Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Cloudera, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ package com.cloudera.recordbreaker.analyzer; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.*; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLite; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteJob; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteQueue; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteStatement; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteException; import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConnection; /*************************************************************** * <code>FSAnalyzer</code> crawls a filesystem and figures out * its schema contents. We place the results of that analysis into * a store for future analytics * * @author "Michael Cafarella" <> ***************************************************************/ public class FSAnalyzer { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FSAnalyzer.class); static FSAnalyzer fsaInstance; public static FSAnalyzer getInstance() { return fsaInstance; } //////////////////////////////////////// // All the SQL statements we need //////////////////////////////////////// static Random r = new Random(); static SimpleDateFormat fileDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // // 1. Create the schemas // static String CREATE_TABLE_CONFIG = "CREATE TABLE Configs(propertyname varchar(128), property varchar(256));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_CRAWL = "CREATE TABLE Crawls(crawlid integer primary key autoincrement, crawlstarted date, crawlfinished date, inprogress text, fsid integer, foreign key(fsid) references Filesystems(fsid));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_FILESYSTEM = "CREATE TABLE Filesystems(fsid integer primary key autoincrement, fsname text);"; static String CREATE_TABLE_FILES = "CREATE TABLE Files(fid integer primary key autoincrement, isDir string, crawlid integer, fname varchar(256), owner varchar(16), groupowner varchar(16), permissions varchar(32), size integer, modified date, path varchar(256), foreign key(crawlid) references Crawls(crawlid));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_TYPES = "CREATE TABLE Types(typeid integer primary key autoincrement, typelabel varchar(64));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_TYPE_GUESSES = "CREATE TABLE TypeGuesses(fid integer, typeid integer, foreign key(fid) references Files(fid), foreign key(typeid) references Types(typeid));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_SCHEMAS = "CREATE TABLE Schemas(schemaid integer primary key autoincrement, schemarepr varchar(1024), schemasrcdescription varchar(32), schemapayload blob);"; static String CREATE_TABLE_GUESSES = "CREATE TABLE SchemaGuesses(fid integer, schemaid integer, foreign key(fid) references Files(fid), foreign key(schemaid) references Schemas(schemaid));"; static String CREATE_TABLE_HIVESUPPORT = "CREATE TABLE HiveTables(fpath varchar(256), hiveTableName varchar(128));"; void createTables() throws SQLiteException { dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Object job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { try { db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_CONFIG); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_FILESYSTEM); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_CRAWL); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_FILES); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_TYPES); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_TYPE_GUESSES); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_SCHEMAS); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_GUESSES); db.exec(CREATE_TABLE_HIVESUPPORT); } finally { } return null; } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manage Hive Support /////////////////////////////////////////////// public String checkHiveSupport(final Path fpath) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<String>() { protected String job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT hiveTableName FROM HiveTables WHERE fpath = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, fpath.toString()); while (stmt.step()) { return stmt.columnString(0); } return null; } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } public void addHiveSupport(final Path fpath, final String tablename) { dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Object job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into HiveTables VALUES(?