Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * Copyright 2015 Chiori-chan. All Right Reserved. * * @author Chiori Greene * @email */ package; import groovy.lang.Binding; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.chiorichan.Loader; import com.chiorichan.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import com.chiorichan.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import com.chiorichan.database.DatabaseEngine; import com.chiorichan.event.EventException; import com.chiorichan.event.server.SiteLoadEvent; import com.chiorichan.factory.EvalFactory; import com.chiorichan.factory.EvalMetaData; import com.chiorichan.http.Routes; import com.chiorichan.lang.EvalFactoryException; import com.chiorichan.lang.SiteException; import com.chiorichan.lang.StartupException; import com.chiorichan.util.FileUtil; import; import; import; import; import; public class Site { protected String siteId = null, title = null, domain = null; protected File source, resource; protected Map<String, String> subdomains = Maps.newConcurrentMap(), aliases = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); protected List<String> metatags = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(), protectedFiles = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); protected YamlConfiguration config; protected DatabaseEngine sql; protected SiteType siteType = SiteType.NOTSET; protected File filePath = null; protected File cacheDir = null; protected List<String> cachePatterns = Lists.newArrayList(); protected Routes routes = null; // Binding and evaling for use inside each site for executing site scripts outside of web requests. Binding binding = new Binding(); EvalFactory factory = EvalFactory.create(binding); protected Site(File f) throws SiteException, StartupException { siteType = SiteType.FILE; filePath = f; config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f); if (config == null) throw new SiteException("Could not load site from YAML FileBase '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); siteId = config.getString("site.siteId", null); title = config.getString("site.title", Loader.getConfig().getString("framework.sites.defaultTitle", "Unnamed Site")); domain = config.getString("site.domain", null); String reason = null; if (siteId == null) reason = "the provided Site Id is NULL. Check configs"; else siteId = siteId.toLowerCase(); if (domain == null) reason = "the provided domain is NULL. Check configs"; else domain = domain.toLowerCase(); if (Loader.getSiteManager().getSiteById(siteId) != null) reason = "there already exists a site by the provided Site Id '" + siteId + "'"; if (reason != null) throw new SiteException( "Could not load site from YAML FileBase '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' because " + reason + "."); Loader.getLogger().info("Loading site '" + siteId + "' with title '" + title + "' from YAML FileBase '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'."); // Load protected files list List<?> protectedFilesPre = config.getList("protected", new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>()); for (Object o : protectedFilesPre) { if (o instanceof String) protectedFiles.add((String) o); else Loader.getLogger().warning("Site '" + siteId + "' had an incorrect data object type under the YAML config for option 'protected', found type '" + o.getClass() + "'."); } // Load sources location String sources = config.getString("site.source", "pages"); if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) { source = getAbsoluteRoot(); } else if (sources.startsWith(".")) { source = new File(getAbsoluteRoot() + sources); } else { source = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), sources); protectedFiles.add("/" + sources); } FileUtil.directoryHealthCheck(source); // Load resources location String resources = config.getString("site.resource", "resource"); if (resources == null || resources.isEmpty()) { resource = getAbsoluteRoot(); } else if (resources.startsWith(".")) { resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot() + resources); } else { resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), resources); protectedFiles.add("/" + resources); } FileUtil.directoryHealthCheck(resource); // Load metatags List<?