Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Cloudera and Intel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ package; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS; import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel; import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating; import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import; import org.apache.spark.util.StatCounter; import org.dmg.pmml.PMML; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.reflect.ClassTag$; import com.cloudera.oryx.api.TopicProducer; import; import; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.collection.Pair; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.pmml.PMMLUtils; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.text.TextUtils; import com.cloudera.oryx.lambda.Functions; import; import; import; /** * A specialization of {@link MLUpdate} that creates a matrix factorization model of its * input, using the Alternating Least Squares algorithm. */ public final class ALSUpdate extends MLUpdate<String> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ALSUpdate.class); private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final HashFunction HASH = Hashing.md5(); private static final Pattern MOST_INTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(0|-?[1-9][0-9]{0,9})"); private final int iterations; private final boolean implicit; private final List<HyperParamValues<?>> hyperParamValues; private final boolean noKnownItems; private final double decayFactor; private final double decayZeroThreshold; public ALSUpdate(Config config) { super(config); iterations = config.getInt("oryx.als.iterations"); implicit = config.getBoolean("oryx.als.implicit"); Preconditions.checkArgument(iterations > 0); hyperParamValues = Arrays.asList(HyperParams.fromConfig(config, "oryx.als.hyperparams.features"), HyperParams.fromConfig(config, "oryx.als.hyperparams.lambda"), HyperParams.fromConfig(config, "oryx.als.hyperparams.alpha")); noKnownItems = config.getBoolean(""); decayFactor = config.getDouble("oryx.als.decay.factor"); decayZeroThreshold = config.getDouble(""); Preconditions.checkArgument(iterations > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(decayFactor > 0.0 && decayFactor <= 1.0); Preconditions.checkArgument(decayZeroThreshold >= 0.0); } @Override public List<HyperParamValues<?>> getHyperParameterValues() { return hyperParamValues; } @Override public PMML buildModel(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, JavaRDD<String> trainData, List<?> hyperParameters, Path candidatePath) { int features = (Integer) hyperParameters.get(0); double lambda = (Double) hyperParameters.get(1); double alpha = (Double) hyperParameters.get(2); Preconditions.checkArgument(features > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument(lambda >= 0.0); Preconditions.checkArgument(alpha > 0.0); JavaRDD<String[]> parsedRDD =; JavaRDD<Rating> trainRatingData = parsedToRatingRDD(parsedRDD); trainRatingData = aggregateScores(trainRatingData); MatrixFactorizationModel model; if (implicit) { model = ALS.trainImplicit(trainRatingData.rdd(), features, iterations, lambda, alpha); } else { model = ALS.train(trainRatingData.rdd(), features, iterations, lambda); } Map<Integer, String> reverseIDLookup = parsedRDD.flatMapToPair(new ToReverseLookupFn()) .reduceByKey(Functions.<String>last()).collectAsMap(); // Clone, due to some serialization problems with the result of collectAsMap? reverseIDLookup = new HashMap<>(reverseIDLookup); PMML pmml = mfModelToPMML(model, features, lambda, alpha, implicit, candidatePath, reverseIDLookup); unpersist(model); return pmml; } @Override public double evaluate(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, PMML model, Path modelParentPath, JavaRDD<String> testData, JavaRDD<String> trainData) { JavaRDD<Rating> testRatingData = parsedToRatingRDD(; testRatingData = aggregateScores(testRatingData); MatrixFactorizationModel mfModel = pmmlToMFModel(sparkContext, model, modelParentPath); double eval; if (implicit) { double auc = Evaluation.areaUnderCurve(sparkContext, mfModel, testRatingData);"AUC: {}", auc); eval = auc; } else { double rmse = Evaluation.rmse(mfModel, testRatingData);"RMSE: {}", rmse); eval = -rmse; } unpersist(mfModel); return eval; } /** * Manually unpersists the RDDs that are persisted inside a model. * * @param model model whose RDDs were persisted */ private static void unpersist(MatrixFactorizationModel model) { model.userFeatures().unpersist(false); model.productFeatures().unpersist(false); } @Override public boolean canPublishAdditionalModelData() { return true; } @Override public void