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, fpath.toString()); stmt.bind(2, tablename); stmt.step(); return null; } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manage Crawls and Filesystems /////////////////////////////////////////////// public long getCreateFilesystem(final URI fsuri, boolean canCreate) { // REMIND -- must check to make sure FS is valid before accepting it. // (E.g., for HDFS see if we can contact it) long fsid = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT fsid FROM Filesystems WHERE fsname = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, fsuri.toString()); if (stmt.step()) { long resultId = stmt.columnLong(0); return resultId; } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); if (fsid >= 0) { return fsid; } // It wasn't there, so create it! if (canCreate) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into Filesystems VALUES(null, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, fsuri.toString()); stmt.step(); return db.getLastInsertId(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } else { return -1L; } }; public FileSystem getFS() { String uriStr = getConfigProperty("fsuri"); if (uriStr == null) { return null; } try { URI uri = new URI(uriStr); FileSystem result = FileSystem.get(uri, new Configuration()); return result; } catch (IOException iex) { LOG.error(iex.toString()); return null; } catch (URISyntaxException use) { LOG.error(use.toString()); return null; } } /** * Helper fn <code>getNewOrPendingCrawl</code> returns the id of a Crawl for the specified filesystem. * If a crawl is pending, that one is returned. * If no crawl is pending, a new one is created. */ public long getCreatePendingCrawl(final long fsid, boolean shouldCreate) { long crawlid = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db .prepare("SELECT crawlid from Crawls WHERE fsid = ? AND inprogress = 'True'"); try { stmt.bind(1, fsid); if (stmt.step()) { return stmt.columnLong(0); } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); if (crawlid >= 0) { return crawlid; } // Time to insert if (shouldCreate) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); String dateCreated = fileDateFormat.format(now); String syntheticDateFinished = fileDateFormat.format(new Date(0)); String inprogress = "True"; SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into Crawls VALUES(null, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, dateCreated).bind(2, syntheticDateFinished).bind(3, inprogress).bind(4, fsid); stmt.step(); return db.getLastInsertId(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } return -1L; } public void completeCrawl(final long crawlid) throws SQLiteException { dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db .prepare("UPDATE Crawls SET inprogress='False', crawlfinished=? WHERE crawlid = ?"); try { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); String dateFinished = fileDateFormat.format(now); stmt.bind(1, dateFinished).bind(2, crawlid); if (stmt.step()) { return crawlid; } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } public long getLatestCompleteCrawl(final long fsid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT crawlid from Crawls WHERE fsid = ? AND inprogress = 'False' ORDER BY crawlid DESC LIMIT 1"); try { stmt.bind(1, fsid); if (stmt.step()) { return stmt.columnLong(0); } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manage Types and Schemas /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Helper fn <code>getCreateType</code> returns the id of a specified Type in the Types table. * The row is created, if necessary. */ long getCreateType(final String typeLabel) throws SQLiteException { long typeid = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT typeid FROM Types WHERE typelabel = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, typeLabel); if (stmt.step()) { long resultId = stmt.columnLong(0); return resultId; } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); if (typeid >= 0) { return typeid; } // Time to insert return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into Types VALUES(null, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, typeLabel); stmt.step(); return db.getLastInsertId(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /** * Helper fn <code>getCreateSchema</code> returns the id of a specified Schema in the Schemas table. * The row is created, if necessary. */ long getCreateSchema(SchemaDescriptor sd) throws SQLiteException { final String schemaIdentifier = (sd == null) ? "" : sd.getSchemaIdentifier(); final String schemaDesc = (sd == null) ? "no schema" : sd.getSchemaSourceDescription(); final byte[] payload = (sd == null) ? new byte[0] : sd.getPayload(); long schemaid = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { final SQLiteStatement stmt = db .prepare("SELECT schemaid FROM Schemas WHERE schemarepr = ? AND schemasrcdescription = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, schemaIdentifier).bind(2, schemaDesc); if (stmt.step()) { long resultId = stmt.columnLong(0); return resultId; } else { return -1L; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); if (schemaid >= 0) { return schemaid; } // Time to insert return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { final SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into Schemas VALUES(null, ?, ?