Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2011 CIMPoint. All rights reserved. * This source is subjected to CIMPoint license as described in the License.txt file. * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Contributors: * pitor - initial implementation ***********************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.cimpoint.common.entities.CustomAttributes; import; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.MESConstants; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.MESConstants.Object.StepType; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.MESConstants.Object.Type; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EArea; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EBatch; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EContainer; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EDictionary; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EEquipment; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.ELot; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EOperation; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EProductionLine; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.ERouting; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.ESite; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EStep; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EStepStatus; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.ETransition; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.ETransitionAttributes; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EUnit; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.EWorkCenter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.MESTrxInfo; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.entities.Quantity; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.AreaFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.EquipmentFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.OperationFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.ProductionLineFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.RoutingFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.SiteFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.StepFilter; import com.cimpoint.mes.common.filters.WorkCenterFilter; import; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.AreaRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.EquipmentRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.OperationRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.ProductionLineRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.RoutingRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.SiteRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.StepRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.StepStatusRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.TransitionAttributesRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.TransitionRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.repositories.WorkCenterRepository; import com.cimpoint.mes.server.rules.DefaultAutoStartStepRule; import; @Service("routingService") public class RoutingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements RoutingService { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4343685623299701110L; private final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); @Autowired private SiteRepository siteRep; @Autowired private AreaRepository areaRep; @Autowired private WorkCenterRepository workCenterRep; @Autowired private StepRepository stepRep; @Autowired private StepStatusRepository stepStatusRep; @Autowired private TransitionRepository transitionRep; @Autowired private RoutingRepository routingRep; @Autowired private OperationRepository operationRep; @Autowired private ProductionLineRepository productionLineRep; @Autowired private EquipmentRepository equipmentRep; @Autowired private TransitionAttributesRepository transitionAttributesRep; @Autowired private TransitionAttributesRepository trsnAttrsRepository; @Autowired private UserService userService; //------------ All ------------------ @Override public Map<String, List<String>> findAllModelNames() throws Exception { Map<String, List<String>> buffer = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); Set<String> siteNames = findAllSiteNames(); buildBuffer("Sites", siteNames, buffer); Set<String> areaNames = findAllAreaNames(); buildBuffer("Areas", areaNames, buffer); Set<String> productionLineNames = findAllProductionLineNames(); buildBuffer("Production Lines", productionLineNames, buffer); Set<String> workCenterNames = findAllWorkCenterNames(); buildBuffer("Work Centers", workCenterNames, buffer); Set<String> equipmentNames = findAllEquipmentNames(); buildBuffer("Equipments", equipmentNames, buffer); Set<String> routingNames = findAllRoutingNames(); buildBuffer("Routings", routingNames, buffer); return buffer; } @Override public String findAllModelNamesAsJSON() throws Exception { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("[" + NL); Set<String> siteNames = findAllSiteNames(); buildJSONBuffer(siteNames, buffer); Set<String> areaNames = findAllAreaNames(); buildJSONBuffer(areaNames, buffer); Set<String> productionLineNames = findAllProductionLineNames(); buildJSONBuffer(productionLineNames, buffer); Set<String> workCenterNames = findAllWorkCenterNames(); buildJSONBuffer(workCenterNames, buffer); Set<String> equipmentNames = findAllEquipmentNames(); buildJSONBuffer(equipmentNames, buffer); Set<String> routingNames = findAllRoutingNames(); buildJSONBuffer(routingNames, buffer); //remove the last commas if (buffer.length() > 1 && buffer.substring(buffer.length() - 1, buffer.length()).equals(",")) { buffer.replace(buffer.length() - 1, buffer.length(), ""); } buffer.append("]" + NL); return buffer.toString(); } private void buildBuffer(String category, Set<String> names, Map<String, List<String>> buffer) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (names != null) { for (String name : names) { list.add(name); } } buffer.put(category, list); } private void buildJSONBuffer(Set<String> names, StringBuilder buffer) { if (names != null) { for (String name : names) { buffer.append(NL + "{"); buffer.append("\"name\":"); buffer.append("\"" + name + "\""); buffer.append("}," + NL); } } } //------------- site ---------------- @Override public ESite findSiteById(long id) throws Exception { return siteRep.findById(id); } @Override public ESite findSiteByName(String name) throws Exception { return siteRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<ESite> findAllSites() throws Exception { return siteRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllSiteNames() throws Exception { return siteRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<String> findSiteNames(SiteFilter filter) throws Exception { return siteRep.findSiteNames(filter); } @Override public Set<ESite> findSites(SiteFilter filter) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public ESite createSite(String name, String description, Set<EArea> optAreas, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return siteRep.createSite(name, description, optAreas, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveSite(ESite site, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { siteRep.update(site, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeSite(ESite site, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { siteRep.remove(site.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeSite(String siteName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ESite site = siteRep.findByName(siteName); if (site != null) { siteRep.remove(site.getId(), trxInfo); } } //------------------ area -------------- @Override public EArea findAreaById(long id) throws Exception { return areaRep.findById(id); } @Override public EArea findAreaByName(String name) throws Exception { return areaRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<EArea> findAllAreas() throws Exception { return areaRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllAreaNames() throws Exception { return areaRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<EArea> findAreas(AreaFilter filter) throws Exception { return areaRep.findAreas(filter); } @Override public Set<String> findAreaNames(AreaFilter filter) throws Exception { return areaRep.findAreaNames(filter); } @Override public EArea createArea(String name, String description, ESite site, Set<EProductionLine> productionLines, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return areaRep.createArea(name, description, site, productionLines, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveArea(EArea area, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { areaRep.update(area, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveAreas(Set<EArea> areas, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { if (areas != null) { for (EArea a : areas) { saveArea(a, trxInfo); } } } @Deprecated @Override public void removeArea(EArea area, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { areaRep.remove(area.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeArea(String areaName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EArea area = areaRep.findByName(areaName); if (area != null) { areaRep.remove(area.getId(), trxInfo); } } //-------------- work center --------------- @Override public EWorkCenter findWorkCenterById(long id) throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findById(id); } @Override public EWorkCenter findWorkCenterByName(String name) throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<EWorkCenter> findAllWorkCenters() throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllWorkCenterNames() throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<String> findWorkCenterNames(WorkCenterFilter filter) throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findWorkCenterNames(filter); } @Override public Set<EWorkCenter> findWorkCenters(WorkCenterFilter filter) throws Exception { return workCenterRep.findWorkCenters(filter); } @Override public void saveWorkCenters(Set<EWorkCenter> workCenters, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { if (workCenters != null) { for (EWorkCenter wc : workCenters) { saveWorkCenter(wc, trxInfo); } } } @Override public void saveWorkCenter(EWorkCenter workCenter, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { workCenterRep.update(workCenter, trxInfo); } @Override public EWorkCenter createWorkCenter(String name, String description, EArea area, Set<EEquipment> equipments, EProductionLine optProductionLine, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return workCenterRep.createWorkCenter(name, description, area, equipments, optProductionLine, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeWorkCenter(EWorkCenter workCenter, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { workCenterRep.remove(workCenter.