publishAdditionalModelData(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, PMML pmml, JavaRDD<String> newData, JavaRDD<String> pastData, Path modelParentPath, TopicProducer<String, String> modelUpdateTopic) { JavaRDD<String[]> allData = (pastData == null ? newData : newData.union(pastData)) .map(MLFunctions.PARSE_FN);"Sending user / X data as model updates"); String xPathString = AppPMMLUtils.getExtensionValue(pmml, "X"); JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> userRDD = readFeaturesRDD(sparkContext, new Path(modelParentPath, xPathString)); String updateBroker = modelUpdateTopic.getUpdateBroker(); String topic = modelUpdateTopic.getTopic(); // Send item updates first, before users. That way, user-based endpoints like /recommend // may take longer to not return 404, but when they do, the result will be more complete."Sending item / Y data as model updates"); String yPathString = AppPMMLUtils.getExtensionValue(pmml, "Y"); JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> productRDD = readFeaturesRDD(sparkContext, new Path(modelParentPath, yPathString)); // For now, there is no use in sending known users for each item productRDD.foreachPartition(new EnqueueFeatureVecsFn("Y", updateBroker, topic)); if (noKnownItems) { userRDD.foreachPartition(new EnqueueFeatureVecsFn("X", updateBroker, topic)); } else {"Sending known item data with model updates"); JavaPairRDD<String, Collection<String>> knownItems = knownsRDD(allData, true); userRDD.join(knownItems) .foreachPartition(new EnqueueFeatureVecsAndKnownItemsFn("X", updateBroker, topic)); } } /** * Implementation which splits based solely on time. It will return approximately * the earliest {@link #getTestFraction()} of input, ordered by timestamp, as new training * data and the rest as test data. */ @Override protected Pair<JavaRDD<String>, JavaRDD<String>> splitNewDataToTrainTest(JavaRDD<String> newData) { // Rough approximation; assumes timestamps are fairly evenly distributed StatCounter maxMin = newData.mapToDouble(new DoubleFunction<String>() { @Override public double call(String line) throws Exception { return; } }).stats(); long minTime = (long) maxMin.min(); long maxTime = (long) maxMin.max();"New data timestamp range: {} - {}", minTime, maxTime); final long approxTestTrainBoundary = (long) (maxTime - getTestFraction() * (maxTime - minTime));"Splitting at timestamp {}", approxTestTrainBoundary); JavaRDD<String> newTrainData = newData.filter(new Function<String, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(String line) throws Exception { return < approxTestTrainBoundary; } }); JavaRDD<String> testData = newData.filter(new Function<String, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(String line) throws Exception { return >= approxTestTrainBoundary; } }); return new Pair<>(newTrainData, testData); } /** * @param parsedRDD parsed input as {@code String[]} * @return {@link Rating}s ordered by timestamp */ private JavaRDD<Rating> parsedToRatingRDD(JavaRDD<String[]> parsedRDD) { JavaPairRDD<Long, Rating> timestampRatingRDD = parsedRDD.mapToPair(new ParseRatingFn()); if (decayFactor < 1.0) { final double factor = decayFactor; final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); timestampRatingRDD = timestampRatingRDD .mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<Long, Rating>, Long, Rating>() { @Override public Tuple2<Long, Rating> call(Tuple2<Long, Rating> timestampRating) { long timestamp = timestampRating._1(); Rating rating = timestampRating._2(); double newRating; if (timestamp >= now) { newRating = rating.rating(); } else { double days = (now - timestamp) / 86400000.0; newRating = rating.rating() * Math.pow(factor, days); } return new Tuple2<>(timestamp, new Rating(rating.user(), rating.product(), newRating)); } }); } if (decayZeroThreshold > 0.0) { final double theThreshold = decayZeroThreshold; timestampRatingRDD = timestampRatingRDD.filter(new Function<Tuple2<Long, Rating>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(Tuple2<Long, Rating> timestampRating) { return timestampRating._2().rating() > theThreshold; } }); } return timestampRatingRDD.sortByKey().values(); } private static final class ToReverseLookupFn implements PairFlatMapFunction<String[], Integer, String> { @Override public Iterable<Tuple2<Integer, String>> call(String[] tokens) { List<Tuple2<Integer, String>> results = new ArrayList<>(2); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String s = tokens[i]; if (MOST_INTS_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()) { try { Integer.parseInt(s); continue; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // continue } } results.add(new Tuple2<>(hash(s), s)); } return