Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cloudera.flume.conf; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.cloudera.util.Pair; import; /** * This is the configuration file for flume. It uses hadoop's xml schema for * properties. The default configuration is in $FLUME_HOME/flume-conf.xml and is * a singleton. * * NOTE: The logging system gets configuration information from this file and * thus depends on this being initialized. So no logging events are allowed when * this is being initialized. If logger is used, an infinite recursion happens * and causes a stack overflow. */ public class FlumeConfiguration extends Configuration { protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlumeConfiguration.class); private static FlumeConfiguration singleton; /** * Returns the 'FLUME_HOME' location. Taken in order of precedence: * * - Java system property 'flume.home' * * - $FLUME_HOME in the environment. * * - null if neither of these are set. */ public static String getFlumeHome() { String flumeHome = System.getProperty("flume.home"); if (null == flumeHome) { flumeHome = System.getenv("FLUME_HOME"); } if (null == flumeHome) { LOG.warn("-Dflume.home and $FLUME_HOME both unset"); } return flumeHome; } /** * Returns the 'FLUME_CONF_DIR' location. Taken in order of precedence: * * - Java system property 'flume.conf.dir' * * - $FLUME_CONF_DIR in the environment * * - getFlumeHome()/conf * * - ./conf */ public static String getFlumeConfDir() { String flumeConfDir = System.getProperty("flume.conf.dir"); if (null == flumeConfDir) { flumeConfDir = System.getenv("FLUME_CONF_DIR"); } if (null == flumeConfDir) { String flumeHome = getFlumeHome(); if (null != flumeHome) { flumeConfDir = new File(flumeHome, "conf").toString(); } else { flumeConfDir = "./conf"; } } return flumeConfDir; } public synchronized static FlumeConfiguration get() { if (singleton == null) singleton = new FlumeConfiguration(); return singleton; } protected FlumeConfiguration() { this(true); } /** * Resets the singleton configuration to empty and returns it. Should be used * for testing only - this is used to isolate different test configurations. */ public synchronized static FlumeConfiguration createTestableConfiguration() { singleton = new FlumeConfiguration(false); return get(); } protected FlumeConfiguration(boolean loadDefaults) { super(); if (loadDefaults) { Path conf = new Path(getFlumeConfDir());"Loading configurations from " + conf); super.addResource(new Path(conf, "flume-conf.xml")); super.addResource(new Path(conf, "flume-site.xml")); } } // Default values static public final int DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PORT = 35872; static public final int DEFAULT_GOSSIP_PORT = 57890; static public final int DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT = 35873; static public final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 35871; static public final int DEFAULT_REPORT_SERVER_PORT = 45678; public static final int DEFAULT_ZK_CLIENT_PORT = 3181; public static final int DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_QUORUM_PORT = 3182; public static final int DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_ELECTION_PORT = 3183; // Default sink / source variables static public final int DEFAULT_SCRIBE_SOURCE_PORT = 1463; // Watch dog parameters public final static String WATCHDOG_MAX_RESTARTS = "watchdog.restarts.max"; // Agent parameters public final static String AGENT_LOG_DIR_NEW = "flume.agent.logdir"; public final static String AGENT_LOG_MAX_AGE = "flume.agent.logdir.maxage"; public static final String AGENT_LOG_ACKED_RETRANSMIT_AGE = "flume.agent.logdir.retransmit"; public final static String NODE_STATUS_PORT = "flume.node.status.port"; public static final String AGENT_FAILOVER_INITIAL_BACKOFF = "flume.agent.failover.backoff.initial"; public static final String AGENT_FAILOVER_MAX_BACKOFF = "flume.agent.failover.backoff.max"; public static final String AGENT_FAILOVER_MAX_CUMULATIVE_BACKOFF = "flume.agent.failover.backoff.cumulativemax"; public static final String AGENT_HEARTBEAT_BACKOFF = "flume.agent.heartbeat.backoff"; public static final String AGENT_MEMTHRESHOLD = "flume.agent.mem.threshold"; public static final String AGENT_MULTIMASTER_MAXRETRIES = "flume.agent.multimaster.maxretries"; public static final String AGENT_MULTIMASTER_RETRYBACKOFF = "flume.agent.multimaster.retrybackoff"; public static final String WAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER = "flume.node.wal.output.buffered"; // Flow options public static final String DEFAULT_FLOW_NAME = ""; // Sink/source