Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2012, Cloudera, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ package; import static org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros.doubles; import static org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros.ints; import static org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros.pairs; import static org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros.tableOf; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.FDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.FDistributionImpl; import org.apache.crunch.Aggregator; import org.apache.crunch.DoFn; import org.apache.crunch.Emitter; import org.apache.crunch.MapFn; import org.apache.crunch.PCollection; import org.apache.crunch.PObject; import org.apache.crunch.PTable; import org.apache.crunch.Pair; import org.apache.crunch.fn.Aggregators; import org.apache.crunch.materialize.pobject.PObjectImpl; import org.apache.crunch.types.PTableType; import org.apache.crunch.types.PType; import org.apache.crunch.types.PTypeFamily; import org.apache.crunch.types.avro.Avros; import org.apache.mahout.math.NamedVector; import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p>An implementation of the k-means|| algorithm, as described in * <a href="">Bahmani et al. (2012)</a> * * <p>The main algorithm is executed by the {@link #computeClusterAssignments(PCollection, List)} * method, which takes a number of * configured instances and runs over a given dataset of points for a fixed number * of iterations in order to find a candidate set of points to stream into the client and * cluster using the in-memory k-means algorithms defined in the {@code kmeans} package. */ public class KMeansParallel { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KMeansParallel.class); public static final Spec ASSIGNMENT_SPEC = RecordSpec.builder().addString("vector_id").addInt("cluster_id") .addInt("closest_center_id").addDouble("distance").build(); public static final Spec OUTLIER_SPEC = RecordSpec.builder().addString("vector_id").addInt("cluster_id") .addInt("closest_center_id").addDouble("outlier_distance").build(); private final int projectionBits; private final int projectionSamples; private final long seed; private final Random random; public KMeansParallel() { this(null, 128, 32); } /** * Main constructor that includes the option to uses a fixed {@code Random} instance * for running the k-means algorithm for testing purposes. */ public KMeansParallel(Random random, int projectionBits, int projectionSamples) { this.projectionBits = projectionBits; this.projectionSamples = projectionSamples; if (random == null) { this.seed = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { this.seed = random.nextLong(); } this.random = random; } /** * Calculates the <i>cost</i> of each of the given {@code Centers} instances on the given * dataset, where the cost is defined in Bahmani et al. as the sum of squared distances * from each point in the dataset to the {@code Centers}. * * @param vecs The dataset * @param centers The candidate centers * @param approx Whether or not to use approximate assignments to speed up computations * @return A reference to the Crunch job that calculates the cost for each centers instance */ public <V extends Vector> PObject<List<Double>> getCosts(PCollection<V> vecs, List<Centers> centers, boolean approx) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!centers.isEmpty(), "No centers specified"); return getCosts(vecs, createIndex(centers), approx); } private CentersIndex createIndex(List<Centers> centers) { return new CentersIndex(centers, projectionBits, projectionSamples, seed); } private static <V extends Vector> PObject<List<Double>> getCosts(PCollection<V> vecs, CentersIndex centers, boolean approx) { return new ListPObject<Double>( vecs.parallelDo("center-costs", new CenterCostFn<V>(centers, approx), tableOf(ints(), doubles())) .groupByKey(1).combineValues(Aggregators.SUM_DOUBLES())); } /** * For each of the {@code NamedVector} instances in the given {@code PCollection}, calculate which * cluster in each of the {@code Centers} it is assigned (i.e., closest) to and its distance from * that closest center. The clusters will be identified by their position in the given list. * * @param vecs The named vectors, with the name used as a unique identifier * @param centers The centers of the clusters * @return A {@code Records} instance containing the cluster assignment info for each point */ public <V extends NamedVector> Records computeClusterAssignments(PCollection<V> vecs, List<Centers> centers) { return computeClusterAssignments(vecs, centers, null); } /** * For each of the {@code NamedVector} instances in the given {@code PCollection}, calculate which * cluster in each of the {@code Centers} it is assigned (i.e., closest) to and its distance