Java tutorial
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.cloudstack.outofbandmanagement.OutOfBandManagement; import org.apache.cloudstack.outofbandmanagement.OutOfBandManagementService; import org.apache.cloudstack.outofbandmanagement.OutOfBandManagementVO; import org.apache.cloudstack.outofbandmanagement.dao.OutOfBandManagementDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.identity.ManagementServerNode; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.usage.UsageUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.managed.context.ManagedContextRunnable; import; import; import; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.graphite.GraphiteClient; import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.graphite.GraphiteException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Provides real time stats for various agent resources up to x seconds * */ @Component public class StatsCollector extends ManagerBase implements ComponentMethodInterceptable { public static enum ExternalStatsProtocol { NONE("none"), GRAPHITE("graphite"); String _type; ExternalStatsProtocol(String type) { _type = type; } @Override public String toString() { return _type; } } public static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(StatsCollector.class.getName()); private static StatsCollector s_instance = null; private ScheduledExecutorService _executor = null; @Inject private AgentManager _agentMgr; @Inject private UserVmManager _userVmMgr; @Inject private HostDao _hostDao; @Inject private OutOfBandManagementDao outOfBandManagementDao; @Inject private UserVmDao _userVmDao; @Inject private VolumeDao _volsDao; @Inject private PrimaryDataStoreDao _storagePoolDao; @Inject private ImageStoreDao _imageStoreDao; @Inject private StorageManager _storageManager; @Inject private StoragePoolHostDao _storagePoolHostDao; @Inject private DataStoreManager _dataStoreMgr; @Inject private ResourceManager _resourceMgr; @Inject private OutOfBandManagementService outOfBandManagementService; @Inject private ConfigurationDao _configDao; @Inject private EndPointSelector _epSelector; @Inject private VmDiskStatisticsDao _vmDiskStatsDao; @Inject private ManagementServerHostDao _msHostDao; @Inject private AutoScaleVmGroupDao _asGroupDao; @Inject private AutoScaleVmGroupVmMapDao _asGroupVmDao; @Inject private AutoScaleManager _asManager; @Inject private VMInstanceDao _vmInstance; @Inject private AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapDao _asGroupPolicyDao; @Inject private AutoScalePolicyDao _asPolicyDao; @Inject private AutoScalePolicyConditionMapDao _asConditionMapDao; @Inject private ConditionDao _asConditionDao; @Inject private CounterDao _asCounterDao; @Inject private AutoScaleVmProfileDao _asProfileDao; @Inject private ServiceOfferingDao _serviceOfferingDao; @Inject private HostGpuGroupsDao _hostGpuGroupsDao; @Inject private ImageStoreDetailsUtil imageStoreDetailsUtil; private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostStats> _hostStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostStats>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, VmStats> _VmStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, VmStats>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, VolumeStats> _volumeStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, VolumeStats>(); private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats> _storageStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats>(); private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats> _storagePoolStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats>(); long hostStatsInterval = -1L; long hostOutOfBandManagementStatsInterval = -1L; long hostAndVmStatsInterval = -1L; long storageStatsInterval = -1L; long volumeStatsInterval = -1L; long autoScaleStatsInterval = -1L; int vmDiskStatsInterval = 0; List<Long> hostIds = null; private double _imageStoreCapacityThreshold = 0.90; String externalStatsPrefix = ""; String externalStatsHost = null; int externalStatsPort = -1; boolean externalStatsEnabled = false; ExternalStatsProtocol externalStatsType = ExternalStatsProtocol.NONE; private ScheduledExecutorService _diskStatsUpdateExecutor; private int _usageAggregationRange = 1440; private String _usageTimeZone = "GMT"; private final long mgmtSrvrId = MacAddress.getMacAddress().toLong(); private static final int ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK_TIMEOUT_FOR_COOPERATION = 5; // 5 seconds private boolean _dailyOrHourly = false; //private final GlobalLock m_capacityCheckLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("capacity.check"); public static StatsCollector getInstance() { return s_instance; } public static StatsCollector getInstance(Map<String, String> configs) { s_instance.init(configs); return s_instance; } public StatsCollector() { s_instance = this; } @Override public boolean start() { init(_configDao.getConfiguration()); return true; } private void init(Map<String, String> configs) { _executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(6, new