Source code

Java tutorial


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// (c) Copyright 2016 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;

import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.ConfigurationProperty;
import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.Configured;
import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.LocalizationContext;
import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.util.ChildLocalizationContext;
import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.util.SimpleConfiguration;
import com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.util.SimpleConfigurationPropertyBuilder;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver;

 * A lookup mechanism for getting metadata about EBS volumes. AWS does not provide
 * a means through the API to discover this metadata. This class looks up metadata
 * using a built-in list and an override list that the user can easily modify.
public class EBSMetadata implements Function<String, EBSMetadata.EbsVolumeMetadata> {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EBSMetadata.class);

     * Contains metadata information for an EBS volume type.
    public static class EbsVolumeMetadata {
        private final String type;
        private final int minSizeGiB;
        private final int maxSizeGiB;

        public EbsVolumeMetadata(String type, int minSizeGiB, int maxSizeGiB) {
            this.type = Objects.requireNonNull(type, "type is null");
            this.minSizeGiB = minSizeGiB;
            this.maxSizeGiB = maxSizeGiB;

        public String getType() {
            return type;

        public int getMinSizeGiB() {
            return minSizeGiB;

        public int getMaxSizeGiB() {
            return maxSizeGiB;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o)
                return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
                return false;

            EbsVolumeMetadata that = (EbsVolumeMetadata) o;

            if (minSizeGiB != that.minSizeGiB)
                return false;
            if (maxSizeGiB != that.maxSizeGiB)
                return false;
            return type.equals(that.type);


        public int hashCode() {
            int result = type.hashCode();
            result = 31 * result + minSizeGiB;
            result = 31 * result + maxSizeGiB;
            return result;

    public static class EBSMetadataConfigProperties {

         * EBS metadata configuration properties.
        // Fully qualifying class name due to compiler bug
        public static enum EBSMetadataConfigurationPropertyToken
                implements com.cloudera.director.spi.v1.model.ConfigurationPropertyToken {

             * Path for the custom EBS metadata file. Relative paths are based on the
             * plugin configuration directory.
            CUSTOM_EBS_METADATA_PATH(new SimpleConfigurationPropertyBuilder().configKey("ebsMetadataPath")
                    .name("Custom EBS metadata path")
                    .defaultDescription("The path for the custom ebs metadata. Relative paths are based "
                            + "on the plugin configuration directory.")

             * The configuration property.
            private final ConfigurationProperty configurationProperty;

             * Creates a configuration property token with the specified parameters.
             * @param configurationProperty the configuration property
            private EBSMetadataConfigurationPropertyToken(ConfigurationProperty configurationProperty) {
                this.configurationProperty = configurationProperty;

            public ConfigurationProperty unwrap() {
                return configurationProperty;

        public static final String DEFAULT_CUSTOM_EBS_METADATA_PATH = "";

        private final File configurationDirectory;

        private String ebsMetadataPath = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_EBS_METADATA_PATH;

         * Creates EBS metadata config properties with the specified parameters.
         * @param configuration            the configuration
         * @param configurationDirectory   the plugin configuration directory
         * @param cloudLocalizationContext the parent cloud localization context
        public EBSMetadataConfigProperties(Configured configuration, File configurationDirectory,
                LocalizationContext cloudLocalizationContext) {
            this.configurationDirectory = configurationDirectory;
            LocalizationContext localizationContext = new ChildLocalizationContext(cloudLocalizationContext,
                    EBSMetadataConfigurationPropertyToken.CUSTOM_EBS_METADATA_PATH, localizationContext));

        public String getCustomEbsMetadataPath() {
            return ebsMetadataPath;

        File getCustomEbsMetadataFile() {
            return getCustomEbsMetadataFile(ebsMetadataPath);

        File getCustomEbsMetadataFile(String ebsMetadataPath) {
            File ebsMetadataPathFile = new File(ebsMetadataPath);
            return ebsMetadataPathFile.isAbsolute() ? ebsMetadataPathFile
                    : new File(configurationDirectory, ebsMetadataPath);

        public void setCustomEbsMetadataPath(String ebsMetadataPath) {
            if (ebsMetadataPath != null) {
      "Overriding ebsMetadataPath={} (default {})", ebsMetadataPath,
                        "Custom EBS metadata path " + ebsMetadataPath + " does not exist");
                this.ebsMetadataPath = ebsMetadataPath;

    public static class EBSMetadataConfig {

        public static final String BUILT_IN_LOCATION = "classpath:/com/cloudera/director/aws/ec2/ebs/";

        protected EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties;

        public PropertyResolver ebsMetadataResolver() {
            try {
                return PropertyResolvers.newMultiResourcePropertyResolver(BUILT_IN_LOCATION,
                        "file:" + ebsMetadataConfigProperties.getCustomEbsMetadataFile().getAbsolutePath());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load custom ebs metadata", e);