results; } } /** * @param s string to hash * @return top 32 bits of MD5 hash of UTF-8 encoding of the string, * with 0 top bit (so result is nonnegative) */ private static int hash(String s) { return HASH.hashString(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).asInt() & 0x7FFFFFFF; } private static final class ParseRatingFn implements PairFunction<String[], Long, Rating> { @Override public Tuple2<Long, Rating> call(String[] tokens) { try { return new Tuple2<>(Long.valueOf(tokens[3]), new Rating(parseOrHashInt(tokens[0]), parseOrHashInt(tokens[1]), // Empty value means 'delete'; propagate as NaN tokens[2].isEmpty() ? Double.NaN : Double.parseDouble(tokens[2]))); } catch (NumberFormatException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.warn("Bad input: {}", Arrays.toString(tokens)); throw e; } } } /** * @param s value to parse or hash as an {@link Integer} * @return {@link Integer} value of argument if it parses as an {@link Integer}, or else * the hash according to {@link #hash(String)} */ private static int parseOrHashInt(String s) { // Optimization: matches all ints (and then some) and is cheaper than the frequent exceptions // generated by trying to parse everything if (MOST_INTS_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()) { // may or may not parseable as int try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // number a bit too large/small for an int, so hash anyway } } return hash(s); } /** * Combines {@link Rating}s with the same user/item into one, with score as the sum of * all of the scores. */ private JavaRDD<Rating> aggregateScores(JavaRDD<Rating> original) { JavaPairRDD<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Double> tuples = original.mapToPair(new RatingToTupleDouble()); JavaPairRDD<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Double> aggregated; if (implicit) { // TODO can we avoid groupByKey? reduce, combine, fold don't seem viable since // they don't guarantee the delete elements are properly handled aggregated = tuples.groupByKey().mapValues(MLFunctions.SUM_WITH_NAN); } else { // For non-implicit, last wins. aggregated = tuples.foldByKey(Double.NaN, Functions.<Double>last()); } return aggregated.filter(MLFunctions.<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>notNaNValue()) .map(new Function<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Double>, Rating>() { @Override public Rating call(Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Double> userProductScore) { Tuple2<Integer, Integer> userProduct = userProductScore._1(); return new Rating(userProduct._1(), userProduct._2(), userProductScore._2()); } }); } /** * There is no actual serialization of a massive factored matrix model into PMML. * Instead, we create an ad-hoc serialization where the model just contains pointers * to files that contain the matrix data, as Extensions. */ private static PMML mfModelToPMML(MatrixFactorizationModel model, int features, double lambda, double alpha, boolean implicit, Path candidatePath, Map<Integer, String> reverseIDMapping) { Function<double[], float[]> doubleArrayToFloats = new Function<double[], float[]>() { @Override public float[] call(double[] d) { float[] f = new float[d.length]; for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { f[i] = (float) d[i]; } return f; } }; JavaPairRDD<Integer, float[]> userFeaturesRDD = massageToIntKey(model.userFeatures()) .mapValues(doubleArrayToFloats); JavaPairRDD<Integer, float[]> itemFeaturesRDD = massageToIntKey(model.productFeatures()) .mapValues(doubleArrayToFloats); saveFeaturesRDD(userFeaturesRDD, new Path(candidatePath, "X"), reverseIDMapping); saveFeaturesRDD(itemFeaturesRDD, new Path(candidatePath, "Y"), reverseIDMapping); PMML pmml = PMMLUtils.buildSkeletonPMML(); AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "X", "X/"); AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "Y", "Y/"); AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "features", features); AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "lambda", lambda); AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "implicit", implicit); if (implicit) { AppPMMLUtils.addExtension(pmml, "alpha", alpha); } addIDsExtension(pmml, "XIDs", userFeaturesRDD, reverseIDMapping); addIDsExtension(pmml, "YIDs", itemFeaturesRDD, reverseIDMapping); return pmml; } private static <A, B> JavaPairRDD<Integer, B> massageToIntKey(RDD<Tuple2<A, B>> in) { // More horrible hacks to get around Scala-Java unfriendliness @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") JavaPairRDD<Integer, B> javaRDD = fromRDD((RDD<Tuple2<Integer, B>>) (RDD<?