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 *    Copyright 2015, 2016 Taylor G Smith
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package com.clust4j.algo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

import com.clust4j.except.IllegalClusterStateException;
import com.clust4j.log.Log.Tag.Algo;
import com.clust4j.log.LogTimer;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.Distance;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.GeometricallySeparable;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.Pairwise;
import com.clust4j.utils.VecUtils;

 * <a href="">KMedoids</a> is
 * a clustering algorithm related to the {@link KMeans} algorithm and the 
 * medoidshift algorithm. Both the KMeans and KMedoids algorithms are 
 * partitional (breaking the dataset up into groups) and both attempt 
 * to minimize the distance between points labeled to be in a cluster 
 * and a point designated as the center of that cluster. In contrast to 
 * the KMeans algorithm, KMedoids chooses datapoints as centers (medoids 
 * or exemplars) and works with an arbitrary matrix of distances between 
 * datapoints instead of Euclidean distance (l2 norm). This method was proposed in 
 * 1987 for the work with Manhattan distance (l1 norm) and other distances.
 * <p>
 * clust4j utilizes the <a href="">
 * Voronoi iteration</a> technique to identify clusters. Alternative greedy searches, 
 * including PAM (partitioning around medoids), are faster yet may not find the optimal
 * solution. For this reason, clust4j's implementation of KMedoids almost always surpasses
 * the performance of {@link KMeans}, however it can typically take longer  as well.
 * @see {@link AbstractPartitionalClusterer}
 * @author Taylor G Smith &lt;;
final public class KMedoids extends AbstractCentroidClusterer {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4468316488158880820L;
    final public static GeometricallySeparable DEF_DIST = Distance.MANHATTAN;
    final public static int DEF_MAX_ITER = 10;

     * Stores the indices of the current medoids. Each index,
     * 0 thru k-1, corresponds to the class label for the cluster.
    volatile private int[] medoid_indices = new int[k];

     * Upper triangular, M x M matrix denoting distances between records.
     * Is only populated during training phase and then set to null for 
     * garbage collection, as a large-M matrix has a high space footprint: O(N^2).
     * This is only needed during training and then can safely be collected
     * to free up heap space.
    volatile private double[][] dist_mat = null;

     * Map the index to the WSS
    volatile private TreeMap<Integer, Double> med_to_wss = new TreeMap<>();

    protected KMedoids(final RealMatrix data) {
        this(data, DEF_K);

    protected KMedoids(final RealMatrix data, final int k) {
        this(data, new KMedoidsParameters(k).setMetric(Distance.MANHATTAN));

    protected KMedoids(final RealMatrix data, final KMedoidsParameters planner) {
        super(data, planner);

        // Check if is Manhattan
        if (!this.dist_metric.equals(Distance.MANHATTAN)) {
            warn("KMedoids is intented to run with Manhattan distance, WSS/BSS computations will be inaccurate");
            //this.dist_metric = Distance.MANHATTAN; // idk that we want to enforce this...

    public String getName() {
        return "KMedoids";

    protected KMedoids fit() {
        synchronized (fitLock) {

            if (null != labels) // already fit
                return this;

            final LogTimer timer = new LogTimer();
            final double[][] X = data.getData();
            final double nan = Double.NaN;

            // Corner case: K = 1 or all singular
            if (1 == k) {
                fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iter, converged, tss, // tss
                        tss, // avg per cluster
                        tss, // wss
                        nan, // bss (none)
                        timer.wallTime() });
                return this;

            // We do this in KMedoids and not KMeans, because KMedoids uses
            // real points as medoids and not means for centroids, thus
            // the recomputation of distances is unnecessary with the dist mat
            dist_mat = Pairwise.getDistance(X, getSeparabilityMetric(), true, false);
            info("distance matrix computed in " + timer.toString());

            // Initialize labels
            medoid_indices = init_centroid_indices;

            ClusterAssignments clusterAssignments;
            MedoidReassignmentHandler rassn;
            int[] newMedoids = medoid_indices;

            // Cost vars
            double bestCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, maxCost = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, avgCost = Double.NaN,
                    wss_sum = nan;

