Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2012 Dylan Reid This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; //a database wrapper for trails on the android device public class Database_SavedTrails { public static final String MYDATABASE_NAME = "dbCleverTrail"; public static final String MYDATABASE_TABLE = "tblSavedTrails"; public static final int MYDATABASE_VERSION = 1; public static final String KEY_CONTENT = "Content"; //this will create a table for trails if one does not exist already final String CREATE_TABLE_SAVEDTRAILS = "CREATE TABLE " + MYDATABASE_TABLE + " (" + "name TEXT PRIMARY KEY COLLATE NOCASE, " + "json TEXT);"; private SQLiteHelper sqLiteHelper; private SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase; private Context context; public Database_SavedTrails(Context c) { context = c; } public Database_SavedTrails openToRead() throws android.database.SQLException { sqLiteHelper = new SQLiteHelper(context, MYDATABASE_NAME, null, MYDATABASE_VERSION); sqLiteDatabase = sqLiteHelper.getReadableDatabase(); return this; } public Database_SavedTrails openToWrite() throws android.database.SQLException { sqLiteHelper = new SQLiteHelper(context, MYDATABASE_NAME, null, MYDATABASE_VERSION); sqLiteDatabase = sqLiteHelper.getWritableDatabase(); return this; } public void close() { sqLiteHelper.close(); } //insert a record into the database that contains the name of the trail and //the json to reconstruct the data public long insert(String sName, String sJSON) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put("name", sName.replace("_", " ")); contentValues.put("json", sJSON); return sqLiteDatabase.insert(MYDATABASE_TABLE, null, contentValues); } //delete a record by name public void remove(String sName) { String whereClause = "name = '" + sName + "'"; sqLiteDatabase.delete(MYDATABASE_TABLE, whereClause, null); } //delete all records public int deleteAll() { return sqLiteDatabase.delete(MYDATABASE_TABLE, null, null); } //return all records public String queueAll() { String[] columns = new String[] { "name", "json" }; Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.query(MYDATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null, null, null); String result = ""; int index_NAME = cursor.getColumnIndex("name"); for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !(cursor.isAfterLast()); cursor.moveToNext()) { result = result + cursor.getString(index_NAME) + "\n"; } return result; } // search for all saved trails public String getJSONString() { String[] columns = new String[] { "json" }; Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.query(MYDATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); int index_JSON = cursor.getColumnIndex("json"); //we will create a simple return value of the format: //"[trail1JSON, trail2JSON, ...]" String sReturn = "["; while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { String sTrailJSON = cursor.getString(index_JSON); sReturn = sReturn.concat(sTrailJSON); cursor.moveToNext(); if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { if (sTrailJSON.compareTo("") != 0) sReturn = sReturn.concat(","); } else { break; } } sReturn = sReturn.concat("]"); return sReturn; } // find a specific trail by name public String getJSONString(String sName) { String[] columns = new String[] { "json" }; String selection = "name = '" + sName + "'"; Cursor cursor = sqLiteDatabase.query(MYDATABASE_TABLE, columns, selection, null, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); int index_JSON = cursor.getColumnIndex("json"); String sReturn = ""; if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) sReturn = cursor.getString(index_JSON); return sReturn; } //a function that will open the SavedTrails activity //this function takes the current activity running public static int openSavedTrails(Activity activity) { JSONArray jsonArray = null; Database_SavedTrails db = new Database_SavedTrails(activity); db.openToRead(); //getJSONString() without an argument returns all saved trails String jsonString = db.getJSONString(); try { jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return R.string.error_corrupttrailindatabase; } db.close(); //clear the traillist and then load it up with all the saved trails Object_TrailList.clearTrails(); if (jsonArray != null && jsonArray.length() > 0) { int len = jsonArray.length(); try { for (int i = 0; i < len && i < 20; ++i) { JSONObject trail = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); //add trail information from the JSON Object_TrailList.addTrailWithJSON(trail); } } catch (JSONException e) { return R.string.error_corrupttrailindatabase; } } //prepare the extras for the saved trails activity (icon and title) int icon = R.drawable.ic_viewtrailtab_save_unselected; String title = "CleverTrail - Saved Trails"; Intent i = new Intent(activity, Activity_ListTrails.class); i.putExtra("icon", icon); i.putExtra("title", title); activity.startActivity(i); return 0; } //standard helper class public class SQLiteHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public SQLiteHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory, int version) { super(context, name, factory, version); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub db.execSQL(CREATE_TABLE_SAVEDTRAILS); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } }