Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (c) 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This software is released under the Eclipse Public License. The details can be found in the file LICENSE. 
 * Any dependent libraries supplied by third parties are provided under their own open source licenses as 
 * described in their own LICENSE files, generally named .LICENSE.txt. The libraries supplied by Cisco as 
 * part of the Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server, particularly csadmin-XXXX.jar, 
 * csarchive-XXXX.jar, csbase-XXXX.jar, csclient-XXXX.jar, cscommon-XXXX.jar, csext-XXXX.jar, csjdbc-XXXX.jar, 
 * csserverutil-XXXX.jar, csserver-XXXX.jar, cswebapi-XXXX.jar, and customproc-XXXX.jar (where -XXXX is an 
 * optional version number) are provided as a convenience, but are covered under the licensing for the 
 * Composite Information Server/Cisco Data Virtualization Server. They cannot be used in any way except 
 * through a valid license for that product.
 * This software is released AS-IS!. Support for this software is not covered by standard maintenance agreements with Cisco. 
 * Any support for this software by Cisco would be covered by paid consulting agreements, and would be billable work.

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;


 * This class has bunch of methods used by the scripting framework. Please do not delete the System.out.println 
 * statements, they are used by the scripts.
 * This class has been moved into its own package so that log4j can be specifically set to ERROR.  
 * If it is set to anything else like INFO or DEBUG, then the output will contain unwanted messages instead of the desired results.
 *   Note: This should be left at ERROR
public class ScriptUtil {

    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ScriptUtil.class);

     * Create a command file for UNIX or Windows from name value pairs strings constructed based on passed in xml content
     * @param xmlFilePath xml File Path
     * @param nodeName String return name values for passed in node name and node value. * is treated as all nodes
     * @param nodeValue String return name values for passed in node name and node value. * is treated as all node values
     * @param options additional options to return the node name or attributes such as "-noid -noattributes"
     * @param commandOutputFile The fully qualifed path of the command output file
     * @param commandHeader The command file header such as #!/bin/bash
     * @param commandType The type of command file [UNIX|WINDOWS] {use export for UNIX, use set for WINDOWS)
     *           UNIX: export name="value"
     *        WINDOWS: set name=value
     * usage createCommandFileFromXML xmlFilePath * * "-noid -noattributes" /Users/rthummal/mywork/clients/ps/CisDeployTool/resources/ #!/bin/bash UNIX
     * usage createCommandFileFromXML xmlFilePath hostname localhost "" C:\opt\pdtool/abc.bat "echo off"    WINDOWS
     * usage createCommandFileFromXML xmlFilePath hostname * "-noid" /opt/pdtool/ #!/bin/bash UNIX
    public static void createCommandFileFromXML(String xmlFilePath, String nodeName, String nodeValue,
            String options, String commandOutputFile, String commandHeader, String commandType) {
        boolean win = false;
        String cmdPrefix = "export ";
        if (commandType != null && commandType.equals("WINDOWS")) {
            win = true;
            cmdPrefix = "set ";

        String nameValuePairs = XMLUtils.getNameValuePairsFromXML(xmlFilePath, null, null, nodeName, nodeValue,
        if (nameValuePairs != null) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(commandHeader + "\n");
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(nameValuePairs, "|");
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {

                String nameValuePair = st.nextToken();

                if (!win) {
                    nameValuePair = nameValuePair.replace("=", "=\"");
                    nameValuePair += "\"";
                sb.append(nameValuePair + "\n");

            try {
                Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(commandOutputFile));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                logger.error("Could not wirte to command file " + commandOutputFile, e);
                throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);

            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("Could not wirte to command file " + commandOutputFile, e);
                throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);