default options public static final String POLLER_QUEUESIZE = "flume.poller.queuesize"; public static final String THRIFT_QUEUESIZE = "flume.thrift.queuesize"; public static final String THRIFT_CLOSE_MAX_SLEEP = "flume.thrift.close.maxsleep"; public static final String THRIFT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS = ""; public static final String INSISTENTOPEN_INIT_BACKOFF = "flume.inisistentOpen.init.backoff"; public static final String HISTORY_DEFAULTPERIOD = "flume.countHistory.period"; public static final String HISTORY_MAXLENGTH = "flume.history.maxlength"; public static final String TAIL_POLLPERIOD = "flume.tail.pollperiod"; public static final String EVENT_RPC_TYPE = "flume.event.rpc"; // Collector parameters public final static String COLLECTOR_EVENT_HOST = ""; public final static String COLLECTOR_EVENT_PORT = "flume.collector.event.port"; public static final String COLLECTOR_DFS_DIR = "flume.collector.dfs.dir"; public static final String COLLECTOR_ROLL_MILLIS = "flume.collector.roll.millis"; public static final String COLLECTOR_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "flume.collector.output.format"; public static final String COLLECTOR_DFS_COMPRESS_CODEC = "flume.collector.dfs.compress.codec"; // TODO(henry) move these to flume.master - they now tell the master which // interface / port to start up on public static final String MASTER_HTTP_PORT = "flume.master.http.port"; public static final String MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PORT = "flume.master.heartbeat.port"; public static final String MASTER_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS = "flume.master.heartbeat.servers"; public static final String MASTER_HEARBEAT_RPC = "flume.master.heartbeat.rpc"; public static final String CONFIG_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = "flume.config.heartbeat.period"; public static final String MASTER_HEARTBEAT_MAX_MISSED = "flume.config.heartbeat.missed.max"; public static final String NODE_HEARTBEAT_BACKOFF_LIMIT = "flume.node.heartbeat.backoff.ceiling"; public static final String NODE_HTTP_AUTOFINDPORT = "flume.node.http.autofindport"; public static final String NODE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = "flume.node.close.timeout"; public static final String CONFIG_ADMIN_PORT = "flume.config.admin.port"; public static final String REPORT_SERVER_PORT = ""; public static final String REPORT_SERVER_RPC_TYPE = ""; public static final String MASTER_SAVEFILE = "flume.master.savefile"; public static final String MASTER_SAVEFILE_AUTOLOAD = "flume.master.savefile.autoload"; // reporter parameters public static final String REPORTER_POLLER_PERIOD = "flume.reporter.poller.period"; // security parameters public static final String SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL = ""; public static final String SECURITY_KERBEROS_KEYTAB = ""; public static final String FLURKER_ENCODING = "flume.irc.encoding"; public static final String TWITTER_STREAM_URL = "flume.twitter.url"; public static final String TWITTER_USER = "flume.twitter.username"; public static final String TWITTER_PW = "flume.twitter.password"; public static final String SCRIBE_SOURCE_PORT = "flume.scribe.source.port"; public static final String WEBAPPS_PATH = "flume.webapps.path"; // 80% of the time, this is all you need to set public static final String MASTER_SERVERS = "flume.master.servers"; public static final String MASTER_STORE = ""; public static final String MASTER_SERVER_ID = "flume.master.serverid"; // List of masters and their gossip ports - used to override MASTER_SERVERS // where necessary public static final String MASTER_GOSSIP_SERVERS = "flume.master.gossip.servers"; public static final String MASTER_GOSSIP_PERIOD_MS = "flume.master.gossip.period"; public static final String MASTER_GOSSIP_MAXAGE_MS = "flume.master.gossip.maxage"; public static final String MASTER_GOSSIP_PORT = "flume.master.gossip.port"; // ZooKeeper bits and pieces public static final String MASTER_ZK_LOGDIR = "flume.master.zk.logdir"; public static final String MASTER_ZK_CLIENT_PORT = "flume.master.zk.client.port"; public static final String MASTER_ZK_SERVER_QUORUM_PORT = "flume.master.zk.server.quorum.port"; public static final String MASTER_ZK_SERVER_ELECTION_PORT = "flume.master.zk.server.election.port"; public static final String MASTER_ZK_SERVERS = "flume.master.zk.servers"; public static final String MASTER_ZK_USE_EXTERNAL = "flume.master.zk.use.external"; // These are configuration variables that are passed straight to ZK // 99% of installations shouldn't need most of them