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, schemaIdentifier).bind(2, schemaDesc).bind(3, payload); stmt.step(); return db.getLastInsertId(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /** * Add a single brand-new file to the system. Parse it, obtain structure, etc, if needed. */ void addSingleFile(FileSystem fs, Path insertFile, long crawlId) throws IOException { FileStatus fstatus = fs.getFileStatus(insertFile); addFileMetadata(fstatus, crawlId); final boolean isDir = fstatus.isDir(); if (!isDir) { final List<Long> typeGuesses = new ArrayList<Long>(); DataDescriptor descriptor = formatAnalyzer.describeData(fs, insertFile); List<SchemaDescriptor> schemas = null; try { schemas = descriptor.getSchemaDescriptor(); if (schemas == null || schemas.size() == 0) { typeGuesses.add(getCreateType(descriptor.getFileTypeIdentifier())); typeGuesses.add(getSingleFileSummary(descriptor.getFilename().toString()).getFid()); typeGuesses.add(getCreateSchema(null)); } else { for (SchemaDescriptor sd : schemas) { typeGuesses.add(getCreateType(descriptor.getFileTypeIdentifier())); typeGuesses.add(getSingleFileSummary(descriptor.getFilename().toString()).getFid()); typeGuesses.add(getCreateSchema(sd)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { for (int i = 0; i < typeGuesses.size(); i += 3) { long typeId = typeGuesses.get(i); long fileId = typeGuesses.get(i + 1); long schemaId = typeGuesses.get(i + 2); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into TypeGuesses VALUES(?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, fileId).bind(2, typeId); stmt.step(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } return null; } }).complete(); dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { for (int i = 0; i < typeGuesses.size(); i += 3) { long typeId = typeGuesses.get(i); long fileId = typeGuesses.get(i + 1); long schemaId = typeGuesses.get(i + 2); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into SchemaGuesses VALUES(?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, fileId).bind(2, schemaId); stmt.step(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } return null; } }).complete(); } } /** * <code>addFileMetadata</code> stores the pathname, size, owner, etc. */ void addFileMetadata(final FileStatus fstatus, final long crawlId) { // Compute strings to represent file metadata Path insertFile = fstatus.getPath(); final boolean isDir = fstatus.isDir(); FsPermission fsp = fstatus.getPermission(); final String permissions = (isDir ? "d" : "-") + fsp.getUserAction().SYMBOL + fsp.getGroupAction().SYMBOL + fsp.getOtherAction().SYMBOL; // Compute formal pathname representation String fnameString = null; String parentPathString = null; if (isDir && insertFile.getParent() == null) { parentPathString = ""; fnameString = insertFile.toString(); } else { fnameString = insertFile.getName(); parentPathString = insertFile.getParent().toString(); // REMIND --- mjc --- If we want to modify the Files table s.t. it does // not contain the filesystem prefix, then this would be the place to do it. if (!parentPathString.endsWith("/")) { parentPathString = parentPathString + "/"; } } final String parentPath = parentPathString; final String fName = fnameString; final long fileId = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("INSERT into Files VALUES(null, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, isDir ? "True" : "False").bind(2, crawlId).bind(3, fName) .bind(4, fstatus.getOwner()).bind(5, fstatus.getGroup()).bind(6, permissions) .bind(7, fstatus.getLen()) .bind(8, fileDateFormat.format(new Date(fstatus.getModificationTime()))) .bind(9, parentPath); stmt.step(); return db.getLastInsertId(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACCESSORS FOR SCHEMAS /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <code>getSchemaSummaries</code> returns an instance of SchemaSummary * for each unique schema in the database. */ static String schemaInfoQuery = "SELECT schemaid FROM Schemas"; public List<SchemaSummary> getSchemaSummaries() { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<SchemaSummary>>() { protected List<SchemaSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<SchemaSummary> output = new ArrayList<SchemaSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(schemaInfoQuery); try { while (stmt.step()) { long schemaId = stmt.columnLong(0); output.add(new SchemaSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, schemaId)); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * Grab details on a schema. */ public SchemaSummaryData getSchemaSummaryData(final long schemaid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<SchemaSummaryData>() { protected SchemaSummaryData job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db .prepare("SELECT schemarepr, schemasrcdescription FROM Schemas