Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *    Copyright 2015, 2016 Taylor G Smith
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
package com.clust4j.algo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;

import com.clust4j.GlobalState;
import com.clust4j.except.ModelNotFitException;
import com.clust4j.log.LogTimer;
import com.clust4j.log.Log.Tag.Algo;
import com.clust4j.metrics.pairwise.GeometricallySeparable;
import com.clust4j.utils.MatUtils;
import com.clust4j.utils.VecUtils;
import com.clust4j.utils.MatUtils.Axis;

 * <a href="">Affinity Propagation</a> (AP) 
 * is a clustering algorithm based on the concept of "message passing" between data points. 
 * Unlike other clustering algorithms such as {@link KMeans} or {@link KMedoids}, 
 * AP does not require the number of clusters to be determined or estimated before 
 * running the algorithm. Like KMedoids, AP finds "exemplars", members of the input 
 * set that are representative of clusters.
 * @see <a href="">sklearn</a>
 * @author Taylor G Smith &lt;;, adapted from sklearn Python implementation
final public class AffinityPropagation extends AbstractAutonomousClusterer
        implements Convergeable, CentroidLearner {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1986169131867013043L;

    /** The number of stagnant iterations after which the algorithm will declare convergence */
    final public static int DEF_ITER_BREAK = 15;
    final public static int DEF_MAX_ITER = 200;
    final public static double DEF_DAMPING = 0.5;
    /** By default uses minute Gaussian smoothing. It is recommended this remain
     *  true, but the {@link AffinityPropagationParameters#useGaussianSmoothing(boolean)}
     *  method can disable this option */
    final public static boolean DEF_ADD_GAUSSIAN_NOISE = true;
    final public static HashSet<Class<? extends GeometricallySeparable>> UNSUPPORTED_METRICS;

     * Static initializer
    static {
        UNSUPPORTED_METRICS = new HashSet<>();

         *  can produce negative inf, but should be OK:
         *  UNSUPPORTED_METRICS.add(CircularKernel.class); 
         *  UNSUPPORTED_METRICS.add(LogKernel.class);

        // Add more metrics here if necessary...

    final public boolean isValidMetric(GeometricallySeparable geo) {
        return !UNSUPPORTED_METRICS.contains(geo.getClass());

    /** Damping factor */
    private final double damping;

    /** Remove degeneracies with noise? */
    private final boolean addNoise;

    /** Number of stagnant iters after which to break */
    private final int iterBreak;

    /** The max iterations */
    private final int maxIter;

    /** Num rows, cols */
    private final int m;

    /** Min change convergence criteria */
    private final double tolerance;

    /** Class labels */
    private volatile int[] labels = null;

    /** Track convergence */
    private volatile boolean converged = false;

    /** Number of identified clusters */
    private volatile int numClusters;

    /** Count iterations */
    private volatile int iterCt = 0;

    /** Sim matrix. Only use during fitting, then back to null to save space */
    private volatile double[][] sim_mat = null;

    /** Holds the centroids */
    private volatile ArrayList<double[]> centroids = null;

    /** Holds centroid indices */
    private volatile ArrayList<Integer> centroidIndices = null;

    /** Holds the availability matrix */
    volatile private double[][] cachedA;

    /** Holds the responsibility matrix */
    volatile private double[][] cachedR;

     * Initializes a new AffinityPropagationModel with default parameters
     * @param data
    protected AffinityPropagation(final RealMatrix data) {
        this(data, new AffinityPropagationParameters());

     * Initializes a new AffinityPropagationModel with parameters
     * @param data
     * @param planner
    public AffinityPropagation(final RealMatrix data, final AffinityPropagationParameters planner) {
        super(data, planner);

        // Check some args
        if (planner.damping < DEF_DAMPING || planner.damping >= 1)
            error(new IllegalArgumentException("damping " + "must be between " + DEF_DAMPING + " and 1"));

        this.damping = planner.damping;
        this.iterBreak = planner.iterBreak;
        this.m = data.getRowDimension();
        this.tolerance = planner.minChange;
        this.maxIter = planner.maxIter;
        this.addNoise = planner.addNoise;

        if (maxIter < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxIter must exceed 0");
        if (tolerance < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("minChange must exceed 0");
        if (iterBreak < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("iterBreak must exceed 0");

        if (!addNoise) {
            warn("not scaling with Gaussian noise can cause the algorithm not to converge");