     * Create the Composite Studio Enable VCS property file.  The property file name is of the format <composite_user>.<domain>.<composite_server_host>.properties.
     * @param vcsIncludeResourceSecurity - the value is either "true" or "false"
     * @param vcsWorkspacePathOverride - this is a way of overriding the vcs workspace path.  The vcsWorkspacePath is derived from the file properties:
     *                                   VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR+"/"+VCS_PROJECT_ROOT.  It will use the substitute drive by default.
     * @param vcsScriptBinFolderOverride - this is the bin folder name only for PDTool Studio.  Since PDTool Studio can now support multiple hosts via multiple /bin folders,
     *                             it is optional to pass in the /bin folder location.  e.g. bin_host1, bin_host2.  The default will be bin if the input is null or blank.                                 
     * @param studioPropertyName - the name of the PDTool configuration property file.  The default is
     * @param PDToolHomeDir - the directory of the PDToolStudio home directory
     * @param propertyFilePath - this is the full path to the output file.  For windows 7 the location will be in %USERPROFILE%\.compositesw
     * usage createStudioEnableVCSPropertyFile true D/:/CompositeSoftware/CIS6.2.0/conf/studio/PDToolStudio62 C:/Users/mike/.compositesw/
    public static void createStudioEnableVCSPropertyFile(String vcsIncludeResourceSecurity,
            String vcsWorkspacePathOverride, String vcsScriptBinFolderOverride, String studioPropertyName,
            String PDToolHomeDir, String propertyFilePath) {

        String prefix = "createStudioEnableVCSPropertyFile";
        // Set the global suppress and debug properties used throughout this class
        String validOptions = "true,false";
        // Get the property from the property file
        String debug = CommonUtils.getFileOrSystemPropertyValue(studioPropertyName, "DEBUG1");
        boolean debug1 = false;
        if (debug != null && validOptions.contains(debug)) {
            debug1 = Boolean.valueOf(debug);

        if (!vcsIncludeResourceSecurity.equals("true") && !vcsIncludeResourceSecurity.equals("false")) {
            throw new ApplicationException(
                    "The variable vcsIncludeResourceSecurity may only be set to \"true\" or \"false\"");
        if (vcsWorkspacePathOverride != null)
            vcsWorkspacePathOverride = vcsWorkspacePathOverride.trim();

        if (vcsScriptBinFolderOverride != null)
            vcsScriptBinFolderOverride = vcsScriptBinFolderOverride.trim();

        CommonUtils.writeOutput("", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("--- INPUT PARAMETERS ----", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    vcsIncludeResourceSecurity=" + vcsIncludeResourceSecurity, prefix, "-debug1",
                logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    vcsWorkspacePathOverride=[" + vcsWorkspacePathOverride + "]  len="
                + vcsWorkspacePathOverride.length(), prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    vcsScriptFolderOverride=[" + vcsScriptBinFolderOverride + "]  len="
                + vcsScriptBinFolderOverride.length(), prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    studioPropertyName=" + studioPropertyName, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1,
                false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    PDToolHomeDir=" + PDToolHomeDir, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false,
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("    propertyFilePath=" + propertyFilePath, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1,
                false, false);
        CommonUtils.writeOutput("", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        try {
            Format formatter;
            Date date = new Date();
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
            String dt = formatter.format(date);

            String VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR = CommonUtils.extractVariable("",
                    CommonUtils.getFileOrSystemPropertyValue(studioPropertyName, "VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR"),
                    "", true);
            File absFile = new File(VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR);
            String VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR_ABS = CommonUtils.setCanonicalPath(absFile.getCanonicalPath());

            String VCS_PROJECT_ROOT = CommonUtils.extractVariable("",
                    CommonUtils.getFileOrSystemPropertyValue(studioPropertyName, "VCS_PROJECT_ROOT"),
                    "", true);

            // Set the workspace path to the workspace override
            String vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePathOverride;

            // If the vcs workspace path override is null then derive the path from the
            if (vcsWorkspacePath == null || vcsWorkspacePath.length() == 0) {
                vcsWorkspacePath = (VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR_ABS + "/" + VCS_PROJECT_ROOT);
                System.out.println("VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR=" + VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR_ABS);
                System.out.println("VCS_PROJECT_ROOT=" + VCS_PROJECT_ROOT);
                System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath=[" + vcsWorkspacePath + "]");

            CommonUtils.writeOutput("--- INTERNAL WORKING PARAMETERS ----", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1,
                    false, false);
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("", prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR=" + VCS_WORKSPACE_DIR_ABS, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1,
                    false, false);
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("VCS_PROJECT_ROOT=" + VCS_PROJECT_ROOT, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1,
                    false, false);
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("pre-mod: vcsWorkspacePath=[" + vcsWorkspacePath + "]", prefix, "-debug1",
                    logger, debug1, false, false);

            // Change all backslash to forward slashes to normalize the path
            vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePath.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath="+vcsWorkspacePath);