            // Iterate while the cost decreases:
            boolean convergedFromCost = false; // from cost or system changes?
            boolean configurationChanged = true;
            while (configurationChanged && iter < maxIter) {

                 * 1. In each cluster, make the point that minimizes 
                 *    the sum of distances within the cluster the medoid
                try {
                    clusterAssignments = assignClosestMedoid(newMedoids);
                } catch (IllegalClusterStateException ouch) {
                    exitOnBadDistanceMetric(X, timer);
                    return this;

                 * 1.5 The entries are not 100% equal, so we can (re)assign medoids...
                try {
                    rassn = new MedoidReassignmentHandler(clusterAssignments);
                } catch (IllegalClusterStateException ouch) {
                    exitOnBadDistanceMetric(X, timer);
                    return this;

                 * 1.75 This happens in the case of bad kernels that cause
                 * infinities to propagate... we can't segment the input
                 * space and need to just return a single cluster.
                if (rassn.new_clusters.size() == 1) {
                    this.k = 1;
                    warn("(dis)similarity metric cannot partition space without propagating Infs. Returning one cluster");

                    fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iter, converged, tss, // tss
                            tss, // avg per cluster
                            tss, // wss
                            nan, // bss (none) 
                            timer.wallTime() });
                    return this;

                 * 2. Reassign each point to the cluster defined by the 
                 *    closest medoid determined in the previous step.
                newMedoids = rassn.reassignedMedoidIdcs;

                 * 2.5 Determine whether configuration changed
                boolean lastIteration = VecUtils.equalsExactly(newMedoids, medoid_indices);

                 * 3. Update the costs
                converged = lastIteration || (convergedFromCost = FastMath.abs(wss_sum - bestCost) < tolerance);
                double tmp_wss_sum = rassn.new_clusters.total_cst;
                double tmp_bss = tss - tmp_wss_sum;

                // Check whether greater than max
                if (tmp_wss_sum > maxCost)
                    maxCost = tmp_wss_sum;

                if (tmp_wss_sum < bestCost) {
                    bestCost = wss_sum = tmp_wss_sum;
                    labels = rassn.new_clusters.assn; // will be medoid idcs until encoded at end
                    med_to_wss = rassn.new_clusters.costs;
                    centroids = rassn.centers;
                    medoid_indices = newMedoids;
                    bss = tmp_bss;

                    // get avg cost
                    avgCost = wss_sum / (double) k;

                if (converged) {

                 * 3.5 If this is the last one, it'll show the wss and bss
                fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iter, converged, tss, avgCost, wss_sum, bss, timer.wallTime() });

                configurationChanged = !converged;

            if (!converged)
                warn("algorithm did not converge");
                info("algorithm converged due to "
                        + (convergedFromCost ? "cost minimization" : "harmonious state"));

            // wrap things up, create summary..

            return this;

    } // End train

     * Some metrics produce entirely equal dist matrices...
    private void exitOnBadDistanceMetric(double[][] X, LogTimer timer) {
        warn("distance metric (" + dist_metric + ") produced entirely equal distances");
        fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iter, converged, tss, tss, tss, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, timer.wallTime() });

    private ClusterAssignments assignClosestMedoid(int[] medoidIdcs) {
        double minDist;
        boolean all_tied = true;
        int nearest, rowIdx, colIdx;
        final int[] assn = new int[m];
        final double[] costs = new double[m];
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            boolean is_a_medoid = false;
            minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

             * The dist_mat is already computed. We just need to traverse
             * the upper triangular matrix and identify which corresponding
             * minimum distance per record.
            nearest = -1;
            for (int medoid : medoidIdcs) {

                // Corner case: i is a medoid
                if (i == medoid) {
                    nearest = medoid;
                    minDist = dist_mat[i][i];
                    is_a_medoid = true;

                rowIdx = FastMath.min(i, medoid);
                colIdx = FastMath.max(i, medoid);

                if (dist_mat[rowIdx][colIdx] < minDist) {
                    minDist = dist_mat[rowIdx][colIdx];
                    nearest = medoid;

             * If all of the distances are equal, we can end up with a -1 idx...
            if (-1 == nearest)
                nearest = medoidIdcs[getSeed().nextInt(k)]; // select random nearby
            if (!is_a_medoid)
                all_tied = false;

            assn[i] = nearest;
            costs[i] = minDist;