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeWorkCenter(String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EWorkCenter wc = workCenterRep.findByName(workCenterName); if (wc != null) { workCenterRep.remove(wc.getId(), trxInfo); } } //-------------- step -------------------- @Override public EStep findStepById(Long id) throws Exception { return stepRep.findById(id); } @Override public EStep findStepByName(String routingName, String stepName) throws Exception { return stepRep.findStepByName(routingName, stepName); } @Override public Set<EStep> findSteps(String routingName) throws Exception { return stepRep.findSteps(routingName); } @Override public Set<String> findStepNames(String routingName) throws Exception { return stepRep.findStepNames(routingName); } @Override public Set<String> findStepNames(StepFilter filter) throws Exception { return stepRep.findStepNames(filter); } @Override public Set<EStep> findSteps(StepFilter filter) throws Exception { return stepRep.findSteps(filter); } @Override public EStep createStep(StepType type, String name, String description, ERouting optRouting, EOperation optOperation, Set<EWorkCenter> optWorkCenters, Set<EStepStatus> stepStatuses, String ruleClassName, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { boolean hasStartStatus = false; for (EStepStatus ss : stepStatuses) { if (ss.isStarting()) { hasStartStatus = true; break; } } if (!hasStartStatus) { throw new Exception("Start step status is not defined."); } boolean hasEndStatus = false; for (EStepStatus ss : stepStatuses) { if (ss.isEnding()) { hasEndStatus = true; break; } } if (!hasEndStatus) { throw new Exception("End step status is not defined."); } return stepRep.createStep(type, name, description, optRouting, optOperation, optWorkCenters, stepStatuses, ruleClassName, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveStep(EStep step, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { stepRep.update(step, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveSteps(Set<EStep> steps, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { if (steps != null) { for (EStep s : steps) { saveStep(s, trxInfo); } } } @Deprecated @Override public void removeStep(EStep step, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { stepRep.remove(step.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeStep(String stepName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EStep step = stepRep.findByName(stepName); if (step != null) { stepRep.remove(step.getId(), trxInfo); } } //------------------ step status ---------------- @Override public EStepStatus findStepStatusById(Long id) throws Exception { return stepStatusRep.findById(id); } @Override public EStepStatus findStepStatusByName(String stepStatusName) throws Exception { return stepStatusRep.findByName(stepStatusName); } @Override public EStepStatus createStepStatus(String name, boolean isStarting, boolean isEnding, String nextDefaultStatusName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return stepStatusRep.creatStepStatus(name, isStarting, isEnding, nextDefaultStatusName, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveStepStatus(EStepStatus stepStatus, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { stepStatusRep.update(stepStatus, trxInfo); } @Override public void removeStepStatus(String stepStatusName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EStepStatus ss = stepStatusRep.findByName(stepStatusName); if (ss != null) { stepStatusRep.remove(ss, trxInfo); } } //------------------ routing -------------- @Override public ERouting findRoutingById(Long id) throws Exception { return routingRep.findById(id); } @Override public Set<ERouting> findAllRoutings() throws Exception { return routingRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllRoutingNames() throws Exception { return routingRep.findAllNames(); } /*@Deprecated @Override public Set<String> findAllRoutingNameWithRevisions() throws Exception { return routingRep.findAllRoutingNameWithRevisions(); }*/ /*@Deprecated @Override public ERouting findRoutingByNameAndRevision(String name, String revision) throws Exception { return routingRep.findByAttributes(new String[] {"name", "revision"}, name, revision); }*/ @Deprecated @Override public Set<ERouting> findRoutingsByName(String name) throws Exception { return routingRep.findAllByName(name); } @Override public ERouting findRoutingByName(String name) throws Exception { return routingRep.findByName(name); } @Override public void saveRouting(ERouting routing, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EStep entryStep = null; Set<EStep> allSteps = routing.getSteps(); for (EStep s : allSteps) { if (s.getType() == StepType.Start) { entryStep = s; break; } } if (entryStep != null) { allSteps = new HashSet<EStep>(); allSteps.add(entryStep); buildSteps(entryStep, allSteps); //include exit step createOrUpdateDependencies(routing.getName(), allSteps, trxInfo); routing.setSteps(allSteps); routingRep.update(routing, trxInfo); } else { throw new Exception("Entry step is not found"); } } @Deprecated @Override public void removeRouting(ERouting routing, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { routingRep.remove(routing.