from * that closest center. The clusters will be identified by the given list of cluster IDs. * * @param vecs The named vectors, with the name used as a unique identifier * @param centers The centers of the clusters * @param clusterIds Integer identifiers to use for the clusters * @return A {@code Records} instance containing the cluster assignment info for each point */ public <V extends NamedVector> Records computeClusterAssignments(PCollection<V> vecs, List<Centers> centers, List<Integer> clusterIds) { if (clusterIds != null && !clusterIds.isEmpty()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(centers.size() == clusterIds.size(), "Num centers and num clusters must be equal"); } CentersIndex index = createIndex(centers); return new Records(vecs.parallelDo("assignments", new AssignedCenterFn<V>(index, clusterIds), MLRecords.record(ASSIGNMENT_SPEC)), ASSIGNMENT_SPEC); } /** * Builds the covariance matrix and associated metadata for each of the centers * of the given clusters. * * @param vecs The input vectors * @param centers A list of clusters * @param approx Whether or not to use approximate cluster assignment (faster, but less accurate) * @param clusterIds An optional list of integer IDs to use for the clusters * @return A list of the covariance data for each cluster center. */ public PObject<List<MLClusterCovariance>> computeClusterCovarianceMatrix(PCollection<Vector> vecs, List<Centers> centers, boolean approx, List<Integer> clusterIds) { CentersIndex index = createIndex(centers); PTable<ClusterKey, Vector> assignedCenters = vecs.parallelDo("assign", new CovarianceCentersFn<Vector>(index, clusterIds, approx), Avros.tableOf(Avros.reflects(ClusterKey.class), MLAvros.vector())); return new ClusterCovariancePObject(Covariance.cov(assignedCenters)); } public Records computeOutliers(PCollection<NamedVector> vecs, List<Centers> centers, boolean approx, List<Integer> clusterIds, Map<ClusterKey, MahalanobisDistance> distances) { CentersIndex index = createIndex(centers); PTable<ClusterKey, NamedVector> assignedCenters = vecs.parallelDo("assign", new CovarianceCentersFn<NamedVector>(index, clusterIds, approx), Avros.tableOf(Avros.reflects(ClusterKey.class), MLAvros.namedVector())); PCollection<Record> records = assignedCenters.parallelDo("scoreOutliers", new OutlierScoreFn(distances), MLRecords.record(OUTLIER_SPEC)); return new Records(records, OUTLIER_SPEC); } /** * For each of the points in each of the given {@code Centers}, calculate the number of points * in the dataset that are closer to that point than they are to any other point in the same * {@code Centers} instance. * * @param vecs The dataset * @param centers The collection of {@code Centers} to do the calculations on * @return A reference to the output file that contains the calculation for each of the centers */ public <V extends Vector> PObject<List<List<Long>>> getCountsOfClosest(PCollection<V> vecs, List<Centers> centers) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!centers.isEmpty(), "No centers specified"); Crossfold cf = new Crossfold(1); return getCountsOfClosest(cf.apply(vecs), createIndex(centers)); } private static <V extends Vector> PObject<List<List<Long>>> getCountsOfClosest( PCollection<Pair<Integer, V>> vecs, CentersIndex centers) { return new ListOfListsPObject<Long>( vecs.parallelDo("closest-center", new ClosestCenterFn<V>(centers), pairs(ints(), ints())).count(), centers.getPointsPerCluster(), 0L); } /** * Performs the k-means|| initialization to generate a set of candidate {@code Weighted<Vector>} * instances for each of the given {@code Vector} initial points. This * is the first stage of the execution pipeline performed by the {@code compute} method. */ public <V extends Vector> List<Weighted<Vector>> initialization(PCollection<V> vecs, int numIterations, int samplesPerIteration, List<Vector> initialPoints) { return initialization(vecs, numIterations, samplesPerIteration, initialPoints, new Crossfold(1)).get(0); } /** * Performs the k-means|| initialization to generate a set of candidate {@code Weighted<Vector>} * instances for each of the given {@code Vector} initial points. This * is the first stage of the execution pipeline performed by the {@code compute} method. */ public <V extends Vector> List<List<Weighted<Vector>>> initialization(PCollection<V> vecs, int numIterations, int samplesPerIteration, List<Vector> initialPoints, Crossfold crossfold) { CentersIndex centers = new CentersIndex(crossfold.getNumFolds(), initialPoints.get(0).size(), projectionBits, projectionSamples, random == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : random.nextLong()); for (Vector initialPoint : initialPoints) { for (int j = 0; j < crossfold.getNumFolds(); j++) { centers.add(initialPoint, j); } } PType<V> ptype = vecs.getPType(); PTypeFamily ptf = ptype.getFamily(); PTableType<Integer, Pair<V, Double>> ptt = ptf.tableOf(ptf.ints(), ptf.pairs(ptype, ptf.doubles())); PCollection<Pair<Integer, V>> folds = crossfold.apply(vecs); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {"Running iteration %d of k-means|| initialization procedure", i + 1)); ScoringFn<V> scoringFn = new ScoringFn<V>(centers); PTable<Integer, Pair<V, Double>> scores = folds.parallelDo("computeDistances", scoringFn, ptt); PTable<Integer, V> sample = ReservoirSampling.groupedWeightedSample(scores, samplesPerIteration, random); updateCenters(sample.materialize(), centers); } return getWeightedVectors(folds, centers); } /** * Runs Lloyd's algorithm on the given points for a given number of iterations, returning the final * centers that result. * * @param points The data points to cluster * @param centers The list of initial centers * @param numIterations The number of iterations to run, with each iteration corresponding to a MapReduce job * @param approx Whether to use random projection for assigning points to centers * @return */ public <V extends Vector> List<Centers> lloydsAlgorithm(PCollection<V> points, List<Centers> centers, int numIterations, boolean approx) { PTypeFamily tf = points.getTypeFamily(); PTableType<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>> ptt = tf.tableOf(tf.pairs(tf.ints(), tf.ints()), tf.pairs(points.getPType(), tf.longs())); Aggregator<Pair<V, Long>> agg = new SumVectorsAggregator<V>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { CentersIndex index = createIndex(centers); LloydsMapFn<V> mapFn = new LloydsMapFn<V>(index, approx); centers = new LloydsCenters<V>( points.parallelDo("lloyds-" + i, mapFn, ptt).groupByKey().combineValues(agg), centers.size()) .getValue(); } return centers; } private static <V extends Vector> List<List<Weighted<Vector>>> getWeightedVectors( PCollection<Pair<Integer, V>> folds, CentersIndex centers) {"Computing the weight of each candidate center"); List<List<Long>> indexWeights = getCountsOfClosest(folds, centers).getValue(); return centers.getWeightedVectors(indexWeights); } private static <V extends Vector> void updateCenters(Iterable<Pair<Integer, V>> vecs, CentersIndex centers) { for (Pair<Integer, V> p : vecs) { centers.add(p.second(), p.first()); } } private static class LloydsMapFn<V extends Vector> extends DoFn<V, Pair<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>>> { private final CentersIndex centers; private final boolean approx; private LloydsMapFn(CentersIndex centers, boolean approx) { this.centers = centers; this.approx = approx; } @Override public void process(V vec, Emitter<Pair<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>>> emitFn) { Distances d = centers.getDistances(vec, approx); Pair<V, Long> out = Pair.of(vec, 1L); for (int i = 0; i < d.closestPoints.length; i++) { // TODO: cache emitFn.emit(Pair.of(Pair.of(i, d.closestPoints[i]), out)); } } } private static class LloydsCenters<V extends Vector> extends PObjectImpl<Pair<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>>, List<Centers>> { private final int numCenters; LloydsCenters(PTable<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>> collect, int numCenters) { super(collect); this.numCenters = numCenters; } @Override protected List<Centers> process(Iterable<Pair<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>>> values) { List<Centers> centers = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numCenters); for (int i = 0; i < numCenters; i++) { centers.add(new Centers()); } for (Pair<Pair<Integer, Integer>, Pair<V, Long>> p : values) { int centerId = p.first().first(); Vector c = p.second().first().divide(p.second().second()); centers.set(centerId, centers.get(centerId).extendWith(c)); } return centers; } } private static class ScoringFn<V extends Vector> extends DoFn<Pair<Integer, V>, Pair<Integer, Pair<V, Double>>> { private final CentersIndex centers; private ScoringFn(CentersIndex centers) { this.centers = centers; } @Override public void process(Pair<Integer, V> in, Emitter<Pair<Integer, Pair<V, Double>>> emitter) { Distances d = centers.getDistances(in.second(), true); double dist = d.clusterDistances[in.first()]; if (dist > 0.0) { emitter.emit(Pair.of(in.first(), Pair.of(in.second(), dist))); } } } private static class ClosestCenterFn<V extends Vector> extends DoFn<Pair<Integer, V>, Pair<Integer, Integer>> { private final CentersIndex centers; private ClosestCenterFn(CentersIndex centers) { this.centers = centers; } @Override public void process(Pair<Integer, V> in, Emitter<Pair<Integer, Integer>> emitter) { Distances d = centers.getDistances(in.second(), true); emitter.emit(Pair.of(in.first(), d.closestPoints[in.first()])); } } private static class AssignedCenterFn<V extends NamedVector> extends DoFn<V, Record> { private final CentersIndex centers; private final List<Integer> clusterIds; private AssignedCenterFn(CentersIndex