Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 Cloudera Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.cloudera.recordservice.tests; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import; import com.cloudera.recordservice.util.Preconditions; /** * A class that starts a minicluster locally and runs a map reduce job on the * cluster through JNI calls. * * This class is a singleton. It first needs to be instantiated, and then the * instance method returns the class instance. * * Usage: * MiniClusterController.Start(num_nodes); * MiniClusterController miniCluster = MiniClusterController.instance(); */ public class MiniClusterController extends ClusterController { private static native void StartMiniCluster(int numNodes); private native void KillNodeByPid(int pid); private native int[] GetRunningMiniNodePids(); private native int GetSpecificNodePid(int plannerPort); private native int AddRecordServiceNode(boolean startPlanner, boolean startWorker); private native String[] GetNodeArgs(int pid); private static final String MINICLUSTER_LIBRARY = ""; private static final String BUILT_RS_CODE_LOCATION = "/cpp/build/release/recordservice/"; private Thread clusterThread_; private List<MiniClusterNode> clusterList_; private static MiniClusterController miniCluster_; /** * This method starts a minicluster with the specified number of nodes. It * should only be called once. If the minicluster has already been * instantiated, nothing is executed. */ public static void Start(int numNodes) throws InterruptedException { new MiniClusterController(numNodes); } /** * This method returns the instantiated instance of MiniClusterController. If * the MiniClusterController has not been instantiated, it returns null. */ public static MiniClusterController instance() { return miniCluster_; } /** * Every node in the local minicluster runs in its own process. This method * returns a hashset of all the process ids of running nodes in the mini * cluster. */ public HashSet<Integer> getRunningMiniNodePids() { HashSet<Integer> pidSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); Collections.addAll(pidSet, ArrayUtils.toObject(GetRunningMiniNodePids())); return pidSet; } /** * This method kills the given node */ public void killNode(MiniClusterNode node) { if (node != null) { System.out.println("Killing node: " + node.pid_); KillNodeByPid(node.pid_); } clusterList_.remove(node); } /** * Adds a recordserviced to the cluster. If 'startPlanner' is true, run it as * planner; if 'startWorker' is true, run it as worker. If both are true, run * as both planner and worker. Returns the new node added. */ public MiniClusterNode addRecordServiced(boolean startPlanner, boolean startWorker) { Preconditions.checkArgument(startPlanner || startWorker); int pid = AddRecordServiceNode(startPlanner, startWorker); Map<String, Integer> args = processNodeArgs(GetNodeArgs(pid)); args.put("pid", pid); MiniClusterNode newNode = new MiniClusterNode(args); clusterList_.add(newNode); return newNode; } /** * Adds a recordserviced which runs as both planner and worker to the cluster */ public void addRecordServiced() { addRecordServiced(true, true); } public void addNode() { addRecordServiced(); } /** * Given a planner port, this method returns the process id of the node on the * local minicluster */ public int getSpecificNodePid(int plannerPort) { return GetSpecificNodePid(plannerPort); } /** * This method returns the number of nodes in the cluster */ public int getClusterSize() { return clusterList_.size(); } /** * This method returns a randomly selected, live MiniClusterNode object */ public MiniClusterNode getRandomNode() { // If the cluster is empty, there are no nodes to return if (clusterList_ == null) { return null; } Random r = new Random(); return clusterList_.get(r.nextInt(clusterList_.size())); } /** * This method kills a randomly selected live node */ public void killRandomNode() { killNode(getRandomNode()); } /** * This method returns a JobConf object that allows a map reduce job to be run * on the minicluster */ public JobConf getJobConf(Class<?> mrClass) { if (clusterList_.size() == 0) { System.err.println("Cannot run MR job because the cluster has no active nodes"); return null; } JobConf conf = new JobConf(mrClass); conf.set(, "localhost:" + getRandomNode().plannerPort_); return conf; } /** * This method takes JobConf and executes it */ public RunningJob runJob(JobConf mrJob) throws IOException { if (clusterList_.size() == 0) { System.err.println("Cannot run MR job because the cluster has no active nodes"); return null; } mrJob.set(, "localhost:" + getRandomNode().plannerPort_); System.out.println("Running Job"); return JobClient.runJob(mrJob); } /** * Print all the active nodes to the standard out. */ public void printActiveNodes() { for (MiniClusterNode n : clusterList_) { System.out.println(n); } } /** * This method checks the current state of the MiniClusterController object * against the actual state of the system. Returns false if some running * cluster nodes are not tracked by this MiniClusterController, or if some * nodes tracked by this MiniClusterController are not running. Returns true * otherwise. */ public boolean isClusterStateCorrect() { HashSet<Integer> pidSet = getRunningMiniNodePids(); // Check the cluster list if (pidSet.size() > 0 && (clusterList_ == null || clusterList_.size() <= 0)) { printPids(pidSet, "were found but are not being tracked by the