Java tutorial
package com.cloudmine.api; import com.cloudmine.api.exceptions.AccessException; import com.cloudmine.api.exceptions.ConversionException; import com.cloudmine.api.exceptions.CreationException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * Can be subclassed to allow for persisting POJOs to CloudMine. If you would like to specify a custom class name * (for example, for interoperability with existing iOS CMObjects), you may override getClassName(). If you do this, * you must also call {@link com.cloudmine.api.persistance.ClassNameRegistry#register(String, Class)} in the same place * that you call {@link CMApiCredentials.initialize(String, String, Object)} * <br> * Copyright CloudMine LLC. All rights reserved<br> * See LICENSE file included with SDK for details. */ public class CMObject implements Transportable, Savable<ObjectModificationResponse, ObjectModificationResponse> { //******SEE CMApiCredentials for static declaration of Class mapping******* private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CMObject.class); public static final String MISSING_OBJECT_ID = ""; public static final String ACCESS_KEY = "__access__"; private String objectId; private Immutable<StoreIdentifier> storeId = new Immutable<StoreIdentifier>(); private Set<String> accessListIds = new HashSet<String>(); public static <CMO extends CMObject> Transportable massTransportable(Collection<CMO> objects) { StringBuilder bodyBuilder = new StringBuilder("{"); String separator = ""; for (CMObject object : objects) { bodyBuilder.append(separator).append(object.asKeyedObject()); separator = ", "; } bodyBuilder.append("}"); return new TransportableString(bodyBuilder.toString()); } /** * Converts the given TransportableRepresentation to an object of the given class * @param transportableRepresentation * @param objectClass * @param <T> * @return * @throws ConversionException */ public static <T extends CMObject> T convertTransportableRepresentationToObject( String transportableRepresentation, Class<T> objectClass) throws ConversionException { return JsonUtilities.jsonToClass(transportableRepresentation, objectClass); } /** * Like {@link #convertTransportableCollectionToObjectMap} but untyped; should be used when you don't know the type, * or when you have a collection of multiple types. * @param transportableRepresentations * @return */ public static Map<String, CMObject> convertTransportableCollectionToObjectMap( String transportableRepresentations) { return JsonUtilities.jsonToClassMap(transportableRepresentations); } /** * Convert a transportable representation of a collection of objects keyed by their id's, to a Map of those keys to the objects * @param transportableCollection a transportable representation containing only objects of type T * @param objectClass the class of objects contained within the Transportable representation * @param <T> the type of the objects contained in transportableCollection * @return a Map from object ids to objects of type T * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert, either because the given representation is of a different class, or because it is malformed. */ public static <T extends CMObject> Map<String, T> convertTransportableCollectionToObjectMap( String transportableCollection, Class<T> objectClass) throws ConversionException { return JsonUtilities.jsonToClassMap(transportableCollection, objectClass); } protected static String generateUniqueObjectId() { return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Create a new CMObject with a randomly generated object id */ public CMObject() { this(generateUniqueObjectId()); } /** * Create a new CMObject with a specific object id * @param objectId a non null object id for this CMObject * @throws NullPointerException if given a null objectid */ public CMObject(String objectId) throws NullPointerException { this(objectId, true); } protected CMObject(String objectId, boolean hasObjectid) { if (objectId == null && hasObjectid) throw new NullPointerException("Cannot have a null objectId"); if (hasObjectid) { this.objectId = objectId; } } /** * Create a new CMObject that does not have an object id. This is useful for subobjects * @param autogenerateObjectId if true, equivalent to {@link #CMObject()}, otherwise have no object id */ public CMObject(boolean autogenerateObjectId) { if (autogenerateObjectId) this.objectId = generateUniqueObjectId(); } @Override public String transportableRepresentation() throws ConversionException { return JsonUtilities.cmobjectsToJson(this); } /** * Get a representation of this object in the form "objectId":{contents} * @return a representation of this object in the form "objectId":{contents} * @throws ConversionException if this object cannot be converted to transportable */ public String asKeyedObject() throws ConversionException { return JsonUtilities.unwrap(transportableRepresentation()); } @JsonIgnore @Deprecated public boolean setSaveWith(StoreIdentifier identifier) { LOG.debug("StoreId is current: " + storeId + " and if unset will be set to " + identifier); return storeId.setValue(identifier); } /** * Set that this object should be saved at the User level, and should be saved using the given CMSessionToken. * @param user the user to save this CMObject with * @return true if the value was set; false if it has already been set OR null was passed in */ @JsonIgnore @Deprecated public boolean setSaveWith(JavaCMUser user) { try { return setSaveWith(StoreIdentifier.StoreIdentifier(user)); } catch (CreationException e) { LOG.error("CreationException thrown, setSaveWith not set", e); return false; } } /** * Gets the StoreIdentifier which defines where this CMObject will be saved. If it has not yet been set, {@link StoreIdentifier#DEFAULT} is returned * @return the StoreIdentifier which defines where this CMObject will be saved. If it has not yet been set, {@link StoreIdentifier#DEFAULT} is returned */ @JsonIgnore @Deprecated public StoreIdentifier getSavedWith() { return storeId.value(StoreIdentifier.DEFAULT); } /** * Check whether this CMObject saves to a particular level * @param level the level to check * @return true if this saves with the given level */ @Deprecated public boolean isOnLevel(ObjectLevel level) { return getSavedWith().isLevel(level); } @Override @JsonIgnore @Deprecated public boolean isUserLevel() { return isOnLevel(ObjectLevel.USER); } @Override @JsonIgnore @Deprecated public boolean isApplicationLevel() { return isOnLevel(ObjectLevel.APPLICATION); } /** * Allow the user's associated with the given list access to this object. The access they get depends on the * permissions