public static final String ZK_TICK_TIME = "flume.zk.ticktime"; public static final String ZK_INIT_LIMIT = "flume.zk.initlimit"; public static final String ZK_SYNC_LIMIT = "flume.zk.synclimit"; public static final String EVENT_MAX_SIZE = "flume.event.max.size.bytes"; public static final String GANGLIA_SERVERS = "flume.ganglia.servers"; public static final String HIVE_HOST = ""; public static final String HIVE_PORT = "flume.hive.port"; public static final String HIVE_USER = "flume.hive.user"; public static final String HIVE_PW = "flume.hive.userpw"; public static final String PLUGIN_CLASSES = "flume.plugin.classes"; public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_PLUGIN_CLASSES = "flume.plugin.outputformat.classes"; // Options for RPC type public static final String RPC_TYPE_THRIFT = "THRIFT"; public static final String RPC_TYPE_AVRO = "AVRO"; // Web app options public static final String WEBAPP_ROOT_NODE = "flume.node.webapp.root"; public static final String WEBAPP_ROOT_MASTER = "flume.master.webapp.root"; /** * Returns true if there is more than one server in MASTER_SERVERS. */ public boolean getMasterIsDistributed() { return getMasterServers().split(",").length > 1; } /** * Returns the kind of store that the master should use. Using "memory" in * conjunction with a distributed setting is an error and the client should * pick up on that. */ public String getMasterStore() { return get(MASTER_STORE, "zookeeper"); } /** * Get a list in host:clientport:serverport format of servers to connect to * for ZK. If MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set, return that. Otherwise, return the * servers from MASTER_SERVERS with MASTER_ZK_CLIENT_PORT and * MASTER_ZK_SERVER_PORT as default values. */ public String getMasterZKServers() { String servers = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVERS, null); if (servers != null) { return servers; } String[] hosts = getMasterServers().split(","); int clientport = getMasterZKClientPort(); int quorumport = getMasterZKServerQuorumPort(); int electionport = getMasterZKServerElectionPort(); List<String> l = Arrays.asList(hosts); Iterator<String> iter = l.iterator(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append( + ":" + clientport + ":" + quorumport + ":" + electionport); if (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append(','); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Returns the string that a client should use when connecting to ZooKeeper. * List of hostname:clientport comma-separated pairs. If no servers * configured, will be empty. */ public String getMasterZKConnectString() { String servers = getMasterZKServers(); String[] hosts = servers.split(","); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; ++i) { hosts[i] = hosts[i].trim(); String[] parts = hosts[i].split(":"); builder.append(parts[0] + ":" + parts[1]); if (i < hosts.length - 1) { builder.append(","); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * The client port that the in-process ZK starts on. * * If it is set, return that. * * If MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set, then we return the clientport in that string * corresponding to our serverid. * * Otherwise return DEFAULT_ZK_CLIENT_PORT. * */ public int getMasterZKClientPort() { String clientport = get(MASTER_ZK_CLIENT_PORT, null); if (clientport != null) { return Integer.parseInt(clientport); } // clientport is not set, try and guess from MASTER_ZK_SERVERS if it's set // We can't call getMasterZKServers because that might call into this method // itself... String servers = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVERS, null); if (servers == null) { return DEFAULT_ZK_CLIENT_PORT; } // MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set - split it and guess at our client port List<String> serverList = Arrays.asList(servers.split(",")); int serverid = getMasterServerId(); Preconditions.checkState(serverid < serverList.size(), "Serverid is out of range: " + serverid); String[] server = serverList.get(serverid).split(":"); Preconditions.checkState(server.length == 4, "Server spec " + serverList.get(serverid) + " is ill-formed"); return Integer.parseInt(server[1].trim()); } /** * The server quorum port that the in-process ZK starts on. * * If it is set, return that. * * If MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set, then we return the quorumport in that string * corresponding to our serverid. * * Otherwise return DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_QUORUM_PORT, the default. * */ public int getMasterZKServerQuorumPort() { String