> metatagsPre = config.getList("metatags", new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>()); for (Object o : metatagsPre) { if (o instanceof String) metatags.add((String) o); else Loader.getLogger().warning("Site '" + siteId + "' had an incorrect data object type under the YAML config for option 'metatags', found type '" + o.getClass() + "'."); } // Load aliases map ConfigurationSection aliasesPre = config.getConfigurationSection("aliases"); if (aliasesPre != null) { Set<String> akeys = aliasesPre.getKeys(false); if (akeys != null) for (String k : akeys) { if (aliasesPre.getString(k, null) != null) aliases.put(k, aliasesPre.getString(k)); } } // Loader subdomains map ConfigurationSection subdomainsPre = config.getConfigurationSection("subdomains"); if (subdomainsPre != null) { Set<String> skeys = subdomainsPre.getKeys(false); if (skeys != null) for (String k : skeys) { if (subdomainsPre.getString(k, null) != null) subdomains.put(k, subdomainsPre.getString(k)); } } finishLoad(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Site(ResultSet rs) throws SiteException, StartupException { siteType = SiteType.SQL; try { Type mapType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>() { }.getType(); siteId = rs.getString("siteId"); title = rs.getString("title"); domain = rs.getString("domain"); String reason = null; if (siteId == null) reason = "the provided Site Id is NULL. Check configs"; else siteId = siteId.toLowerCase(); if (title == null) title = Loader.getConfig().getString("framework.sites.defaultTitle", "Unnamed Chiori-chan's Web Server Site"); if (domain == null) reason = "the provided domain is NULL. Check configs"; else domain = domain.toLowerCase(); if (Loader.getSiteManager().getSiteById(siteId) != null) reason = "there already exists a site by the provided Site Id '" + siteId + "'"; if (reason != null) throw new SiteException("Could not load site from Database because " + reason + "."); Loader.getLogger().info("Loading site '" + siteId + "' with title '" + title + "' from Database."); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); try { if (!rs.getString("protected").isEmpty()) protectedFiles.addAll( gson.fromJson(new JSONObject(rs.getString("protected")).toString(), ArrayList.class)); } catch (Exception e) { Loader.getLogger() .warning("MALFORMED JSON EXPRESSION for 'protected' field for site '" + siteId + "'"); } String sources = rs.getString("source"); if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) { source = getAbsoluteRoot(); } else if (sources.startsWith(".")) { source = new File(getAbsoluteRoot() + sources); } else { source = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), sources); protectedFiles.add("/" + sources); } if (source.isFile()) source.delete(); if (!source.exists()) source.mkdirs(); String resources = rs.getString("resource"); if (resources == null || resources.isEmpty()) { resource = getAbsoluteRoot(); } else if (resources.startsWith(".")) { resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot() + resources); } else { resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), resources); protectedFiles.add("/" + resources); } if (resource.isFile()) resource.delete(); if (!resource.exists()) resource.mkdirs(); try { if (!rs.getString("metatags").isEmpty()) metatags.addAll( gson.fromJson(new JSONObject(rs.getString("metatags")).toString(), ArrayList.class)); } catch (Exception e) { Loader.getLogger() .warning("MALFORMED JSON EXPRESSION for 'metatags' field for site '" + siteId + "'"); } try { if (!rs.getString("aliases").isEmpty()) aliases = gson.fromJson(new JSONObject(rs.getString("aliases")).toString(), mapType); } catch (Exception e) { Loader.getLogger() .warning("MALFORMED JSON EXPRESSION for 'aliases' field for site '" + siteId + "'"); } try { if (!rs.getString("subdomains").isEmpty()) subdomains = gson.fromJson(new JSONObject(rs.getString("subdomains")).toString(), mapType); } catch (Exception e) { Loader.getLogger() .warning("MALFORMED JSON EXPRESSION for 'subdomains' field for site '" + siteId + "'"); } try { String yaml = rs.getString("configYaml"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(yaml.getBytes("ISO-8859-1")); config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(is); } catch (Exception e) { Loader.getLogger() .warning("MALFORMED YAML EXPRESSION for 'configYaml' field for site '" + siteId + "'"); config = new YamlConfiguration(); } finishLoad(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SiteException(e); } } private void finishLoad() throws SiteException, StartupException { // Framework site always uses the Builtin SQL Connector. Ignore YAML FileBase on this one. if (siteId.equalsIgnoreCase("framework")) { sql = Loader.getDatabase(); } else if (config != null && config.getConfigurationSection("database") != null) { String type = config.getString("database.type"); String host = config.getString(""); String port = config.getString("database.port"); String database = config.getString("database.database"); String username = config.getString("database.username"); String password = config.getString("database.password"); String filename = config.getString("database.filename"); sql = new DatabaseEngine(); try { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) sql.init(database, username, password, host, port); else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) sql.init(filename); else throw new SiteException("The SqlConnector for site '" + siteId + "' can not support anything other then mySql or sqLite at the moment. Please change 'database.type' in the site config to 'mysql' or 'sqLite' and set the connection params."); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) throw new SiteException("We had a problem connecting to database '" + database + "'. Reason: " + e.getCause().getMessage()); else throw new SiteException(e.getMessage()); } } if (config != null) { List<String> onLoadScripts = config.getStringList("scripts.on-load"); if (onLoadScripts != null) { for (String script : onLoadScripts) { try { EvalMetaData meta = new EvalMetaData(); = "groovy"; File file = getResourceWithException(script); String result = factory.eval(file, meta, this).getString(); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) Loader.getLogger().info( "Finsihed evaling onLoadScript '" + script + "' for site '" + siteId + "'"); else Loader.getLogger().info("Finsihed evaling onLoadScript '" + script + "' for site '" + siteId + "' with result: " + result); } catch (EvalFactoryException e) { SiteManager.getLogger() .warning("There was an exception encountered while evaling onLoadScript '" + script + "' for site '" + siteId + "'.", e); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { SiteManager.getLogger().warning( "The onLoadScript '" + script + "' was not found for site '" + siteId + "'."); } } } } SiteLoadEvent event = new SiteLoadEvent(this); try { Loader.getEventBus().callEventWithException(event); } catch (EventException e) { throw new SiteException(e); } // Plugins are not permitted to cancel the loading of the framework site if (event.isCancelled() && !siteId.equalsIgnoreCase("framework")) throw new SiteException("Loading of site '" + siteId + "' was cancelled by an internal event."); if (new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), "fw").exists() && !siteId.equalsIgnoreCase("framework")) SiteManager.getLogger().warning("It would appear that site '" + siteId + "' contains a subfolder by the name of 'fw', since this server uses the uri '/fw' for special functions, you will be unable to serve files from this folder!"); } protected void save() { switch (siteType) { case FILE: break; case SQL: break; default: // DO NOTHING } } protected Site setDatabase(DatabaseEngine sql) { this.sql = sql; return this; } public YamlConfiguration getYaml() { if (config == null) config = new YamlConfiguration(); return config; } public List<String> getMetatags() { if (metatags == null) return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>(); return metatags; } public Map<String, String> getAliases() { return aliases; } public Site(String id, String title0, String domain0) { siteId = id; title = title0; domain = domain0; protectedFiles = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); metatags = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); aliases = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); subdomains = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); source = getAbsoluteRoot(); resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), "resource"); if (!source.exists()) source.mkdirs(); if (!resource.exists()) resource.mkdirs(); } public boolean protectCheck(String file) { if (protectedFiles == null) return false; // Does this file belong to our webroot if (file.startsWith(getRoot())) { // Strip our webroot from file file = file.substring(getRoot().length()); for (String n : protectedFiles) { if (n != null && !n.isEmpty()) { // If the length is greater then 1 and file starts with this string. if (n.length() > 1 && file.startsWith(n)) return true; // Does our file end with this. ie: .php, .txt, .etc if (file.endsWith(n)) return true; // If the pattern does not start with a /, see if name contain this string. if (!n.startsWith("/") && file.contains(n)) return true; // Lastly try the string as a RegEx pattern if (file.matches(n)) return true; } } } return false; } public File getAbsoluteRoot() { try { return getAbsoluteRoot(null); } catch (SiteException e) { return null; // A SiteException will never be thrown when the subdomain is empty. } } public File getAbsoluteRoot(String subdomain) throws SiteException { File target = new File(Loader.webroot, getRoot(subdomain)); if (target.isFile()) target.delete(); if (!target.exists()) target.mkdirs(); return target; } public String getRoot() { try { return getRoot(null); } catch (SiteException e) { return null; // A SiteException