         * Creates EBS metadata config with the specified parameters.
         * @param ebsMetadataConfigProperties the config properties
        public EBSMetadataConfig(EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties) {
            this.ebsMetadataConfigProperties = ebsMetadataConfigProperties;

    private final EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties;

    private final PropertyResolver ebsMetadataResolver;

     * Creates EBS metadata with the specified parameters.
     * @param configuration               the configuration
     * @param configurationDirectory      the plugin configuration directory
     * @param localizationContext         the localization context
    public EBSMetadata(Configured configuration, File configurationDirectory,
            LocalizationContext localizationContext) {
        this(new EBSMetadataConfigProperties(configuration, configurationDirectory, localizationContext));

     * Creates EBS metadata with the specified parameters.
     * @param ebsMetadataConfigProperties the config properties
    public EBSMetadata(EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties) {
        this(ebsMetadataConfigProperties, new EBSMetadataConfig(ebsMetadataConfigProperties).ebsMetadataResolver());

     * Creates EBS metadata with the specified parameters.
     * @param ebsMetadataConfigProperties the config properties
     * @param ebsMetadataResolver         the ebs metadata resolver
    private EBSMetadata(EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties,
            PropertyResolver ebsMetadataResolver) {
        this.ebsMetadataConfigProperties = ebsMetadataConfigProperties;
        this.ebsMetadataResolver = ebsMetadataResolver;

     * Gets the metadata for an EBS volume type. A custom definition overrides a
     * built-in definition.
     * @param volumeType ebs volume type
     * @return metadata associated with the volume type
     * @throws NullPointerException if no metadata could be found for a volume type
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the metadata for a volume type has invalid format
    public EbsVolumeMetadata apply(String volumeType) {
        String strEbsMetadata = ebsMetadataResolver.getProperty(volumeType);
                String.format("Could not get metadata for volume type %s", volumeType));

        // strEbsMetadata is expected to be in the form "minSize-maxSize"
        String[] parts = strEbsMetadata.trim().split("-");
        checkState(parts.length == 2,
                String.format("invalid format for %s=%s, expecting " + "exactly 2 parts for the value", volumeType,

        int minSizeGiB, maxSizeGiB;
        try {
            minSizeGiB = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("invalid format for %s=%s, %s should be an integer",
                    volumeType, strEbsMetadata, parts[0]));

        try {
            maxSizeGiB = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("invalid format for %s=%s, %s should be an integer",
                    volumeType, strEbsMetadata, parts[1]));

        checkState(minSizeGiB > 0, String.format("invalid format for %s=%s, %d should " + "be a positive integer",
                volumeType, strEbsMetadata, minSizeGiB));

        checkState(maxSizeGiB > 0, String.format("invalid format for %s=%s, %d should " + "be a positive integer",
                volumeType, strEbsMetadata, maxSizeGiB));

        checkState(maxSizeGiB >= minSizeGiB,
                        "invalid format for %s=%s, maximum size %d should "
                                + "be greater than or equal to minimum size %d",
                        volumeType, strEbsMetadata, maxSizeGiB, minSizeGiB));

        return new EbsVolumeMetadata(volumeType, minSizeGiB, maxSizeGiB);

     * Gets an instance of this class that uses only the given ebs metadata.
     * @param metadata            map of ebs volume type to it's associated metadata
     * @param localizationContext the localization context
     * @return new ebs metadata object
    public static EBSMetadata getDefaultInstance(final Map<String, String> metadata,
            LocalizationContext localizationContext) {
        PropertyResolver ebsMetadataResolver = PropertyResolvers.newMapPropertyResolver(metadata);
        File tempDir = Files.createTempDir();
        EBSMetadataConfigProperties ebsMetadataConfigProperties = new EBSMetadataConfigProperties(
                new SimpleConfiguration(), tempDir, localizationContext);
        return new EBSMetadata(ebsMetadataConfigProperties, ebsMetadataResolver);