         * Shouldn't be an issue with AP
        if (!isValidMetric(this.dist_metric)) {
            warn(this.dist_metric.getName() + " is not valid for " + getName() + ". "
                    + "Falling back to default Euclidean dist");


    final protected ModelSummary modelSummary() {
        return new ModelSummary(
                new Object[] { "Num Rows", "Num Cols", "Metric", "Damping", "Allow Par.", "Max Iter", "Tolerance",
                        "Add Noise" },
                new Object[] { m, data.getColumnDimension(), getSeparabilityMetric(), damping, parallel, maxIter,
                        tolerance, addNoise });

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o)
            return true;
        if (o instanceof AffinityPropagation) {
            AffinityPropagation a = (AffinityPropagation) o;

             * This should apply to cachedR as well, so no
             * need to check that lest we uselessly impose
             * less coverage. This is also a litmus test of
             * whether the model has been fit yet.
            if (null == this.cachedA ^ null == a.cachedA)
                return false;

            return super.equals(o) // check on UUID and class
                    && MatUtils.equalsExactly(,
                    && VecUtils.equalsExactly(this.labels, a.labels) && this.tolerance == a.tolerance
                    && this.addNoise == a.addNoise && this.maxIter == a.maxIter && this.damping == a.damping;

        return false;

    public int[] getLabels() {
        return super.handleLabelCopy(labels);

    public boolean didConverge() {
        return converged;

    public double[][] getAvailabilityMatrix() {
        if (null != cachedA)
            return MatUtils.copy(cachedA);
        throw new ModelNotFitException("model is not fit");

    public double[][] getResponsibilityMatrix() {
        if (null != cachedR)
            return MatUtils.copy(cachedR);
        throw new ModelNotFitException("model is not fit");

    public int getMaxIter() {
        return maxIter;

    public double getConvergenceTolerance() {
        return tolerance;

    public int itersElapsed() {
        return iterCt;

    public String getName() {
        return "AffinityPropagation";

    public Algo getLoggerTag() {
        return com.clust4j.log.Log.Tag.Algo.AFFINITY_PROP;

     * Remove this from scope of {@link #fit()} to avoid lots of large objects
     * left in memory. This is more space efficient and promotes easier testing.
     * @param X
     * @param metric
     * @param seed
     * @param addNoise
     * @return the smoothed similarity matrix
    protected static double[][] computeSmoothedSimilarity(final double[][] X, GeometricallySeparable metric,
            Random seed, boolean addNoise) {
         * Originally, we computed similarity matrix, then refactored the diagonal vector, and
         * then computed the following portions. We can do this all at once and save lots of passes
         * (5?) on the order of O(M^2), condensing it all to one pass of O(M choose 2).
         * After the sim matrix is computed, we need to do three things:
         * 1. Create a matrix of very small values (tiny_scaled) to remove degeneracies in sim_mal
         * 2. Multiply tiny_scaled by an extremely small value (GlobalState.Mathematics.TINY*100)
         * 3. Create a noise matrix of random Gaussian values and add it to the similarity matrix.
         * The methods exist to build these in three to five separate O(M^2) passes, but that's 
         * extremely expensive, so we're going to do it in one giant, convoluted loop. If you're 
         * trying to debug this, sorry...
         * Total runtime: O(2M * M choose 2)
        final int m = X.length;
        double[][] sim_mat = new double[m][m];

        int idx = 0;
        final double tiny_val = GlobalState.Mathematics.TINY * 100;
        final double[] vector = new double[m * m];
        double sim, noise;
        boolean last_iter = false;

        // Do this a little differently... set the diagonal FIRST.
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            sim = -(metric.getPartialDistance(X[i], X[i]));
            sim_mat[i][i] = sim;
            vector[idx++] = sim;

        for (int i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < m; j++) { // Upper triangular
                sim = -(metric.getPartialDistance(X[i], X[j])); // similarity

                // Assign to upper and lower portion
                sim_mat[i][j] = sim;
                sim_mat[j][i] = sim;

                // Add to the vector (twice)
                for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
                    vector[idx++] = sim;

                // Catch the last iteration, compute the pref:
                double median = 0.0;
                if (last_iter = (i == m - 2 && j == m - 1))
                    median = VecUtils.median(vector);

                if (addNoise) {
                    noise = (sim * GlobalState.Mathematics.EPS + tiny_val);
                    sim_mat[i][j] += (noise * seed.nextGaussian());
                    sim_mat[j][i] += (noise * seed.nextGaussian());

                    if (last_iter) { // set diag and do the noise thing.
                        noise = (median * GlobalState.Mathematics.EPS + tiny_val);
                        for (int h = 0; h < m; h++)
                            sim_mat[h][h] = median + (noise * seed.nextGaussian());
                } else if (last_iter) {
                    // it's the last iter and no noise. Just set diag.
                    for (int h = 0; h < m; h++)
                        sim_mat[h][h] = median;

        return sim_mat;

