Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corp. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package com.cloudant.client.api; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.DbInfo; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.FindByIndexOptions; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.Index; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.IndexField; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.Params; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.Permissions; import com.cloudant.client.api.model.Shard; import com.cloudant.client.api.views.AllDocsRequestBuilder; import com.cloudant.client.api.views.ViewRequestBuilder; import com.cloudant.client.internal.DatabaseURIHelper; import com.cloudant.client.internal.URIBase; import com.cloudant.client.internal.views.AllDocsRequestBuilderImpl; import com.cloudant.client.internal.views.AllDocsRequestResponse; import com.cloudant.client.internal.views.ViewQueryParameters; import; import; import; import; import; import com.cloudant.http.Http; import com.cloudant.http.HttpConnection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Contains a Database Public API implementation. * * Methods may throw a {@link NoDocumentException} if the database does not exist. * * @author Mario Briggs * @since 0.0.1 */ class DatabaseImpl implements Database { static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseImpl.class.getCanonicalName()); private CouchDatabase db; private CloudantClient client; private final URI apiV2DBSecurityURI; /** * @param client * @param db */ DatabaseImpl(CloudantClient client, CouchDatabase db) { super(); this.client = client; this.db = db; apiV2DBSecurityURI = new URIBase(client.getBaseUri()).path("_api").path("v2").path("db") .path(db.getDbName()).path("_security").build(); } @Override public void setPermissions(String userNameorApikey, EnumSet<Permissions> permissions) { assertNotEmpty(userNameorApikey, "userNameorApikey"); assertNotEmpty(permissions, "permissions"); final JsonArray jsonPermissions = new JsonArray(); for (Permissions s : permissions) { final JsonPrimitive permission = new JsonPrimitive(s.toString()); jsonPermissions.add(permission); } // get existing permissions JsonObject perms = getPermissionsObject(); // now set back JsonElement elem = perms.get("cloudant"); if (elem == null) { perms.addProperty("_id", "_security"); elem = new JsonObject(); perms.add("cloudant", elem); } elem.getAsJsonObject().add(userNameorApikey, jsonPermissions); InputStream response = null; HttpConnection put = Http.PUT(apiV2DBSecurityURI, "application/json"); put.setRequestBody(client.getGson().toJson(perms)); try { response = client.couchDbClient.executeToInputStream(put); String ok = getAsString(response, "ok"); if (!ok.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { //raise exception } } finally { close(response); } } /** * @return /api/v2/db/$dbname/_security JSON data * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called on a database that does not provide the * Cloudant authorization API */ private JsonObject getPermissionsObject() { try { return client.couchDbClient.get(apiV2DBSecurityURI, JsonObject.class); } catch (CouchDbException exception) { //currently we can't inspect the HttpResponse code //being in this catch block means it was not a 20x code //look for the "bad request" that implies the endpoint is not supported if (exception.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("bad request")) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The methods getPermissions and " + "setPermissions are not supported for this database, consider using the " + "/db/_security endpoint."); } else { throw exception; } } } @Override public Map<String, EnumSet<Permissions>> getPermissions() { JsonObject perms = getPermissionsObject(); return client.getGson().getAdapter(new TypeToken<Map<String, EnumSet<Permissions>>>() { }).fromJsonTree(perms); } @Override public List<Shard> getShards() { InputStream response = null; try { response = client.couchDbClient.get(new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_shards").build()); return getResponseList(response, client.getGson(), new TypeToken<List<Shard>>() { }.getType()); } finally { close(response); } } @Override public Shard getShard(String docId) { assertNotEmpty(docId, "docId"); return client.couchDbClient.get(new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_shards").path(docId).build(), Shard.class); } @Override public void createIndex(String indexName, String designDocName, String indexType, IndexField[] fields) { JsonObject indexDefn = getIndexDefinition(indexName, designDocName, indexType, fields); createIndex(indexDefn.toString()); } @Override public void createIndex(String indexDefinition) { assertNotEmpty(indexDefinition, "indexDefinition"); InputStream putresp = null; URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_index").build(); try { putresp = client.couchDbClient .executeToInputStream(createPost(uri, indexDefinition, "application/json")); String result = getAsString(putresp, "result"); if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("created")) {"Created