Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 CenturyLink, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.centurylink.mdw.cache.impl.VariableTypeCache; import com.centurylink.mdw.constant.OwnerType; import com.centurylink.mdw.dataaccess.DataAccess; import com.centurylink.mdw.dataaccess.DatabaseAccess; import com.centurylink.mdw.dataaccess.TableSequenceName; import com.centurylink.mdw.dataaccess.db.CommonDataAccess; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.attribute.Attribute; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.event.EventInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.event.EventLog; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.event.EventType; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.event.EventWaitInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.monitor.CertifiedMessage; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.monitor.ScheduledEvent; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.monitor.UnscheduledEvent; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.user.UserAction; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.user.UserAction.Action; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.variable.Document; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.variable.DocumentReference; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.variable.VariableInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.ActivityInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.Package; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.ProcessInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.Transition; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.TransitionInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.TransitionStatus; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.WorkStatus; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.workflow.WorkStatuses; import com.centurylink.mdw.util.StringHelper; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.*; /** * TODO: Remove non-engine-related data access from this class. */ public class EngineDataAccessDB extends CommonDataAccess implements EngineDataAccess { private static Map<String, String> _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("eventName", "d.OWNER_TYPE"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("externalEventInstanceId", "d.DOCUMENT_ID"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("createdDate", "d.CREATE_DT"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("eventData", "d.CONTENT"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("processInstanceId", "d.PROCESS_INST_ID"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("processId", "pi.PROCESS_ID"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("processInstanceStatus", "pi.STATUS_CD"); _ExternalEventInstanceQueryMap.put("masterRequestId", "pi.MASTER_REQUEST_ID"); } public EngineDataAccessDB() { super(new DatabaseAccess(null), DataAccess.currentSchemaVersion, DataAccess.supportedSchemaVersion); } public DatabaseAccess getDatabaseAccess() { return db; } public int getPerformanceLevel() { return 1; } protected Long getNextId(String sequenceName) throws SQLException { String query = "select " + sequenceName + ".NEXTVAL from dual"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, null);; return new Long(rs.getString(1)); } public Long createVariableInstance(VariableInstance var, Long procInstId) throws SQLException { Long varInstId = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("VARIABLE_INST_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into VARIABLE_INSTANCE " + "(VARIABLE_INST_ID, VARIABLE_ID, PROCESS_INST_ID, VARIABLE_VALUE, VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_TYPE_ID, " + "CREATE_DT, CREATE_USR) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + now() + ",'MDWEngine')"; Object[] args = new Object[6]; args[0] = varInstId; args[1] = var.getVariableId(); args[2] = procInstId; args[3] = var.getStringValue(); args[4] = var.getName(); args[5] = VariableTypeCache.getTypeId(var.getType()); if (db.isMySQL()) varInstId = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, args); var.setInstanceId(varInstId); return varInstId; } public void updateVariableInstance(VariableInstance var) throws SQLException { // db.openConnection(); String query = "update VARIABLE_INSTANCE set VARIABLE_VALUE=?, MOD_DT=" + now() + " where VARIABLE_INST_ID=?"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = var.getStringValue(); args[1] = var.getInstanceId(); db.runUpdate(query, args); } public VariableInstance getVariableInstance(Long varInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select VARIABLE_VALUE, VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_TYPE_ID, PROCESS_INST_ID " + "from VARIABLE_INSTANCE vi " + "where VARIABLE_INST_ID=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, varInstId); if (! return null; VariableInstance var = new VariableInstance(); var.setInstanceId(varInstId); var.setStringValue(rs.getString(1)); var.setName(rs.getString(2)); var.setType(VariableTypeCache.getTypeName(rs.getLong(3))); var.setProcessInstanceId(rs.getLong(4)); return var; } public VariableInstance getVariableInstance(Long procInstId, String varname) throws SQLException { String query = "select VARIABLE_INST_ID, VARIABLE_VALUE, VARIABLE_TYPE_ID " + " from VARIABLE_INSTANCE" + " where PROCESS_INST_ID=? and VARIABLE_NAME=?"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = procInstId; args[1] = varname; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, args); if ( { VariableInstance var = new VariableInstance(); var.setInstanceId(rs.getLong(1)); var.setStringValue(rs.getString(2)); var.setName(varname); var.setType(VariableTypeCache.getTypeName(rs.getLong(3))); var.setProcessInstanceId(procInstId); return var; } else { return null; } } public Long createActivityInstance(ActivityInstance act) throws SQLException { Long actInstId = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into ACTIVITY_INSTANCE " + "(ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID, ACTIVITY_ID, PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, STATUS_CD, START_DT, CREATE_DT, CREATE_USR) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, " + now() + ", " + now() + ", 'MDWEngine')"; Object[] args = new Object[4]; args[0] = actInstId; args[1] = act.getActivityId(); args[2] = act.getProcessInstanceId(); args[3] = act.getStatusCode(); if (db.isMySQL()) actInstId = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, args); act.setId(actInstId); return actInstId; } public ActivityInstance getActivityInstance(Long actInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select