Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Click Travel Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.amazonaws.HttpMethod; import; import*; import com.clicktravel.cheddar.infrastructure.persistence.database.exception.NonExistentItemException; import com.clicktravel.cheddar.infrastructure.persistence.exception.PersistenceResourceFailureException; import com.clicktravel.cheddar.infrastructure.persistence.filestore.FileItem; import com.clicktravel.cheddar.infrastructure.persistence.filestore.FilePath; import com.clicktravel.cheddar.infrastructure.persistence.filestore.InternetFileStore; public class S3FileStore implements InternetFileStore { private static final String USER_METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX = "x-amz-meta-"; private static final String USER_METADATA_FILENAME = "filename"; private static final String USER_METADATA_LAST_UPDATED_TIME = "last-updated-time"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final String bucketSchema; private boolean initialized; private AmazonS3 amazonS3Client; private final DateTimeFormatter formatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis().withZoneUTC(); private final Collection<String> missingItemErrorCodes = Arrays.asList("NoSuchBucket", "NoSuchKey"); public S3FileStore(final String bucketSchema) { this.bucketSchema = bucketSchema; initialized = false; } public void initialize(final AmazonS3 amazonS3Client) { this.amazonS3Client = amazonS3Client; initialized = true;"S3FileStore initialized."); } private void checkInitialization() { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("S3FileStore not initialized."); } } @Override public FileItem read(final FilePath filePath) throws NonExistentItemException { checkInitialization(); final GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketNameForFilePath(filePath), filePath.filename()); try { final S3Object s3Object = amazonS3Client.getObject(getObjectRequest); final Map<String, String> userMetaData = getUserMetaData(s3Object); final String filename = userMetaData.get(USER_METADATA_FILENAME); final String lastUpdatedTimeStr = userMetaData.get(USER_METADATA_LAST_UPDATED_TIME); DateTime lastUpdatedTime = null; if (lastUpdatedTimeStr != null) { try { lastUpdatedTime = formatter.parseDateTime(lastUpdatedTimeStr); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } try { final FileItem fileItem = new FileItem(filename, s3Object.getObjectContent(), lastUpdatedTime); return fileItem; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } catch (final AmazonS3Exception e) { if (missingItemErrorCodes.contains(e.getErrorCode())) { throw new NonExistentItemException( "Item does not exist" + + "->" + filePath.filename()); } throw e; } } /** * Returns a Map of the user meta-data associated with the given S3 Object * * This is a work-around for a bug in the AWS Java SDK which treats HTTP headers in a case-insensitive manner. * * @see <a href=""></a> * * @param s3Object The S3Object for which the user meta-data is to be obtained. * @return key-value map for user meta-data */ private Map<String, String> getUserMetaData(final S3Object s3Object) { final ObjectMetadata objectMetaData = s3Object.getObjectMetadata(); final Map<String, String> userMetaData = objectMetaData.getUserMetadata(); if (userMetaData.isEmpty()) { for (final Entry<String, Object> entry : objectMetaData.getRawMetadata().entrySet()) { final String normalisedKey = entry.getKey().toLowerCase(); if (normalisedKey.startsWith(USER_METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX)) { final String value = String.valueOf(entry.getValue()); userMetaData.put(normalisedKey.substring(USER_METADATA_HEADER_PREFIX.length()), value); } } } return userMetaData; } @Override public void write(final FilePath filePath, final FileItem fileItem) { checkInitialization(); final ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.addUserMetadata(USER_METADATA_FILENAME, fileItem.filename()); metadata.addUserMetadata(USER_METADATA_LAST_UPDATED_TIME, formatter.print(fileItem.lastUpdatedTime())); metadata.setContentLength(fileItem.getBytes().length); final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileItem.getBytes()); final String bucketName = bucketNameForFilePath(filePath); if (!amazonS3Client.doesBucketExist(bucketName)) { createBucket(bucketName); } final PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, filePath.filename(), is, metadata); amazonS3Client.putObject(putObjectRequest); } @Override public void delete(final FilePath filePath) { checkInitialization(); try { amazonS3Client.deleteObject(bucketNameForFilePath(filePath), filePath.filename()); } catch (final AmazonS3Exception e) { if (missingItemErrorCodes.contains(e.getErrorCode())) { throw new NonExistentItemException( "Item does not exist" + + "->" + filePath.filename()); } throw e; } } private String bucketNameForFilePath(final FilePath filePath) { return bucketSchema + "-" +; } /** * Returns the correct bucket name for the supplied directory. * * @param directory The directory for which the bucket name is required. * @return The correct bucket name for the supplied directory. */ private String bucketNameForDirectory(final String directory) { return bucketSchema + "-" + directory; } private void createBucket(final String bucketName) { amazonS3Client.createBucket(bucketName); } @Override public URL publicUrlForFilePath(final FilePath filePath) throws NonExistentItemException { return amazonS3Client.generatePresignedUrl(bucketNameForFilePath(filePath), filePath.filename(),, HttpMethod.GET); } @Override public List<FilePath> list(final String directory, final String prefix) { try { final List<FilePath> filePathList = new ArrayList<FilePath>(); final ObjectListing objectListing = amazonS3Client.listObjects(bucketNameForDirectory(directory), prefix); final List<S3ObjectSummary> s3objectSummaries = objectListing.getObjectSummaries(); for (final S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary : s3objectSummaries) { final FilePath filePath = new FilePath(directory, s3ObjectSummary.getKey()); filePathList.add(filePath); } return filePathList; } catch (final AmazonS3Exception e) { throw new PersistenceResourceFailureException("An error occurred obtaining a listing of directory -> " + directory + " with prefix -> " + prefix, e); } } }