Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.util.BSPJobID;

 * this class contains all kinds of fault that may happed during
 * job running and the fault type and information.
 * @author hadoop
public class Fault implements Writable, Cloneable {
    /**handle log fault class*/
    static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Fault.class);

    /**fault type*/
    public static enum Type {

    /**fault level*/
    public static enum Level {

    /**fault default date and time*/
    protected static final String DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,SSS";
    /**SimpleDateFormat handle*/
    private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT);
    /**fault type disk fault*/
    private Type type = Type.DISK;
    /**fault level critical*/
    private Level level = Level.CRITICAL;
    /**fault happened time*/
    private String timeOfFailure = "";
    /**fault happened workername*/
    private String workerNodeName = "";
    /**fault happened jobname*/
    private String jobName = "";
    /**fault happened staffname*/
    private String staffName = "";
    /**fault exception message*/
    private String exceptionMessage = "";
    /**fault status true default*/
    private boolean faultStatus = true;
    /**fault happened superstep num 0 default*/
    private int superStep_Stage = 0;

     * fault construct method.
    public Fault() {

     * used for staff without super step stage
     * The order of parameter :Type Level ,workerName
     * ,ExceptionMessage,JobName,StaffName.null maybe used when one or more
     * parameter is not needed;
     * @param type
     *        fault type
     * @param level
     *        fault level
     * @param workerNodeName
     *        fault happened workernoe name
     * @param exceptionMessage
     *        exceptions message
     * @param jobName
     *        fault happened job name
     * @param staffName
     *        fault happened staff name
    public Fault(Type type, Level level, String workerNodeName, String exceptionMessage, String jobName,
            String staffName) {
        this(type, level, workerNodeName, exceptionMessage, jobName, staffName, 0);

     * used for workernode
     * @param type
     *        fault type
     * @param level
     *        fault level
     * @param workerNodeName
     *        fault happened workernoe name
     * @param exceptionMessage
     *        exceptions message
    public Fault(Type type, Level level, String workerNodeName, String exceptionMessage) {
        this(type, level, workerNodeName, exceptionMessage, "null", "null", 0);

     * used for staff with superstep stage.
     * @param type
     *        fault type
     * @param level
     *        fault level
     * @param workerNodeName
     *        fault happened workernoe name
     * @param exceptionMessage
     *        exceptions message
     * @param jobName
     *        fault happened job name
     * @param staffName
     *        fault happened staff name
     * @param superStep_Stage
     *        fault happened superstep stage.
    public Fault(Type type, Level level, String workerNodeName, String exceptionMessage, String jobName,
            String staffName, int superStep_Stage) {
        this.type = type;
        this.level = level;
        this.timeOfFailure = dateFormat.format(new Date());
        this.jobName = jobName;
        this.staffName = staffName;
        this.exceptionMessage = exceptionMessage;
        this.workerNodeName = workerNodeName;
        this.superStep_Stage = superStep_Stage;

     * fault construct method
     * @param type
     *        fault type
     * @param level
     *        fault level
     * @param jobID
     *        fault happened job ID
     * @param exceptionMessage
     *        exceptions message
    public Fault(Type type, Level level, BSPJobID jobID, String exceptionMessage) {
        this.type = type;
        this.level = level;
        this.timeOfFailure = dateFormat.format(new Date());
        this.jobName = jobID.toString();
        this.exceptionMessage = exceptionMessage;

     * get the fault happened superstep stage
     * @return superstep stage.
    public int getSuperStep_Stage() {
        return superStep_Stage;

     * set the job happened superstep stage.
     * @param superStep_Stage
     *        superstep stage to be set.
    public void setSuperStep_Stage(int superStep_Stage) {
        this.superStep_Stage = superStep_Stage;

     * set fault type
     * @param type
     *        fault type to be set.
    public void setType(Type type) {
        this.type = type;

     * set fault level
     * @param level
     *        fault level to be set.
    public void setLevel(Level level) {
        this.level = level;

     * set fault happened time.
     * @param timeOfFailure
     *        failure happened time.
    public void setTimeOfFailure(String timeOfFailure) {
        this.timeOfFailure = timeOfFailure;

     * set exception message.
     * @param exceptionMessage
     *        exception message to be set.
    public void setExceptionMessage(String exceptionMessage) {
        this.exceptionMessage = exceptionMessage;

     * get the fault type
     * @return
     *        fault type.
    public Type getType() {
        return type;

     * get the fault level.
     * @return
     *        fault level.
    public Level getLevel() {
        return level;

     * get the time of fault happened.
     * @return time of failure.
    public String getTimeOfFailure() {
        return timeOfFailure;

     * get the fault happened workernode name.
     * @return workernode name.
    public String getWorkerNodeName() {
        return workerNodeName;

     * set the workernode name
     * @param workerNodeName
     *        workernode name to be set
    public void setWorkerNodeName(String workerNodeName) {
        this.workerNodeName = workerNodeName;

     * get the fault job name.
     * @return job name.
    public String getJobName() {
        return jobName;

     * get the staff name
     * @return fault happened staff name.
    public String getStaffName() {
        return staffName;

     * set the fault job name
     * @param jobName
     *        job name to be set.
    public void setJobName(String jobName) {
        this.jobName = jobName;

     * set the fault happened staff name.
     * @param staffName
     *        staff name to be set.
    public void setStaffName(String staffName) {
        this.staffName = staffName;

     * set fault status
     * @param faultStatus
     *        fault status to be set.
    public void setFaultStatus(boolean faultStatus) {
        this.faultStatus = faultStatus;

     * get fault status.
     * @return faultStauts
    public boolean isFaultStatus() {
        return faultStatus;

     * get fault happened exception message
     * @return exception message.
    public String getExceptionMessage() {
        return exceptionMessage;

     * write fault information.
     * @param out
     *        data to output.
    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        WritableUtils.writeEnum(out, this.type);
        WritableUtils.writeEnum(out, this.level);
        Text.writeString(out, this.timeOfFailure);
        Text.writeString(out, this.workerNodeName);
        Text.writeString(out, this.jobName);
        Text.writeString(out, this.staffName);
        Text.writeString(out, this.exceptionMessage);

     * read fault information.
     * @param in
     *        fault information to be read.
    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        this.type = WritableUtils.readEnum(in, Type.class);
        this.level = WritableUtils.readEnum(in, Level.class);
        this.timeOfFailure = Text.readString(in);
        this.workerNodeName = Text.readString(in);
        this.jobName = Text.readString(in);
        this.staffName = Text.readString(in);
        this.exceptionMessage = Text.readString(in);
        this.superStep_Stage = in.readInt();

    public String toString() {
        return this.timeOfFailure + "--" + this.type.toString() + "--" + this.level + "--" + this.workerNodeName
                + "--" + this.jobName + "--" + this.staffName + "--" + this.exceptionMessage + "--"
                + this.faultStatus + "--" + this.superStep_Stage;

     * judge whether two fault objects
     * are equal according to fault time of failure
     * and workernode name.
     * @param obj fault object to be judged
     * @return equal true not false.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        Fault fault = (Fault) obj;
        if (this.timeOfFailure.equals(fault.timeOfFailure) && this.workerNodeName.equals(fault.workerNodeName)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * corresponding definition of
     *  'hashCode()' for equal()
     * @return sum of timeOfFailure and workerNodeName hashcode.
    public int hashCode() {
        return timeOfFailure.hashCode() + workerNodeName.hashCode();

     * clone the fault object.
     * @return cloned fault.
    public Fault clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        Fault fault;
        fault = (Fault) super.clone();
        return fault;