NamedThreadFactory("StatsCollector")); hostOutOfBandManagementStatsInterval = OutOfBandManagementService.SyncThreadInterval.value(); hostStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configs.get("host.stats.interval"), 60000L); hostAndVmStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configs.get("vm.stats.interval"), 60000L); storageStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configs.get("storage.stats.interval"), 60000L); volumeStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configs.get("volume.stats.interval"), -1L); autoScaleStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseLong(configs.get("autoscale.stats.interval"), 60000L); vmDiskStatsInterval = NumbersUtil.parseInt(configs.get("vm.disk.stats.interval"), 0); /* URI to send statistics to. Currently only Graphite is supported */ String externalStatsUri = configs.get("stats.output.uri"); if (externalStatsUri != null && !externalStatsUri.equals("")) { try { URI uri = new URI(externalStatsUri); String scheme = uri.getScheme(); try { externalStatsType = ExternalStatsProtocol.valueOf(scheme.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { + " is not a valid protocol for external statistics. No statistics will be send."); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uri.getHost())) { externalStatsHost = uri.getHost(); } externalStatsPort = uri.getPort(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uri.getPath())) { externalStatsPrefix = uri.getPath().substring(1); } /* Append a dot (.) to the prefix if it is set */ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(externalStatsPrefix)) { externalStatsPrefix += "."; } else { externalStatsPrefix = ""; } externalStatsEnabled = true; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { s_logger.debug("Failed to parse external statistics URI: " + e.getMessage()); } } if (hostStatsInterval > 0) { _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new HostCollector(), 15000L, hostStatsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (hostOutOfBandManagementStatsInterval > 0) { _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new HostOutOfBandManagementStatsCollector(), 15000L, hostOutOfBandManagementStatsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (hostAndVmStatsInterval > 0) { _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new VmStatsCollector(), 15000L, hostAndVmStatsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (storageStatsInterval > 0) { _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new StorageCollector(), 15000L, storageStatsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (autoScaleStatsInterval > 0) { _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new AutoScaleMonitor(), 15000L, autoScaleStatsInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (vmDiskStatsInterval > 0) { if (vmDiskStatsInterval < 300) vmDiskStatsInterval = 300; _executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new VmDiskStatsTask(), vmDiskStatsInterval, vmDiskStatsInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } //Schedule disk stats update task _diskStatsUpdateExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("DiskStatsUpdater")); String aggregationRange = configs.get("usage.stats.job.aggregation.range"); _usageAggregationRange = NumbersUtil.parseInt(aggregationRange, 1440); _usageTimeZone = configs.get("usage.aggregation.timezone"); if (_usageTimeZone == null) { _usageTimeZone = "GMT"; } TimeZone usageTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(_usageTimeZone); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(usageTimezone); cal.setTime(new Date()); long endDate = 0; int HOURLY_TIME = 60; final int DAILY_TIME = 60 * 24; if (_usageAggregationRange == DAILY_TIME) { cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, true); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); _dailyOrHourly = true; } else if (_usageAggregationRange == HOURLY_TIME) { cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); cal.roll(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, true); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); _dailyOrHourly = true; } else { endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); _dailyOrHourly = false; } if (_usageAggregationRange < UsageUtils.USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN) { s_logger.warn("Usage stats job aggregation range is to small, using the minimum value of " + UsageUtils.USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN); _usageAggregationRange = UsageUtils.USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN; } _diskStatsUpdateExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new VmDiskStatsUpdaterTask(), (endDate - System.currentTimeMillis()), (_usageAggregationRange * 60 * 1000), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } class HostCollector extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { s_logger.debug("HostStatsCollector is running..."); SearchCriteria<HostVO> sc = _hostDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("status", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Status.Up.toString()); sc.addAnd("resourceState", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, ResourceState.Maintenance, ResourceState.PrepareForMaintenance, ResourceState.ErrorInMaintenance); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.Storage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.ConsoleProxy.