         * If everything is tied, we need to bail. Shouldn't happen, now
         * that we explicitly check earlier on... but we can just label from
         * a singular K at this point.
        if (all_tied) {
            throw new IllegalClusterStateException("entirely " + "stochastic process: all distances are equal");

        return new ClusterAssignments(assn, costs);

     * Handles medoids reassignments and cost minimizations.
     * In the Voronoi iteration algorithm, after we've identified the new
     * cluster assignment, for each cluster, we select the medoid which minimized
     * intra-cluster variance. Theoretically, this could result in a re-org of clusters,
     * so we use the new medoid indices to create a new {@link ClusterAssignments} object
     * as the last step. If the cost does not change in the last step, we know we've
     * reached convergence.
     * @author Taylor G Smith
    private class MedoidReassignmentHandler {
        final ClusterAssignments init_clusters;
        final ArrayList<double[]> centers = new ArrayList<double[]>(k);
        final int[] reassignedMedoidIdcs = new int[k];

        // Holds the costs of each cluster in order
        final ClusterAssignments new_clusters;

         * Def constructor
         * @param assn - new medoid assignments
        MedoidReassignmentHandler(ClusterAssignments assn) {
            this.init_clusters = assn;
            this.new_clusters = assignClosestMedoid(reassignedMedoidIdcs);

        void medoidAssn() {
            ArrayList<Integer> members;

            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> pair : init_clusters.entrySet()) {
                members = pair.getValue();

                double medoidCost, minCost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                int rowIdx, colIdx, bestMedoid = 0; // start at 0, not -1 in case of all ties...
                for (int a : members) { // check cost if A is the medoid...

                    medoidCost = 0.0;
                    for (int b : members) {
                        if (a == b)

                        rowIdx = FastMath.min(a, b);
                        colIdx = FastMath.max(a, b);

                        medoidCost += dist_mat[rowIdx][colIdx];

                    if (medoidCost < minCost) {
                        minCost = medoidCost;
                        bestMedoid = a;

                this.reassignedMedoidIdcs[i] = bestMedoid;

     * Simple container for handling cluster assignments. Given
     * an array of length m of medoid assignments, and an array of length m
     * of distances to the medoid, organize the new clusters and compute the total
     * cost of the new system.
     * @author Taylor G Smith
    private class ClusterAssignments extends TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7488380079772496168L;
        final int[] assn;
        TreeMap<Integer, Double> costs; // maps medoid idx to cluster cost
        double total_cst;

        ClusterAssignments(int[] assn, double[] costs) {

            // should be equal in length to costs arg
            this.assn = assn;
            this.costs = new TreeMap<>();

            int medoid;
            double cost;
            ArrayList<Integer> ref;
            for (int i = 0; i < assn.length; i++) {
                medoid = assn[i];
                cost = costs[i];

                ref = get(medoid); // helps avoid double lookup later
                if (null == ref) { // not here.
                    ref = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    put(medoid, ref);
                    this.costs.put(medoid, cost);
                } else {
                    double d = this.costs.get(medoid);
                    this.costs.put(medoid, d + cost);

                total_cst += cost;

    public Algo getLoggerTag() {
        return Algo.KMEDOIDS;

    protected Object[] getModelFitSummaryHeaders() {
        return new Object[] { "Iter. #", "Converged", "TSS", "Avg Clust. Cost", "Min WSS", "Max BSS", "Wall" };

     * Reorder the labels in order of appearance using the 
     * {@link LabelEncoder}. Also reorder the centroids to correspond
     * with new label order
    protected void reorderLabelsAndCentroids() {

         *  reorder labels...
        final LabelEncoder encoder = new LabelEncoder(labels).fit();
        labels = encoder.getEncodedLabels();

        int i = 0;
        centroids = new ArrayList<>();
        int[] classes = encoder.getClasses();
        for (int claz : classes) {
            centroids.add(data.getRow(claz)); // an index, not a counter 0 thru k
            wss[i++] = med_to_wss.get(claz);

    final protected GeometricallySeparable defMetric() {
        return KMedoids.DEF_DIST;