WHERE schemaid = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, schemaid); if (stmt.step()) { return new SchemaSummaryData(schemaid, stmt.columnString(0), stmt.columnString(1)); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /** * Get a list of SchemaSummary items, one for each schema in the database. * Prefetch a lot of data for efficiency reasons (so we don't need to issue many small queries). * Otherwise enumerating schemas can be very slow */ static String precachedSchemaQuery = "SELECT Schemas.schemaid, Schemas.schemarepr, Schemas.schemasrcdescription, SchemaGuesses.fid, TypeGuesses.typeid, Files.crawlid, Files.fname, Files.owner, Files.groupowner, Files.permissions, Files.size, Files.modified, Files.path FROM Schemas, SchemaGuesses, TypeGuesses, Files WHERE SchemaGuesses.schemaid = Schemas.schemaid AND TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid AND Files.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid ORDER BY Schemas.schemaid"; public List<SchemaSummary> getPrecachedSchemaSummaries() { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<SchemaSummary>>() { protected List<SchemaSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<SchemaSummary> output = new ArrayList<SchemaSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(precachedSchemaQuery); try { SchemaSummaryData ssd = null; SchemaSummary ss = null; long lastSchemaId = -1L; List<TypeGuessSummary> tgslist = null; while (stmt.step()) { long schemaid = stmt.columnLong(0); String schemarepr = stmt.columnString(1); String schemasrcdescription = stmt.columnString(2); long fid = stmt.columnLong(3); long typeid = stmt.columnLong(4); long crawlid = stmt.columnLong(5); String fname = stmt.columnString(6); String owner = stmt.columnString(7); String groupowner = stmt.columnString(8); String permissions = stmt.columnString(9); long size = stmt.columnLong(10); String modified = stmt.columnString(11); String path = stmt.columnString(12); TypeGuessSummary tgs = new TypeGuessSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid, typeid, schemaid); FileSummary fs = new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid); FileSummaryData fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, true, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path); fs.addCachedData(fsd); tgs.addCachedData(fs); if (schemaid != lastSchemaId) { if (ss != null) { ss.addCachedData(tgslist); output.add(ss); } ssd = new SchemaSummaryData(schemaid, schemarepr, schemasrcdescription); ss = new SchemaSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, schemaid); ss.addCachedData(ssd); tgslist = new ArrayList<TypeGuessSummary>(); } tgslist.add(tgs); lastSchemaId = schemaid; } if (ss != null) { ss.addCachedData(tgslist); output.add(ss); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACCESSORS FOR FILES /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <code>getFidUnderPath</code> returns the files under the given path prefix */ static String subpathFilesQuery = "SELECT fid from Files WHERE path LIKE ?"; public List<Long> getFidUnderPath(final String pathPrefix) throws SQLiteException { List<Long> finalResults = dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<Long>>() { protected List<Long> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<Long> results = new ArrayList<Long>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(subpathFilesQuery); try { stmt.bind(1, pathPrefix + "%"); while (stmt.step()) { long resultId = stmt.columnLong(0); results.add(resultId); } return results; } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); return finalResults; } /** * <code>getFileSummaries</code> returns an instance of FileSummary * for each unique schema in the database. */ static String fileInfoQueryWithoutPrefix = "SELECT fid FROM Files WHERE isDir = ?"; static String fileInfoQueryWithPrefix = "SELECT fid FROM Files WHERE isDir = ? AND path = ?"; public List<FileSummary> getFileSummariesInDir(final boolean isDir, final String prefix) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<FileSummary>>() { protected List<FileSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<FileSummary> output = new ArrayList<FileSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt; if (prefix == null) { stmt = db.prepare(fileInfoQueryWithoutPrefix); stmt.bind(1, isDir ? "True" : "False"); } else { stmt = db.prepare(fileInfoQueryWithPrefix); String prefixStr = prefix; if (!prefixStr.endsWith("/")) { prefixStr += "/"; } stmt.bind(1, isDir ? "True" : "False").bind(2, prefixStr); } try { while (stmt.step()) { long fid = stmt.columnLong(0); output.add(new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid)); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * A version of 'getFileSummariesInDir()' where much of the information is cached ahead of time */ static String precachedFileInfoQueryWithoutPrefix = "SELECT Files.fid, Files.crawlid, Files.fname, Files.owner, Files.groupowner, Files.permissions, Files.size, Files.modified, Files.path, SchemaGuesses.schemaid, TypeGuesses.typeid FROM Files, TypeGuesses, SchemaGuesses WHERE Files.isDir = ? AND TypeGuesses.fid = Files.fid AND SchemaGuesses.fid = Files.fid"; static String precachedFileInfoQueryWithPrefix = precachedFileInfoQueryWithoutPrefix + " AND Files.path = ?"; public List<FileSummary> getPrecachedFileSummariesInDir(final boolean isDir, final String prefix) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<FileSummary>>() { protected List<FileSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<FileSummary> output = new ArrayList<FileSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt; if (prefix == null) { stmt = db.prepare(precachedFileInfoQueryWithoutPrefix); stmt.bind(1, isDir ? "True" : "False"); } else { stmt = db.prepare(precachedFileInfoQueryWithPrefix); String prefixStr = prefix; if (!prefixStr.endsWith("/")) { prefixStr += "/"; } stmt.bind(1, isDir ? "True" : "False").bind(2, prefixStr); } try { FileSummary fs = null; FileSummaryData fsd = null; long lastFid = -1L; List<TypeGuessSummary> tgslist = null; while (stmt.step()) { long fid = stmt.columnLong(0); long crawlid = stmt.columnLong(1); String fname = stmt.columnString(2); String owner = stmt.columnString(3); String groupowner = stmt.columnString(4); String permissions = stmt.columnString(5); long size = stmt.columnLong(6); String modified = stmt.columnString(7); String path = stmt.columnString(8); long schemaid = stmt.columnLong(9); long typeid = stmt.columnLong(10); // We get a tuple for every typeguess. // There could be more than one typeguess for each unique file TypeGuessSummary tgs = new TypeGuessSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid, typeid, schemaid); tgs.addCachedData(fs); if (fid != lastFid) { if (fs != null) { fs.addCachedData(tgslist); output.add(fs); } fs = new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid); fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, isDir, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path); fs.addCachedData(fsd); tgslist = new ArrayList<TypeGuessSummary>(); } tgslist.add(tgs); lastFid = fid; } if (fs != null) { fs.addCachedData(tgslist); output.add(fs); } } catch (SQLiteException sqe) { sqe.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } static String singletonFileInfoQuery = "SELECT fid FROM Files WHERE path||fname = ?"; public FileSummary getSingleFileSummary(final String fullName) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<FileSummary>() { protected FileSummary job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(singletonFileInfoQuery); stmt.bind(1, fullName); try { if (stmt.step()) { long fid = stmt.columnLong(0); return new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return null; } }).complete(); } /** * <code>getFilesForCrawl()</code> returns all the seen files for a given crawlid */ public List<Path> getFilesForCrawl(final long crawlid) { return getFileEntriesForCrawl(crawlid, "False"); } public List<Path> getDirsForCrawl(final long crawlid) { return getFileEntriesForCrawl(crawlid, "True"); } static String filenameForCrawlQuery = "SELECT path, fname FROM Files WHERE crawlid=? AND isDir = ?"; private List<Path> getFileEntriesForCrawl(final long crawlid, final String isDir) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<Path>>() { protected List<Path> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<Path> output = new ArrayList<Path>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(filenameForCrawlQuery); try { stmt.bind(1, crawlid).bind(2, isDir); while (stmt.step()) { output.add(new Path(stmt.columnString(0), stmt.columnString(1))); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * Grab details on a specific file. */ public DataDescriptor getDataDescriptor(final long fid) { final FileSystem fs = getFS(); return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<DataDescriptor>() { protected DataDescriptor job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { String identifier = null; String path = null; String fname = null; SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT Types.typelabel, Files.path, Files.fname FROM Types, TypeGuesses, Files WHERE TypeGuesses.fid = ? AND Files.fid = TypeGuesses.fid AND Types.typeid = TypeGuesses.typeid"); try { stmt.bind(1, fid); if (stmt.step()) { identifier = stmt.columnString(0); path = stmt.columnString(1); fname = stmt.columnString(2); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT Schemas.schemaid, Schemas.schemarepr, Schemas.schemasrcdescription, Schemas.schemapayload FROM Schemas, SchemaGuesses WHERE SchemaGuesses.fid = ? AND SchemaGuesses.schemaid = Schemas.schemaid"); try { List<String> schemaReprs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> schemaDescs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<byte[]> schemaBlobs = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); stmt.bind(1, fid); while (stmt.step()) { schemaReprs.add(stmt.columnString(1)); schemaDescs.add(stmt.columnString(2)); schemaBlobs.add(stmt.columnBlob(3)); } try { return formatAnalyzer.loadDataDescriptor(fs, new Path(path + fname), identifier, schemaReprs, schemaDescs, schemaBlobs); } catch (IOException ioex) { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } public FileSummaryData getFileSummaryData(final long fid) { final FileSystem fs = getFS(); return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<FileSummaryData>() { protected FileSummaryData job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { FileSummaryData fsd = null; boolean isDir = false; long crawlid = 0L; String fname = null; String owner = null; String groupowner = null; String permissions = null; long size = 0L; String modified = null; String path = null; String identifier = null; SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT isDir, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path FROM Files WHERE Files.fid = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, fid); if (stmt.step()) { isDir = "True".equals(stmt.columnString(0)); crawlid = stmt.columnLong(1); fname = stmt.columnString(2); owner = stmt.columnString(3); groupowner = stmt.columnString(4); permissions = stmt.columnString(5); size = stmt.columnLong(6); modified = stmt.columnString(7); path = stmt.columnString(8); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } if (!isDir) { stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT typelabel FROM Types, TypeGuesses WHERE TypeGuesses.fid = ? AND Types.typeid = TypeGuesses.typeid"); try { stmt.bind(1, fid); if (stmt.step()) { identifier = stmt.columnString(0); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT Schemas.schemaid, Schemas.schemarepr, Schemas.schemasrcdescription, Schemas.schemapayload FROM Schemas, SchemaGuesses WHERE SchemaGuesses.fid = ? AND SchemaGuesses.schemaid = Schemas.schemaid"); try { List<String> schemaReprs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> schemaDescs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<byte[]> schemaBlobs = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); stmt.bind(1, fid); while (stmt.step()) { schemaReprs.add(stmt.columnString(1)); schemaDescs.add(stmt.columnString(2)); schemaBlobs.add(stmt.columnBlob(3)); } try { DataDescriptor dd = formatAnalyzer.loadDataDescriptor(fs, new Path(path + fname), identifier, schemaReprs, schemaDescs, schemaBlobs); fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, true, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path); fsd.addCachedData(dd); } catch (IOException iex) { iex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } else { fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, false, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path); } return fsd; } }).complete(); } /** * Get the top-level directory from a given crawl */ public Path getTopDir(final long crawlid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Path>() { protected Path job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT path, fname FROM Files WHERE crawlid = ? AND isDir = 'True' ORDER BY length(path||fname) ASC LIMIT 1"); try { stmt.bind(1, crawlid); if (stmt.step()) { return new Path(stmt.columnString(0) + stmt.columnString(1)); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /** * Get the parents for the given directory from a given crawl */ public List<FileSummary> getDirParents(final long crawlid, final String targetDirStr) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<FileSummary>>() { protected List<FileSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<FileSummary> output = new ArrayList<FileSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "select fid, path, fname from Files WHERE crawlid = ? AND length(?) > length(path||fname) AND isDir = 'True' AND replace(?, path||fname, '') LIKE '/%'"); try { Path targetDir = new Path(targetDirStr); if (targetDir.getParent() != null) { stmt.bind(1, crawlid).bind(2, targetDir.toString()).bind(3, targetDir.toString()); while (stmt.step()) { //Path p = new Path(stmt.columnString(0) + stmt.columnString(1)); output.add(new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, stmt.columnLong(0))); } } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * Get the childiren dirs for the given directory from a given crawl */ public List<FileSummary> getDirChildren(final long crawlid, final String targetDir) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<FileSummary>>() { protected List<FileSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<FileSummary> output = new ArrayList<FileSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT fid AS fullpath FROM Files WHERE isDir = 'True' AND crawlid = ? AND path = ? ORDER BY fname ASC"); try { String targetDirNormalizedStr = targetDir; if (!targetDirNormalizedStr.endsWith("/")) { targetDirNormalizedStr += "/"; } stmt.bind(1, crawlid).bind(2, targetDirNormalizedStr); while (stmt.step()) { output.add(new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, stmt.columnLong(0))); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } public InputStream getRawBytes(Path p) throws IOException { return getFS().open(p); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACCESSORS FOR CRAWLS /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <code>getCrawlSummaries</code> returns a list of the historical crawl info */ static String crawlInfoQuery = "SELECT crawlid, crawlstarted, crawlfinished, inprogress, fsid FROM Crawls"; public List<CrawlSummary> getCrawlSummaries() { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<CrawlSummary>>() { protected List<CrawlSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<CrawlSummary> output = new ArrayList<CrawlSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(crawlInfoQuery); try { while (stmt.step()) { long cid = stmt.columnLong(0); String started = stmt.columnString(1); String finished = stmt.columnString(2); String inprogress = stmt.columnString(3); long fsid = stmt.columnLong(4); output.add(new CrawlSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, cid, started, finished, "True".equals(inprogress), fsid)); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * Grab details on a crawl. */ public CrawlSummary getCrawlSummaryData(final long crawlid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<CrawlSummary>() { protected CrawlSummary job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare( "SELECT crawlstarted, crawlfinished, inprogress, fsid FROM Crawls WHERE crawlid = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, crawlid); if (stmt.step()) { return new CrawlSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, crawlid, stmt.columnString(0), stmt.columnString(1), "True".equals(stmt.columnString(2)), stmt.columnLong(3)); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACCESSORS FOR TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <code>getTypeSummaries</code> returns an instance of TypeSummary * for each unique type in the database. */ static String typeInfoQuery = "SELECT typeid FROM Types"; public List<TypeSummary> getTypeSummaries() { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<TypeSummary>>() { protected List<TypeSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<TypeSummary> output = new ArrayList<TypeSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(typeInfoQuery); try { while (stmt.step()) { long typeid = stmt.columnLong(0); output.add(new TypeSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, typeid)); } } catch (SQLiteException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return output; } }).complete(); } /** * Grab details on a type. */ public TypeSummaryData getTypeSummaryData(final long typeid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<TypeSummaryData>() { protected TypeSummaryData job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT typelabel FROM Types WHERE typeid = ?"); try { stmt.bind(1, typeid); if (stmt.step()) { return new TypeSummaryData(typeid, stmt.columnString(0)); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////// // ACCESSORS FOR CONFIG INFO /////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Read a property's value */ public String getConfigProperty(final String propertyName) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<String>() { protected String job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("SELECT property FROM Configs WHERE propertyname=?"); try { stmt.bind(1, propertyName); if (stmt.step()) { return stmt.columnString(0); } else { return null; } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } } }).complete(); } /** * Write a property */ public void setConfigProperty(final String propertyName, final String property) { if (property == null) { deleteConfigProperty(propertyName); } else { dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Object job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("REPLACE into Configs VALUES(?, ?)"); try { stmt.bind(1, propertyName); stmt.bind(2, property); stmt.step(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return null; } }).complete(); } } /** * Delete a property */ public void deleteConfigProperty(final String propertyName) { dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() { protected Object job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare("DELETE from Configs WHERE propertyname=?"); try { stmt.bind(1, propertyName); stmt.step(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return null; } }).complete(); } /////////////////////////////////////////// // Get type guesses /////////////////////////////////////////// static String typeGuessQueryForFile = "SELECT SchemaGuesses.fid, TypeGuesses.typeid, SchemaGuesses.schemaid