quorumport = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVER_QUORUM_PORT, null); if (quorumport != null) { return Integer.parseInt(quorumport); } // quorumport is not set, try and guess from MASTER_ZK_SERVERS if it's set // We can't call getMasterZKServers because that might call into this method // itself... String servers = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVERS, null); if (servers == null) { return DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_QUORUM_PORT; } // MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set - split it and guess at our server port List<String> serverList = Arrays.asList(servers.split(",")); int serverid = getMasterServerId(); Preconditions.checkState(serverid < serverList.size(), "Serverid is out of range: " + serverid); String[] server = serverList.get(serverid).split(":"); Preconditions.checkState(server.length == 4, "Server spec " + serverList.get(serverid) + " is ill-formed"); return Integer.parseInt(server[2].trim()); } /** * The server election port that the in-process ZK starts on. * * If it is set, return that. * * If MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set, then we return the electionport in that string * corresponding to our serverid. * * Otherwise return DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_ELECTION_PORT, the default. * */ public int getMasterZKServerElectionPort() { String electionport = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVER_ELECTION_PORT, null); if (electionport != null) { return Integer.parseInt(electionport); } // electionport is not set, try and guess from MASTER_ZK_SERVERS if it's set // We can't call getMasterZKServers because that might call into this method // itself... String servers = get(MASTER_ZK_SERVERS, null); if (servers == null) { return DEFAULT_ZK_SERVER_ELECTION_PORT; } // MASTER_ZK_SERVERS is set - split it and guess at our server port List<String> serverList = Arrays.asList(servers.split(",")); int serverid = getMasterServerId(); Preconditions.checkState(serverid < serverList.size(), "Serverid is out of range: " + serverid); String[] server = serverList.get(serverid).split(":"); Preconditions.checkState(server.length == 4, "Server spec " + serverList.get(serverid) + " is ill-formed"); return Integer.parseInt(server[3].trim()); } public boolean getMasterZKUseExternal() { return getBoolean(MASTER_ZK_USE_EXTERNAL, false); } /** * Where should ZK server store its persistent logs? (Shouldn't be in tmp!) */ public String getMasterZKLogDir() { return get(MASTER_ZK_LOGDIR, "/tmp/flume-${}/master/zk"); } /** * The amount of time, in ms, that a 'tick' takes in ZK. */ public int getMasterZKTickTime() { return getInt(ZK_TICK_TIME, 2000); } /** * Amount of time, in ticks, to allow followers to connect and sync to a * leader. * * @return */ public int getMasterZKInitLimit() { return getInt(ZK_INIT_LIMIT, 10); } /** * Amount of time, in ticks, that ZK followers can take to sync up with the * leader. */ public int getMasterZKSyncLimit() { return getInt(ZK_SYNC_LIMIT, 5); } /** * For distributed ZK, we need to know which server we are. */ public int getMasterServerId() { return getInt(MASTER_SERVER_ID, 0); } public String getAgentLogsDir() { return get(AGENT_LOG_DIR_NEW, "/tmp/flume-${}/agent"); } public long getAgentLogMaxAge() { return getLong(AGENT_LOG_MAX_AGE, 10000); } /** * Maximum number of application restarts per minute */ public int getMaxRestartsPerMin() { return getInt(WATCHDOG_MAX_RESTARTS, 5); } public int getNodeStatusPort() { return getInt(NODE_STATUS_PORT, 35862); } public long getAgentAckedRetransmit() { return getLong(AGENT_LOG_ACKED_RETRANSMIT_AGE, 60000); } /** * Heap memory usage threshold (between 0.0 and 1.0) after a forced gc. */ public float getAgentMemoryThreshold() { return getFloat(AGENT_MEMTHRESHOLD, 0.95F); } /** * Maximum number of times to retry connecting to all masters. */ public int getAgentMultimasterMaxRetries() { return getInt(AGENT_MULTIMASTER_MAXRETRIES, 12); } /** * Amount of time to backoff before attempting to re-contact a master when all * fail. */ public int getAgentMultimasterRetryBackoff() { return getInt(AGENT_MULTIMASTER_RETRYBACKOFF, 5000); } public long getFailoverInitialBackoff() { return getLong(AGENT_FAILOVER_INITIAL_BACKOFF, 1000); } public long getFailoverMaxSingleBackoff() { return getLong(AGENT_FAILOVER_MAX_BACKOFF, 60000); } public long getFailoverMaxCumulativeBackoff() { return getLong(AGENT_FAILOVER_MAX_CUMULATIVE_BACKOFF, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Max queue size for a poller source. */ public int