            // Change all backslash to forward slashes to normalize the path
            vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePath.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath="+vcsWorkspacePath);

            // Create a double backslash for paths
            vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePath.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath="+vcsWorkspacePath);

            // Add \ in front of the C: so it will be C\:
            if (!vcsWorkspacePath.contains("\\:"))
                vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePath.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(":"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath="+vcsWorkspacePath);

            // Change C\\: to C\:
            if (vcsWorkspacePath.contains("\\\\:"))
                vcsWorkspacePath = vcsWorkspacePath.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\:"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath="+vcsWorkspacePath);

            //         System.out.println("vcsWorkspacePath=["+vcsWorkspacePath+"]");
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("post-mod: vcsWorkspacePath=[" + vcsWorkspacePath + "]", prefix, "-debug1",
                    logger, debug1, false, false);

            // If the vcs script bin folder name override is null then derive the path from the default /bin location.
            String vcsScriptFolder = (PDToolHomeDir + "/bin");
            if (vcsScriptBinFolderOverride != null && vcsScriptBinFolderOverride.length() > 0)
                vcsScriptFolder = (PDToolHomeDir + "/" + vcsScriptBinFolderOverride);

            CommonUtils.writeOutput("pre-mod: vcsScriptFolder=[" + vcsScriptFolder + "]", prefix, "-debug1", logger,
                    debug1, false, false);
            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder="+vcsScriptFolder);

            // Change all backslash to forward slashes to normalize the path
            vcsScriptFolder = vcsScriptFolder.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder="+vcsScriptFolder);

            // Change all backslash to forward slashes to normalize the path
            vcsScriptFolder = vcsScriptFolder.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder="+vcsScriptFolder);

            // Create a double backslash for paths
            vcsScriptFolder = vcsScriptFolder.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("/"),

            // Add \ in front of the C: so it will be C\:
            if (!vcsScriptFolder.contains("\\:"))
                vcsScriptFolder = vcsScriptFolder.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(":"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder="+vcsScriptFolder);

            // Change C\\: to C\:
            if (vcsScriptFolder.contains("\\\\:"))
                vcsScriptFolder = vcsScriptFolder.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\:"),
            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder="+vcsScriptFolder);

            //         System.out.println("vcsScriptFolder=["+vcsScriptFolder+"]");
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("post-mod: vcsScriptFolder=[" + vcsScriptFolder + "]", prefix, "-debug1",
                    logger, debug1, false, false);

            sb.append("# Generated by ExecutePDToolStudio.bat\n");
            sb.append("# " + dt + "\n");
            sb.append("vcsIncludeResourceSecurity=" + vcsIncludeResourceSecurity + "\n");
            sb.append("vcsScriptFolder=" + vcsScriptFolder + "\n");
            sb.append("vcsWorkspacePath=" + vcsWorkspacePath + "\n");
            sb.append("enableVCS=true" + "\n");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);

        try {
            Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(propertyFilePath));

            String fileContents = CommonUtils.getFileAsString(propertyFilePath);
            System.out.println("Property File Contents For [" + propertyFilePath + "]");
            CommonUtils.writeOutput("Property File Contents For [" + propertyFilePath + "]", prefix, "-debug1",
                    logger, debug1, false, false);
            CommonUtils.writeOutput(fileContents, prefix, "-debug1", logger, debug1, false, false);

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            logger.error("Could not wirte to property file " + propertyFilePath, e);
            throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Could not wirte to property file " + propertyFilePath, e);
            throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Return a flat name value pairs string constructed based on passed in xml content and separators 
     * "=","|" are defaulted as separators 1 and 2 if the values are not passed. Here is the flattened servers.xml
     * hostname=localhost|port=9400|usage=DEV|user=admin|encryptedpassword=7F6324FFD300BE8F|domain=composite|
     * hostname=localhost|port=9460|usage=DEV|user=admin|encryptedpassword=7F6324FFD300BE8F|domain=composite
     * @param xmlFilePath xml File Path
     * @param seperator1 Separator of name and value
     * @param seperator2 Separator for name value pair
     * @param nodeName String return name values for passed in node name and node value. * is treated as all nodes
     * @param nodeValue String return name values for passed in node name and node value. * is treated as all node values
     * @param options additional options to return the node name or attributes such as "-noid -noattributes"
     * @return flattened xml 
     * usage getNameValuePairsFromXML xmlFilePath sep1 sep2 * * "-noid -noattributes"
     * usage getNameValuePairsFromXML xmlFilePath sep1 sep2 hostname localhost ""
     * usage getNameValuePairsFromXML xmlFilePath sep1 sep2 hostname * "-noid"
    public static String getNameValuePairsFromXML(String xmlFilePath, String seperator1, String seperator2,
            String nodeName, String nodeValue, String options) {
        String nameValuePairs = XMLUtils.getNameValuePairsFromXML(xmlFilePath, seperator1, seperator2, nodeName,
                nodeValue, options);
        return nameValuePairs;