STATUS_CD,START_DT,END_DT,STATUS_MESSAGE,ACTIVITY_ID,PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID" + " from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE where ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, actInstId); if (! throw new SQLException("Activity instance does not exist: " + actInstId); ActivityInstance vo = new ActivityInstance(); vo.setId(actInstId); vo.setStatusCode(rs.getInt(1)); vo.setStartDate(rs.getTimestamp(2)); vo.setEndDate(rs.getTimestamp(3)); vo.setMessage(rs.getString(4)); vo.setActivityId(rs.getLong(5)); vo.setProcessInstanceId(rs.getLong(6)); return vo; } public void setActivityInstanceStatus(ActivityInstance actInst, Integer status, String status_message) throws SQLException { String query; if (status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_CANCELLED) || status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_COMPLETED) || status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_FAILED)) { query = "update ACTIVITY_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?, STATUS_MESSAGE=?, END_DT=" + now() + " where ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID=?"; } else { query = "update ACTIVITY_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?, STATUS_MESSAGE=?" + " where ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID=?"; } Object[] args = new Object[3]; if (actInst.getMessage() != null) { if (status_message == null) status_message = actInst.getMessage(); else status_message = actInst.getMessage() + "\n" + status_message; if (status_message.length() > 3960) { status_message = status_message.substring(0, 3960) + "\n\nTruncated to 3960 characters\n"; } } args[0] = status; args[1] = status_message; args[2] = actInst.getId(); db.runUpdate(query, args); } public Long createTransitionInstance(TransitionInstance trans) throws SQLException { Long transInstId = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("WORK_TRANS_INST_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE " + "(WORK_TRANS_INST_ID, WORK_TRANS_ID, PROCESS_INST_ID, STATUS_CD, START_DT, DEST_INST_ID, CREATE_DT, CREATE_USR) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, " + now() + ", ?, " + now() + ", 'MDWEngine')"; Object[] args = new Object[5]; args[0] = transInstId; args[1] = trans.getTransitionID(); args[2] = trans.getProcessInstanceID(); args[3] = trans.getStatusCode(); args[4] = trans.getDestinationID(); if (db.isMySQL()) transInstId = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, args); trans.setTransitionInstanceID(transInstId); return transInstId; } public void completeTransitionInstance(Long transInstId, Long toActInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "update WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE " + "set STATUS_CD=?, END_DT=" + now() + ", DEST_INST_ID=? " + "where WORK_TRANS_INST_ID=?"; Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = TransitionStatus.STATUS_COMPLETED; args[1] = toActInstId; args[2] = transInstId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } public Long createProcessInstance(ProcessInstance pi) throws SQLException { Long procInstId = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("MDW_COMMON_INST_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into PROCESS_INSTANCE " + "(PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, PROCESS_ID, OWNER, OWNER_ID, SECONDARY_OWNER, " + "SECONDARY_OWNER_ID, STATUS_CD, MASTER_REQUEST_ID, START_DT, COMMENTS, CREATE_DT, CREATE_USR) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + now() + ", ?, " + now() + ", 'MDWEngine')"; Object[] args = new Object[9]; args[0] = procInstId; args[1] = pi.getProcessId(); args[2] = pi.getOwner(); args[3] = pi.getOwnerId(); args[4] = pi.getSecondaryOwner(); args[5] = pi.getSecondaryOwnerId(); args[6] = pi.getStatusCode(); args[7] = pi.getMasterRequestId(); args[8] = pi.getComment(); if (db.isMySQL()) procInstId = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, args); pi.setId(procInstId); return procInstId; } public void setProcessInstanceStatus(Long procInstId, Integer status) throws SQLException { String query; if (status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_COMPLETED) || status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_CANCELLED) || status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_FAILED)) { query = "update PROCESS_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?, END_DT=" + now() + " " + " where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; } else if (status.equals(WorkStatus.STATUS_PENDING_PROCESS)) { status = WorkStatus.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; query = "update PROCESS_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?, START_DT=" + now() + " " + " where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; } else { query = "update PROCESS_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?" + " where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; } Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = status; args[1] = procInstId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } public Long createDocument(Document doc) throws SQLException { return createDocument(doc, null); } boolean hasMongo() { return (DatabaseAccess.getMongoDb() != null); } public Long createDocument(Document doc, Package pkg) throws SQLException { Long docId = db.isMySQL() ? null : getNextId("MDW_COMMON_INST_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into DOCUMENT " + "(DOCUMENT_ID, CREATE_DT, DOCUMENT_TYPE, OWNER_TYPE, OWNER_ID, STATUS_CODE, STATUS_MESSAGE) " + "values (?, " + now() + ", ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; Object[] args = new Object[6]; args[0] = docId; args[1] = doc.getDocumentType(); args[2] = doc.getOwnerType(); args[3] = doc.getOwnerId(); if (doc.getStatusCode() == null) args[4] = 0; else args[4] = doc.getStatusCode(); if (doc.getStatusMessage() == null) args[5] = ""; else args[5] = doc.getStatusMessage(); if (db.isMySQL()) docId = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else if (db.isOracle()) db.runUpdate(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, String.valueOf(args)); doc.setDocumentId(docId); if (hasMongo()) { MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> collection = DatabaseAccess.getMongoDb() .getCollection(doc.getOwnerType()); org.bson.Document myDoc = null; if (doc.getContent(pkg).trim().startsWith("{") && doc.getContent(pkg).trim().endsWith("}")) { try { org.bson.Document myJsonDoc = org.bson.Document.parse(doc.getContent(pkg)); // Parse JSON to create BSON CONTENT Document if (!myJsonDoc.isEmpty()) { if (doc.getContent(pkg).contains(".") || doc.getContent(pkg).contains("$")) myJsonDoc = DatabaseAccess.encodeMongoDoc(myJsonDoc); myDoc = new