Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Afoundria. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.chaschev.itext; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * User: chaschev * Date: 9/13/13 */ public class ListBuilder { ITextBuilder b; List list; final Item itemBuilder; public ListBuilder(ITextBuilder b) { this.b = b; itemBuilder = new Item(b, this); } public Item newItem() { return itemBuilder.withNew().applyStyles("normal"); } public Item newItem(String cssStyleString) { return itemBuilder.withNew().applyStyles(cssStyleString); } public List get() { return list; } public ListBuilder withNew() { list = new List(); return this; } public static class Item extends AbstractParagraphBuilder<ListItem, Item> { private final ListBuilder listBuilder; public Item(ITextBuilder b, ListBuilder listBuilder) { super(b); this.listBuilder = listBuilder; } public Item withNew() { element = new ListItem(); return this; } public Item setListSymbol(Chunk symbol) { element.setListSymbol(symbol); return this; } public Item setIndentationLeft(float indentation, boolean autoindent) { element.setIndentationLeft(indentation, autoindent); return this; } public Item adjustListSymbolFont() { element.adjustListSymbolFont(); return this; } public Chunk getListSymbol() { return element.getListSymbol(); } public ListBody getListBody() { return element.getListBody(); } public ListLabel getListLabel() { return element.getListLabel(); } public ListBuilder addToList() { return listBuilder.add(element); } } public boolean process(ElementListener listener) { return list.process(listener); } public boolean isAutoindent() { return list.isAutoindent(); } public void setListSymbol(String symbol) { list.setListSymbol(symbol); } public java.util.List<Chunk> getChunks() { return list.getChunks(); } public boolean isAlignindent() { return list.isAlignindent(); } public ListItem getFirstItem() { return list.getFirstItem(); } public ListBuilder add(Element o) { list.add(o); return this; } public String getPreSymbol() { return list.getPreSymbol(); } public void setFirst(int first) { list.setFirst(first); } public void setLowercase(boolean uppercase) { list.setLowercase(uppercase); } public ListItem getLastItem() { return list.getLastItem(); } public PdfObject getAccessibleAttribute(PdfName key) { return list.getAccessibleAttribute(key); } public void setPreSymbol(String preSymbol) { list.setPreSymbol(preSymbol); } public boolean isContent() { return list.isContent(); } public float getSymbolIndent() { return list.getSymbolIndent(); } public int size() { return list.size(); } public boolean isLowercase() { return list.isLowercase(); } public PdfName getRole() { return list.getRole(); } public boolean isLettered() { return list.isLettered(); } public void setIndentationRight(float indentation) { list.setIndentationRight(indentation); } public void setRole(PdfName role) { list.setRole(role); } public String getPostSymbol() { return list.getPostSymbol(); } public boolean isNestable() { return list.isNestable(); } public float getIndentationRight() { return list.getIndentationRight(); } public ListBuilder setNumbered(boolean numbered) { list.setNumbered(numbered); return this; } public HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> getAccessibleAttributes() { return list.getAccessibleAttributes(); } public int getFirst() { return list.getFirst(); } public ArrayList<Element> getItems() { return list.getItems(); } public ListBuilder setSymbolIndent(float symbolIndent) { list.setSymbolIndent(symbolIndent); return this; } public int type() { return list.type(); } public void setIndentationLeft(float indentation) { list.setIndentationLeft(indentation); } public ListBuilder setListSymbol(Chunk symbol) { list.setListSymbol(symbol); return this; } public boolean isEmpty() { return list.isEmpty(); } public float getIndentationLeft() { return list.getIndentationLeft(); } public void setPostSymbol(String postSymbol) { list.setPostSymbol(postSymbol); } public Chunk getSymbol() { return list.getSymbol(); } public ListBuilder setLettered(boolean lettered) { list.setLettered(lettered); return this; } public boolean isNumbered() { return list.isNumbered(); } public void setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName key, PdfObject value) { list.setAccessibleAttribute(key, value); } public void normalizeIndentation() { list.normalizeIndentation(); } public void setAlignindent(boolean alignindent) { list.setAlignindent(alignindent); } public boolean add(String s) { return list.add(s); } public float getTotalLeading() { return list.getTotalLeading(); } public void setAutoindent(boolean autoindent) { list.setAutoindent(autoindent); } }