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeRouting(String routingName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ERouting r = routingRep.findByName(routingName); if (r != null) { routingRep.remove(r.getId(), trxInfo); } } /*@Deprecated @Override public ERouting createRouting(String routingName, String description, String revision, EStep entryStep, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EStep exitStep = null; Set<EStep> allSteps = null; if (entryStep != null) { allSteps = new HashSet<EStep>(); allSteps.add(entryStep); buildSteps(entryStep, allSteps); //include exit step for (EStep step: allSteps) { if (exitStep == null && step.getType() == StepType.Exit) { exitStep = step; break; } } if (exitStep == null) { throw new Exception("Exit step is missing or there is no transition to exit step found."); } createOrUpdateDependencies(routingName, allSteps, trxInfo); } ERouting routing = routingRep.createRouting(routingName, description, revision, entryStep, exitStep, allSteps, customAttributes, trxInfo); return routing; }*/ @Override public ERouting createRouting(String routingName, String description, EStep startStep, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EStep exitStep = null; Set<EStep> allSteps = null; if (startStep != null) { allSteps = new HashSet<EStep>(); allSteps.add(startStep); buildSteps(startStep, allSteps); //include end step for (EStep step : allSteps) { if (exitStep == null && step.getType() == StepType.End) { exitStep = step; break; } } if (exitStep == null) { throw new Exception("End step is missing or there is no transition to end step found."); } allSteps = createOrUpdateDependencies(routingName, allSteps, trxInfo); } ERouting routing = routingRep.createRouting(routingName, description, startStep, exitStep, allSteps, customAttributes, trxInfo); Set<EStep> steps = routing.getSteps(); if (steps != null) { for (EStep step : steps) { Set<EWorkCenter> workCenters = step.getWorkCenters(); if (workCenters == null || workCenters.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No work center(s) persisted for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } else { for (EWorkCenter wc : workCenters) { if (wc.getSteps() == null || wc.getSteps().isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No steps(s) persisted for work center name '" + wc.getName()); } } } Set<EStepStatus> stepStatuses = step.getStepStatuses(); if (stepStatuses == null || stepStatuses.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No step status(es) defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } else { for (EStepStatus ss : stepStatuses) { if (ss.getSteps() == null || ss.getSteps().isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No steps(s) persisted for step status name '" + ss.getName()); } } } Set<ETransition> incomingTransitions = step.getIncomingTransitions(); if (incomingTransitions == null || incomingTransitions.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No incoming transition(s) defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } else { for (ETransition trsn : incomingTransitions) { if (trsn.getToStep() == null) { throw new Exception("No toStep persisted for transition name '" + trsn.getName()); } } } Set<ETransition> outgoingTransitions = step.getOutgoingTransitions(); if (outgoingTransitions == null || outgoingTransitions.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No outgoing transition(s) defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } else { for (ETransition trsn : outgoingTransitions) { if (trsn.getFromStep() == null) { throw new Exception("No fromStep persisted for transition name '" + trsn.getName()); } } } } } return routing; } private Set<EStep> createOrUpdateDependencies(String routingName, Set<EStep> allSteps, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { Set<EStep> createdSteps = new HashSet<EStep>(); // create steps w/o child transitions and step statuses for (EStep step : allSteps) { if (step.getId() == null || step.getId() == 0L) { step.setId(null); //fix the dummy value set by the custom serializer } if (step.getId() == null) { step = stepRep.createStep(step, trxInfo); } else { step = stepRep.update(step, trxInfo); } createdSteps.add(step); } return createdSteps; } public Set<ETransition> getAllTransitions(Set<EStep> steps) { Map<String, ETransition> transitions = new HashMap<String, ETransition>(); for (EStep step : steps) { Set<ETransition> outgoingTransitions = step.getOutgoingTransitions(); if (outgoingTransitions != null && !outgoingTransitions.isEmpty()) { for (ETransition trsn : outgoingTransitions) { if (transitions.containsKey(trsn.getName())) { transitions.get(trsn.getName()).setFromStep(step); } else { trsn.setFromStep(step); transitions.put(trsn.getName(), trsn); } } } Set<ETransition> incomingTransitions = step.getIncomingTransitions(); if (incomingTransitions != null && !incomingTransitions.isEmpty()) { for (ETransition trsn : incomingTransitions) { if (transitions.containsKey(trsn.getName())) { transitions.get(trsn.getName()).setToStep(step); } else { trsn.setToStep(step); transitions.put(trsn.getName(), trsn); } } } } return new HashSet<ETransition>(transitions.values()); } private void buildSteps(EStep step, Set<EStep> steps) { Set<ETransition> outGoingTransitions = step.getOutgoingTransitions(); if (outGoingTransitions != null && !outGoingTransitions.isEmpty()) { for (ETransition t : outGoingTransitions) { EStep toStep = t.getToStep(); if (toStep != null) { steps.add(toStep); buildSteps(toStep, steps); } } } } //--------------- transition -------------------- @Override public ETransition findTransitionById(Long id) throws Exception { return transitionRep.findById(id); } @Override public ETransition findTransitionByName(String routingName, String transitionName) throws Exception { return transitionRep.findTransitionByName(routingName, transitionName); } @Override public Set<ETransition> findAllTransitions() { return transitionRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllTransitionNames() { return transitionRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public void saveTransition(ETransition transition, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { transitionRep.update(transition, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeTransition(ETransition transition, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { transitionRep.remove(transition.