centers, List<Integer> clusterIds) { this.centers = centers; this.clusterIds = clusterIds; } @Override public void process(V vec, Emitter<Record> emitter) { MLVector mlvec = VectorConvert.fromVector(vec); Distances d = centers.getDistances(vec, false); for (int i = 0; i < d.closestPoints.length; i++) { Record r = new SimpleRecord(ASSIGNMENT_SPEC); r.set("vector_id", mlvec.getId().toString()).set("cluster_id", getClusterId(i, clusterIds)) .set("closest_center_id", d.closestPoints[i]).set("distance", d.clusterDistances[i]); emitter.emit(r); } } } private static Integer getClusterId(int index, List<Integer> clusterIds) { if (clusterIds == null || clusterIds.isEmpty()) { return index; } else { return clusterIds.get(index); } } private static class CenterCostFn<V extends Vector> extends DoFn<V, Pair<Integer, Double>> { private final CentersIndex centers; private final double[] currentCosts; private final boolean approx; private CenterCostFn(CentersIndex centers, boolean approx) { this.centers = centers; this.currentCosts = new double[centers.getNumCenters()]; this.approx = approx; } @Override public void initialize() { Arrays.fill(currentCosts, 0.0); } @Override public void process(V vec, Emitter<Pair<Integer, Double>> emitter) { Distances d = centers.getDistances(vec, approx); for (int i = 0; i < currentCosts.length; i++) { currentCosts[i] += d.clusterDistances[i]; } } @Override public void cleanup(Emitter<Pair<Integer, Double>> emitter) { for (int i = 0; i < currentCosts.length; i++) { emitter.emit(Pair.of(i, currentCosts[i])); } } } private static class CovarianceCentersFn<V extends Vector> extends DoFn<V, Pair<ClusterKey, V>> { private final CentersIndex centers; private final List<Integer> clusterIds; private final boolean approx; public CovarianceCentersFn(CentersIndex centers, List<Integer> clusterIds, boolean approx) { this.centers = centers; this.clusterIds = clusterIds; this.approx = approx; } @Override public void process(V vec, Emitter<Pair<ClusterKey, V>> emitter) { Distances d = centers.getDistances(vec, approx); for (int i = 0; i < d.closestPoints.length; i++) { ClusterKey key = new ClusterKey(getClusterId(i, clusterIds), d.closestPoints[i]); emitter.emit(Pair.of(key, vec)); } } } private static class ClusteringData { private long size = Long.MIN_VALUE; private List<Double> means; private List<MLMatrixEntry> entries; public ClusteringData() { this.means = Lists.newArrayList(); this.entries = Lists.newArrayList(); } public void update(Index index, CoMoment cm) { if (cm.getN() > size) { size = cm.getN(); } double cov = cm.getCovariance(); if (cov != 0.0) { MLMatrixEntry entry = MLMatrixEntry.newBuilder().setRow(index.row).setColumn(index.column) .setValue(cm.getCovariance()).build(); entries.add(entry); } if (index.isDiagonal()) { if (means.size() <= index.row) { for (int i = means.size(); i < index.row; i++) { means.add(0.0); } means.add(cm.getMeanX()); } else { means.set(index.row, cm.getMeanX()); } } } public MLClusterCovariance create(ClusterKey key) { return MLClusterCovariance.newBuilder().setClusteringId(key.getClusterId()) .setCenterId(key.getCenterId()).setMeans(means).setCount(size).setCov(entries).build(); } } private static class ClusterCovariancePObject extends PObjectImpl<Pair<Pair<ClusterKey, Index>, CoMoment>, List<MLClusterCovariance>> { public ClusterCovariancePObject(PTable<Pair<ClusterKey, Index>, CoMoment> cov) { super(cov); } @Override protected List<MLClusterCovariance> process(Iterable<Pair<Pair<ClusterKey, Index>, CoMoment>> pairs) { Map<ClusterKey, ClusteringData> data = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Pair<Pair<ClusterKey, Index>, CoMoment> p : pairs) { ClusterKey clusterKey = p.first().first(); Index index = p.first().second(); CoMoment cm = p.second(); ClusteringData cd = data.get(clusterKey); if (cd == null) { cd = new ClusteringData(); data.put(clusterKey, cd); } cd.update(index, cm); } List<MLClusterCovariance> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<ClusterKey, ClusteringData> e : data.entrySet()) { ret.add(e.getValue().create(e.getKey())); } return ret; } } private static class OutlierScoreFn extends MapFn<Pair<ClusterKey, NamedVector>, Record> { private final Map<ClusterKey, MahalanobisDistance> distances; public OutlierScoreFn(Map<ClusterKey, MahalanobisDistance> distances) { this.distances = distances; } @Override public void initialize() { for (MahalanobisDistance d : distances.values()) { d.initialize(); } } @Override public Record map(Pair<ClusterKey, NamedVector> input) { Record r = new SimpleRecord(OUTLIER_SPEC); ClusterKey key = input.first(); NamedVector mlvec = input.second(); double dist = distances.get(key).distance(mlvec); r.set("vector_id", mlvec.getName()).set("cluster_id", key.getClusterId()) .set("closest_center_id", key.getCenterId()).set("outlier_distance", dist); return r; } } }