Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cloudera.flume.master; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.Context; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.FlumeBuilder; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.FlumeConfigData; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.FlumeConfiguration; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.FlumeSpecException; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.FlumeSpecGen; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.LogicalNodeContext; import com.cloudera.flume.reporter.ReportEvent; import com.cloudera.flume.reporter.ReportUtil; import com.cloudera.flume.reporter.Reportable; import; import; import; import; /** * This maintains the global configuration state of the flume nodes. */ public class ConfigManager implements ConfigurationManager { static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigManager.class); ConfigStore cfgStore; Map<String, String> logicalToPhysical = new HashMap<String, String>(); public ConfigManager(ConfigStore store) { cfgStore = store; } /** * Used for testing - defaults to a MemoryBackedConfigStore */ public ConfigManager() { cfgStore = new MemoryBackedConfigStore(); } synchronized public FlumeConfigData getConfig(String host) { return cfgStore.getConfig(host); } @Override public String getName() { return "configuration manager"; } /** * This sets a specified configuration. Only valid source and sinks are * allowed. An exception is thrown if any piece is unparsable, or fails to * instantiate. */ synchronized public void setConfig(String logicalNode, String flowid, String source, String sink) throws IOException { try { // make sure the sink specified is parsable and instantiable. // TODO the first arg should be physical node name Context ctx = new LogicalNodeContext(logicalNode, logicalNode); FlumeBuilder.buildSink(ctx, sink); FlumeBuilder.buildSource(ctx, source); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to write an invalid sink/source: " + e.getMessage(), e); } cfgStore.setConfig(logicalNode, flowid, source, sink); } /** * Sets many configurations in one operation. The change should be atomic. All * changes go in or none of them go in (and exception thrown). */ synchronized public void setBulkConfig(Map<String, FlumeConfigData> configs) throws IOException { cfgStore.bulkSetConfig(configs); } /** * Returns a copy of the map of all configurations */ synchronized public Map<String, FlumeConfigData> getAllConfigs() { return new HashMap<String, FlumeConfigData>(cfgStore.getConfigs()); } /** * Returns a copy of the translations of all configurations */ synchronized public Map<String, FlumeConfigData> getTranslatedConfigs() { // translated and non translated are the same on the StoreConfigManager return new HashMap<String, FlumeConfigData>(cfgStore.getConfigs()); } /** * internal method to dump flume config data. */ static void appendHtmlFlumeConfigData(StringBuilder html, String name, FlumeConfigData fcd) { html.append("\n<tr>"); html.append("<td>" + name + "</td>"); FlumeConfigData cfg = fcd; html.append("<td>" + new Date(cfg.timestamp) + "</td>"); html.append("<td>" + cfg.flowID + "</td>"); html.append("<td>" + cfg.sourceConfig + "</td>"); html.append("<td>" + cfg.sinkConfig + "</td>"); html.append("</tr>\n"); } /** * internal method to dump logical physical mapping. */ static void appendHtmlPhysicalLogicalMapping(StringBuilder html, String physical, Collection<String> logicals) { html.append("\n<tr>"); html.append("<td>" + physical + "</td>"); Collection<String> lns = logicals; html.append("<td>" + StringUtils.join(lns, ',') + "</td>"); html.append("</tr>\n"); } /** * Creates two tables for display in the primitive webapp. * * TODO convert to a generic report */ @Override synchronized public ReportEvent getMetrics() { StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.append("<h2>Node configuration</h2>\n<table border=\"1\"><tr>" + "<th>Node</th><th>Version</th><th>Flow ID</th><th>Source</th>" + "<th>Sink</th></tr>"); Map<String, FlumeConfigData> cfgs = new TreeMap<String, FlumeConfigData>(cfgStore.getConfigs()); synchronized (cfgs) { for (Entry<String, FlumeConfigData> e : cfgs.entrySet()) { appendHtmlFlumeConfigData(html, e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } html.append("</table>\n\n"); // a table that has a mapping from physical nodes to logical nodes. html.append("<h2>Physical/Logical Node mapping</h2>\n<table border=\"1\">" + "<tr><th>physical node</th><th>logical node</th></tr>"); Multimap<String, String> nodes = cfgStore.getLogicalNodeMap(); synchronized (nodes) { for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> e : nodes.asMap().entrySet()) { appendHtmlPhysicalLogicalMapping(html, e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } html.append("</table>\n\n"); return ReportEvent.createLegacyHtmlReport("configs", html.toString()); } @Override public Map<String, Reportable> getSubMetrics() { return ReportUtil.noChildren(); } /** * Loads configuration from a file. Synchronized to prevent races on * file/buffer allocate that could happen if saveConfig run concurrently. */ synchronized public void loadConfigFile(String from) throws IOException { File f = new File(from);"Loading configuration from: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); FileInputStream r = null; try { r = new FileInputStream(f); long len = f.length(); Preconditions.checkArgument(len <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); byte[] buf = new byte[(int) len];; String fullspec = new String(buf); List<FlumeNodeSpec> cfgs = FlumeSpecGen.generate(fullspec); for (FlumeNodeSpec spec : cfgs) { setConfig(spec.node, FlumeConfiguration.get().getDefaultFlowName(), spec.src, spec.sink); } } catch (FlumeSpecException e) { LOG.debug("Invalid Flume specification", e); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (r != null) { r.close(); } } } /** * Saves all node configs to a file called s. * * synchronized to prevent race if multiple