     * Computes the first portion of the AffinityPropagation iteration
     * sequence in place. Separating this piece from the {@link #fit()} method
     * itself allows for easier testing.
     * @param A
     * @param S
     * @param tmp
     * @param I
     * @param Y
     * @param Y2
    protected static void affinityPiece1(double[][] A, double[][] S, double[][] tmp, int[] I, double[] Y,
            double[] Y2) {
        final int m = S.length;

        // Reassign tmp, create vector of arg maxes. Can
        // assign tmp like this:
        //      tmp = MatUtils.add(A, sim_mat);
        // But requires extra M x M pass. Also get indices of ROW max. 
        // Can do like this:
        //      I = MatUtils.argMax(tmp, Axis.ROW);
        // But requires extra pass on order of M. Finally, capture the second
        // highest record in each row, and store in a vector. Then row-wise
        // scalar subtract Y from the sim_mat
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {

            // Compute row maxes
            double runningMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            double secondMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int runningMaxIdx = 0; //-1; // Idx of max row element -- start at 0 in case metric produces -Infs

            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { // Create tmp as A + sim_mat
                tmp[i][j] = A[i][j] + S[i][j];

                if (tmp[i][j] > runningMax) {
                    secondMax = runningMax;
                    runningMax = tmp[i][j];
                    runningMaxIdx = j;
                } else if (tmp[i][j] > secondMax) {
                    secondMax = tmp[i][j];

            I[i] = runningMaxIdx; // Idx of max element for row
            Y[i] = tmp[i][I[i]]; // Grab the current val
            Y2[i] = secondMax;
            tmp[i][I[i]] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // Set that idx to neg inf now

     * Computes the second portion of the AffinityPropagation iteration
     * sequence in place. Separating this piece from the {@link #fit()} method
     * itself allows for easier testing.
     * @param colSums
     * @param tmp
     * @param I
     * @param S
     * @param R
     * @param Y
     * @param Y2
     * @param damping
    protected static void affinityPiece2(double[] colSums, double[][] tmp, int[] I, double[][] S, double[][] R,
            double[] Y, double[] Y2, double damping) {

        final int m = S.length;

        // Second i thru m loop, get new max vector and then first damping.
        // First damping ====================================
        // This can be done like this (which is more readable):
        //      tmp   = MatUtils.scalarMultiply(tmp, 1 - damping);
        //      R   = MatUtils.scalarMultiply(R, damping);
        //      R   = MatUtils.add(R, tmp);
        // But it requires two extra MXM passes, which can be costly...
        // We know R & tmp are both m X m, so we can combine the 
        // three steps all together...
        // Finally, compute availability -- start by setting anything 
        // less than 0 to 0 in tmp. Also calc column sums in same pass...
        int ind = 0;
        final double omd = 1.0 - damping;

        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            // Get new max vector
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                tmp[i][j] = S[i][j] - Y[i];
            tmp[ind][I[i]] = S[ind][I[i]] - Y2[ind++];

            // Perform damping, then piecewise 
            // calculate column sums
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                tmp[i][j] *= omd;
                R[i][j] = (R[i][j] * damping) + tmp[i][j];

                tmp[i][j] = FastMath.max(R[i][j], 0);
                if (i != j) // Because we set diag after this outside j loop
                    colSums[j] += tmp[i][j];

            tmp[i][i] = R[i][i]; // Set diagonal elements in tmp equal to those in R
            colSums[i] += tmp[i][i];

     * Computes the third portion of the AffinityPropagation iteration
     * sequence in place. Separating this piece from the {@link #fit()} method
     * itself allows for easier testing.
     * @param tmp
     * @param colSums
     * @param A
     * @param R
     * @param mask
     * @param damping
    protected static void affinityPiece3(double[][] tmp, double[] colSums, double[][] A, double[][] R,
            double[] mask, double damping) {
        final int m = A.length;

        // Set any negative values to zero but keep diagonal at original
        // Originally ran this way, but costs an extra M x M operation:
        // tmp = MatUtils.scalarSubtract(tmp, colSums, Axis.COL);
        // Finally, more damping...
        // More damping ====================================
        // This can be done like this (which is more readable):
        //      tmp   = MatUtils.scalarMultiply(tmp, 1 - damping);
        //      A   = MatUtils.scalarMultiply(A, damping);
        //      A   = MatUtils.subtract(A, tmp);
        // But it requires two extra MXM passes, which can be costly... O(2M^2)
        // We know A & tmp are both m X m, so we can combine the 
        // three steps all together...