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.SecondaryStorage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.LocalSecondaryStorage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.TrafficMonitor.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.SecondaryStorageVM.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.ExternalFirewall.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.ExternalLoadBalancer.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.L2Networking.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.BaremetalDhcp.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.BaremetalPxe.toString()); ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostStats> hostStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostStats>(); List<HostVO> hosts =, null); for (HostVO host : hosts) { HostStatsEntry stats = (HostStatsEntry) _resourceMgr.getHostStatistics(host.getId()); if (stats != null) { hostStats.put(host.getId(), stats); } else { s_logger.warn("Received invalid host stats for host: " + host.getId()); } } _hostStats = hostStats; // Get a subset of hosts with GPU support from the list of "hosts" List<HostVO> gpuEnabledHosts = new ArrayList<HostVO>(); if (hostIds != null) { for (HostVO host : hosts) { if (hostIds.contains(host.getId())) { gpuEnabledHosts.add(host); } } } else { // Check for all the hosts managed by CloudStack. gpuEnabledHosts = hosts; } for (HostVO host : gpuEnabledHosts) { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, VgpuTypesInfo>> groupDetails = _resourceMgr .getGPUStatistics(host); if (groupDetails != null) { _resourceMgr.updateGPUDetails(host.getId(), groupDetails); } } hostIds = _hostGpuGroupsDao.listHostIds(); } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Error trying to retrieve host stats", t); } } } class HostOutOfBandManagementStatsCollector extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { s_logger.debug("HostOutOfBandManagementStatsCollector is running..."); List<OutOfBandManagementVO> outOfBandManagementHosts = outOfBandManagementDao .findAllByManagementServer(ManagementServerNode.getManagementServerId()); if (outOfBandManagementHosts == null) { return; } for (OutOfBandManagement outOfBandManagementHost : outOfBandManagementHosts) { Host host = _hostDao.findById(outOfBandManagementHost.getHostId()); if (host == null) { continue; } if (outOfBandManagementService.isOutOfBandManagementEnabled(host)) { outOfBandManagementService.submitBackgroundPowerSyncTask(host); } else if (outOfBandManagementHost.getPowerState() != OutOfBandManagement.PowerState.Disabled) { if (outOfBandManagementService .transitionPowerStateToDisabled(Collections.singletonList(host))) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug( "Out-of-band management was disabled in zone/cluster/host, disabled power state for host id:" + host.getId()); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Error trying to retrieve host out-of-band management stats", t); } } } class VmStatsCollector extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { s_logger.debug("VmStatsCollector is running..."); SearchCriteria<HostVO> sc = _hostDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("status", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Status.Up.toString()); sc.addAnd("resourceState", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, ResourceState.Maintenance, ResourceState.PrepareForMaintenance, ResourceState.ErrorInMaintenance); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.Storage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.ConsoleProxy.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.SecondaryStorage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.LocalSecondaryStorage.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.TrafficMonitor.toString()); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Host.Type.SecondaryStorageVM.toString()); List<HostVO> hosts =, null); /* HashMap for metrics to be send to Graphite */ HashMap metrics = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (HostVO host : hosts) { List<UserVmVO> vms = _userVmDao.listRunningByHostId(host.getId()); List<Long> vmIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (UserVmVO vm : vms) { vmIds.add(vm.getId()); } try { HashMap<Long, VmStatsEntry> vmStatsById = _userVmMgr .getVirtualMachineStatistics(host.getId(), host.getName(), vmIds); if (vmStatsById != null) { VmStatsEntry statsInMemory = null; Set<Long> vmIdSet = vmStatsById.keySet(); for (Long vmId : vmIdSet) { VmStatsEntry statsForCurrentIteration = vmStatsById.get(vmId); statsInMemory = (VmStatsEntry) _VmStats.get(vmId); if (statsInMemory == null) { //no stats exist for this vm, directly persist _VmStats.put(vmId, statsForCurrentIteration); } else { //update