saveConfigs run concurrently. Does * not protect potential race caused by external concurrent FS modifications. */ synchronized public void saveConfigFile(String s) throws IOException { File targ = new File(s); // final destination"Saving configuration to: " + targ.getAbsolutePath()); File targ2 = new File(s + "~"); // backup file // write here before move/overwrite. File tmp = File.createTempFile("current-", ".flume", targ.getParentFile()); // This function follows file name, not the file. (e.g. the tmp name will be // deleted on exit, the renamed will remain.). tmp.deleteOnExit(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(tmp)); // writh all specs to tmp. Map<String, FlumeConfigData> cfgs = cfgStore.getConfigs(); for (Entry<String, FlumeConfigData> e : cfgs.entrySet()) { String name = e.getKey(); String snk = e.getValue().getSinkConfig(); String src = e.getValue().getSourceConfig(); out.println(FlumeBuilder.toLine(name, src, snk)); } out.close(); // remove old backup, move previous to backup, and write new copy to // current. if (!targ2.delete()) { // targ2 may not exist, so only warn here LOG.warn("Unable to delete config backup file: " + targ2); } if (targ.exists()) { // there can be a race here.. // TODO (jon) Java 7 has atomic move functions, move to this once it is // adopted. // move old file to ~ if (!targ.renameTo(targ2)) { LOG.warn("Unable to make backup of config file: " + targ + " to " + targ2); } } if (!tmp.renameTo(targ)) { throw new IOException("Unable to rename " + tmp + " to " + targ); } } @Override synchronized public List<String> getLogicalNode(String physNode) { return cfgStore.getLogicalNodes(physNode); } /** * @inheritDoc */ @Override synchronized public Map<String, Integer> getChokeMap(String physNode) { return cfgStore.getChokeMap(physNode); } @Override synchronized public boolean addLogicalNode(String physNode, String logicNode) { if (!logicalToPhysical.containsKey(logicNode)) { cfgStore.addLogicalNode(physNode, logicNode); logicalToPhysical.put(logicNode, physNode); return true; } else { LOG.warn("Logical node " + logicNode + " is already assigned to physical node " + logicalToPhysical.get(logicNode) + ". Unmap it first."); return false; } } /** * Removes a logical node from the logical to physical node mapping. This * should eventually cause a node to decommission the node. */ @Override synchronized public void unmapLogicalNode(String physNode, String logicNode) { if (physNode.equals(logicNode)) { LOG.warn("Not allowed to unmap primary logical node from physical node"); return; // just return here. } cfgStore.unmapLogicalNode(physNode, logicNode); logicalToPhysical.remove(logicNode); } @Override synchronized public String getPhysicalNode(String logicalNode) { return logicalToPhysical.get(logicalNode); } /** * This reads a configuration and the sets it again. This updates the version * stamp and forces nodes to update their configurations. */ @Override synchronized public void refresh(String logicalNode) throws IOException { FlumeConfigData fcd = cfgStore.getConfig(logicalNode); if (fcd == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to refresh logicalNode " + logicalNode + ". It doesn't exist!"); } cfgStore.setConfig(logicalNode, fcd.getFlowID(), fcd.getSourceConfig(), fcd.getSinkConfig()); } /** * This reads all configuration and the sets all of them again via a bulk * update. This updates the version stamp and forces nodes to update their * configurations. */ @Override synchronized public void refreshAll() throws IOException { Map<String, FlumeConfigData> cfgs = new HashMap<String, FlumeConfigData>(); for (Entry<String, FlumeConfigData> ent : getAllConfigs().entrySet()) { cfgs.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } setBulkConfig(cfgs); } /** * This removes the logical node data flow configuration from both the flow * table and the phys-logical mapping */ @Override synchronized public void removeLogicalNode(String logicNode) throws IOException { cfgStore.removeLogicalNode(logicNode); String physical = getPhysicalNode(logicNode); if (physical != null) { // could be possible if node is unmapped and then later removed cfgStore.unmapLogicalNode(physical, logicNode); logicalToPhysical.remove(logicNode); } } @Override synchronized public void start() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cfgStore, "Trying to stop null cfgStore"); try { try { cfgStore.init(); reloadLogicalToPhysical(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // InterruptedException can be ignored in certain cases LOG.warn("ConfigStore was interrupted on startup, this may be ok", e); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("ConfigStore init threw IOException", e); throw e; } } @Override synchronized public void stop() throws IOException { if (cfgStore == null) { LOG.warn("Trying to shutdown null cfgStore"); return; } cfgStore.shutdown(); } /** * Unmaps all logical nodes from phsyical nodes except for the default one. * (logical==physical) */ @Override synchronized public void unmapAllLogicalNodes() throws IOException { cfgStore.unmapAllLogicalNodes(); logicalToPhysical.clear(); refreshAll(); } @Override public void updateAll() throws IOException { // do nothing. } @Override public String toString() { return getAllConfigs().toString(); } /** * Returns a copy of the logical node map. */ @Override synchronized public Multimap<String, String> getLogicalNodeMap() { ListMultimap<String, String> map = ArrayListMultimap.<String, String>create(cfgStore.getLogicalNodeMap()); return map; } synchronized void reloadLogicalToPhysical() { Multimap<String, String> p2n = getLogicalNodeMap(); logicalToPhysical.clear(); for (Entry<String, String> e : p2n.entries()) { if (logicalToPhysical.containsKey(e.getValue())) { LOG.warn("logical node mapped to two physical nodes!"); } logicalToPhysical.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override synchronized public void addChokeLimit(String physNode, String chokeID, int limit) { cfgStore.addChokeLimit(physNode, chokeID, limit); } }