        // Check convergence criteria =====================
        // This can be done like this for readability:
        //      final double[] diagA = MatUtils.diagFromSquare(A);
        //      final double[] diagR = MatUtils.diagFromSquare(R);
        //      final double[] mask = new double[diagA.length];
        //      for(int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++)
        //         mask[i] = diagA[i] + diagR[i] > 0 ? 1d : 0d;
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                tmp[i][j] -= colSums[j];

                if (tmp[i][j] < 0 && i != j) // Don't set diag to 0
                    tmp[i][j] = 0;

                tmp[i][j] *= (1 - damping);
                A[i][j] = (A[i][j] * damping) - tmp[i][j];

            mask[i] = A[i][i] + R[i][i] > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;

    protected AffinityPropagation fit() {
        synchronized (fitLock) {
            if (null != labels)
                return this;

            // Init labels
            final LogTimer timer = new LogTimer();
            labels = new int[m];

             * All elements singular
            if (this.singular_value) {
                warn("algorithm converged immediately due to all elements being equal in input matrix");
                this.converged = true;
                        new Object[] { 0, converged, timer.formatTime(), timer.formatTime(), 1, timer.wallMsg() });

                return this;

            sim_mat = computeSmoothedSimilarity(data.getData(), getSeparabilityMetric(), getSeed(), addNoise);
            info("computed similarity matrix and smoothed degeneracies in " + timer.toString());

            // Affinity propagation uses two matrices: the responsibility 
            // matrix, R, and the availability matrix, A
            double[][] A = new double[m][m];
            double[][] R = new double[m][m];
            double[][] tmp = new double[m][m]; // Intermediate staging...

            // Begin here
            int[] I = new int[m];
            double[][] e = new double[m][iterBreak];
            double[] Y; // vector of arg maxes
            double[] Y2; // vector of maxes post neg inf
            double[] sum_e;

            final LogTimer iterTimer = new LogTimer();
            info("beginning affinity computations " + timer.wallMsg());

            long iterStart = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            for (iterCt = 0; iterCt < maxIter; iterCt++) {
                iterStart =;

                 * First piece in place
                Y = new double[m];
                Y2 = new double[m]; // Second max for each row
                affinityPiece1(A, sim_mat, tmp, I, Y, Y2);

                 * Second piece in place
                final double[] columnSums = new double[m];
                affinityPiece2(columnSums, tmp, I, sim_mat, R, Y, Y2, damping);

                 * Third piece in place
                final double[] mask = new double[m];
                affinityPiece3(tmp, columnSums, A, R, mask, damping);

                // Set the mask in `e`
                MatUtils.setColumnInPlace(e, iterCt % iterBreak, mask);
                numClusters = (int) VecUtils.sum(mask);

                if (iterCt >= iterBreak) { // Time to check convergence criteria...
                    sum_e = MatUtils.rowSums(e);

                    // masking
                    int maskCt = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < sum_e.length; i++)
                        maskCt += sum_e[i] == 0 || sum_e[i] == iterBreak ? 1 : 0;

                    converged = maskCt == m;

                    if ((converged && numClusters > 0) || iterCt == maxIter) {
                        info("converged after " + (iterCt) + " iteration" + (iterCt != 1 ? "s" : "") + " in "
                                + iterTimer.toString());
                    } // Else did not converge...
                } // End outer if

                fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iterCt, converged, iterTimer.formatTime( - iterStart),
                        timer.formatTime(), numClusters, timer.wallTime() });
            } // End for

            if (!converged)
                warn("algorithm did not converge");
            else { // needs one last info
                fitSummary.add(new Object[] { iterCt, converged, iterTimer.formatTime( - iterStart),
                        timer.formatTime(), numClusters, timer.wallTime() });

            info("labeling clusters from availability and responsibility matrices");

            // sklearn line: I = np.where(np.diag(A + R) > 0)[0]
            final ArrayList<Integer> arWhereOver0 = new ArrayList<>();

            // Get diagonal of A + R and add to arWhereOver0 if > 0
            // Could do this: MatUtils.diagFromSquare(MatUtils.add(A, R));
            // But takes 3M time... this takes M
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                if (A[i][i] + R[i][i] > 0)

