Java tutorial
package; /* * Source File: * * Description: This Composite CJP ftp's a file from the ftp system. CJP reads input filename, user id, password, ftp server connection and downloads t * the file to the valid directory on the target server. * * Input: * fileName - Filename to ftp. * hostIp - IP address of ftp server. * userId - Valid userId to connect to ftp server. * userPass - Valid password for userId. * ftpDirName - Valid directory where the source ftp file resides on ftp server. * dirName - Valid directory on the target server. * * Output: * success - true/1=file ftp success, false/0=failed w/exception. * * Exceptions: CustomProcedureException, SQLException * Author: Niraj Vora * Date: 11/5/2013 * CSW Version: 6.2.4 * * (c) 2013, 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software is released under the Eclipse Public License. The details can be found in the file LICENSE. Any dependent libraries supplied by third parties are provided under their own open source licenses as described in their own LICENSE files, generally named .LICENSE.txt. The libraries supplied by Cisco as part of the Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server, particularly csadmin-XXXX.jar, csarchive-XXXX.jar, csbase-XXXX.jar, csclient-XXXX.jar, cscommon-XXXX.jar, csext-XXXX.jar, csjdbc-XXXX.jar, csserverutil-XXXX.jar, csserver-XXXX.jar, cswebapi-XXXX.jar, and customproc-XXXX.jar (where -XXXX is an optional version number) are provided as a convenience, but are covered under the licensing for the Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server. They cannot be used in any way except through a valid license for that product. This software is released AS-IS!. Support for this software is not covered by standard maintenance agreements with Cisco. Any support for this software by Cisco would be covered by paid consulting agreements, and would be billable work. */ import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import; import; import com.compositesw.extension.CustomProcedure; import com.compositesw.extension.CustomProcedureException; import com.compositesw.extension.ExecutionEnvironment; import com.compositesw.extension.ParameterInfo; public class FtpFile implements CustomProcedure { private ExecutionEnvironment qenv; private String fileName; private String hostIp; private String userId; private String userPass; private String ftpDirName; private String dirName; boolean success; public void initialize(ExecutionEnvironment qenv) { this.qenv = qenv; } // // Introspection methods // public String getName() { return "ftpFile"; } public String getDescription() { return "This Composite CJP downloads a file from an ftp server."; } // // Transaction methods // public boolean canCommit() { return false; } public void commit() throws CustomProcedureException, SQLException { } public void rollback() throws CustomProcedureException, SQLException { } public boolean canCompensate() { return false; } public void compensate(ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment) throws CustomProcedureException, SQLException { } public ParameterInfo[] getParameterInfo() { return new ParameterInfo[] { new ParameterInfo("fileName", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("hostIp", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("userId", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("userPass", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("ftpDirName", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("dirName", Types.VARCHAR, DIRECTION_IN), new ParameterInfo("success", Types.BOOLEAN, DIRECTION_OUT) }; } public void invoke(Object[] inputValues) throws CustomProcedureException, SQLException { if (inputValues[0] == null) { throw new CustomProcedureException( "Error in CJP " + getName() + ": IN Parameter fileName must be provided."); } fileName = inputValues[0].toString(); hostIp = inputValues[1].toString(); userId = inputValues[2].toString(); userPass = inputValues[3].toString(); ftpDirName = inputValues[4].toString(); dirName = inputValues[5].toString(); ftpFile(fileName); } public void ftpFile(String fileName) throws CustomProcedureException, SQLException { // new ftp client FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); OutputStream output = null; success = false; try { //try to connect ftp.connect(hostIp); //login to server if (!ftp.login(userId, userPass)) { ftp.logout(); qenv.log(LOG_ERROR, "Ftp server refused connection user/password incorrect."); } int reply = ftp.getReplyCode(); //FTPReply stores a set of constants for FTP Reply codes if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftp.disconnect(); qenv.log(LOG_ERROR, "Ftp server refused connection."); } //enter passive mode ftp.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE, FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); ftp.setFileTransferMode(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); //get system name //System.out.println("Remote system is " + ftp.getSystemType()); //change current directory ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(ftpDirName); System.out.println("Current directory is " + ftp.printWorkingDirectory()); System.out.println("File is " + fileName); output = new FileOutputStream(dirName + "/" + fileName); //get the file from the remote system success = ftp.retrieveFile(fileName, output); //close output stream output.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CustomProcedureException("Error in CJP " + getName() + ": " + ex.toString()); } } public int getNumAffectedRows() { return 0; } public Object[] getOutputValues() { return new Object[] { success }; } public void close() throws SQLException { } } // end of class