each field statsInMemory.setCPUUtilization(statsForCurrentIteration.getCPUUtilization()); statsInMemory.setNumCPUs(statsForCurrentIteration.getNumCPUs()); statsInMemory.setNetworkReadKBs(statsInMemory.getNetworkReadKBs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getNetworkReadKBs()); statsInMemory.setNetworkWriteKBs(statsInMemory.getNetworkWriteKBs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getNetworkWriteKBs()); statsInMemory.setDiskWriteKBs(statsInMemory.getDiskWriteKBs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskWriteKBs()); statsInMemory.setDiskReadIOs(statsInMemory.getDiskReadIOs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskReadIOs()); statsInMemory.setDiskWriteIOs(statsInMemory.getDiskWriteIOs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskWriteIOs()); statsInMemory.setDiskReadKBs(statsInMemory.getDiskReadKBs() + statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskReadKBs()); statsInMemory.setMemoryKBs(statsForCurrentIteration.getMemoryKBs()); statsInMemory .setIntFreeMemoryKBs(statsForCurrentIteration.getIntFreeMemoryKBs()); statsInMemory.setTargetMemoryKBs(statsForCurrentIteration.getTargetMemoryKBs()); _VmStats.put(vmId, statsInMemory); } /** * Add statistics to HashMap only when they should be send to a external stats collector * Performance wise it seems best to only append to the HashMap when needed */ if (externalStatsEnabled) { VMInstanceVO vmVO = _vmInstance.findById(vmId); String vmName = vmVO.getUuid(); metrics.put(externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".cpu.num", statsForCurrentIteration.getNumCPUs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".cpu.utilization", statsForCurrentIteration.getCPUUtilization()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".network.read_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getNetworkReadKBs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".network.write_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getNetworkWriteKBs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".disk.write_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskWriteKBs()); metrics.put(externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".disk.read_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskReadKBs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".disk.write_iops", statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskWriteIOs()); metrics.put(externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".disk.read_iops", statsForCurrentIteration.getDiskReadIOs()); metrics.put(externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".memory.total_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getMemoryKBs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".memory.internalfree_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getIntFreeMemoryKBs()); metrics.put( externalStatsPrefix + "cloudstack.stats.instances." + vmName + ".memory.target_kbs", statsForCurrentIteration.getTargetMemoryKBs()); } } /** * Send the metrics to a external stats collector * We send it on a per-host basis to prevent that we flood the host * Currently only Graphite is supported */ if (!metrics.isEmpty()) { if (externalStatsType != null && externalStatsType == ExternalStatsProtocol.GRAPHITE) { if (externalStatsPort == -1) { externalStatsPort = 2003; } s_logger.debug("Sending VmStats of host " + host.getId() + " to Graphite host " + externalStatsHost + ":" + externalStatsPort); try { GraphiteClient g = new GraphiteClient(externalStatsHost, externalStatsPort); g.sendMetrics(metrics); } catch (GraphiteException e) { s_logger.debug( "Failed sending VmStats to Graphite host " + externalStatsHost + ":" + externalStatsPort + ": " + e.getMessage()); } metrics.clear(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug("Failed to get VM stats for host with ID: " + host.getId()); continue; } } } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Error trying to retrieve VM stats", t); } } } public VmStats getVmStats(long id) { return _VmStats.get(id); } class VmDiskStatsUpdaterTask extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { GlobalLock scanLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("vm.disk.stats"); try { if (scanLock.lock(ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK_TIMEOUT_FOR_COOPERATION)) { //Check for ownership //msHost in UP state with min id should run the job ManagementServerHostVO msHost = _msHostDao .findOneInUpState(new Filter(ManagementServerHostVO.class, "id", true, 0L, 1L)); if (msHost == null || (msHost.getMsid() != mgmtSrvrId)) { s_logger.debug("Skipping aggregate disk stats update"); scanLock.unlock(); return; } try { Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { //get all stats with delta > 0 List<VmDiskStatisticsVO> updatedVmNetStats = _vmDiskStatsDao.listUpdatedStats(); for (VmDiskStatisticsVO stat : updatedVmNetStats) { if (_dailyOrHourly) { //update agg bytes