Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * * Copyright 2016 Chiori Greene a.k.a. Chiori-chan <> * All Right Reserved. */ package com.chiorichan.session; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import com.chiorichan.AppConfig; import com.chiorichan.account.AccountInstance; import com.chiorichan.account.AccountMeta; import com.chiorichan.account.AccountPermissible; import com.chiorichan.account.Kickable; import com.chiorichan.account.auth.AccountAuthenticator; import com.chiorichan.account.lang.AccountException; import com.chiorichan.account.lang.AccountResult; import com.chiorichan.event.EventBus; import com.chiorichan.event.EventHandler; import com.chiorichan.event.EventPriority; import com.chiorichan.event.account.MessageEvent; import com.chiorichan.event.session.SessionDestroyEvent; import com.chiorichan.http.HttpCookie; import com.chiorichan.http.Nonce; import com.chiorichan.lang.EnumColor; import com.chiorichan.permission.PermissibleEntity; import; import; import com.chiorichan.tasks.Timings; import com.chiorichan.util.StringFunc; import com.chiorichan.util.WeakReferenceList; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is used to carry data that is to be persistent from request to request. * If you need to sync data across requests then we recommend using Session Vars for Security. */ public final class Session extends AccountPermissible implements Kickable { boolean newSession = false; // Indicates if the Session has been unloaded or destroyed! boolean isInvalidated = false; /** * The underlying data for this session<br> * Preserves access to the datastore and it's methods {@link SessionData#save()}, {@link SessionData#reload()}, {@link SessionData#destroy()} */ final SessionData data; /** * Global session variables<br> * Globals will not live outside of the session's life */ final Map<String, Object> globals = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); /** * History of changes made to the variables since last {@link #save()} */ private final Set<String> dataChangeHistory = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Holds a set of known IP Addresses */ private final Set<String> knownIps = Sets.newHashSet(); /** * Reference to each wrapper that is utilizing this session<br> * We use a WeakReference so they can still be reclaimed by the GC */ private final WeakReferenceList<SessionWrapper> wrappers = new WeakReferenceList<SessionWrapper>(); /** * The epoch for when this session is to be destroyed */ private int timeout = 0; /** * Number of times this session has been requested<br> * More requests mean longer TTL */ private int requestCnt = 0; /** * The sessionKey of this session */ private String sessionKey = SessionManager.getDefaultSessionName(); /** * The sessionId of this session */ private final String sessionId; /** * The Session Cookie */ private HttpCookie sessionCookie; /** * Tracks session sessionCookies */ private Map<String, HttpCookie> sessionCookies = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); /** * The site this session is bound to */ private Site site = SiteManager.instance().getDefaultSite(); private Nonce nonce = null; Session(SessionData data) throws SessionException { Validate.notNull(data); = data; sessionId = data.sessionId; sessionKey = data.sessionName; timeout = data.timeout; knownIps.addAll(Splitter.on("|").splitToList(data.ipAddr)); site = SiteManager.instance().getSiteById(; if (site == null) { site = SiteManager.instance().getDefaultSite(); = site.getId(); } timeout = data.timeout; if (timeout > 0 && timeout < Timings.epoch()) throw new SessionException(String.format( "The session '%s' expired at epoch '%s', might have expired while offline or this is a bug!", sessionId, timeout)); /* * TODO Figure out how to track if a particular wrapper's IP changes * Maybe check the original IP the wrapper was authenticated with * TCP IP: ? * HTTP IP: ? * * String origIpAddr = lastIpAddr; * * // Possible Session Hijacking! nullify!!! * if ( lastIpAddr != null && !lastIpAddr.equals( origIpAddr ) && !Loader.getConfig().getBoolean( "sessions.allowIPChange" ) ) * { * sessionCookie = null; * lastIpAddr = origIpAddr; * } */ // XXX New Session, Requested Session, Loaded Session if (SessionManager.isDebug()) SessionManager.getLogger().info( EnumColor.DARK_AQUA + "Session " + (data.stale ? "Loaded" : "Created") + " `" + this + "`"); initialized(); } public AccountInstance account() { return account; } public boolean changesMade() { return !isInvalidated && dataChangeHistory.size() > 0; } public void destroy() throws SessionException { destroy(SessionManager.MANUAL); } public void destroy(int reasonCode) throws SessionException { if (SessionManager.isDebug()) SessionManager.getLogger().info(EnumColor.DARK_AQUA + "Session Destroyed `" + this + "`"); EventBus.instance().callEvent(new SessionDestroyEvent(this, reasonCode)); // Account Auth Section if ("token".equals(getVariable("auth"))) { Validate.notNull(getVariable("acctId")); Validate.notNull(getVariable("token")); AccountAuthenticator.TOKEN.deleteToken(getVariable("acctId"), getVariable("token")); } SessionManager.sessions.remove(this); for (SessionWrapper wrap : wrappers) { wrap.finish(); unregisterAttachment(wrap); } wrappers.clear(); timeout = Timings.epoch(); data.timeout = Timings.epoch(); if (sessionCookie != null) sessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); data.destroy(); isInvalidated = true; } public void destroyNonce() { nonce = null; } @Override protected void failedLogin(AccountResult result) { // Do Nothing } /** * Get the present data change history * * @return * A unmodifiable copy of dataChangeHistory. */ Set<String> getChangeHistory() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(dataChangeHistory)); } /** * Returns a sessionCookie if existent in the session. * * @param key * @return Candy */ public HttpCookie getCookie(String key) { return sessionCookies.containsKey(key) ? sessionCookies.get(key) : new HttpCookie(key, null); } public Map<String, HttpCookie> getCookies() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(sessionCookies); } public Map<String, String> getDataMap() { return; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return account.getDisplayName(); } @Override public PermissibleEntity getEntity() { return account.getEntity(); } public Object getGlobal(String key) { return globals.get(key); } public Map<String, Object> getGlobals() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(globals); } @Override public String getId() { return account == null ? null : account.getId(); } @Override public Collection<String> getIpAddresses() { Set<String> ips = Sets.newHashSet(); for (SessionWrapper sp : wrappers) if (sp.hasSession() && sp.getSession() == this) { String ipAddr = sp.getIpAddr(); if (ipAddr != null && !ipAddr.isEmpty() && !ips.contains(ipAddr)) ips.add(ipAddr); } return ips; } @Override public Site getLocation() { if (site == null) return SiteManager.instance().getDefaultSite(); else return site; } public String getName() { return sessionKey; } public Nonce getNonce() { if (nonce == null) regenNonce(); return nonce; } public String getSessId() { return sessionId; } public HttpCookie getSessionCookie() { return sessionCookie; } /** * @return A set of active SessionProviders for this session. */ public Set<SessionWrapper> getSessionWrappers() { return wrappers.toSet(); } public long getTimeout() { return timeout; } @Override public String getVariable(String key) { return getVariable(key, null); } @Override public String getVariable(String key, String def) { if (! || == null) { if (SessionManager.isDebug) SessionManager.getLogger() .info(String.format("%sGetting variable key `%s` which resulted in default value '%s'", EnumColor.GRAY, key, def)); return def; } if (SessionManager.isDebug) SessionManager.getLogger() .info(String.format("%sGetting variable key `%s` with value '%s' and default value '%s'", EnumColor.GRAY, key,, def)); return; } @Override public AccountInstance instance() { return account; } public boolean isInvalidated() { return isInvalidated; } public boolean isNew() { return newSession; } public boolean isSet(String key) { return; } @Override public AccountResult kick(String reason) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); return logout(); } @Override public AccountMeta meta() { return account.meta(); } public Nonce nonce() { return nonce; } /** * Removes the session expiration and prevents the Session Manager from unloading or destroying sessions */ public void noTimeout() { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); timeout = 0; data.timeout = 0; } // TODO Sessions can outlive a login. // TODO Sessions can have an expiration in 7 days and a login can have an expiration of 24 hours. // TODO Remember should probably make it so logins last as long as the session does. Hmmmmmm @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onAccountMessageEvent(MessageEvent event) { } public void processSessionCookie(String domain) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); // TODO Session Cookies and Session expire at the same time. - Basically, as long as a Session might become called, we keep the session in existence. // TODO Unload a session once it has but been used for a while but might still be called upon at anytime. /** * Has a Session Cookie been produced yet? * If not we try and create a new one from scratch */ if (sessionCookie == null) { assert sessionId != null && !sessionId.isEmpty(); sessionKey = getLocation().getSessionKey(); sessionCookie = new