     * isPathSet returns true or false depending on whether the pathToFind is contained within the listofPaths
     * @param pathToFind string that contains the path to search for
     * @param listOfPaths string that contains all paths for a given environment
     * @return pathFound [true or false]
    public static String isPathSet(String pathToFind, String listOfPaths) {
        String pathFound = "false";
        if (listOfPaths.contains(pathToFind)) {
            pathFound = "true";
        return pathFound;

     * Encrypt passed in string using Composite EncryptionManager
     * @param unencrypted string that needs to be encrypted
     * @return encrypted String
    public static String encryptString(String unencrypted) {
        String encryptedString = CommonUtils.encrypt(unencrypted);
        return encryptedString;

     * Traverse through the input file and encrypt all passwords using 
     * Composite Encryption Manager and write file back with encrypted passwords
     * @param String inputFile - the path to the input file used to search for strings to encrypt based on CommonConstants.encryptPropertiesList
    public static void encryptPasswordsInFile(String filePath) {
        encryptPasswordsInFileBypass(filePath, null);

     * Traverse through the input file and encrypt all passwords using 
     * Composite Encryption Manager and write file back with encrypted passwords
     * @param String inputFile - the path to the input file used to search for strings to encrypt based on CommonConstants.encryptPropertiesList
     * @param String bypassStr - a comma separated list of strings to bypass if found in one of the target variables or elements to encrypt.
    public static void encryptPasswordsInFileBypass(String filePath, String bypassStr) {
        if (filePath == null || filePath.trim().length() == 0) {

        int dotpos = filePath.lastIndexOf(".");
        String ext = filePath.substring(dotpos + 1, filePath.length());

        if (ext.equalsIgnoreCase("xml")) {
            XMLUtils.encryptOrDecryptPasswordsInInputFile(filePath, true, bypassStr);
        } else {
            CommonUtils.encryptPasswordsInPropertyFile(filePath, bypassStr);

     * Find Lines Containing passed in match String from the passed in file
     * @param XMLFileSource file path to XML document
     * @param XSLFileSource file path to XSL style sheet
    public static void XslTransformUtility(String XMLFileSource, String XSLFileSource) {

        XslTransformUtility.executeXslTransformUtility(XMLFileSource, XSLFileSource);


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args == null || args.length <= 1) {
            throw new ValidationException("Invalid Arguments");

        try {
            boolean validMethod = false;
            Class<ScriptUtil> scriptUtilClass = ScriptUtil.class;
            Method[] methods = scriptUtilClass.getMethods();
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
                String name = methods[i].getName();
                if (name.equals(args[0])) {
                    validMethod = true;
                    try {
                        String[] methodArgs = new String[args.length - 1];
                        for (int j = 0; j < methodArgs.length; j++) {
                            methodArgs[j] = args[j + 1];
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(" Invoking method " + args[0] + " With args" + methodArgs);

                        Object returnValue = methods[i].invoke(scriptUtilClass, (Object[]) methodArgs);
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug(" Result from invoking method " + args[0] + " " + returnValue);

                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        logger.error("Error while invoking method " + args[0], e);
                        throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                        logger.error("Error while invoking method " + args[0], e);
                        throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                        logger.error("Error while invoking method " + args[0], e);
                        throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        throw new ValidationException(e.getMessage(), e);

            if (!validMethod) {
                logger.error("Passed in method " + args[0] + " does not exist");
                throw new ValidationException("Passed in method  " + args[0] + " does not exist ");

        } catch (CompositeException e) {
            logger.error("Error occured while executing ", e);
            throw e;