will never be thrown when the subdomain is empty. } } public String getRoot(String subdomain) throws SiteException { String target = siteId; if (subdomains != null && subdomain != null && !subdomain.isEmpty()) { String sub = subdomains.get(subdomain); if (sub != null) target = siteId + "/" + sub; else if (Loader.getConfig().getBoolean("framework.sites.autoCreateSubdomains", true)) target = siteId + "/" + subdomain; else if (!Loader.getConfig().getBoolean("framework.sites.subdomainsDefaultToRoot")) throw new SiteException( "This subdomain was not found on this server. If your the website owner, please check documentation."); } return target; } public DatabaseEngine getDatabase() { return sql; } public String getName() { return siteId; } public File getResourceDirectory() { if (resource == null) resource = new File(getAbsoluteRoot(), "resource"); return resource; } public File getCacheDirectory() { if (cacheDir == null) cacheDir = new File(Loader.getTempFileDirectory(), this.getSiteId()); cacheDir.mkdirs(); return cacheDir; } public File getSourceDirectory() { if (source == null) source = getAbsoluteRoot(); return source; } public void setAutoSave(boolean b) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } // TODO: Add methods to add protected files, metatags and aliases to site and save public void setGlobal(String key, Object val) { binding.setVariable(key, val); } public Object getGlobal(String key) { return binding.getVariable(key); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, Object> getGlobals() { return binding.getVariables(); } protected Binding getBinding() { return binding; } public File getResource(String packageNode) { try { return getResourceWithException(packageNode); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (!packageNode.contains(".includes.")) Loader.getLogger().warning(e.getMessage()); return null; } } public File getResourceWithException(String pack) throws FileNotFoundException { if (pack == null || pack.isEmpty()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Package can't be empty!"); pack = pack.replace(".", System.getProperty("file.separator")); File root = getResourceDirectory(); File packFile = new File(root, pack); if (packFile.exists()) return packFile; root = packFile.getParentFile(); if (root.exists() && root.isDirectory()) { File[] files = root.listFiles(); String[] exts = new String[] { "html", "htm", "groovy", "gsp", "jsp", "chi" }; for (File child : files) if (child.getName().startsWith(packFile.getName())) for (String ext : exts) if (child.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("." + ext)) return child; } throw new FileNotFoundException( "Could not find the package `" + pack + "` file in site `" + getName() + "`."); } public String readResource(String pack) { try { return readResourceWithException(pack); } catch (EvalFactoryException e) { return ""; } } public String readResourceWithException(String pack) throws EvalFactoryException { EvalMetaData codeMeta = new EvalMetaData(); try { File file = getResourceWithException(pack); = "text";// FileInterpreter.determineShellFromName( file.getName() ); codeMeta.fileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); return factory.eval(file, this).getString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EvalFactoryException(e, factory.getShellFactory()); } } public String getSiteId() { return siteId; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getDomain() { return domain; } public File getFile() { return filePath; } public void addToCachePatterns(String pattern) { if (!cachePatterns.contains(pattern.toLowerCase())) cachePatterns.add(pattern.toLowerCase()); } public List<String> getCachePatterns() { return cachePatterns; } public Routes getRoutes() { if (routes == null) routes = new Routes(this); return routes; } /** * TODO Make it so site config can change the location the the temp directory. * * @return The temp directory for this site. */ public File getTempFileDirectory() { File tmpFileDirectory = new File(Loader.getTempFileDirectory(), getSiteId()); if (!tmpFileDirectory.exists()) tmpFileDirectory.mkdirs(); if (!tmpFileDirectory.isDirectory()) SiteManager.getLogger().severe( "The temp directory specified in the server configs is not a directory, File Uploads will FAIL until this problem is resolved."); if (!tmpFileDirectory.canWrite()) SiteManager.getLogger().severe( "The temp directory specified in the server configs is not writable, File Uploads will FAIL until this problem is resolved."); return tmpFileDirectory; } @Override public String toString() { return getSiteId() + "(Name:" + getName() + ",Title:" + title + ",Domain:" + getDomain() + ",SiteType:" + siteType + ",SourceDir:" + source + ")"; } }