -0.07539039 },
                new double[] { 0.64043675, 0.41732348 }, new double[] { 1.09522371, -0.28389121 },
                new double[] { -0.75146714, 1.00110751 }, new double[] { 1.04329778, -0.22895691 },
                new double[] { -0.01019007, 0.72057487 }, new double[] { -0.5110862, 1.26249195 },
                new double[] { 0.51109806, 0.10228411 }, new double[] { 0.26233576, 0.5478933 },
                new double[] { 0.98404455, 0.12436042 }, new double[] { -0.174864, 0.25181557 },
                new double[] { 0.92757294, -0.46823621 }, new double[] { 0.65959279, 0.35197629 },
                new double[] { 0.23454059, 0.33192183 }, new double[] { 0.94236171, 0.54182226 },
                new double[] { 0.0432464, 0.58148945 }, new double[] { 1.11624072, 0.08421401 },
                new double[] { 0.35678657, 0.06682383 }, new double[] { 1.29646885, 0.32756152 },
                new double[] { 0.92050265, 0.18239036 }, new double[] { 0.71400821, -0.15037915 },
                new double[] { 0.89964086, -0.32961098 }, new double[] { 1.33104142, -0.24466952 },
                new double[] { 1.55739627, -0.26739258 }, new double[] { 0.81245555, 0.16233157 },
                new double[] { -0.30733476, 0.36508661 }, new double[] { -0.07034289, 0.70253793 },
                new double[] { -0.19188449, 0.67749054 }, new double[] { 0.13499495, 0.31170964 },
                new double[] { 1.37873698, 0.42120514 }, new double[] { 0.58727485, 0.48328427 },
                new double[] { 0.8072055, -0.19505396 }, new double[] { 1.22042897, -0.40803534 },
                new double[] { 0.81286779, 0.370679 }, new double[] { 0.24519516, 0.26672804 },
                new double[] { 0.16451343, 0.67966147 }, new double[] { 0.46303099, 0.66952655 },
                new double[] { 0.89016045, 0.03381244 }, new double[] { 0.22887905, 0.40225762 },
                new double[] { -0.70708128, 1.00842476 }, new double[] { 0.35553304, 0.50321849 },
                new double[] { 0.33112695, 0.21118014 }, new double[] { 0.37523823, 0.29162202 },
                new double[] { 0.64169028, -0.01907118 }, new double[] { -0.90846333, 0.75156873 },
                new double[] { 0.29780791, 0.34701652 }, new double[] { 2.53172698, 0.01184224 },
                new double[] { 1.41407223, 0.57492506 }, new double[] { 2.61648461, -0.34193529 },
                new double[] { 1.97081495, 0.18112569 }, new double[] { 2.34975798, 0.04188255 },
                new double[] { 3.39687992, -0.54716805 }, new double[] { 0.51938325, 1.19135169 },
                new double[] { 2.9320051, -0.35237701 }, new double[] { 2.31967279, 0.24554817 },
                new double[] { 2.91813423, -0.78038063 }, new double[] { 1.66193495, -0.2420384 },
                new double[] { 1.80234045, 0.21615461 }, new double[] { 2.16537886, -0.21528028 },
                new double[] { 1.34459422, 0.77641543 }, new double[] { 1.5852673, 0.53930705 },
                new double[] { 1.90474358, -0.11881899 }, new double[] { 1.94924878, -0.04073026 },
                new double[] { 3.48876538, -1.17154454 }, new double[] { 3.79468686, -0.25326557 },
                new double[] { 1.29832982, 0.76101394 }, new double[] { 2.42816726, -0.37678197 },
                new double[] { 1.19809737, 0.60557896 }, new double[] { 3.49926548, -0.45677347 },
                new double[] { 1.38766825, 0.20403099 }, new double[] { 2.27585365, -0.33338653 },
                new double[] { 2.61419383, -0.55836695 }, new double[] { 1.25762518, 0.179137 },
                new double[] { 1.29066965, 0.11642525 }, new double[] { 2.12285398, 0.21085488 },
                new double[] { 2.3875644, -0.46251925 }, new double[] { 2.84096093, -0.37274259 },
                new double[] { 3.2323429, -1.37052404 }, new double[] { 2.15873837, 0.21832553 },
                new double[] { 1.4431026, 0.14380129 }, new double[] { 1.77964011, 0.50146479 },
                new double[] { 3.07652162, -0.68576444 }, new double[] { 2.14498686, -0.13890661 },
                new double[] { 1.90486293, -0.04804751 }, new double[] { 1.16885347, 0.1645025 },
                new double[] { 2.10765373, -0.37148225 }, new double[] { 2.31430339, -0.18260885 },
                new double[] { 1.92245088, -0.40927118 }, new double[] { 1.41407223, 0.57492506 },
                new double[] { 2.56332271, -0.2759745 }, new double[] { 2.41939122, -0.30350394 },
                new double[] { 1.94401705, -0.18741522 }, new double[] { 1.52566363, 0.37502085 },
                new double[] { 1.76404594, -0.07851919 }, new double[] { 1.90162908, -0.11587675 },
                new double[] { 1.38966613, 0.28288671 } };

         * We have to test everything at the abs level, because
         * commons math produces some sign swappage in SVD...
                new double[] { 4.19667516, 0.24062861 }, 1e-4));
                new double[] { 0.92461621, 0.05301557 }, 1e-4));

                new double[][] { new double[] { 0.36158968, 0.08226889, 0.85657211, 0.35884393 },
                        new double[] { 0.65653988, 0.72971237, 0.1757674, 0.07470647 } },

        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(MatUtils.abs(expected), MatUtils.abs(xp.getData()), 1e-4));

        // Test inverse transform... we definitely get some bad floating precision here...
        RealMatrix inverse = pca.inverseTransform(xp);
                MatUtils.equalsWithTolerance(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData().getData(), inverse.getData(), 0.75));

         * Test exceptions...
        boolean a = false;
        try {
            pca.transform(new double[][] { new double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } });
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException d) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new PCA(0);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new PCA(0.0);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            new PCA(1.1);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        // Test copy:
        new PCA(1).copy(); // test works on non-fit
        PCA copy = pca.copy().fit(X); // refit on the same data

        // assert fit, basically:
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsExactly(xp.getData(), copy.transform(X).getData()));
        assertTrue(copy.getNoiseVariance() == pca.getNoiseVariance());
                new double[] { 0.9246162071742684, 0.9776317750248033 }));

        PCA p = new PCA(15).fit(TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData());
        assertTrue(p.getComponents().getColumnDimension() == 4);

    public void testWeightTransformer() {
        RealMatrix iris = TestSuite.IRIS_DATASET.getData();

        // first test on 1.0 weights, assert same.
        double[] weights = VecUtils.rep(1.0, 4);
        WeightTransformer wt = new WeightTransformer(weights).fit(iris);
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsExactly(iris, wt.transform(iris)));

        // assert on 0.0 all 0.0
        weights = VecUtils.rep(0.0, 4);
        wt = new WeightTransformer(weights).fit(iris);
        assertTrue(MatUtils.equalsExactly(new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[150][4], false), wt.transform(iris)));

        // assert that inv transform will create a matrix entirely of Infs...
                new Array2DRowRealMatrix(MatUtils.rep(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 150, 4), false),

        // assert dim mismatch on the fit, trans and inv trans methods.
        boolean a = false;
        try {
  , 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException e) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            wt.transform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException e) {
            a = true;
        } finally {

        a = false;
        try {
            wt.inverseTransform(TestSuite.getRandom(2, 2));
        } catch (DimensionMismatchException e) {
            a = true;
        } finally {