Index: '%s'", indexDefinition)); } else { log.warning(String.format("Index already exists : '%s'", indexDefinition)); } } finally { close(putresp); } } @Override public <T> List<T> findByIndex(String selectorJson, Class<T> classOfT) { return findByIndex(selectorJson, classOfT, new FindByIndexOptions()); } @Override public <T> List<T> findByIndex(String selectorJson, Class<T> classOfT, FindByIndexOptions options) { assertNotEmpty(selectorJson, "selectorJson"); assertNotEmpty(options, "options"); URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_find").build(); JsonObject body = getFindByIndexBody(selectorJson, options); InputStream stream = null; try { stream = client.couchDbClient .executeToInputStream(createPost(uri, body.toString(), "application/json")); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"); JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonParser().parse(reader).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("docs"); List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); for (JsonElement jsonElem : jsonArray) { JsonElement elem = jsonElem.getAsJsonObject(); T t = client.getGson().fromJson(elem, classOfT); list.add(t); } return list; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // This should never happen as every implementation of the java platform is required // to support UTF-8. throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { close(stream); } } @Override public List<Index> listIndices() { InputStream response = null; try { URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_index").build(); response = client.couchDbClient.get(uri); return getResponseList(response, client.getGson(), new TypeToken<List<Index>>() { }.getType()); } finally { close(response); } } @Override public void deleteIndex(String indexName, String designDocId) { assertNotEmpty(indexName, "indexName"); assertNotEmpty(designDocId, "designDocId"); URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_index").path(designDocId).path("json").path(indexName) .build(); InputStream response = null; try { HttpConnection connection = Http.DELETE(uri); response = client.couchDbClient.executeToInputStream(connection); getResponse(response, Response.class, client.getGson()); } finally { close(response); } } @Override public Search search(String searchIndexId) { return new Search(client, this, searchIndexId); } @Override public DesignDocumentManager getDesignDocumentManager() { return new DesignDocumentManager(this); } @Override public ViewRequestBuilder getViewRequestBuilder(String designDoc, String viewName) { return new ViewRequestBuilder(client, this, designDoc, viewName); } @Override public AllDocsRequestBuilder getAllDocsRequestBuilder() { return new AllDocsRequestBuilderImpl(new ViewQueryParameters<String, AllDocsRequestResponse.Revision>( client, this, "", "", String.class, AllDocsRequestResponse.Revision.class) { protected DatabaseURIHelper getViewURIBuilder() { return new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).path("_all_docs"); } }); } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.Changes changes() { Changes couchDbChanges = db.changes(); com.cloudant.client.api.Changes changes = new com.cloudant.client.api.Changes(couchDbChanges); return changes; } @Override public <T> T find(Class<T> classType, String id) { return db.find(classType, id); } @Override public <T> T find(Class<T> classType, String id, Params params) { assertNotEmpty(params, "params"); return db.find(classType, id, params.getInternalParams()); } @Override public <T> T find(Class<T> classType, String id, String rev) { return db.find(classType, id, rev); } @Override public <T> T findAny(Class<T> classType, String uri) { return db.findAny(classType, uri); } @Override public InputStream find(String id) { return db.find(id); } @Override public InputStream find(String id, String rev) { return db.find(id, rev); } @Override public boolean contains(String id) { return db.contains(id); } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response save(Object object) { Response couchDbResponse =; com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response save(Object object, int writeQuorum) { Response couchDbResponse = client.couchDbClient.put(getDBUri(), object, true, writeQuorum); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response post(Object object) { Response couchDbResponse =; com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response post(Object object, int writeQuorum) { assertNotEmpty(object, "object"); InputStream response = null; try { URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).query("w", writeQuorum).build(); response = client.couchDbClient .executeToInputStream(createPost(uri, client.getGson().toJson(object), "application/json")); Response couchDbResponse = getResponse(response, Response.class, client.getGson()); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response cloudantResponse = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return cloudantResponse; } finally { close(response); } } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response update(Object object) { Response couchDbResponse = db.update(object); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response update(Object object, int writeQuorum) { Response couchDbResponse = client.couchDbClient.put(getDBUri(), object, false, writeQuorum); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response remove(Object object) { Response couchDbResponse = db.remove(object); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response remove(String id, String rev) { Response couchDbResponse = db.remove(id, rev); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public List<com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response> bulk(List<?