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeTransition(String transitionName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ETransition trsn = transitionRep.findByName(transitionName); if (trsn != null) { transitionRep.remove(trsn.getId(), trxInfo); } } //------------------ operation ------------------------- @Override public EOperation findOperationById(long id) throws Exception { return operationRep.findById(id); } @Override public EOperation findOperationByName(String name) throws Exception { return operationRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<EOperation> findAllOperations() throws Exception { return operationRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllOperationNames() throws Exception { return operationRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<String> findOperationNames(OperationFilter filter) throws Exception { return operationRep.findOperationNames(filter); } @Override public EOperation createOperation(String name, String description, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return operationRep.createOperation(name, description, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveOperation(EOperation operation, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { //TODO trxInfo operationRep.update(operation, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeOperation(EOperation operation, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { operationRep.remove(operation.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeOperation(String operationName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EOperation op = operationRep.findByName(operationName); if (op != null) { operationRep.remove(op.getId(), trxInfo); } } //--------------- production line --------------- @Override public EProductionLine findProductionLineById(long id) throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findById(id); } @Override public EProductionLine findProductionLineByName(String name) throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<EProductionLine> findAllProductionLines() throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllProductionLineNames() throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<String> findProductionLineNames(ProductionLineFilter filter) throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findProductionLineNames(filter); } @Override public Set<EProductionLine> findProductionLines(ProductionLineFilter filter) throws Exception { return productionLineRep.findProductionLines(filter); } @Override public void saveProductionLines(Set<EProductionLine> prodLines, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { if (prodLines != null) { for (EProductionLine e : prodLines) { saveProductionLine(e, trxInfo); } } } @Override public void saveProductionLine(EProductionLine productionLine, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { productionLineRep.update(productionLine, trxInfo); } @Override public EProductionLine createProductionLine(String name, String description, EArea optArea, Set<EWorkCenter> optWorkCenters, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return productionLineRep.createProductionLine(name, description, optArea, optWorkCenters, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeProductionLine(EProductionLine productionLine, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { productionLineRep.remove(productionLine.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeProductionLine(String productionLineName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EProductionLine prodLine = productionLineRep.findByName(productionLineName); if (prodLine != null) { productionLineRep.remove(prodLine.getId(), trxInfo); } } //----------------- equipment ---------------------- @Override public EEquipment findEquipmentById(long id) throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findById(id); } @Override public EEquipment findEquipmentByName(String name) throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findByName(name); } @Override public Set<EEquipment> findAllEquipments() throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findAll(); } @Override public Set<String> findAllEquipmentNames() throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findAllNames(); } @Override public Set<String> findEquipmentNames(EquipmentFilter filter) throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findEquipmentNames(filter); } @Override public Set<EEquipment> findEquipments(EquipmentFilter filter) throws Exception { return equipmentRep.findEquipments(filter); } @Override public EEquipment createEquipment(String equipmentName, String description, EWorkCenter workCenter, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return equipmentRep.createEquipment(equipmentName, description, workCenter, customAttributes, trxInfo); } @Override public void saveEquipment(EEquipment equipment, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { equipmentRep.update(equipment, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public void removeEquipment(EEquipment equipment, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { equipmentRep.remove(equipment.getId(), trxInfo); } @Override public void removeEquipment(String equipmentName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { EEquipment eq = equipmentRep.findByName(equipmentName); if (eq != null) { equipmentRep.remove(eq.getId(), trxInfo); } } @Override public void saveEquipments(Set<EEquipment> equipments, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { if (equipments != null) { for (EEquipment e : equipments) { saveEquipment(e, trxInfo); } } } @Override public ETransition createTransition(String name, Quantity transferQuantity, EDictionary reasonDictionary, CustomAttributes customAttributes, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return transitionRep.createTransition(name, transferQuantity, reasonDictionary, customAttributes, trxInfo); } //-------------------------- routing ----------------------------------- /*@Override public Set<String> findRevisionsByRoutingName(String routingName) throws Exception { return routingRep.findRevisionsByRoutingName(routingName); }*/ @Override public Set<String> findRoutingNames(RoutingFilter filter) throws Exception { return routingRep.findRoutingNames(filter); } @Deprecated @Override public ETransitionAttributes route(long objectId, MESConstants.Object.Type objectType, String routingName, String stepName, String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ERouting routing = routingRep.findByName(routingName); if (routing == null) { throw new Exception("Routing by name is not found: " + routingName); } EStep step = null; if (stepName == null) { step = stepRep.findById(routing.getStartStepId()); if (step == null) { throw new Exception("The routing doesn't have an entry step"); } } else { step = stepRep.findByName(stepName); if (step == null) { throw new Exception("Step by name is not found: " + stepName); } } ETransitionAttributes trsnAttrs = transitionAttributesRep.findTransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); boolean foundTrsnAttrs = true; if (trsnAttrs == null) { trsnAttrs = new ETransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); foundTrsnAttrs = false; } trsnAttrs.setObjectId(objectId); trsnAttrs.setObjectType(objectType); trsnAttrs.setRoutingName(routingName); trsnAttrs.setStepName(stepName); if (workCenterName != null && workCenterName.length() > 0) { EWorkCenter atWorkCenter = workCenterRep.findByName(workCenterName); if (atWorkCenter != null) { String opName = null; if (step.getOperation() != null) { EOperation operation = operationRep.findById(step.getOperation().getId()); opName = operation.getName(); } EProductionLine prodLine = atWorkCenter.getProductionLine(); String prodLineName = (prodLine != null) ? prodLine.getName() : null; String areaName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getName() : null; String siteName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null && prodLine.getArea().getSite() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getSite().getName() : null; trsnAttrs.setSiteName(siteName); trsnAttrs.setAreaName(areaName); trsnAttrs.setWorkCenterName(atWorkCenter.getName()); trsnAttrs.setProductionLineName(prodLineName); trsnAttrs.setOperationName(opName); } } String userName = routingRep.getAuthenticatedUserName(); if (userName == null) userName = "Anonymous"; trsnAttrs.setLastModifier(userName); if (step.getRuleClassName() != null && step.getRuleClassName().equals(DefaultAutoStartStepRule.class.getName())) { trsnAttrs.setStepStatus(MESConstants.Object.StepStatus.Started.toString()); } else { trsnAttrs.setStepStatus(MESConstants.Object.StepStatus.Queued.toString()); } if (trxInfo != null) { Date trxTime = trxInfo.getTime(); trsnAttrs.setStatusTime(trxTime); trsnAttrs.setStatusTimeDecoder(routingRep.getTimeDecoder(trxTime, trxInfo.getTimeZoneId())); trsnAttrs.setComment(trxInfo.getComment()); } if (foundTrsnAttrs) { this.transitionAttributesRep.updateTransitionAttributes(trsnAttrs, trxInfo); } else { this.transitionAttributesRep.createTransitionAttributes(trsnAttrs, trxInfo); } return trsnAttrs; } @Deprecated @Override public ETransitionAttributes routeContainer(EContainer container, String routingName, String stepName, String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return route(container.getId(), MESConstants.Object.Type.Container, routingName, stepName, workCenterName, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public ETransitionAttributes routeBatch(EBatch batch, String routingName, String stepName, String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return route(batch.getId(), MESConstants.Object.Type.Batch, routingName, stepName, workCenterName, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public ETransitionAttributes routeLot(ELot lot, String routingName, String stepName, String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return route(lot.getId(), MESConstants.Object.Type.Lot, routingName, stepName, workCenterName, trxInfo); } @Deprecated @Override public ETransitionAttributes routeUnit(EUnit unit, String routingName, String stepName, String workCenterName, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { return route(unit.getId(), MESConstants.Object.Type.Unit, routingName, stepName, workCenterName, trxInfo); } @Override public void joinRouting(long objectId, MESConstants.Object.Type objectType, String routingName, String stepName, String optWorkCenterName, boolean stepFlowEnforcement, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ERouting routing = routingRep.findByName(routingName); if (routing == null) { throw new Exception("Routing by name is not found: " + routingName); } Set<EStep> steps = routing.getSteps(); if (steps == null || steps.