org.bson.Document("CONTENT", myJsonDoc).append("_id", docId).append("isJSON", true); // Plus append _id and isJSON:true field } } catch (Throwable ex) { myDoc = null; } // Assume not JSON then } if (myDoc == null) // Create BSON document with Raw content if it wasn't JSON, plus append _id and isJSON:false myDoc = new org.bson.Document("CONTENT", doc.getContent(pkg)).append("_id", docId).append("isJSON", false); collection.insertOne(myDoc); } else { // store in DOCUMENT_CONTENT query = "insert into DOCUMENT_CONTENT (DOCUMENT_ID, CONTENT) values (?, ?)"; args = new Object[2]; args[0] = docId; args[1] = doc.getContent(pkg); db.runUpdate(query, args); } return docId; } public void updateDocumentContent(Long documentId, String content) throws SQLException { String selectQuery = "select OWNER_TYPE from DOCUMENT where DOCUMENT_ID = ?"; String owner_type = ""; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(selectQuery, documentId); if ( owner_type = rs.getString("OWNER_TYPE"); String query = "update DOCUMENT set MODIFY_DT = " + now() + " where DOCUMENT_ID = ?"; db.runUpdate(query, documentId); boolean inMongo = false; // not found (compatibility) if (hasMongo() && owner_type.length() > 0) { MongoCollection<org.bson.Document> collection = DatabaseAccess.getMongoDb().getCollection(owner_type); org.bson.Document myDoc = null; if (content.trim().startsWith("{") && content.trim().endsWith("}")) { try { org.bson.Document myJsonDoc = org.bson.Document.parse(content); // Parse JSON to create BSON CONTENT Document if (!myJsonDoc.isEmpty()) if (content.contains(".") || content.contains("$")) myJsonDoc = DatabaseAccess.encodeMongoDoc(myJsonDoc); myDoc = new org.bson.Document("CONTENT", myJsonDoc).append("isJSON", true); // Plus append isJSON:true field } catch (Throwable ex) { myDoc = null; } // Assume not JSON then } if (myDoc == null) // Create BSON document with Raw content if it wasn't JSON plus append isJSON:false myDoc = new org.bson.Document("CONTENT", content).append("isJSON", false); if (collection.findOneAndReplace(eq("_id", documentId), myDoc) != null) inMongo = true; } if (!inMongo) { query = "update DOCUMENT_CONTENT set CONTENT = ? where DOCUMENT_ID = ?"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = content; args[1] = documentId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } } public void updateDocumentInfo(Document docvo) throws SQLException { String query = "update DOCUMENT set DOCUMENT_TYPE=?, OWNER_TYPE=?, OWNER_ID=?, STATUS_CODE=?, STATUS_MESSAGE=? where DOCUMENT_ID=?"; Object[] args = new Object[6]; args[0] = docvo.getDocumentType(); args[1] = docvo.getOwnerType(); args[2] = docvo.getOwnerId(); args[3] = docvo.getStatusCode(); args[4] = docvo.getStatusMessage(); args[5] = docvo.getDocumentId(); db.runUpdate(query, args); } public void createEventInstance(String eventName, Long documentId, Integer status, Date consumeDate, String auxdata, String reference, int preserveSeconds) throws SQLException { String query = "insert into EVENT_INSTANCE " + "(EVENT_NAME, DOCUMENT_ID, STATUS_CD, CREATE_DT, CONSUME_DT, AUXDATA, REFERENCE, PRESERVE_INTERVAL) " + "values (?, ?, ?, " + now() + ", ?, ?, ?, ?)"; Object[] args = new Object[7]; args[0] = eventName; args[1] = documentId; args[2] = status; args[3] = consumeDate; args[4] = auxdata; args[5] = reference; args[6] = new Integer(preserveSeconds); db.runUpdate(query, args); } public EventInstance lockEventInstance(String eventName) throws SQLException { String query = "select DOCUMENT_ID, STATUS_CD, " + " CREATE_DT, CONSUME_DT, PRESERVE_INTERVAL from EVENT_INSTANCE " + " where EVENT_NAME=? for update"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, eventName); if ( { EventInstance vo = new EventInstance(); vo.setEventName(eventName); vo.setData(null); long docid = rs.getLong(1); vo.setDocumentId(docid == 0L ? null : docid); vo.setStatus(rs.getInt(2)); vo.setCreateDate(rs.getTimestamp(3)); vo.setConsumeDate(rs.getTimestamp(4)); vo.setPreserveSeconds(rs.getInt(5)); return vo; } else return null; } private void consumeEventInstance(EventInstance vo, int preserveSeconds) throws SQLException { String query = "update EVENT_INSTANCE set DOCUMENT_ID=?, STATUS_CD=?, " + " CONSUME_DT=" + now() + ", PRESERVE_INTERVAL=? where EVENT_NAME=?"; Object[] args = new Object[4]; args[0] = vo.getDocumentId(); args[1] = EventInstance.STATUS_CONSUMED; args[2] = Math.max(vo.getPreserveSeconds(), preserveSeconds); args[3] = vo.getEventName(); db.runUpdate(query, args); } public void updateEventInstance(String eventName, Long documentId, Integer status, Date consumeDate, String auxdata, String reference, int preserveSeconds, String comments) throws SQLException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); List<Object> argl = new ArrayList<Object>(); sb.append("update EVENT_INSTANCE set "); if (documentId != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("DOCUMENT_ID=?"); argl.add(documentId); } if (status != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("STATUS_CD=?"); argl.add(status); } if (consumeDate != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("CONSUME_DT=?"); argl.add(consumeDate); } if (auxdata != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("AUXDATA=?"); argl.add(auxdata); } if (reference != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("REFERENCE=?"); argl.add(reference); } if (preserveSeconds > 0) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("PRESERVE_INTERVAL=?"); argl.add(new Integer(preserveSeconds)); } if (comments != null) { if (argl.size() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("COMMENTS=?"); argl.add(comments); } sb.append(" where EVENT_NAME=?"); argl.add(eventName); int count = db.runUpdate(sb.toString(), argl.toArray()); if (count == 0) throw new SQLException("The event does not exist"); } public int deleteEventInstance(String eventName) throws SQLException { String query = "delete from EVENT_INSTANCE where EVENT_NAME = ?"; return db.runUpdate(query, eventName); } public EventInstance getEventInstance(String eventName) throws SQLException { String query = "select DOCUMENT_ID, STATUS_CD, " + " CREATE_DT, CONSUME_DT, PRESERVE_INTERVAL, COMMENTS from EVENT_INSTANCE " + " where EVENT_NAME=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, eventName); if ( { EventInstance vo = new EventInstance(); vo.setEventName(eventName); vo.setData(null); long docid = rs.getLong(1); vo.setDocumentId(docid == 0L ? null : docid); vo.setStatus(rs.getInt(2)); vo.setCreateDate(rs.getTimestamp(3)); vo.setConsumeDate(rs.getTimestamp(4)); vo.setPreserveSeconds(rs.getInt(5)); vo.setComments(rs.getString("COMMENTS")); return vo; } else { return null; } } private List<EventWaitInstance> getEventWaitInstances(String eventName) throws SQLException { List<EventWaitInstance> waiters = new ArrayList<EventWaitInstance>(); String query = "select EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_OWNER_ID, WAKE_UP_EVENT " + "from EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE " + "where EVENT_NAME=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, eventName); while ( { EventWaitInstance vo = new EventWaitInstance(); vo.setActivityInstanceId(rs.getLong(1)); vo.setCompletionCode(rs.getString(2)); waiters.add(vo); } return waiters; } public void createEventWaitInstance(Long actInstId, String eventName, String compCode) throws SQLException { Long id = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE " + "(EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_ID, EVENT_NAME, EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_OWNER_ID, " + "EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_OWNER, EVENT_SOURCE, WORK_TRANS_INSTANCE_ID, WAKE_UP_EVENT," + "STATUS_CD, CREATE_DT, CREATE_USR) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,?, " + now() + ", 'MDWEngine')"; Object[] args = new Object[8]; args[0] = id; args[1] = eventName; args[2] = actInstId; args[3] = OwnerType.ACTIVITY_INSTANCE; args[4] = EventLog.STANDARD_EVENT_SOURCE; args[5] = new Long(1); args[6] = compCode; args[7] = EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING; db.runUpdate(query, args); this.recordEventHistory(eventName, EventLog.SUBCAT_REGISTER, OwnerType.ACTIVITY_INSTANCE, actInstId, null); } public List<EventWaitInstance> recordEventArrive(String eventName, Long documentId) throws SQLException { boolean hasWaiters; try { this.recordEventHistory(eventName, EventLog.SUBCAT_ARRIVAL, OwnerType.DOCUMENT, documentId, null); createEventInstance(eventName, documentId, EventInstance.STATUS_ARRIVED, null, null, null, 0); hasWaiters = false; } catch (SQLException e) { EventInstance event = lockEventInstance(eventName); if (event == null) throw e; // throw original SQLException if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING)) { deleteEventInstance(eventName); hasWaiters = true; } else if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING_MULTIPLE)) { event.setDocumentId(documentId); consumeEventInstance(event, 0); hasWaiters = true; } else { throw new SQLException("The event is already recorded and in status " + event.getStatus()); } } return hasWaiters ? this.getEventWaitInstances(eventName) : null; } public Long recordEventWait(String eventName, boolean multipleRecepients, int preserveSeconds, Long actInstId, String compCode) throws SQLException { Long documentId; try { createEventInstance(eventName, null, multipleRecepients ? EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING_MULTIPLE : EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING, null, null, null, preserveSeconds); documentId = null; } catch (SQLException e) { EventInstance event = lockEventInstance(eventName); if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING)) { if (multipleRecepients) { throw new SQLException("The event has been waited by a single recepient"); } else { this.removeEventWait(eventName); // deregister existing waiters } documentId = null; } else if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_WAITING_MULTIPLE)) { if (!multipleRecepients) { throw new SQLException("The event has been waited by multiple recepients"); } documentId = null; } else if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_ARRIVED)) { if (multipleRecepients) { consumeEventInstance(event, preserveSeconds); documentId = event.getDocumentId(); } else { deleteEventInstance(eventName); documentId = event.getDocumentId(); } } else if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_CONSUMED)) { if (multipleRecepients) { documentId = event.getDocumentId(); } else { throw new SQLException("The event has been waited by multiple recepients"); } } else { // STATUS_FLAG throw new SQLException("The event is already recorded as a FLAG"); } } createEventWaitInstance(actInstId, eventName, compCode); return documentId; } public boolean recordEventFlag(String eventName, int preserveSeconds) throws SQLException { boolean recorded; try { createEventInstance(eventName, null, EventInstance.STATUS_FLAG, new Date(DatabaseAccess.getCurrentTime()), null, null, preserveSeconds); recorded = false; } catch (SQLException e) { EventInstance event = lockEventInstance(eventName); if (event.getStatus().equals(EventInstance.STATUS_FLAG)) { recorded = true; } else { throw new SQLException("The event is already recorded but not a FLAG"); } } return recorded; } /** * remove other wait instances when an activity receives one event */ public void removeEventWaitForActivityInstance(Long activityInstanceId, String reason) throws SQLException { String query = "delete from EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE where EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_OWNER_ID=?"; db.runUpdate(query, activityInstanceId); this.recordEventHistory("All Events", EventLog.SUBCAT_DEREGISTER, OwnerType.ACTIVITY_INSTANCE, activityInstanceId, reason); } /** * remove existing waiters when a new waiter is registered for the same event * @param eventName * @throws SQLException */ private void removeEventWait(String eventName) throws SQLException { String query = "delete from EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE where EVENT_NAME=?"; db.runUpdate(query, eventName); this.recordEventHistory(eventName, EventLog.SUBCAT_DEREGISTER, "N/A", 0L, "Deregister all existing waiters"); } public void removeEventWaitForProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId) throws SQLException { String query = "delete from EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE " + "where EVENT_WAIT_INSTANCE_OWNER_ID in " + " (select ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?)"; db.runUpdate(query, processInstanceId); this.recordEventHistory("All Events", EventLog.SUBCAT_DEREGISTER, OwnerType.PROCESS_INSTANCE, processInstanceId, "process completed or cancelled"); } public Long recordEventLog(String name, String category, String subCategory, String source, String ownerType, Long ownerId, String user, String modUser, String comments) throws SQLException { Long id = db.isMySQL() ? null : this.getNextId("EVENT_LOG_ID_SEQ"); String query = "insert into EVENT_LOG " + "(EVENT_LOG_ID, EVENT_NAME, EVENT_CATEGORY, EVENT_SUB_CATEGORY, " + "EVENT_SOURCE, EVENT_LOG_OWNER, EVENT_LOG_OWNER_ID, CREATE_USR, CREATE_DT, MOD_USR, COMMENTS, STATUS_CD) " + "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + now() + ", ?, ?, '1')"; Object[] args = new Object[10]; args[0] = id; args[1] = name; args[2] = category; args[3] = subCategory; args[4] = source; args[5] = ownerType; args[6] = ownerId; args[7] = user == null ? "MDW" : user; args[8] = modUser; args[9] = comments; if (db.isMySQL()) id = db.runInsertReturnId(query, args); else db.runUpdate(query, args); return id; } public void recordScheduledJobHistory(String jobName, Date scheduledTime, String wlsServerName) throws SQLException { String subCategory = "Execute"; String comments = "Scheduled time " + StringHelper.dateToString(scheduledTime); recordEventLog(jobName, EventLog.CATEGORY_SCHEDULED_JOB_HISTORY, subCategory, wlsServerName, "N/A", 0L, "MDW", null, comments); } private void recordEventHistory(String eventName, String subcat, String ownerType, Long ownerId, String comments) throws SQLException { recordEventLog(eventName, EventLog.CATEGORY_EVENT_HISTORY, subcat, "N/A", ownerType, ownerId, "MDW", null, comments); } public int countAuditLogs(List<String> searchDBClmns, Object searchKey) throws SQLException { String query = "select count(distinct EVENT_LOG_ID) from EVENT_LOG\n" + "WHERE EVENT_CATEGORY = ? \n" + (searchKey != null ? getAuditLogsSearchClause(searchDBClmns, searchKey) : ""); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, EventLog.CATEGORY_AUDIT); if ( return rs.getInt(1); else return 0; } public List<UserAction> getAuditLogs(String orderBy, boolean ascending, List<String> searchDBClmns, Object searchKey, int start, int end, boolean allRowsMode) throws SQLException { List<UserAction> userActions = new ArrayList<UserAction>(); StringBuffer auditLogsQuery = new StringBuffer(); String query = null; auditLogsQuery.append( " select EVENT_LOG_ID, EVENT_NAME, EVENT_SOURCE, EVENT_LOG_OWNER, EVENT_LOG_OWNER_ID, CREATE_USR, CREATE_DT, COMMENTS\n ") .append(" from EVENT_LOG where EVENT_CATEGORY = ?\n"); if (searchKey != null) auditLogsQuery.append(getAuditLogsSearchClause(searchDBClmns, searchKey)); if (orderBy != null) auditLogsQuery.append(" order by " + orderBy + " " + (ascending ? "" : "desc")); if (allRowsMode && end == 0) { query = auditLogsQuery.toString(); } else { query = db.pagingQueryPrefix() + auditLogsQuery.toString() + db.pagingQuerySuffix(start, end - start); } ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, EventLog.CATEGORY_AUDIT); while ( { UserAction userAction = new UserAction(); userAction.setId(rs.getLong(1)); String actionName = rs.getString(2); Action action = UserAction.getAction(actionName); userAction.setAction(action); if (action.equals(Action.Other)) userAction.setExtendedAction(actionName); userAction.setSource(rs.getString(3)); userAction.setEntity(UserAction.getEntity(rs.getString(4))); userAction.setEntityId(rs.getLong(5)); userAction.setUser(rs.getString(6)); userAction.setDate(rs.getTimestamp(7)); userAction.setDescription(rs.getString(8)); userActions.add(userAction); } return userActions; } private String getAuditLogsSearchClause(List<String> searchDBClmns, Object searchKey) { StringBuffer searchClause = new StringBuffer(); String searchValue = searchKey.toString().toUpperCase(); searchClause.append(" AND ("); for (String column : searchDBClmns) { if (!"CREATE_DT".equals(column)) searchClause.append("upper(").append(column).append(") like '%").append(searchValue) .append("%' OR "); } searchClause.replace(searchClause.length() - 3, searchClause.length(), ")"); return searchClause.toString(); } /** * Method that returns distinct event log event names * @return String[] * */ public String[] getDistinctEventLogEventNames() throws SQLException { String sql = "select distinct EVENT_NAME from EVENT_LOG"; List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(sql.toString(), null); while ( { String evName = rs.getString(1); retList.add(evName); } return retList.toArray(new String[retList.size()]); } /** * Method that returns distinct event log sources * @return String[] * */ public String[] getDistinctEventLogEventSources() throws SQLException { String sql = "select distinct EVENT_SOURCE from EVENT_LOG"; List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(sql.toString(), null); while ( { String evName = rs.getString(1); retList.add(evName); } return retList.toArray(new String[retList.size()]); } private static final String PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS = "PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID,PROCESS_ID,OWNER,OWNER_ID,MASTER_REQUEST_ID," + "STATUS_CD,SECONDARY_OWNER,SECONDARY_OWNER_ID,COMPCODE,COMMENTS"; private ProcessInstance getProcessInstanceSub(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { ProcessInstance pi = new ProcessInstance(rs.getLong(2), null); pi.setId(rs.getLong(1)); pi.setOwner(rs.getString(3)); pi.setOwnerId(rs.getLong(4)); pi.setMasterRequestId(rs.getString(5)); pi.setStatusCode(rs.getInt(6)); pi.setSecondaryOwner(rs.getString(7)); pi.setSecondaryOwnerId(rs.getLong(8)); pi.setCompletionCode(rs.getString(9)); pi.setComment(rs.getString(10)); return pi; } /** * different from V4: include completion code; add flag to say * if variable instances are needed */ public ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(Long procInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select " + PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS + " from PROCESS_INSTANCE where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, procInstId); if (! throw new SQLException("Failed to load process instance: " + procInstId); return this.getProcessInstanceSub(rs); } public List<VariableInstance> getProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId) throws SQLException { Map<Long, VariableInstance> oldVarInsts = null; List<VariableInstance> variableDataList = new ArrayList<VariableInstance>(); String query = "select VARIABLE_INST_ID, VARIABLE_VALUE, VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_TYPE_ID from VARIABLE_INSTANCE " + " where PROCESS_INST_ID = ?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, processInstanceId); while ( { VariableInstance data = new VariableInstance(); data.setInstanceId(rs.getLong(1)); data.setStringValue(rs.getString(2)); data.setName(rs.getString(3)); data.setType(VariableTypeCache.getTypeName(rs.getLong(4))); if (data.getName() == null) { if (oldVarInsts == null) oldVarInsts = new HashMap<Long, VariableInstance>(); oldVarInsts.put(data.getInstanceId(), data); ; } variableDataList.add(data); } if (oldVarInsts != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("select vi.VARIABLE_INST_ID, v.VARIABLE_NAME, vt.VARIABLE_TYPE_NAME "); sb.append("from VARIABLE_INSTANCE vi, VARIABLE v, VARIABLE_TYPE vt "); sb.append("where vi.VARIABLE_INST_ID in ("); boolean first = true; for (Long varInstId : oldVarInsts.keySet()) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(varInstId.toString()); } sb.append(") and vi.VARIABLE_ID=v.VARIABLE_ID and v.VARIABLE_TYPE_ID=vt.VARIABLE_TYPE_ID"); rs = db.runSelect(sb.toString(), null); while ( { Long varInstId = rs.getLong(1); VariableInstance var = oldVarInsts.get(varInstId); var.setName(rs.getString(2)); var.setType(rs.getString(3)); } } return variableDataList; } public List<ProcessInstance> getChildProcessInstances(Long procInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select " + PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS + " from PROCESS_INSTANCE" + " where OWNER_ID = ? and OWNER=?" + " order by CREATE_DT asc"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = procInstId; args[1] = OwnerType.PROCESS_INSTANCE; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, args); List<ProcessInstance> ret = new ArrayList<ProcessInstance>(); while ( { ret.add(getProcessInstanceSub(rs)); } return ret; } public void setProcessInstanceCompletionCode(Long procInstId, String completionCode) throws SQLException { String query = "update PROCESS_INSTANCE set COMPCODE=?" + " where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = completionCode; args[1] = procInstId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } public TransitionInstance getWorkTransitionInstance(Long transInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select PROCESS_INST_ID,STATUS_CD,START_DT,END_DT,WORK_TRANS_ID,DEST_INST_ID" + " from WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE" + " where WORK_TRANS_INST_ID=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, transInstId); if ( { TransitionInstance workTransInstance = new TransitionInstance(); workTransInstance.setTransitionInstanceID(transInstId); workTransInstance.setProcessInstanceID(rs.getLong(1)); workTransInstance.setStatusCode(rs.getInt(2)); workTransInstance.setStartDate(StringHelper.dateToString(rs.getTimestamp(3))); workTransInstance.setEndDate(StringHelper.dateToString(rs.getTimestamp(4))); workTransInstance.setTransitionID(rs.getLong(5)); workTransInstance.setDestinationID(rs.getLong(6)); return workTransInstance; } else throw new SQLException("Cannot find transition instance with ID " + transInstId); } public List<ActivityInstance> getActivityInstances(Long actId, Long procInstId, boolean activeOnly, boolean isSynchActivity) throws SQLException { String query = "select STATUS_CD,START_DT,END_DT,STATUS_MESSAGE,ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID" + " from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE where ACTIVITY_ID=? and PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; if (activeOnly) { query = query + " and STATUS_CD in (" + (isSynchActivity ? (WorkStatus.STATUS_COMPLETED.intValue() + ",") : "") + WorkStatus.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS.intValue() + "," + WorkStatus.STATUS_WAITING.intValue() + "," + WorkStatus.STATUS_HOLD.intValue() + ")"; } Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = actId; args[1] = procInstId; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, args); List<ActivityInstance> ret = new ArrayList<ActivityInstance>(); while ( { ActivityInstance vo = new ActivityInstance(); vo.setId(rs.getLong(5)); vo.setStatusCode(rs.getInt(1)); vo.setStartDate(rs.getTimestamp(2)); vo.setEndDate(rs.getTimestamp(3)); vo.setMessage(rs.getString(4)); vo.setActivityId(actId); vo.setProcessInstanceId(procInstId); ret.add(vo); } return ret; } public List<ActivityInstance> getActivityInstancesForProcessInstance(Long procInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select STATUS_CD,START_DT,END_DT,STATUS_MESSAGE,ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID,ACTIVITY_ID" + " from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, procInstId); List<ActivityInstance> ret = new ArrayList<ActivityInstance>(); while ( { ActivityInstance vo = new ActivityInstance(); vo.setId(rs.getLong(5)); vo.setStatusCode(rs.getInt(1)); vo.setStartDate(rs.getTimestamp(2)); vo.setEndDate(rs.getTimestamp(3)); vo.setMessage(rs.getString(4)); vo.setActivityId(rs.getLong(6)); vo.setProcessInstanceId(procInstId); vo.setStatus(WorkStatuses.getWorkStatuses().get(vo.getStatusCode())); ret.add(vo); } return ret; } public void cancelTransitionInstances(Long procInstId, String comment, Long transId) throws SQLException { if (transId != null) { String query = "update WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD = 10, END_DT = " + now() + "," + " MOD_DT = " + now() + ", COMMENTS = ? " + "where PROCESS_INST_ID = ? and STATUS_CD in (1, 2, 4, 7) and WORK_TRANS_ID = ?"; Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = comment; args[1] = procInstId; args[2] = transId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } else { String query = "update WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD = 10, END_DT = " + now() + "," + " MOD_DT = " + now() + ", COMMENTS = ? " + "where PROCESS_INST_ID = ? and STATUS_CD in (1, 2, 4, 7)"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = comment; args[1] = procInstId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } } public int countTransitionInstances(Long pProcInstId, Long pWorkTransId) throws SQLException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select count(STATUS_CD) from WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE "); sql.append("where PROCESS_INST_ID = ? and WORK_TRANS_ID = ?"); Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = pProcInstId; args[1] = pWorkTransId; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(sql.toString(), args); if ( return rs.getInt(1); else return 0; } public int countActivityInstances(Long procInstId, Long activityId, Integer[] statuses) throws SQLException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select count(STATUS_CD) from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE "); sql.append("where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID = ? and ACTIVITY_ID = ? and STATUS_CD in ("); for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sql.append(","); sql.append(statuses[i]); } sql.append(")"); Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = procInstId; args[1] = activityId; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(sql.toString(), args); if ( return rs.getInt(1); else return 0; } public void determineCompletedTransitions(Long pProcInstId, List<Transition> transitions) throws SQLException { String sql = "select STATUS_CD from WORK_TRANSITION_INSTANCE where WORK_TRANS_ID=?" + " and PROCESS_INST_ID=? and STATUS_CD=?"; ResultSet rs; Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[1] = pProcInstId; args[2] = TransitionStatus.STATUS_COMPLETED; for (Transition trans : transitions) { args[0] = trans.getWorkTransitionId(); rs = db.runSelect(sql, args); if ( trans.setEventType(EventType.FINISH); else trans.setEventType(EventType.START); } } public List<ProcessInstance> getProcessInstances(Long procId, String ownerType, Long ownerId) throws SQLException { String query = "select " + PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS + " from PROCESS_INSTANCE where PROCESS_ID = ? and OWNER = ? and OWNER_ID = ?"; Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = procId; args[1] = ownerType; args[2] = ownerId; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, args); List<ProcessInstance> ret = new ArrayList<ProcessInstance>(); while ( { ret.add(this.getProcessInstanceSub(rs)); } return ret; } public List<ProcessInstance> getProcessInstancesByMasterRequestId(String masterRequestId, Long processId) throws SQLException { List<ProcessInstance> ret = new ArrayList<ProcessInstance>(); ResultSet rs; if (processId == null) { String query = "select " + PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS + " from PROCESS_INSTANCE where MASTER_REQUEST_ID = ?"; rs = db.runSelect(query, masterRequestId); } else { String query = "select " + PROCINST_QUERY_FIELDS + " from PROCESS_INSTANCE where MASTER_REQUEST_ID = ? and PROCESS_ID=?"; rs = db.runSelect(query, new Object[] { masterRequestId, processId }); } while ( { ret.add(this.getProcessInstanceSub(rs)); } return ret; } /** * Load all internal event and scheduled jobs before cutoff time. * If cutoff time is null, load only unscheduled events * @param cutofftime a date or null * @return * @throws SQLException */ public List<ScheduledEvent> getScheduledEventList(Date cutofftime) throws SQLException { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select EVENT_NAME,CREATE_DT,CONSUME_DT,AUXDATA,REFERENCE,COMMENTS "); query.append("from EVENT_INSTANCE "); query.append("where STATUS_CD in ("); query.append(EventInstance.STATUS_SCHEDULED_JOB).append(","); query.append(EventInstance.STATUS_INTERNAL_EVENT).append(")"); ResultSet rs; if (cutofftime == null) { query.append(" and CONSUME_DT is null"); rs = db.runSelect(query.toString(), null); } else { query.append(" and CONSUME_DT < ?"); rs = db.runSelect(query.toString(), cutofftime); } List<ScheduledEvent> ret = new ArrayList<ScheduledEvent>(); while ( { ScheduledEvent de = new ScheduledEvent(); de.setName(rs.getString(1)); de.setCreateTime(rs.getTimestamp(2)); de.setScheduledTime(rs.getTimestamp(3)); de.setMessage(rs.getString(4)); de.setReference(rs.getString(5)); if (de.getMessage() == null) de.setMessage(rs.getString(6)); ret.add(de); } return ret; } /** * Load all internal events start at the specified age and scheduled jobs before cutoff time. * If cutoff time is null, load only unscheduled events * @param cutofftime a date or null * @return * @throws SQLException */ public List<UnscheduledEvent> getUnscheduledEventList(Date cutoffTime, int maxRows) throws SQLException { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("select EVENT_NAME,CREATE_DT,AUXDATA,REFERENCE,COMMENTS "); query.append("from EVENT_INSTANCE "); query.append("where STATUS_CD = " + EventInstance.STATUS_INTERNAL_EVENT + " "); query.append("and CREATE_DT < ? "); query.append("and CONSUME_DT is null "); if (!db.isMySQL()) query.append("and ROWNUM <= " + maxRows + " "); query.append("order by CREATE_DT"); if (db.isMySQL()) query.append(" LIMIT " + maxRows + " "); List<UnscheduledEvent> ret = new ArrayList<UnscheduledEvent>(); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query.toString(), cutoffTime); while ( { UnscheduledEvent ue = new UnscheduledEvent(); ue.setName(rs.getString("EVENT_NAME")); ue.setCreateTime(rs.getTimestamp("CREATE_DT")); ue.setMessage(rs.getString("AUXDATA")); ue.setReference(rs.getString("REFERENCE")); if (ue.getMessage() == null) ue.setMessage(rs.getString("COMMENTS")); ret.add(ue); } return ret; } public ScheduledEvent lockScheduledEvent(String name) { String query = "select EVENT_NAME,CREATE_DT,CONSUME_DT,AUXDATA,COMMENTS " + "from EVENT_INSTANCE " + "where EVENT_NAME = ? for update"; if (!db.isMySQL()) query = query + " nowait"; try { ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, name); if ( { ScheduledEvent de = new ScheduledEvent(); de.setName(rs.getString(1)); de.setCreateTime(rs.getTimestamp(2)); de.setScheduledTime(rs.getTimestamp(3)); de.setMessage(rs.getString(4)); if (de.getMessage() == null) de.setMessage(rs.getString(5)); return de; } else return null; } catch (SQLException e) { return null; } } public void offerScheduledEvent(ScheduledEvent event) throws SQLException { createEventInstance(event.getName(), null, event.isScheduledJob() ? EventInstance.STATUS_SCHEDULED_JOB : EventInstance.STATUS_INTERNAL_EVENT, event.getScheduledTime(), event.getMessage(), event.getReference(), 3600); } /** * Get the variable name for a task instance with 'Referred as' name * @param taskInstId * @param name * @return * @throws SQLException */ public String getVariableNameForTaskInstance(Long taskInstId, String name) throws SQLException { String query = "select v.VARIABLE_NAME " + "from VARIABLE v, VARIABLE_MAPPING vm, TASK t, TASK_INSTANCE ti " + "where ti.TASK_INSTANCE_ID = ?" + " and ti.TASK_ID = t.TASK_ID" + " and vm.MAPPING_OWNER = 'TASK'" + " and vm.MAPPING_OWNER_ID = t.TASK_ID" + " and v.VARIABLE_ID = vm.VARIABLE_ID" + " and (v.VARIABLE_NAME = ? or vm.VAR_REFERRED_AS = ?)"; Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = taskInstId; args[1] = name; args[2] = name; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, args); if ( { /*if (rs.isLast())*/ return rs.getString(1); //else throw new SQLException("getVariableNameForTaskInstance returns non-unique result"); } else throw new SQLException("getVariableNameForTaskInstance returns no result"); } public Document getDocument(DocumentReference docref, boolean forUpdate) throws SQLException { return super.getDocument(docref.getDocumentId(), forUpdate); } public Integer lockActivityInstance(Long actInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select STATUS_CD from ACTIVITY_INSTANCE where ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID=? for update"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, actInstId); if ( return new Integer(rs.getInt(1)); throw new SQLException("Activity instance does not exist: " + actInstId); } public Integer lockProcessInstance(Long procInstId) throws SQLException { String query = "select STATUS_CD from PROCESS_INSTANCE where PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=? for update"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, procInstId); if ( return new Integer(rs.getInt(1)); throw new SQLException("Process instance does not exist: " + procInstId); } public void updateActivityInstanceEndTime(Long actInstId, Date endtime) throws SQLException { String query = "update ACTIVITY_INSTANCE set END_DT=? where ACTIVITY_INSTANCE_ID=?"; Object[] args = new Object[2]; args[0] = endtime; args[1] = actInstId; db.runUpdate(query, args); } public List<CertifiedMessage> getCertifiedMessageList() throws SQLException { String query = "select EVENT_NAME,DOCUMENT_ID,CREATE_DT,STATUS_CD,PRESERVE_INTERVAL,AUXDATA,REFERENCE,COMMENTS " + "from EVENT_INSTANCE " + "where STATUS_CD = ?"