Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * * Copyright 2016 Chiori Greene a.k.a. Chiori-chan <> * All Right Reserved. */ package com.chiorichan.http; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.chiorichan.database.DatabaseEngineLegacy; import com.chiorichan.http.Routes.RouteType; import com.chiorichan.logger.Log; import; import com.chiorichan.util.StringFunc; import; import; public class Route { protected RouteType type = RouteType.NOTSET; protected Map<String, String> params = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); protected Map<String, String> rewrites = Maps.newHashMap(); protected Site site; protected Route(Map<String, String> params, Site site) throws SQLException { = site; type = RouteType.SQL; this.params = params; } protected Route(ResultSet rs, Site site) throws SQLException { = site; type = RouteType.SQL; params = DatabaseEngineLegacy.toStringsMap(rs); } /** * * @param args * Line input in the format of "pattern '/dir/[cat=]/[id=]', to '/dir/view_item.gsp'" * @throws IOException * Thrown if input string is not valid */ public Route(String args, Site site) throws IOException { if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) throw new IOException("args can't be null or empty"); = site; type = RouteType.FILE; for (String o : args.split(",")) { String key = null; String val = null; o = o.trim(); if (o.contains(":")) { key = o.substring(0, o.indexOf(":")); val = o.substring(o.indexOf(":") + 1); } else if (!o.contains("\"") && !o.contains("'") || o.contains("\"") && o.indexOf(" ") < o.indexOf("\"") || o.contains("'") && o.indexOf(" ") < o.indexOf("'")) { key = o.substring(0, o.indexOf(" ")); val = o.substring(o.indexOf(" ") + 1); } if (key != null && val != null) { key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key.toLowerCase()); val = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(val); val = StringUtils.removeStart(val, "\""); val = StringUtils.removeStart(val, "'"); val = StringUtils.removeEnd(val, "\""); val = StringUtils.removeEnd(val, "'"); params.put(key, val); } } // params.put( "domain", site.getDomain() ); } public File getFile() { if (params.get("file") != null && params.get("file").length() > 0) return new File(site.getSubdomain(params.get("subdomain")).directory(), params.get("file")); return null; } public String getHTML() { if (params.get("html") != null && !params.get("html").isEmpty()) return params.get("html"); return null; } public Map<String, String> getParams() { return params; } public String getRedirect() { return params.get("redirect"); } public Map<String, String> getRewrites() { return rewrites; } public RouteType getRouteType() { return type; } public int httpCode() { return params.get("status") == null || params.get("status").isEmpty() ? 301 : Integer.parseInt(params.get("status")); } public boolean isRedirect() { return params.get("redirect") != null; } public String match(String domain, String subdomain, String uri) { String prop = params.get("pattern"); if (prop == null) prop = params.get("page"); if (prop == null) { Log.get().warning("The `pattern` attribute was null for route '" + this + "'. Unusable!"); return null; } prop = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(prop); uri = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(uri); if (prop.startsWith("/")) { prop = prop.substring(1); params.put("pattern", prop); } if (!StringUtils.trimToEmpty(params.get("subdomain")).equals("*") && !subdomain.equals(params.get("subdomain"))) { Log.get().finer("The subdomain does not match for " + uri + " on route " + this); return null; } String[] propsRaw = prop.split("[.//]"); String[] urisRaw = uri.split("[.//]"); ArrayList<String> props = Lists.newArrayList(); ArrayList<String> uris = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String s : propsRaw) if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) props.add(s); for (String s : urisRaw) if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) uris.add(s); if (uris.isEmpty()) uris.add(""); if (props.isEmpty()) props.add(""); if (props.size() > uris.size()) { Log.get().finer("The length of elements in route " + this + " is LONGER then the length of elements on the uri; " + uris); return null; } if (props.size() < uris.size()) { Log.get().finer("The length of elements in route " + this + " is SHORTER then the length of elements on the uri; " + uris); return null; } String weight = StringUtils.repeat("?", Math.max(props.size(), uris.size())); boolean match = true; for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(props.size(), uris.size()); i++) try { Log.get().finest(prop + " --> " + props.get(i) + " == " + uris.get(i)); if (props.get(i).matches("\\[([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=\\]")) { weight = StringFunc.replaceAt(weight, i, "Z"); String key = props.get(i).replaceAll("[\\[\\]=]", ""); String value = uris.get(i); rewrites.put(key, value); // PREG MATCH Log.get().finer("Found a PREG match for " + prop + " on route " + this); } else if (props.get(i).equals(uris.get(i))) { weight = StringFunc.replaceAt(weight, i, "A"); Log.get().finer("Found a match for " + prop + " on route " + this); // MATCH } else { match = false; Log.get().finer("Found no match for " + prop + " on route " + this); break; // NO MATCH } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { match = false; break; } return match ? weight : null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Type: " + type + ", Params: " + params; } }