Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cloudera.knittingboar.sgd; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseMatrix; import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import com.cloudera.knittingboar.records.RecordFactory; import com.cloudera.knittingboar.sgd.iterativereduce.POLRWorkerNode; import; import; import; /** * testing basic mechanics of the worker nodes in POLR * * * * @author jpatterson * */ public class TestPOLRWorkerNode extends TestCase { private static JobConf defaultConf = new JobConf(); private static FileSystem localFs = null; static { try { defaultConf.set("fs.defaultFS", "file:///"); localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("init failure", e); } } private static int feature_vector_size = 10; private static Path workDir = new Path("src/test/resources/donut_no_header.csv"); /* private static Path workDir20NewsLocal = new Path(new Path("/tmp"), "Dataset20Newsgroups"); private static File unzipDir = new File( workDir20NewsLocal + "/20news-bydate"); private static String strKBoarTestDirInput = "" + unzipDir.toString() + "/KBoar-test/"; */ public Configuration generateDebugConfigurationObject() { Configuration c = new Configuration(); // feature vector size c.setInt("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.FeatureVectorSize", 10); c.setInt("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.numCategories", 2); c.set("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.RecordFactoryClassname", RecordFactory.CSV_RECORDFACTORY); // local input split path // c.set( "com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.LocalInputSplitPath", "hdfs://" ); // predictor label names c.set("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.PredictorLabelNames", "x,y"); // predictor var types c.set("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.PredictorVariableTypes", "numeric,numeric"); // target variables c.set("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.TargetVariableName", "color"); // column header names c.set("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.ColumnHeaderNames", "x,y,shape,color,k,k0,xx,xy,yy,a,b,c,bias"); //c.set( "com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.ColumnHeaderNames", "\"x\",\"y\",\"shape\",\"color\",\"k\",\"k0\",\"xx\",\"xy\",\"yy\",\"a\",\"b\",\"c\",\"bias\"\n" ); return c; } public InputSplit[] generateDebugSplits(Path input_path, JobConf job) { long block_size = localFs.getDefaultBlockSize(); System.out.println("default block size: " + (block_size / 1024 / 1024) + "MB"); // ---- set where we'll read the input files from ------------- FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, input_path); // try splitting the file in a variety of sizes TextInputFormat format = new TextInputFormat(); format.configure(job); int numSplits = 1; InputSplit[] splits = null; try { splits = format.getSplits(job, numSplits); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return splits; } public void testConfiguration() { POLRWorkerNode worker = new POLRWorkerNode(); // ------------------ // generate the debug conf ---- normally setup by YARN stuff worker.setup(this.generateDebugConfigurationObject()); // now load the conf stuff into locally used vars // test the base conf stuff ------------ assertEquals(worker.getConf().getInt("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.FeatureVectorSize", 0), 10); // assertEquals( worker.getConf().get("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.LocalInputSplitPath"), "hdfs://" ); assertEquals(worker.getConf().get("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.PredictorLabelNames"), "x,y"); assertEquals(worker.getConf().get("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.PredictorVariableTypes"), "numeric,numeric"); assertEquals(worker.getConf().get("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.TargetVariableName"), "color"); assertEquals(worker.getConf().get("com.cloudera.knittingboar.setup.ColumnHeaderNames"), "x,y,shape,color,k,k0,xx,xy,yy,a,b,c,bias"); // now test the parsed stuff ------------ //worker.csvVectorFactory } /** * [ ******* Rebuilding this currently ******* ] * * Tests replacing the beta, presumably from the master, after we've run POLR a bit * @throws Exception */ public void testReplaceBetaMechanics() throws Exception { System.out.println("\n------ testReplaceBetaMechanics --------- "); // ---- this all needs to be done in JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf); InputSplit[] splits = generateDebugSplits(workDir, job); System.out.println("split count: " + splits.length); POLRWorkerNode worker_model_builder = new POLRWorkerNode(); // ------------------ // generate the debug conf ---- normally setup by YARN stuff worker_model_builder.setup(this.generateDebugConfigurationObject()); System.out.println("split: " + splits[0].toString()); TextRecordParser txt_reader = new TextRecordParser(); long len = Integer.parseInt(splits[0].toString().split(":")[2].split("\\+")[1]); txt_reader.setFile(splits[0].toString().split(":")[1], 0, len); worker_model_builder.setRecordParser(txt_reader); // worker_model_builder.RunNextTrainingBatch(); worker_model_builder.compute(); // worker_model_builder.polr.Set // ------------------- now replace beta ------------ double val1 = -1.0; // GradientBuffer g0 = new GradientBuffer( 2, worker_model_builder.FeatureVectorSize ); Matrix m = new DenseMatrix(2, feature_vector_size); for (int x = 0; x < feature_vector_size; x++) { m.set(0, x, val1); } worker_model_builder.polr.SetBeta(m); for (int x = 0; x < feature_vector_size; x++) { assertEquals(worker_model_builder.polr.noReallyGetBeta().get(0, x), val1); } System.out.println("--------------------------------\n"); } // ---------- older tests ------------- public static BufferedReader open(String inputFile) throws IOException { InputStream in; try { in = Resources.getResource(inputFile).openStream(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { in = new FileInputStream(new File(inputFile)); } return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, Charsets.UTF_8)); } /** * [ ******* Rebuilding this currently ******* ] * @throws Exception */ public void testPOLROnFullDatasetRun() throws Exception { POLRWorkerNode worker_model_builder = new POLRWorkerNode(); // generate the debug conf ---- normally setup by YARN stuff worker_model_builder.setup(this.generateDebugConfigurationObject()); // ---- this all needs to be done in JobConf job = new JobConf(defaultConf); InputSplit[] splits = generateDebugSplits(workDir, job); // InputRecordsSplit custom_reader = new InputRecordsSplit(job, splits[0]); // TODO: set this up to run through the conf pathways // worker_model_builder.setupInputSplit(custom_reader); /* worker_model_builder.LoadConfigVarsLocally(); worker_model_builder.Setup(); */ TextRecordParser txt_reader = new TextRecordParser(); long len = Integer.parseInt(splits[0].toString().split(":")[2].split("\\+")[1]); txt_reader.setFile(splits[0].toString().split(":")[1], 0, len); worker_model_builder.setRecordParser(txt_reader); //for ( int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { worker_model_builder.compute(); //System.out.println( "---------- cycle " + x + " done ------------- " ); //} // for // ------ move this loop into the POLR Worker Driver -------- // worker_model_builder.PrintModelStats(); assertEquals(1.0e-4, worker_model_builder.polr_modelparams.getLambda(), 1.0e-9); assertEquals(10, worker_model_builder.polr_modelparams.getNumFeatures()); assertTrue(worker_model_builder.polr_modelparams.useBias()); assertEquals("color", worker_model_builder.polr_modelparams.getTargetVariable()); System.out.println("done!"); assertNotNull(0); } }