            // Reassign to array, so whole thing takes 1M + K rather than 3M + K
            I = new int[arWhereOver0.size()];
            for (int j = 0; j < I.length; j++)
                I[j] = arWhereOver0.get(j);

            // Assign final K -- sklearn line: K = I.size  # Identify exemplars
            numClusters = I.length;
            info(numClusters + " cluster" + (numClusters != 1 ? "s" : "") + " identified");

            // Assign the labels
            if (numClusters > 0) {

                 * I holds the columns we want out of sim_mat,
                 * retrieve this cols, do a row-wise argmax to get 'c'
                 * sklearn line: c = np.argmax(S[:, I], axis=1)
                double[][] over0cols = new double[m][numClusters];
                int over_idx = 0;
                for (int i : I)
                    MatUtils.setColumnInPlace(over0cols, over_idx++, MatUtils.getColumn(sim_mat, i));

                 * Identify clusters
                 * sklearn line: c[I] = np.arange(K)  # Identify clusters
                int[] c = MatUtils.argMax(over0cols, Axis.ROW);
                int k = 0;
                for (int i : I)
                    c[i] = k++;

                /* Refine the final set of exemplars and clusters and return results
                 * sklearn:
                 *  for k in range(K):
                  *      ii = np.where(c == k)[0]
                  *      j = np.argmax(np.sum(S[ii[:, np.newaxis], ii], axis=0))
                  *      I[k] = ii[j]
                ArrayList<Integer> ii = null;
                int[] iii = null;
                for (k = 0; k < numClusters; k++) {
                    // indices where c == k; sklearn line: 
                    // ii = np.where(c == k)[0]
                    ii = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    for (int u = 0; u < c.length; u++)
                        if (c[u] == k)

                    // Big block to break down sklearn process
                    // overall sklearn line: j = np.argmax(np.sum(S[ii[:, np.newaxis], ii], axis=0))
                    iii = new int[ii.size()]; // convert to int array for MatUtils
                    for (int j = 0; j < iii.length; j++)
                        iii[j] = ii.get(j);

                    // sklearn line: S[ii[:, np.newaxis], ii]
                    double[][] cube = MatUtils.getRows(MatUtils.getColumns(sim_mat, iii), iii);
                    double[] colSums = MatUtils.colSums(cube);
                    final int argMax = VecUtils.argMax(colSums);

                    // sklearn: I[k] = ii[j]
                    I[k] = iii[argMax];

                // sklearn line: c = np.argmax(S[:, I], axis=1)
                double[][] colCube = MatUtils.getColumns(sim_mat, I);
                c = MatUtils.argMax(colCube, Axis.ROW);

                // sklearn line: c[I] = np.arange(K)
                for (int j = 0; j < I.length; j++) // I.length == K, == numClusters
                    c[I[j]] = j;

                // sklearn line: labels = I[c]
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    labels[j] = I[c[j]];

                 * Reduce labels to a sorted, gapless, list
                 * sklearn line: cluster_centers_indices = np.unique(labels)
                centroidIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>(numClusters);
                for (Integer i : labels) // force autobox
                    if (!centroidIndices.contains(i)) // Not race condition because synchronized

                 * final label assignment...
                 * sklearn line: labels = np.searchsorted(cluster_centers_indices, labels)
                for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++)
                    labels[i] = centroidIndices.indexOf(labels[i]);

                 * Don't forget to assign the centroids!
                this.centroids = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Integer idx : centroidIndices) {
            } else {
                centroids = new ArrayList<>(); // Empty
                centroidIndices = new ArrayList<>(); // Empty
                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    labels[i] = -1; // Missing

            // Clean up
            sim_mat = null;

            // Since cachedA/R are volatile, it's more expensive to make potentially hundreds(+)
            // of writes to a volatile class member. To save this time, reassign A/R only once.
            cachedA = A;
            cachedR = R;


            return this;

    } // End fit

    public int getNumberOfIdentifiedClusters() {
        return numClusters;

    final protected Object[] getModelFitSummaryHeaders() {
        return new Object[] { "Iter. #", "Converged", "Iter. Time", "Tot. Time", "Num Clusters", "Wall" };

    public ArrayList<double[]> getCentroids() {
        if (null == centroids)
            error(new ModelNotFitException("model has not yet been fit"));

        final ArrayList<double[]> cent = new ArrayList<double[]>();
        for (double[] d : centroids)

        return cent;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int[] predict(RealMatrix newData) {
        return CentroidUtils.predict(this, newData);