getPollerQueueSize() { return getInt(POLLER_QUEUESIZE, 100); } /** * Max queue size for a poller source. */ public int getThriftQueueSize() { return getInt(THRIFT_QUEUESIZE, 1000); } public int getThriftSocketTimeoutMs() { return getInt(THRIFT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS, 10000); } /** * Initial backoff in mills after a failed open attempt in an insistentOpen * decorator */ public long getInsistentOpenInitBackoff() { return getLong(INSISTENTOPEN_INIT_BACKOFF, 1000); } /** * Period for to reset counters in millis */ public long getHistoryDefaultPeriod() { return getLong(HISTORY_DEFAULTPERIOD, 1000); } /** * Maximum number of discrete history events to hold onto for reporting. */ public long getHistoryMaxLength() { return getLong(HISTORY_MAXLENGTH, 300); } /** * Polling period in millis for tail to check a file. * * Currently we poll to see if a file has changed and this allows the user to * tweak the frequency */ public long getTailPollPeriod() { return getLong(TAIL_POLLPERIOD, 1000); } public String getCollectorHost() { return get(COLLECTOR_EVENT_HOST, "localhost"); } public int getCollectorPort() { // FLUME = 35863 (flume on the telephone) return getInt(COLLECTOR_EVENT_PORT, 35853); } /** * This returns the type of RPC mechanism (Thrift or Avro) chosen for the * FlumeEventServer. */ public String getEventRPC() { String[] validRPCProtocols = { RPC_TYPE_AVRO, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT }; String entered = get(EVENT_RPC_TYPE, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT).toUpperCase(); for (String prot : validRPCProtocols) { if (entered.equals(prot)) { return prot; } } // defaulting to Thrift with a polite warning LOG.warn("flume.event.rpc = '{}' incorrectly defined, should be either" + " \"THRIFT\" or \"AVRO\". Defaulting to \"THRIFT\"", entered); return RPC_TYPE_THRIFT; } public String getCollectorDfsDir() { return get(COLLECTOR_DFS_DIR, "file://tmp/flume-${}/collected"); } public String getCollectorDfsCompressCodec() { return get(COLLECTOR_DFS_COMPRESS_CODEC, "None"); } public long getCollectorRollMillis() { return getLong(COLLECTOR_ROLL_MILLIS, 30000); } /** * This is the list of masters that agent nodes will connect to */ public String getMasterServers() { String svrs = get(MASTER_SERVERS, "localhost"); // check for illegal ':'s in the servers; truncate stuff after the ':' String[] hosts = svrs.split(","); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; ++i) { hosts[i] = hosts[i].trim(); String[] parts = hosts[i].split(":"); builder.append(parts[0]); if (parts.length > 1) { LOG.warn( "Master Server's should not have list ports but host '" + hosts[i] + " 'specified ports! "); } if (i < hosts.length - 1) { builder.append(","); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Return a list of server:port pairs for heartbeat purposes */ public String getMasterHeartbeatServers() { String servers = get(MASTER_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS, null); if (servers != null) { return servers; } String[] hosts = getMasterServers().split(","); int heartbeatport = getMasterHeartbeatPort(); List<String> l = Arrays.asList(hosts); Iterator<String> iter = l.iterator(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append( + ":" + heartbeatport); if (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append(','); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Utility function to retrieve master hosts as a list of host / port pairs * used only on the client! */ public List<Pair<String, Integer>> getMasterHeartbeatServersList() { String[] hosts = getMasterHeartbeatServers().split(","); List<Pair<String, Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>(hosts.length); for (String s : hosts) { String[] parts = s.split(":"); ret.add(new Pair<String, Integer>(parts[0], Integer.parseInt(parts[1]))); } return ret; } public int getMasterHttpPort() { return getInt(MASTER_HTTP_PORT, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT); } /** * The port on which to start a ReportServer */ public int getReportServerPort() { return getInt(REPORT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_REPORT_SERVER_PORT); } /** * This returns the type of RPC mechanism (Thrift or Avro) chosen for the * FlumeReportServer. */ public String getReportServerRPC() { String[] validRPCProtocols = { RPC_TYPE_AVRO, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT }; String entered = get(REPORT_SERVER_RPC_TYPE, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT).toUpperCase(); for (String prot : validRPCProtocols) { if (entered.equals(prot)) { return