MiniClusterController"); return false; } else { for (MiniClusterNode node : clusterList_) { if (!pidSet.contains(node.pid_)) { System.err.println("Node with pid = " + node.pid_ + " was expected but not found"); return false; } // Two nodes cannot share the same process ID pidSet.remove(node.pid_); } if (pidSet.size() > 0) { printPids(pidSet, "were found but are not being tracked by the MiniClusterController"); return false; } } return true; } /** * This class represents a node in the minicluster */ public static class MiniClusterNode extends ClusterNode { public int pid_; public int beeswaxPort_; public int hs2Port_; public int bePort_; public int webserverPort_; public int plannerPort_; public int workerPort_; public MiniClusterNode(Map<String, Integer> args) { super("localhost"); pid_ = args.get("pid"); beeswaxPort_ = args.get("beeswax_port"); hs2Port_ = args.get("hs2_port"); bePort_ = args.get("be_port"); webserverPort_ = args.get("recordservice_webserver_port"); plannerPort_ = args.get("recordservice_planner_port"); workerPort_ = args.get("recordservice_worker_port"); } @Override public String toString() { String s = "Node pid: " + pid_ + "\n\tbeeswax port: " + beeswaxPort_; s = s + "\n\ths2 port: " + hs2Port_ + "\n\tbe port: " + bePort_; s = s + "\n\twebserver port: " + webserverPort_ + "\n\tplanner port: "; s = s + plannerPort_ + "\n\tworker port: " + workerPort_; return s; } } /** * This class is used to start a minicluster within its own thread */ public static class ClusterRunner implements Runnable { private int numNodes_; public ClusterRunner(int numNodes) { numNodes_ = numNodes; } /** * This method is executed when a Thread, given an instance of this class, * calls its start method */ @Override public void run() { MiniClusterController.startMiniCluster(numNodes_); } } /** * This method starts a minicluster with the specified number of nodes. This * method calls via JNI the cpp StartMiniCluster method which sleeps * indefinitely after starting the cluster, so this method will not return * unless the cluster is stopped. */ private static void startMiniCluster(int numNodes) { String rsHome = System.getenv("RECORD_SERVICE_HOME"); if (rsHome == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Required environment variable RECORD_SERVICE_HOME is not set."); } String path = rsHome + BUILT_RS_CODE_LOCATION; System.load(path + MINICLUSTER_LIBRARY); System.out.println("Number of nodes: " + numNodes); MiniClusterController.StartMiniCluster(numNodes); } /** * This method starts a minicluster in a new thread */ private void start(int numNodes) throws InterruptedException { ClusterRunner cr = new ClusterRunner(numNodes); clusterThread_ = new Thread(cr); clusterThread_.start(); System.out.println("Sleeping..."); // The cluster takes some time to start up Thread.sleep(5000); populateFields(); } /** * This method populates the class fields of the minicluster */ private void populateFields() { miniCluster_ = this; populateNodeList(); } /** * This method takes as input a String array of command line arguments in the * form --<arg name>=<arg integer value> and inserts them into a * Map<ArgName,ArgValue>. */ private Map<String, Integer> processNodeArgs(String[] args) { Map<String, Integer> argTable = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); if (args == null) { return argTable; } int equalsIndex; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (args[i].startsWith("--") && ((equalsIndex = args[i].indexOf("=")) != -1)) { String key = args[i].substring(2, equalsIndex); try { Integer value = Integer.parseInt(args[i].substring(equalsIndex + 1)); argTable.put(key, value); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); continue; } } } return argTable; } private void printPids(HashSet<Integer> pidSet, String trailingMessage) { System.err.println("Nodes with the following pids: "); for (Integer pid : pidSet) { System.err.println(pid); } System.err.println(trailingMessage); } /** * This method populates the node list with the live nodes found running */ private void populateNodeList() { clusterList_ = new ArrayList<MiniClusterNode>(); int[] nodePids = GetRunningMiniNodePids(); for (int i = 0; i < nodePids.length; ++i) { int pid = nodePids[i]; Map<String, Integer> args = processNodeArgs(GetNodeArgs(pid)); args.put("pid", pid); MiniClusterNode newNode = new MiniClusterNode(args); clusterList_.add(newNode); } } /** * This constructor returns a MiniClusterController object. Note that method * does not start a minicluster. To start a cluster, miniCluster.start() * should be called. */ private MiniClusterController(int numNodes) throws InterruptedException { super(true, "localhost"); start(numNodes); populateFields(); // We allot enough time for each node to have 20 seconds to startup. The // nodes should not need that long, but this helps prevent test failures // due to a slow network int timer = 20 * numNodes; while (getClusterSize() < numNodes) { if (timer == 0) { return; } Thread.sleep(1000); populateFields(); timer--; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException, NumberFormatException { org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator.configure(); int numNodes = DEFAULT_NUM_NODES; if (args.length == 1) { numNodes = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } MiniClusterController.Start(numNodes); MiniClusterController miniCluster = MiniClusterController.instance(); System.out.println(miniCluster.isClusterStateCorrect()); } }