FROM TypeGuesses, SchemaGuesses WHERE TypeGuesses.fid = ? AND TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid"; static String typeGuessQueryForSchema = "SELECT SchemaGuesses.fid, TypeGuesses.typeid, SchemaGuesses.schemaid FROM TypeGuesses, SchemaGuesses WHERE SchemaGuesses.schemaid = ? AND TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid"; static String typeGuessQueryForType = "SELECT SchemaGuesses.fid, TypeGuesses.typeid, SchemaGuesses.schemaid FROM TypeGuesses, SchemaGuesses WHERE TypeGuesses.typeid = ? AND TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid"; public List<TypeGuessSummary> getTypeGuessesForFile(final long fid) { return getTypeGuesses(typeGuessQueryForFile, fid); } public List<TypeGuessSummary> getTypeGuessesForSchema(final long schemaid) { return getTypeGuesses(typeGuessQueryForSchema, schemaid); } static String countFilesQueryForSchema = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fid) FROM SchemaGuesses WHERE schemaid = ?"; public long countFilesForSchema(final long schemaid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Long>() { protected Long job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(countFilesQueryForSchema); try { stmt.bind(1, schemaid); if (stmt.step()) { return stmt.columnLong(0); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return -1L; } }).complete(); } public List<TypeGuessSummary> getTypeGuessesForType(final long typeid) { return getTypeGuesses(typeGuessQueryForType, typeid); } List<TypeGuessSummary> getTypeGuesses(final String queryStr, final long idval) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<List<TypeGuessSummary>>() { protected List<TypeGuessSummary> job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { List<TypeGuessSummary> outputList = new ArrayList<TypeGuessSummary>(); SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(queryStr); try { stmt.bind(1, idval); while (stmt.step()) { outputList.add(new TypeGuessSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, stmt.columnLong(0), stmt.columnLong(1), stmt.columnLong(2))); } } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return outputList; } }).complete(); } static String precachedTypeSummaryQuery = "SELECT TypeGuesses.fid, Types.typelabel, SchemaGuesses.schemaid, Files.crawlid, Files.fname, Files.owner, Files.groupowner, Files.permissions, Files.size, Files.modified, Files.path FROM SchemaGuesses, TypeGuesses, Files, Types WHERE TypeGuesses.fid = SchemaGuesses.fid AND TypeGuesses.fid = Files.fid AND TypeGuesses.typeid = Types.typeid AND TypeGuesses.typeId = ?"; public TypeSummary getPrecachedTypeSummary(final long typeid) { return dbQueue.execute(new SQLiteJob<TypeSummary>() { protected TypeSummary job(SQLiteConnection db) throws SQLiteException { SQLiteStatement stmt = db.prepare(precachedTypeSummaryQuery); stmt.bind(1, typeid); TypeSummary ts = null; try { List<TypeGuessSummary> tgslist = null; while (stmt.step()) { int i = 0; long fid = stmt.columnLong(i++); String typelabel = stmt.columnString(i++); long schemaid = stmt.columnLong(i++); long crawlid = stmt.columnLong(i++); String fname = stmt.columnString(i++); String owner = stmt.columnString(i++); String groupowner = stmt.columnString(i++); String permissions = stmt.columnString(i++); long size = stmt.columnLong(i++); String modified = stmt.columnString(i++); String path = stmt.columnString(i++); if (ts == null) { ts = new TypeSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, typeid); ts.addCachedData(new TypeSummaryData(typeid, typelabel)); tgslist = new ArrayList<TypeGuessSummary>(); } TypeGuessSummary tg = new TypeGuessSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid, typeid, schemaid); FileSummary fs = new FileSummary(FSAnalyzer.this, fid); FileSummaryData fsd = new FileSummaryData(FSAnalyzer.this, true, fid, crawlid, fname, owner, groupowner, permissions, size, modified, path); fs.addCachedData(fsd); tg.addCachedData(fs); tgslist.add(tg); } ts.addCachedData(tgslist); } catch (SQLiteException sle) { sle.printStackTrace(); } finally { stmt.dispose(); } return ts; } }).complete(); } //////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize and close an instance of FSAnalyzer //////////////////////////////////////// SQLiteConnection db; SQLiteQueue dbQueue; FormatAnalyzer formatAnalyzer; /** * Inits (and optionally creates) a new <code>FSAnalyzer</code> instance. */ public FSAnalyzer(File metadataStore, File schemaDir) throws IOException, SQLiteException { boolean isNew = false; metadataStore = metadataStore.getCanonicalFile(); if (!metadataStore.exists()) { isNew = true; } this.dbQueue = new SQLiteQueue(metadataStore); this.dbQueue.start(); if (isNew) { createTables(); } this.formatAnalyzer = new FormatAnalyzer(schemaDir); FSAnalyzer.fsaInstance = this; } public void close() throws IOException, SQLiteException, InterruptedException { this.dbQueue.stop(true).join(); } }