> objects) { List<Response> couchDbResponseList = db.bulk(objects, false); List<com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response> cloudantResponseList = new ArrayList<com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response>(); for (Response couchDbResponse : couchDbResponseList) { com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); cloudantResponseList.add(response); } return cloudantResponseList; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response saveAttachment(InputStream in, String name, String contentType) { Response couchDbResponse = db.saveAttachment(in, name, contentType); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response saveAttachment(InputStream in, String name, String contentType, String docId, String docRev) { Response couchDbResponse = db.saveAttachment(in, name, contentType, docId, docRev); com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response response = new com.cloudant.client.api.model.Response( couchDbResponse); return response; } @Override public String invokeUpdateHandler(String updateHandlerUri, String docId, Params params) { assertNotEmpty(params, "params"); return db.invokeUpdateHandler(updateHandlerUri, docId, params.getInternalParams()); } @Override public URI getDBUri() { return db.getDBUri(); } @Override public DbInfo info() { return client.couchDbClient.get(new DatabaseURIHelper(db.getDBUri()).getDatabaseUri(), DbInfo.class); } @Override public void ensureFullCommit() { db.ensureFullCommit(); } // private helper methods /** * Form a create index json from parameters */ private JsonObject getIndexDefinition(String indexName, String designDocName, String indexType, IndexField[] fields) { assertNotEmpty(fields, "index fields"); JsonObject indexObject = new JsonObject(); if (!(indexName == null || indexName.isEmpty())) { indexObject.addProperty("name", indexName); } if (!(designDocName == null || designDocName.isEmpty())) { indexObject.addProperty("ddoc", designDocName); } if (!(indexType == null || indexType.isEmpty())) { indexObject.addProperty("type", indexType); } JsonArray fieldsArray = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { JsonObject fieldObject = new JsonObject(); fieldObject.addProperty(fields[i].getName(), fields[i].getOrder().toString()); fieldsArray.add(fieldObject); } JsonObject arrayOfFields = new JsonObject(); arrayOfFields.add("fields", fieldsArray); indexObject.add("index", arrayOfFields); return indexObject; } private JsonObject getFindByIndexBody(String selectorJson, FindByIndexOptions options) { JsonArray fieldsArray = new JsonArray(); if (options.getFields().size() > 0) { for (String field : options.getFields()) { JsonPrimitive jsonField = client.getGson().fromJson(field, JsonPrimitive.class); fieldsArray.add(jsonField); } } JsonArray sortArray = new JsonArray(); if (options.getSort().size() > 0) { for (IndexField sort : options.getSort()) { JsonObject sortObject = new JsonObject(); sortObject.addProperty(sort.getName(), sort.getOrder().toString()); sortArray.add(sortObject); } } JsonObject indexObject = new JsonObject(); //parse and find if valid json issue #28 JsonObject selectorObject = null; boolean isObject = true; try { selectorObject = getGson().fromJson(selectorJson, JsonObject.class); } catch (JsonParseException e) { isObject = false; } if (!isObject) { if (selectorJson.startsWith("\"selector\"")) { selectorJson = selectorJson.substring(selectorJson.indexOf(":") + 1, selectorJson.length()).trim(); selectorObject = getGson().fromJson(selectorJson, JsonObject.class); } else { throw new JsonParseException("selectorJson should be valid json or like " + "\"selector\": {...} "); } } if (selectorObject.has("selector")) { indexObject.add("selector", selectorObject.get("selector")); } else { indexObject.add("selector", selectorObject); } if (fieldsArray.size() > 0) { indexObject.add("fields", fieldsArray); } if (sortArray.size() > 0) { indexObject.add("sort", sortArray); } if (options.getLimit() != null) { indexObject.addProperty("limit", options.getLimit()); } if (options.getSkip() != null) { indexObject.addProperty("skip", options.getSkip()); } if (options.getReadQuorum() != null) { indexObject.addProperty("r", options.getReadQuorum()); } if (options.getUseIndex() != null) { indexObject.add("use_index", getGson().fromJson(options.getUseIndex(), JsonArray.class)); } return indexObject; } Gson getGson() { return client.getGson(); } }