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The routing contains no step"); } EStep step = null; if (stepName == null) { step = routing.findStartStep(); if (step == null) { throw new Exception("The routing doesn't have a start step"); } } else { step = routing.findStepByName(stepName); if (step == null) { throw new Exception("Step by name is not found: " + stepName); } } ETransitionAttributes trsnAttrs = transitionAttributesRep.findTransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); boolean foundTrsnAttrs = true; if (trsnAttrs == null) { trsnAttrs = new ETransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); foundTrsnAttrs = false; } trsnAttrs.setObjectId(objectId); trsnAttrs.setObjectType(objectType); trsnAttrs.setRoutingName(routingName); trsnAttrs.setStepName(stepName); trsnAttrs.setStepFlowEnforcement(stepFlowEnforcement); if (optWorkCenterName != null && optWorkCenterName.length() > 0) { EWorkCenter atWorkCenter = workCenterRep.findByName(optWorkCenterName); if (atWorkCenter != null) { String opName = null; if (step.getOperation() != null) { EOperation operation = operationRep.findById(step.getOperation().getId()); opName = operation.getName(); } EProductionLine prodLine = atWorkCenter.getProductionLine(); String prodLineName = (prodLine != null) ? prodLine.getName() : null; String areaName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getName() : null; String siteName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null && prodLine.getArea().getSite() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getSite().getName() : null; trsnAttrs.setSiteName(siteName); trsnAttrs.setAreaName(areaName); trsnAttrs.setWorkCenterName(atWorkCenter.getName()); trsnAttrs.setProductionLineName(prodLineName); trsnAttrs.setOperationName(opName); } } String userName = routingRep.getAuthenticatedUserName(); if (userName == null) userName = "Anonymous"; trsnAttrs.setLastModifier(userName); Set<EWorkCenter> workCenters = step.getWorkCenters(); if (workCenters == null || workCenters.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( "No work center(s) defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } Set<EStepStatus> stepStatuses = step.getStepStatuses(); if (stepStatuses == null || stepStatuses.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception( "No step status(es) defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } /*EStepStatus startStepStatus = step.getStartStepStatus(); if (startStepStatus == null) { throw new Exception("Start step status is not defined for step name '" + step.getName() + "' of routing " + routingName); } trsnAttrs.setStepStatus(startStepStatus.getName());*/ if (trxInfo != null) { Date trxTime = trxInfo.getTime(); trsnAttrs.setStatusTime(trxTime); trsnAttrs.setStatusTimeDecoder(routingRep.getTimeDecoder(trxTime, trxInfo.getTimeZoneId())); trsnAttrs.setComment(trxInfo.getComment()); } if (foundTrsnAttrs) { this.transitionAttributesRep.updateTransitionAttributes(trsnAttrs, trxInfo); } else { this.transitionAttributesRep.createTransitionAttributes(trsnAttrs, trxInfo); } } public ETransitionAttributes getTransitionAttributes(long objectId, MESConstants.Object.Type objectType) throws Exception { ETransitionAttributes trsnAttrs = trsnAttrsRepository.findTransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); if (trsnAttrs == null) { throw new Exception(objectType.toString() + " not joining a routing yet, " + objectType.toString() + " ID: " + objectId); } return trsnAttrs; } @Override public void transact(long objectId, MESConstants.Object.Type objectType, String stepName, String optWorkCenterName, String stepStatusName, String lotStatus, String optTransitionName, String optReason, MESTrxInfo trxInfo) throws Exception { ETransitionAttributes trsnAttrs = getTransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); if (trsnAttrs == null) { throw new Exception(objectType.toString() + " not joining a routing yet, " + objectType.toString() + " ID: " + objectId); } EStep atStep = findStepByName(trsnAttrs.getRoutingName(), stepName); EWorkCenter atWorkCenter = findWorkCenterByName(optWorkCenterName); if (atWorkCenter != null) { EProductionLine prodLine = atWorkCenter.getProductionLine(); String prodLineName = (prodLine != null) ? prodLine.getName() : null; String areaName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getName() : null; String siteName = (prodLine != null && prodLine.getArea() != null && prodLine.getArea().getSite() != null) ? prodLine.getArea().getSite().getName() : null; trsnAttrs.setSiteName(siteName); trsnAttrs.setAreaName(areaName); trsnAttrs.setWorkCenterName(atWorkCenter.getName()); trsnAttrs.setRoutingName(atStep.getRouting().getName()); trsnAttrs.setProductionLineName(prodLineName); EOperation operation = null; if (atStep.getOperation() != null) { operation = findOperationById(atStep.getOperation().getId()); trsnAttrs.setOperationName(operation.getName()); } else { trsnAttrs.setOperationName(""); } } trsnAttrs.setStepName(stepName); trsnAttrs.setLastModifier(userService.getAuthenticatedUser().getName()); trsnAttrs.setStepStatus(stepStatusName); trsnAttrs.setObjectStatus(lotStatus); Date trxTime = trxInfo.getTime(); trsnAttrs.setStatusTime(trxTime); trsnAttrs.setStatusTimeDecoder(routingRep.getTimeDecoder(trxTime, trxInfo.getTimeZoneId())); if (trxInfo != null) { trsnAttrs.setComment(trxInfo.getComment()); } this.trsnAttrsRepository.updateTransitionAttributes(trsnAttrs, trxInfo); } // -------------------------- transition attributes --------------------------- @Override public ETransitionAttributes findTransitionAttributes(long objectId, Type objectType) throws Exception { return this.transitionAttributesRep.findTransitionAttributes(objectId, objectType); } }