prot; } } // defaulting to Thrift with a polite warning LOG.warn(" incorrectly defined, " + "should be either \"THRIFT\" or \"AVRO\". " + "Defaulting to \"THRIFT\""); return RPC_TYPE_THRIFT; } /** * If MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PORT is set, we use that as our heartbeat port. If not, * we look at the list of server:port pairs in MASTER_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS, in * particular we look at the MASTER_SERVER_ID'th value */ public int getMasterHeartbeatPort() { String port = get(MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PORT, null); if (port != null) { return Integer.parseInt(port); } String servers = get(MASTER_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS, null); if (servers == null) { return DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PORT; } // MASTER_HEARTBEAT_SERVERS is set - split it and guess at our server port List<String> serverList = Arrays.asList(servers.split(",")); int serverid = getMasterServerId(); Preconditions.checkState(serverid < serverList.size(), "Serverid is out of range: " + serverid); String[] server = serverList.get(serverid).split(":"); Preconditions.checkState(server.length == 2, "Server spec " + serverList.get(serverid) + " is ill-formed"); return Integer.parseInt(server[1].trim()); } public String getMasterHeartbeatRPC() { String[] validRPCProtocols = { RPC_TYPE_AVRO, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT }; String entered = get(MASTER_HEARBEAT_RPC, RPC_TYPE_THRIFT).toUpperCase(); for (String prot : validRPCProtocols) { if (entered.equals(prot)) { return prot; } } // default return RPC_TYPE_THRIFT; } public int getMasterGossipPeriodMs() { return getInt(MASTER_GOSSIP_PERIOD_MS, 1000); } /** * Max age for gossiped acks to stick around. */ public long getMasterGossipMaxAgeMs() { return getLong(MASTER_GOSSIP_MAXAGE_MS, 300 * 1000); } public int getMasterGossipPort() { String port = get(MASTER_GOSSIP_PORT, null); if (port != null) { return Integer.parseInt(port); } // gossipport is not set, try and guess from MASTER_GOSSIP_SERVERS if it's // set // We can't call getMasterGossipServers because that might call into this // method // itself... String servers = get(MASTER_GOSSIP_SERVERS, null); if (servers == null) { return DEFAULT_GOSSIP_PORT; } // MASTER_GOSSIP_SERVERS is set - split it and guess at our server port List<String> serverList = Arrays.asList(servers.split(",")); int serverid = getMasterServerId(); Preconditions.checkState(serverid < serverList.size(), "Serverid is out of range: " + serverid); String[] server = serverList.get(serverid).split(":"); Preconditions.checkState(server.length == 2, "Server spec " + serverList.get(serverid) + " is ill-formed"); return Integer.parseInt(server[1].trim()); } /** * Returns a comma-separated list of host:port pairs. If not explicitly set, * defaults to MASTER_SERVERS, using MASTER_GOSSIP_PORT. */ public String getMasterGossipServers() { String ret = get(MASTER_GOSSIP_SERVERS, null); if (ret != null) { return ret; } // Otherwise return the list of ensemble hosts and the gossip port String[] hosts = getMasterServers().split(","); List<String> l = Arrays.asList(hosts); Iterator<String> iter = l.iterator(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append( + ":" + getMasterGossipPort()); if (iter.hasNext()) { builder.append(','); } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Utility function to return a list of host:port pairs corresponding to all * the gossip hosts in a Flume Master ensemble. */ public List<Pair<String, Integer>> getConfigMasterGossipHostsList() { String hostString = getMasterGossipServers(); if (hostString.equals("")) { return new ArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>(); } String[] hosts = hostString.split(","); List<Pair<String, Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>(hosts.length); for (String s : hosts) { String[] parts = s.split(":"); ret.add(new Pair<String, Integer>(parts[0], Integer.parseInt(parts[1]))); } return ret; } public long getConfigHeartbeatPeriod() { return getLong(CONFIG_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD, 5000); // millis } public int getMasterMaxMissedheartbeats() { return getInt(MASTER_HEARTBEAT_MAX_MISSED, 10); } public long getNodeHeartbeatBackoffLimit() { return getLong(NODE_HEARTBEAT_BACKOFF_LIMIT, 60000); // 1 minute in millis } public boolean getNodeAutofindHttpPort() { return getBoolean(NODE_HTTP_AUTOFINDPORT, true); } public int getConfigAdminPort() { return getInt(CONFIG_ADMIN_PORT, DEFAULT_ADMIN_PORT); } public int getConfigReportPort() { return