HttpCookie(getLocation().getSessionKey(), sessionId).setDomain("." + domain) .setPath("/").setHttpOnly(true); rearmTimeout(); } /** * Check if our current session cookie key does not match the key used by the Site. * If so, we move the old session to the general cookie array and set it as expired. * This usually forces the browser to delete the old session cookie. */ if (!sessionCookie.getKey().equals(getLocation().getSessionKey())) { String oldKey = sessionCookie.getKey(); sessionCookie.setKey(getLocation().getSessionKey()); sessionCookies.put(oldKey, new HttpCookie(oldKey, "").setExpiration(0)); } } void putSessionCookie(String key, HttpCookie cookie) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); sessionCookies.put(key, cookie); } public void rearmTimeout() { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); int defaultTimeout = SessionManager.getDefaultTimeout(); // Grant the timeout an additional 10 minutes per request, capped at one hour or 6 requests. requestCnt++; // Grant the timeout an additional 2 hours for having a user logged in. if (isLoginPresent()) { defaultTimeout = SessionManager.getDefaultTimeoutWithLogin(); if (StringFunc.isTrue(getVariable("remember", "false"))) defaultTimeout = SessionManager.getDefaultTimeoutWithRememberMe(); if (AppConfig.get().getBoolean("allowNoTimeoutPermission") && checkPermission("com.chiorichan.noTimeout").isTrue()) defaultTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } timeout = Timings.epoch() + defaultTimeout + Math.min(requestCnt, 6) * 600; data.timeout = timeout; if (sessionCookie != null) sessionCookie.setExpiration(timeout); } public void regenNonce() { nonce = new Nonce(this); } /** * Registers a newly created wrapper with our session * * @param wrapper * The newly created wrapper */ public void registerWrapper(SessionWrapper wrapper) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); assert wrapper.getSession() == this : "SessionWrapper does not contain proper reference to this Session"; registerAttachment(wrapper); wrappers.add(wrapper); knownIps.add(wrapper.getIpAddr()); } public void reload() throws SessionException { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); data.reload(); } /** * Sets if the user login should be remembered for a longer amount of time * * @param remember * Should we? */ public void remember(boolean remember) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); setVariable("remember", remember ? "true" : "false"); rearmTimeout(); } public void removeWrapper(SessionWrapper wrapper) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); wrappers.remove(wrapper); unregisterAttachment(wrapper); } public void save() throws SessionException { save(false); } public void save(boolean force) throws SessionException { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); if (force || changesMade()) { data.sessionName = sessionKey; data.sessionId = sessionId; data.ipAddr = Joiner.on("|").join(knownIps);; dataChangeHistory.clear(); } } public void saveWithoutException() { try { save(); } catch (SessionException e) { SessionManager.getLogger().severe( "We had a problem saving the current session, changes were not saved to the datastore!", e); } } public void setGlobal(String key, Object val) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); globals.put(key, val); } public void setSite(Site site) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); Validate.notNull(site); = site; = site.getId(); } @Override public void setVariable(String key, String value) { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); SessionManager.getLogger().info(String.format("Setting session variable `%s` with value '%s'", key, value)); if (value == null);, value); dataChangeHistory.add(key); } @Override public void successfulLogin() throws AccountException { if (isInvalidated) throw new IllegalStateException("This session has been invalidated"); for (SessionWrapper wrapper : wrappers) registerAttachment(wrapper); try { account().meta().context().credentials().makeResumable(this); } catch (AccountException e) { SessionManager.getLogger().severe("We had a problem making the current login resumable!", e); } rearmTimeout(); saveWithoutException(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Session{key=" + sessionKey + ",id=" + sessionId + ",ipAddr=" + getIpAddresses() + ",timeout=" + timeout + ",isInvalidated=" + isInvalidated + ",data=" + data + ",requestCount=" + requestCnt + ",site=" + site + "}"; } public void unload() { if (SessionManager.isDebug()) SessionManager.getLogger().info(EnumColor.DARK_AQUA + "Session Unloaded `" + this + "`"); SessionManager.sessions.remove(this); for (SessionWrapper wrap : wrappers) { wrap.finish(); unregisterAttachment(wrap); } wrappers.clear(); isInvalidated = true; } }