defined by the list. The given list must have an object id * @param list */ public void grantAccess(JavaAccessListController list) { if (list == null) return; addAccessListId(list.getObjectId()); } public void addAccessListId(String listId) { accessListIds.add(listId); } public void setAccessListIds(Set<String> accessListIds) { this.accessListIds = accessListIds; } @JsonProperty(ACCESS_KEY) @JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_EMPTY) public Set<String> getAccessListIds() { return accessListIds; } /** * Save this object in its associated store; if you have not specified this with {@link #setSaveWith(StoreIdentifier)} * then it saves to the APPLICATION store. Once a CMObject has been saved, it cannot be saved to a * different * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert to transportable representation; this should not happen unless you are subclassing this and doing something you shouldn't be with overriding transportableRepresentation * @throws CreationException if CMApiCredentials has not been initialized properly */ public void save() throws ConversionException, CreationException { save(CMCallback.<ObjectModificationResponse>doNothing()); } /** * Save this object in its associated store; if you have not specified this with {@link #setSaveWith(StoreIdentifier)} * then it saves to the APPLICATION store. Once a CMObject has been saved, it cannot be saved to a * different * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert to transportable representation; this should not happen unless you are subclassing this and doing something you shouldn't be with overriding transportableRepresentation * @throws CreationException if CMApiCredentials has not been initialized properly */ public void save(Callback<ObjectModificationResponse> callback) throws CreationException, ConversionException { store().saveObject(this, callback); } public void saveWithUser(JavaCMUser user) throws CreationException, ConversionException { saveWithUser(user, CMCallback.<ObjectModificationResponse>doNothing()); } /** * Save this object in in the given CMUser's store. If {@link #setSaveWith(StoreIdentifier)} has already been called * Once a CMObject has been saved, it cannot be saved to a * different * @param user the user to save this object with * @param callback a Callback that expects an ObjectModificationResponse or a parent class. It is recommended an {@link} is passed in for this * @throws ConversionException if unable to convert to transportable representation; this should not happen unless you are subclassing this and doing something you shouldn't be with overriding transportableRepresentation * @throws CreationException if CMApiCredentials has not been initialized properly * @throws com.cloudmine.api.exceptions.AccessException if setSaveWith has already been set */ public void saveWithUser(JavaCMUser user, Callback<ObjectModificationResponse> callback) throws CreationException, AccessException, ConversionException { boolean wasAlreadySet = !setSaveWith(user); boolean notSameUser = wasAlreadySet && //skip the check if it wasn't already set; still check below in if statement for clarity !user.equals(getUser()); if (wasAlreadySet && notSameUser) { throw new AccessException("Cannot save with user if saveWith has already been set"); } save(callback); } /** * See {@link #delete(} */ public void delete() { delete(CMCallback.<ObjectModificationResponse>doNothing()); } /** * Delete this object, then run the given callback * @param callback a Callback that expects an ObjectModificationResponse or a parent class. It is recommended an {@link} is passed in for this */ public void delete(Callback<ObjectModificationResponse> callback) { store().deleteObject(this, callback); } /** * This method should be used to check date equality when overriding {@link #equals(Object)}, as * serialized dates are stored in seconds. * @param firstDate a null possible date * @param secondDate a null possible date * @return true if the two dates represent the same second in time */ public static boolean dateEquals(Date firstDate, Date secondDate) { if ((firstDate == null && secondDate != null) || (firstDate != null && secondDate == null)) { return false; } if (firstDate == null && secondDate == null) { return true; } int firstSeconds = firstDate.getSeconds(); int secondSeconds = secondDate.getSeconds(); return firstSeconds == secondSeconds; } @Override @JsonIgnore public JavaCMUser getUser() { return getSavedWith().getUser(); } @Override @JsonProperty(JsonUtilities.OBJECT_ID_KEY) /** * Get the objectId for this CMObject. In certain cases this may not be set; for example, CMUsers do not have an * object id until they have been persisted. In this case, {@link #MISSING_OBJECT_ID} is returned. You can also * check for the existence of an objectId by calling {@link #hasObjectId()} * @return The unique objectId for this object, or {@link #MISSING_OBJECT_ID} if {@link #hasObjectId()} returns false */ public String getObjectId() { return objectId == null ? MISSING_OBJECT_ID : objectId; } /** * Think real hard before using this method. If this object has already been saved, changing the objectId will cause * a new copy to be saved. If the objectId is being used as a key in a Map, then changing it will not update the maps. * If you change the objectId of an object being managed by the store, if you query the store by objectId it will still * be under its old value. * Basically, STAY AWAY unless you have a very good reason, or are only calling before the object is used by anything. * @param objectId */ public void setObjectId(String objectId) { this.objectId = objectId; } @JsonIgnore public boolean hasObjectId() { return objectId != null; } @JsonProperty("__class__") public String getClassName() { return getClass().getName(); } /** * This wraps the given callback in a {@link} that will set this CMUser's object id on * success, and then call {@link Callback#onCompletion(Object)} passing in the {@link} * You probably don't need to be calling this ever * @param callback * @return */ public final CreationResponseCallback setObjectIdOnCreation(final Callback<CreationResponse> callback) { return new CreationResponseCallback() { public void onCompletion(CreationResponse response) { try { if (response.wasSuccess()) { setObjectId(response.getObjectId()); } } finally { callback.onCompletion(response); } } }; } protected CMStore store() throws CreationException { return CMStore.getStore(storeId.value(StoreIdentifier.DEFAULT)); } public String toString() { try { return transportableRepresentation(); } catch (Exception e) { return super.toString(); } } }