getInt(REPORT_SERVER_PORT, DEFAULT_REPORT_SERVER_PORT); } public String getMasterSavefile() { return get(MASTER_SAVEFILE, "conf/current.flume"); } public boolean getMasterSavefileAutoload() { return getBoolean(MASTER_SAVEFILE_AUTOLOAD, false); } public String getKerberosPrincipal() { // flume is the default kerberos principal for hdfs writes // _HOST is expanded by the hadoop security util to be the local host name. return get(SECURITY_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL, ""); } public String getKerberosKeytab() { // mit kerb v5 default keytab path return get(SECURITY_KERBEROS_KEYTAB, "/etc/flume/conf/krb5.keytab"); } public long getReporterPollPeriod() { return getLong(REPORTER_POLLER_PERIOD, 2000); // millis } public String getFlurkerEncoding() { return get(FLURKER_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); } public String getWebAppsPath() { return get(WEBAPPS_PATH, "webapps"); } /** * This method loads the configuration, or does a hard exit if loading the * configuration fails. */ public static FlumeConfiguration hardExitLoadConfig() { try { FlumeConfiguration conf = FlumeConfiguration.get(); // Loading the config is lazy! need to try to get something before an // exception is thrown. conf.getMaxRestartsPerMin(); // get some random value. return conf; } catch (RuntimeException parseEx) { System.exit(-1); } return null; // dead code } public String getTwitterName() { return get(TWITTER_USER, ""); } public String getTwitterPW() { return get(TWITTER_PW, ""); } public String getTwitterURL() { return get(TWITTER_STREAM_URL, ""); } public String getDefaultOutputFormat() { // Look at FormatFactory for possible values. return get(COLLECTOR_OUTPUT_FORMAT, "avrojson"); } public String getGangliaServers() { // gmond's default multicast ip and port return get(GANGLIA_SERVERS, ""); } public long getEventMaxSizeBytes() { return getLong(EVENT_MAX_SIZE, 32 * 1024); // Default to 32k } public String getPluginClasses() { return get(PLUGIN_CLASSES, ""); } public String getHiveHost() { return get(HIVE_HOST, "localhost"); } public int getHivePort() { return getInt(HIVE_PORT, 9083); // default port found from meta store // presentation. } public String getHiveUser() { return get(HIVE_USER, "hive"); } public String getHiveUserPW() { return get(HIVE_PW, ""); } public long getHeartbeatBackoff() { return getLong(AGENT_HEARTBEAT_BACKOFF, 1000); // millis } /** * Max milliseconds to back off after a close request. Close will wait at most * this amount of time after it sees progress after a close request. * after a * close request. */ public long getThriftCloseMaxSleep() { return getLong(THRIFT_CLOSE_MAX_SLEEP, 10 * 1000); } /** * The default port for scribe sources to listen on */ public int getScribeSourcePort() { return getInt(SCRIBE_SOURCE_PORT, DEFAULT_SCRIBE_SOURCE_PORT); } /** * Returns the default flow name for logical nodes. */ public String getDefaultFlowName() { return get(DEFAULT_FLOW_NAME, "default-flow"); } /** * Returns the webapp root for the master. */ public String getMasterWebappRoot() { String home = getFlumeHome(); if (home == null) { home = "."; } return home + File.separator + get(WEBAPP_ROOT_MASTER, "webapps/flumemaster.war"); } /** * Returns the webapp root for the node (i.e. agent or collector). */ public String getNodeWebappRoot() { String home = getFlumeHome(); if (home == null) { home = "."; } return home + File.separator + get(WEBAPP_ROOT_NODE, "webapps/flumeagent.war"); } /** * Returns the current FlumeConfiguration as an HTML string */ public String toHtml() { Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter = iterator(); ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> e =; keys.add(e.getKey()); } Collections.sort(keys); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); pw.print("<table>"); for (String k : keys) { String value = get(k); pw.println("<tr><th>" + k + "</th>"); pw.print("<td>"); pw.print("<div class=\"" + k + "\">"); pw.print(value); pw.print("</div>"); pw.println("</td>"); pw.println("</tr>"); } pw.print("</table>"); pw.flush(); return sw.getBuffer().toString(); } /** * If a logical node does not cleanly close after the specified amount of * time, it is is interrupted and should exit in error state. This can occur * because of some blocking sources, sinks, or decorators. */ public long getNodeCloseTimeout() { return getLong(NODE_CLOSE_TIMEOUT, 30000); } /** * Whether or not the WAL should buffer writes to disk. Defaults to true. */ public boolean getWALOutputBuffering() { return getBoolean(WAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER, true); } }