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, EventInstance.STATUS_CERTIFIED_MESSAGE); List<CertifiedMessage> ret = new ArrayList<CertifiedMessage>(); Date now = new Date(DatabaseAccess.getCurrentTime()); while ( { CertifiedMessage message = new CertifiedMessage(); long docid = rs.getLong(2); message.setDocumentId(docid == 0L ? null : docid); message.setContent(null); message.setInitiateTime(rs.getTimestamp(3)); message.setStatus(rs.getInt(4)); message.setTryCount(rs.getInt(5)); message.setPropertyString(rs.getString(6)); message.setReference(rs.getString(7)); if (message.getPropertyString() == null) message.setPropertyString(rs.getString(8)); message.setNextTryTime(now); ret.add(message); } return ret; } public void recordCertifiedMessage(CertifiedMessage message) throws SQLException { createEventInstance(message.getId(), message.getDocumentId(), EventInstance.STATUS_CERTIFIED_MESSAGE, null, message.getPropertyString(), message.getReference(), message.getTryCount()); } public void consumeCertifiedMessage(String msgid) throws SQLException { long now = DatabaseAccess.getCurrentTime(); createEventInstance(msgid, null, EventInstance.STATUS_CERTIFIED_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, new Date(now), null, null, 3600 * 24 * 365); } public CertifiedMessage lockCertifiedMessage(String msgid) throws SQLException { String query = "select EVENT_NAME,CONSUME_DT,STATUS_CD,PRESERVE_INTERVAL " + "from EVENT_INSTANCE " + "where EVENT_NAME = ? for update"; if (!db.isMySQL()) query = query + " nowait"; ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, msgid); if ( { CertifiedMessage message = new CertifiedMessage(); message.setNextTryTime(rs.getTimestamp(2)); message.setStatus(rs.getInt(3)); message.setTryCount(rs.getInt(4)); return message; } else return null; } public void updateCertifiedMessageStatus(String msgid, Integer status, int tryCount, Date consumeTime) throws SQLException { StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("update EVENT_INSTANCE set STATUS_CD=?, CONSUME_DT=?"); if (status.equals(EventInstance.STATUS_CERTIFIED_MESSAGE)) query.append(", PRESERVE_INTERVAL=").append(tryCount); // restart count query.append(" where EVENT_NAME = ?"); Object[] args = new Object[3]; args[0] = status; args[1] = consumeTime; args[2] = msgid; db.runUpdate(query.toString(), args); } public int getTableRowCount(String tableName, String whereClause) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("select count(*) from ").append(tableName); if (whereClause != null) buff.append(" where ").append(whereClause); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(buff.toString(), null);; return rs.getInt(1); } public List<String[]> getTableRowList(String tableName, Class<?>[] types, String[] fields, String whereClause, String orderby, boolean descending, int startRow, int rowCount) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); if (rowCount > 0) buff.append(db.pagingQueryPrefix()); buff.append(" select "); for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { if (j > 0) buff.append(","); buff.append(fields[j]); } buff.append(" from ").append(tableName); if (whereClause != null) buff.append(" where ").append(whereClause); if (orderby != null && orderby.length() > 0) { buff.append(" order by ").append(orderby); if (descending) buff.append(" desc"); } if (rowCount > 0) buff.append(db.pagingQuerySuffix(startRow - 1, rowCount)); String query = buff.toString(); ResultSet rs = db.runSelect(query, null); List<String[]> ret = new ArrayList<String[]>(); while ( { String[] row = new String[types.length]; for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) { if (types[j] == Date.class) { Date d = rs.getTimestamp(j + 1); if (d != null) row[j] = StringHelper.dateToString(d); } else if (types[j] == Long.class) { long v = rs.getLong(j + 1); if (v != 0L) row[j] = Long.toString(v); } else if (types[j] == Integer.class) { int v = rs.getInt(j + 1); row[j] = Integer.toString(v); } else row[j] = rs.getString(j + 1); } ret.add(row); } return ret; } public int deleteTableRow(String tableName, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) throws SQLException { String query = "delete from " + tableName + " where " + fieldName + "=?"; return db.runUpdate(query, fieldValue); } public Long createTableRow(String tableName, String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues) throws SQLException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Long id = null; sb.append("insert into ").append(tableName).append(" ("); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append(fieldNames[i]); } sb.append(") values ("); if (db.isMySQL()) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append("?"); if (fieldValues[i] instanceof TableSequenceName) { fieldValues[i] = null; } } sb.append(")"); String query = sb.toString(); id = db.runInsertReturnId(query, fieldValues); } else { for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(","); sb.append("?"); if (fieldValues[i] instanceof TableSequenceName) { id = this.getNextId(((TableSequenceName) fieldValues[i]).getSequenceName()); fieldValues[i] = id; } } sb.append(")"); String query = sb.toString(); db.runUpdate(query, fieldValues); } return id; } public int updateTableRow(String tableName, String keyName, Object keyValue, String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues) throws SQLException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("update ").append(tableName).append(" set "); Object[] args = new Object[fieldNames.length + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < fieldNames.length; j++) { if (j > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(fieldNames[j]).append("=?"); args[j] = fieldValues[j]; } sb.append(" where ").append(keyName).append("=?"); args[fieldNames.length] = keyValue; return db.runUpdate(sb.toString(), args); } public void persistInternalEvent(String eventId, String message) throws SQLException { createEventInstance(eventId, null, EventInstance.STATUS_INTERNAL_EVENT, null, message, EventInstance.ACTIVE_INTERNAL_EVENT, 3600); } public Long setAttribute(String ownerType, Long ownerId, String attrname, String attrvalue) throws SQLException { return super.setAttribute0(ownerType, ownerId, attrname, attrvalue); } public List<Attribute> getAttributes(String ownerType, Long ownerId) throws SQLException { return super.getAttributes1(ownerType, ownerId); } public void setAttributes(String ownerType, Long ownerId, Map<String, String> attributes) throws SQLException { super.setAttributes0(ownerType, ownerId, attributes); } }