>) in); return javaRDD; } private static void addIDsExtension(PMML pmml, String key, JavaPairRDD<Integer, ?> features, Map<Integer, String> reverseIDMapping) { List<Integer> hashedIDs = features.keys().collect(); List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(hashedIDs.size()); for (Integer hashedID : hashedIDs) { String originalID = reverseIDMapping.get(hashedID); ids.add(originalID == null ? hashedID.toString() : originalID); } AppPMMLUtils.addExtensionContent(pmml, key, ids); } private static void saveFeaturesRDD(JavaPairRDD<Integer, float[]> features, Path path, final Map<Integer, String> reverseIDMapping) {"Saving features RDD to {}", path); Function<Tuple2<Integer, float[]>, String>() { @Override public String call(Tuple2<Integer, float[]> keyAndVector) { Integer id = keyAndVector._1(); String originalKey = reverseIDMapping.get(id); Object key = originalKey == null ? id : originalKey; float[] vector = keyAndVector._2(); return TextUtils.joinJSON(Arrays.asList(key, vector)); } }).saveAsTextFile(path.toString(), GzipCodec.class); } private static MatrixFactorizationModel pmmlToMFModel(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, PMML pmml, Path modelParentPath) { String xPathString = AppPMMLUtils.getExtensionValue(pmml, "X"); String yPathString = AppPMMLUtils.getExtensionValue(pmml, "Y"); JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> userRDD = readFeaturesRDD(sparkContext, new Path(modelParentPath, xPathString)); JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> productRDD = readFeaturesRDD(sparkContext, new Path(modelParentPath, yPathString)); int rank = userRDD.first()._2().length; return new MatrixFactorizationModel(rank, readAndConvertFeatureRDD(userRDD), readAndConvertFeatureRDD(productRDD)); } private static RDD<Tuple2<Object, double[]>> readAndConvertFeatureRDD(JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> javaRDD) { RDD<Tuple2<Integer, double[]>> scalaRDD = javaRDD .mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, float[]>, Integer, float[]>() { @Override public Tuple2<Integer, float[]> call(Tuple2<String, float[]> t) { return new Tuple2<>(parseOrHashInt(t._1()), t._2()); } }).mapValues(new Function<float[], double[]>() { @Override public double[] call(float[] f) { double[] d = new double[f.length]; for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { d[i] = f[i]; } return d; } }).rdd(); // This mimics the persistence level establish by ALS training methods scalaRDD.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RDD<Tuple2<Object, double[]>> objKeyRDD = (RDD<Tuple2<Object, double[]>>) (RDD<?>) scalaRDD; return objKeyRDD; } private static JavaPairRDD<String, float[]> readFeaturesRDD(JavaSparkContext sparkContext, Path path) {"Loading features RDD from {}", path); JavaRDD<String> featureLines = sparkContext.textFile(path.toString()); return featureLines.mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, float[]>() { @Override public Tuple2<String, float[]> call(String line) throws IOException { List<?> update = MAPPER.readValue(line, List.class); String key = update.get(0).toString(); float[] vector = MAPPER.convertValue(update.get(1), float[].class); return new Tuple2<>(key, vector); } }); } private static JavaPairRDD<String, Collection<String>> knownsRDD(JavaRDD<String[]> allData, final boolean knownItems) { JavaRDD<String[]> sorted = allData.sortBy(new Function<String[], Long>() { @Override public Long call(String[] datum) { return Long.valueOf(datum[3]); } }, true, allData.partitions().size()); JavaPairRDD<String, Tuple2<String, Boolean>> tuples = sorted .mapToPair(new PairFunction<String[], String, Tuple2<String, Boolean>>() { @Override public Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String, Boolean>> call(String[] datum) { String user = datum[0]; String item = datum[1]; Boolean delete = datum[2].isEmpty(); return knownItems ? new Tuple2<>(user, new Tuple2<>(item, delete)) : new Tuple2<>(item, new Tuple2<>(user, delete)); } }); // TODO likely need to figure out a way to avoid groupByKey but collectByKey // won't work here -- doesn't guarantee enough about ordering return tuples.groupByKey().mapValues(new Function<Iterable<Tuple2<String, Boolean>>, Collection<String>>() { @Override public Collection<String> call(Iterable<Tuple2<String, Boolean>> idDeletes) { Collection<String> ids = new HashSet<>(); for (Tuple2<String, Boolean> idDelete : idDeletes) { if (idDelete._2()) { ids.remove(idDelete._1()); } else { ids.add(idDelete._1()); } } return ids; } }); } private static <K, V> JavaPairRDD<K, V> fromRDD(RDD<Tuple2<K, V>> rdd) { return JavaPairRDD.fromRDD(rdd, ClassTag$.MODULE$.<K>apply(Object.class), ClassTag$.MODULE$.<V>apply(Object.class)); } }