Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Clark & Parsia, LLC. <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import javax.activation.MimeType; import org.openrdf.model.Graph; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.Callback; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.Endpoint; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.KnowledgeBase; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.PelletClientException; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.PelletServerMimeTypes; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.PelletService; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.PelletServiceCallbackTask; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.ServiceAnnotation; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.utils.CallbackUtils; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.utils.OpenRdfUtils; import com.clarkparsia.pelletserver.client.utils.RequestUtils; import com.clarkparsia.utils.web.Response; import; /** * The Explain service explains the results of a SPARQL query to the {@link KnowledgeBase} * * @author Pedro Oliveira * */ @ServiceAnnotation("explain") public class Explain extends AbstractKBPelletService { private static final MimeType MIMETYPE = PelletServerMimeTypes.RDFXML; public Explain(KnowledgeBase kb, Endpoint endpoint, MimeType... mimetypes) { super(kb, endpoint, mimetypes); checkArgument(Iterables.any(this.mimetypes, PelletServerMimeTypes.getPredicate(MIMETYPE)), getName() + " service must support %s", MIMETYPE); } /** * Explains a SPARQL query * * @param query * The SPARQL query to explain * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException if there is an error while querying */ public Graph query(String query) throws PelletClientException { return new ExplainQueryTask(this, query).execute(); } /** * Asynchronously explains a SPARQL query * * @param query * The SPARQL query to explain * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void query(String query, Callback<Graph> callback) { CallbackUtils.launchThread(callback, new ExplainQueryTask(this, query)); } /** * Explains why {@code subclass} is rdfs:subclassOf {@code superclass} * * @param subclass * The sub class * @param superclass * The super class * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException if there is an error while querying */ public Graph subclass(Resource subclass, Resource superclass) throws PelletClientException { String query = selectQuery(subclass.stringValue(), RDFS.SUBCLASSOF.stringValue(), superclass.stringValue()); return query(query); } /** * Asynchronously explains why {@code subclass} is rdfs:subclassOf {@code superclass} * * @param subclass * The sub class * @param superclass * The super class * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void subclass(Resource subclass, Resource superclass, Callback<Graph> callback) { String query = selectQuery(subclass.stringValue(), RDFS.SUBCLASSOF.stringValue(), superclass.stringValue()); query(query, callback); } /** * Explains why class {@code cl} is unsatisfiable * * @param cl * The class to check for unsatisfiability * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException * If there is an error or {@code cl} is not unsatisfiable */ public Graph unsat(Resource cl) throws PelletClientException { String query = selectQuery(cl.stringValue(), RDFS.SUBCLASSOF.stringValue(), ""); return query(query); } /** * Asynchronously explains why class {@code cl} is unsatisfiable * * @param cl * The class to check for unsatisfiability * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void unsat(Resource cl, Callback<Graph> callback) { String query = selectQuery(cl.stringValue(), RDFS.SUBCLASSOF.stringValue(), ""); query(query, callback); } /** * Explains why the {@link KnowledgeBase} is inconsistent * * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException * If there is an error or the {@link KnowledgeBase} is not inconsistent */ public Graph inconsistent() throws PelletClientException { return query(""); } /** * Asynchronously explains why the {@link KnowledgeBase} is inconsistent * * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void inconsistent(Callback<Graph> callback) { query("", callback); } /** * Explains the triple ({@code subject}, {@code predicate}, {@code object} ) * * @param subject * The subject * @param predicate * The predicate * @param object * The object * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException if there is an error while querying */ public Graph property(Resource subject, URI predicate, Resource object) throws PelletClientException { String query = selectQuery(subject.stringValue(), predicate.stringValue(), object.stringValue()); return query(query); } /** * Asynchronously explains the triple ({@code subject}, {@code predicate}, {@code object} ) * * @param subject * The subject * @param predicate * The predicate * @param object * The object * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void property(Resource subject, URI predicate, Resource object, Callback<Graph> callback) { String query = selectQuery(subject.stringValue(), predicate.stringValue(), object.stringValue()); query(query, callback); } /** * Explains why {@code instance} is an instance of {@code cl} * * @param instance * The instance * @param cl * The class * @return The explanation {@link org.openrdf.model.Graph Graph} * @throws PelletClientException * If there is an error or the {@code instance} is not an instance of {@code cl} */ public Graph instance(Resource instance, Resource cl) throws PelletClientException { String query = selectQuery(instance.toString(), RDF.TYPE.stringValue(), cl.stringValue()); return query(query); } /** * Asynchronously explains why {@code instance} is an instance of {@code cl} * * @param instance * The instance * @param cl * The class * @param callback * The {@link Callback} to execute after the explanation is done */ public void instance(Resource instance, Resource cl, Callback<Graph> callback) { String query = selectQuery(instance.toString(), RDF.TYPE.stringValue(), cl.stringValue()); query(query, callback); } /** * Performs a SPARQL {@code SELECT} query with the provided {@code subject}, {@code predicate}, and {@code object} */ private static String selectQuery(String subject, String predicate, String object) { return String.format("SELECT * WHERE { <%s> <%s> <%s> }", subject, predicate, object); } private static class ExplainQueryTask extends PelletServiceCallbackTask<Graph> { private String query; protected ExplainQueryTask(PelletService service, String query) { super(service); this.query = query; } public Graph execute() throws PelletClientException { URL url = null; try { String encodedQuery = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); url = new URL(service.getEndpoint().getURL().toString().replaceAll("\\Q{?query}\\E", "?query=" + encodedQuery)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PelletClientException("Problem creating query URL", e); } Response response = RequestUtils.execute(new Endpoint(url, service.getEndpoint().getHTTPMethods()), service.getServer().getPreferredMethod(), MIMETYPE); try { return OpenRdfUtils.createGraphFromRDFXMLBlob(response.getContent()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PelletClientException("Problem parsing " + MIMETYPE + " response", e); } } } }