stat.setAggBytesRead(stat.getCurrentBytesRead() + stat.getNetBytesRead()); stat.setAggBytesWrite( stat.getCurrentBytesWrite() + stat.getNetBytesWrite()); stat.setAggIORead(stat.getCurrentIORead() + stat.getNetIORead()); stat.setAggIOWrite(stat.getCurrentIOWrite() + stat.getNetIOWrite()); _vmDiskStatsDao.update(stat.getId(), stat); } } s_logger.debug("Successfully updated aggregate vm disk stats"); } }); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug("Failed to update aggregate disk stats", e); } finally { scanLock.unlock(); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug("Exception while trying to acquire disk stats lock", e); } finally { scanLock.releaseRef(); } } } class VmDiskStatsTask extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { // collect the vm disk statistics(total) from hypervisor. added by weizhou, 2013.03. try { Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { SearchCriteria<HostVO> sc = _hostDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("status", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Status.Up.toString()); sc.addAnd("resourceState", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, ResourceState.Maintenance, ResourceState.PrepareForMaintenance, ResourceState.ErrorInMaintenance); sc.addAnd("type", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Host.Type.Routing.toString()); sc.addAnd("hypervisorType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, HypervisorType.KVM); // support KVM only util 2013.06.25 List<HostVO> hosts =, null); for (HostVO host : hosts) { List<UserVmVO> vms = _userVmDao.listRunningByHostId(host.getId()); List<Long> vmIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (UserVmVO vm : vms) { if (vm.getType() == VirtualMachine.Type.User) // user vm vmIds.add(vm.getId()); } HashMap<Long, List<VmDiskStatsEntry>> vmDiskStatsById = _userVmMgr .getVmDiskStatistics(host.getId(), host.getName(), vmIds); if (vmDiskStatsById == null) continue; Set<Long> vmIdSet = vmDiskStatsById.keySet(); for (Long vmId : vmIdSet) { List<VmDiskStatsEntry> vmDiskStats = vmDiskStatsById.get(vmId); if (vmDiskStats == null) continue; UserVmVO userVm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId); for (VmDiskStatsEntry vmDiskStat : vmDiskStats) { SearchCriteria<VolumeVO> sc_volume = _volsDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc_volume.addAnd("path", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, vmDiskStat.getPath()); List<VolumeVO> volumes =, null); if ((volumes == null) || (volumes.size() == 0)) break; VolumeVO volume = volumes.get(0); VmDiskStatisticsVO previousVmDiskStats = _vmDiskStatsDao.findBy( userVm.getAccountId(), userVm.getDataCenterId(), vmId, volume.getId()); VmDiskStatisticsVO vmDiskStat_lock = _vmDiskStatsDao.lock(userVm.getAccountId(), userVm.getDataCenterId(), vmId, volume.getId()); if ((vmDiskStat.getBytesRead() == 0) && (vmDiskStat.getBytesWrite() == 0) && (vmDiskStat.getIORead() == 0) && (vmDiskStat.getIOWrite() == 0)) { s_logger.debug( "IO/bytes read and write are all 0. Not updating vm_disk_statistics"); continue; } if (vmDiskStat_lock == null) { s_logger.warn("unable to find vm disk stats from host for account: " + userVm.getAccountId() + " with vmId: " + userVm.getId() + " and volumeId:" + volume.getId()); continue; } if (previousVmDiskStats != null && ((previousVmDiskStats .getCurrentBytesRead() != vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesRead()) || (previousVmDiskStats.getCurrentBytesWrite() != vmDiskStat_lock .getCurrentBytesWrite()) || (previousVmDiskStats.getCurrentIORead() != vmDiskStat_lock .getCurrentIORead()) || (previousVmDiskStats.getCurrentIOWrite() != vmDiskStat_lock .getCurrentIOWrite()))) { s_logger.debug( "vm disk stats changed from the time GetVmDiskStatsCommand was sent. " + "Ignoring current answer. Host: " + host.getName() + " . VM: " + vmDiskStat.getVmName() + " Read(Bytes): " + vmDiskStat.getBytesRead() + " write(Bytes): " + vmDiskStat.getBytesWrite() + " Read(IO): " + vmDiskStat.getIORead() + " write(IO): " + vmDiskStat.getIOWrite()); continue; } if (vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesRead() > vmDiskStat.getBytesRead()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Read # of bytes that's less than the last one. " + "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Host: " + host.getName() + " . VM: " + vmDiskStat.getVmName() + " Reported: " + vmDiskStat.getBytesRead() + " Stored: " + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesRead()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setNetBytesRead(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetBytesRead() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesRead()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setCurrentBytesRead(vmDiskStat.getBytesRead()); if (vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesWrite() > vmDiskStat.getBytesWrite()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Write # of bytes that's less than the last one. " + "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Host: " + host.getName() + " . VM: " + vmDiskStat.getVmName() + " Reported: " + vmDiskStat.getBytesWrite() + " Stored: " + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesWrite()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setNetBytesWrite(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetBytesWrite() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesWrite()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setCurrentBytesWrite(vmDiskStat.getBytesWrite()); if (vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIORead() > vmDiskStat.getIORead()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Read # of IO that's less than the last one. " + "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Host: " + host.getName() + " . VM: " + vmDiskStat.getVmName() + " Reported: " + vmDiskStat.getIORead() + " Stored: " + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIORead()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setNetIORead(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetIORead() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIORead()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setCurrentIORead(vmDiskStat.getIORead()); if (vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIOWrite() > vmDiskStat.getIOWrite()) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Write # of IO that's less than the last one. " + "Assuming something went wrong and persisting it. Host: " + host.getName() + " . VM: " + vmDiskStat.getVmName() + " Reported: " + vmDiskStat.getIOWrite() + " Stored: " + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIOWrite()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setNetIOWrite(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetIOWrite() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIOWrite()); } vmDiskStat_lock.setCurrentIOWrite(vmDiskStat.getIOWrite()); if (!_dailyOrHourly) { //update agg bytes vmDiskStat_lock.setAggBytesWrite(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetBytesWrite() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesWrite()); vmDiskStat_lock.setAggBytesRead(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetBytesRead() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentBytesRead()); vmDiskStat_lock.setAggIOWrite(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetIOWrite() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIOWrite()); vmDiskStat_lock.setAggIORead(vmDiskStat_lock.getNetIORead() + vmDiskStat_lock.getCurrentIORead()); } _vmDiskStatsDao.update(vmDiskStat_lock.getId(), vmDiskStat_lock); } } } } }); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Error while collecting vm disk stats from hosts", e); } } } class StorageCollector extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("StorageCollector is running..."); } List<DataStore> stores = _dataStoreMgr.listImageStores(); ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats> storageStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats>(); for (DataStore store : stores) { if (store.getUri() == null) { continue; } Integer nfsVersion = imageStoreDetailsUtil.getNfsVersion(store.getId()); GetStorageStatsCommand command = new GetStorageStatsCommand(store.getTO(), nfsVersion); EndPoint ssAhost =; if (ssAhost == null) { s_logger.debug( "There is no secondary storage VM for secondary storage host " + store.getName()); continue; } long storeId = store.getId(); Answer answer = ssAhost.sendMessage(command); if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) { storageStats.put(storeId, (StorageStats) answer); s_logger.trace("HostId: " + storeId + " Used: " + ((StorageStats) answer).getByteUsed() + " Total Available: " + ((StorageStats) answer).getCapacityBytes()); } } _storageStats = storageStats; ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats> storagePoolStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, StorageStats>(); List<StoragePoolVO> storagePools = _storagePoolDao.listAll(); for (StoragePoolVO pool : storagePools) { // check if the pool has enabled hosts List<Long> hostIds = _storageManager.getUpHostsInPool(pool.getId()); if (hostIds == null || hostIds.isEmpty()) continue; GetStorageStatsCommand command = new GetStorageStatsCommand(pool.getUuid(), pool.getPoolType(), pool.getPath()); long poolId = pool.getId(); try { Answer answer = _storageManager.sendToPool(pool, command); if (answer != null && answer.getResult()) { storagePoolStats.put(pool.getId(), (StorageStats) answer); // Seems like we have dynamically updated the pool size since the prev. size and the current do not match if (_storagePoolStats.get(poolId) != null && _storagePoolStats.get(poolId) .getCapacityBytes() != ((StorageStats) answer).getCapacityBytes()) { pool.setCapacityBytes(((StorageStats) answer).getCapacityBytes()); _storagePoolDao.update(pool.getId(), pool); } } } catch (StorageUnavailableException e) {"Unable to reach " + pool, e); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to get stats for " + pool, e); } } _storagePoolStats = storagePoolStats; } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Error trying to retrieve storage stats", t); } } } class AutoScaleMonitor extends ManagedContextRunnable { @Override protected void runInContext() { try { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("AutoScaling Monitor is running..."); } // list all AS VMGroups List<AutoScaleVmGroupVO> asGroups = _asGroupDao.listAll(); for (AutoScaleVmGroupVO asGroup : asGroups) { // check group state if ((asGroup.getState().equals("enabled")) && (is_native(asGroup.getId()))) { // check minimum vm of group Integer currentVM = _asGroupVmDao.countByGroup(asGroup.getId()); if (currentVM < asGroup.getMinMembers()) { _asManager.doScaleUp(asGroup.getId(), asGroup.getMinMembers() - currentVM); continue; } //check interval long now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (asGroup.getLastInterval() != null) if ((now - asGroup.getLastInterval().getTime()) < asGroup.getInterval()) { continue; } // update last_interval asGroup.setLastInterval(new Date()); _asGroupDao.persist(asGroup); // collect RRDs data for this group if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("[AutoScale] Collecting RRDs data..."); } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<AutoScaleVmGroupVmMapVO> asGroupVmVOs = _asGroupVmDao.listByGroup(asGroup.getId()); params.put("total_vm", String.valueOf(asGroupVmVOs.size())); for (int i = 0; i < asGroupVmVOs.size(); i++) { long vmId = asGroupVmVOs.get(i).getInstanceId(); VMInstanceVO vmVO = _vmInstance.findById(vmId); //xe vm-list | grep vmname -B 1 | head -n 1 | awk -F':' '{print $2}' params.put("vmname" + String.valueOf(i + 1), vmVO.getInstanceName()); params.put("vmid" + String.valueOf(i + 1), String.valueOf(vmVO.getId())); } // get random hostid because all vms are in a cluster long vmId = asGroupVmVOs.get(0).getInstanceId(); VMInstanceVO vmVO = _vmInstance.findById(vmId); Long receiveHost = vmVO.getHostId(); // setup parameters phase: duration and counter // list pair [counter, duration] List<Pair<String, Integer>> lstPair = getPairofCounternameAndDuration(asGroup.getId()); int total_counter = 0; String[] lstCounter = new String[lstPair.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < lstPair.size(); i++) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = lstPair.get(i); String strCounterNames = pair.first(); Integer duration = pair.second(); lstCounter[i] = strCounterNames.split(",")[0]; total_counter++; params.put("duration" + String.valueOf(total_counter), duration.toString()); params.put("counter" + String.valueOf(total_counter), lstCounter[i]); params.put("con" + String.valueOf(total_counter), strCounterNames.split(",")[1]); } params.put("total_counter", String.valueOf(total_counter)); PerformanceMonitorCommand perfMon = new PerformanceMonitorCommand(params, 20); try { Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(receiveHost, perfMon); if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) { s_logger.debug("Failed to send data to node !"); } else { String result = answer.getDetails(); s_logger.debug("[AutoScale] RRDs collection answer: " + result); HashMap<Long, Double> avgCounter = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); // extract data String[] counterElements = result.split(","); if ((counterElements != null) && (counterElements.length > 0)) { for (String string : counterElements) { try { String[] counterVals = string.split(":"); String[] counter_vm = counterVals[0].split("\\."); Long counterId = Long.parseLong(counter_vm[1]); Long conditionId = Long.parseLong(params.get("con" + counter_vm[1])); Double coVal = Double.parseDouble(counterVals[1]); // Summary of all counter by counterId key if (avgCounter.get(counterId) == null) { /* initialize if data is not set */ avgCounter.put(counterId, new Double(0)); } String counterName = getCounternamebyCondition(conditionId.longValue()); if (Counter.Source.memory.toString().equals(counterName)) { // calculate memory in percent Long profileId = asGroup.getProfileId(); AutoScaleVmProfileVO profileVo = _asProfileDao.findById(profileId); ServiceOfferingVO serviceOff = _serviceOfferingDao .findById(profileVo.getServiceOfferingId()); int maxRAM = serviceOff.getRamSize(); // get current RAM percent coVal = coVal / maxRAM; } else { // cpu coVal = coVal * 100; } // update data entry avgCounter.put(counterId, avgCounter.get(counterId) + coVal); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String scaleAction = getAutoscaleAction(avgCounter, asGroup.getId(), currentVM, params); if (scaleAction != null) { s_logger.debug("[AutoScale] Doing scale action: " + scaleAction + " for group " + asGroup.getId()); if (scaleAction.equals("scaleup")) { _asManager.doScaleUp(asGroup.getId(), 1); } else { _asManager.doScaleDown(asGroup.getId()); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { s_logger.error("Error trying to monitor autoscaling", t); } } private boolean is_native(long groupId) { List<AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO> vos = _asGroupPolicyDao.listByVmGroupId(groupId); for (AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO vo : vos) { List<AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO> ConditionPolicies = _asConditionMapDao .findByPolicyId(vo.getPolicyId()); for (AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO ConditionPolicy : ConditionPolicies) { ConditionVO condition = _asConditionDao.findById(ConditionPolicy.getConditionId()); CounterVO counter = _asCounterDao.findById(condition.getCounterid()); if (counter.getSource() == Counter.Source.cpu || counter.getSource() == Counter.Source.memory) return true; } } return false; } private String getAutoscaleAction(HashMap<Long, Double> avgCounter, long groupId, long currentVM, Map<String, String> params) { List<AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO> listMap = _asGroupPolicyDao.listByVmGroupId(groupId); if ((listMap == null) || (listMap.size() == 0)) return null; for (AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO asVmgPmap : listMap) { AutoScalePolicyVO policyVO = _asPolicyDao.findById(asVmgPmap.getPolicyId()); if (policyVO != null) { Integer quitetime = policyVO.getQuietTime(); Date quitetimeDate = policyVO.getLastQuiteTime(); long last_quitetime = 0L; if (quitetimeDate != null) { last_quitetime = policyVO.getLastQuiteTime().getTime(); } long current_time = (new Date()).getTime(); // check quite time for this policy if ((current_time - last_quitetime) >= (long) quitetime) { // list all condition of this policy boolean bValid = true; List<ConditionVO> lstConditions = getConditionsbyPolicyId(policyVO.getId()); if ((lstConditions != null) && (lstConditions.size() > 0)) { // check whole conditions of this policy for (ConditionVO conditionVO : lstConditions) { long thresholdValue = conditionVO.getThreshold(); Double thresholdPercent = (double) thresholdValue / 100; CounterVO counterVO = _asCounterDao.findById(conditionVO.getCounterid()); //Double sum = avgCounter.get(conditionVO.getCounterid()); long counter_count = 1; do { String counter_param = params.get("counter" + String.valueOf(counter_count)); Counter.Source counter_source = counterVO.getSource(); if (counter_param.equals(counter_source.toString())) break; counter_count++; } while (1 == 1); Double sum = avgCounter.get(counter_count); Double avg = sum / currentVM; Operator op = conditionVO.getRelationalOperator(); boolean bConditionCheck = ((op == && (thresholdPercent.equals(avg))) || ((op == && (avg.doubleValue() >= thresholdPercent.doubleValue())) || ((op == && (avg.doubleValue() > thresholdPercent.doubleValue())) || ((op == && (avg.doubleValue() <= thresholdPercent.doubleValue())) || ((op == && (avg.doubleValue() < thresholdPercent.doubleValue())); if (!bConditionCheck) { bValid = false; break; } } if (bValid) { return policyVO.getAction(); } } } } } return null; } private List<ConditionVO> getConditionsbyPolicyId(long policyId) { List<AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO> conditionMap = _asConditionMapDao.findByPolicyId(policyId); if ((conditionMap == null) || (conditionMap.size() == 0)) return null; List<ConditionVO> lstResult = new ArrayList<ConditionVO>(); for (AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO asPCmap : conditionMap) { lstResult.add(_asConditionDao.findById(asPCmap.getConditionId())); } return lstResult; } public List<Pair<String, Integer>> getPairofCounternameAndDuration(long groupId) { AutoScaleVmGroupVO groupVo = _asGroupDao.findById(groupId); if (groupVo == null) return null; List<Pair<String, Integer>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Integer>>(); //list policy map List<AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO> groupPolicymap = _asGroupPolicyDao.listByVmGroupId(groupVo.getId()); if (groupPolicymap == null) return null; for (AutoScaleVmGroupPolicyMapVO gpMap : groupPolicymap) { //get duration AutoScalePolicyVO policyVo = _asPolicyDao.findById(gpMap.getPolicyId()); Integer duration = policyVo.getDuration(); //get collection of counter name StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); List<AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO> lstPCmap = _asConditionMapDao.findByPolicyId(policyVo.getId()); for (AutoScalePolicyConditionMapVO pcMap : lstPCmap) { String counterName = getCounternamebyCondition(pcMap.getConditionId()); buff.append(counterName); buff.append(","); buff.append(pcMap.getConditionId()); } // add to result Pair<String, Integer> pair = new Pair<String, Integer>(buff.toString(), duration); result.add(pair); } return result; } public String getCounternamebyCondition(long conditionId) { ConditionVO condition = _asConditionDao.findById(conditionId); if (condition == null) return ""; long counterId = condition.getCounterid(); CounterVO counter = _asCounterDao.findById(counterId); if (counter == null) return ""; return counter.getSource().toString(); } } public boolean imageStoreHasEnoughCapacity(DataStore imageStore) { StorageStats imageStoreStats = _storageStats.get(imageStore.getId()); if (imageStoreStats != null && (imageStoreStats.getByteUsed() / (imageStoreStats.getCapacityBytes() * 1.0)) <= _imageStoreCapacityThreshold) { return true; } return false; } public StorageStats getStorageStats(long id) { return _storageStats.get(id); } public HostStats getHostStats(long hostId) { return _hostStats.get(hostId); } public StorageStats getStoragePoolStats(long id) { return _storagePoolStats.get(id); } }