Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 CenturyLink, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.centurylink.mdw.dataaccess; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager; import com.centurylink.mdw.constant.ApplicationConstants; import com.centurylink.mdw.constant.PropertyNames; import com.centurylink.mdw.model.task.TaskInstance; import com.centurylink.mdw.util.StringHelper; import com.centurylink.mdw.util.log.LoggerUtil; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.MongoClientOptions; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; public class DatabaseAccess { private String database_name; // JDBC url or a connection pool name private static String INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE = null; private static Long db_time_diff = null; private static EmbeddedDataAccess embedded; public static EmbeddedDataAccess getEmbedded() { return embedded; } protected Map<String, String> connectParams; protected Connection connection; protected PreparedStatement ps; protected ResultSet rs; protected int queryTimeout; // Clients can set the timeout if desired. Default is no timeout. /** * Also is true for MariaDB */ private boolean isMySQL; public boolean isMySQL() { return isMySQL; } public boolean isOracle() { return !isMySQL; } private boolean isMariaDB; public boolean isMariaDB() { return isMariaDB; } private boolean isEmbedded; private static boolean isMongoDB = false; private static MongoClient mongoClient; public static MongoDatabase getMongoDb() { if (mongoClient == null) return null; else return mongoClient.getDatabase("mdw"); } /** * * @param database_name either a data source name * or JDBC URL. It can also be null, in which * case the default MDW data source is used * @param context EJB context. When it is not null, * transaction is handled by the EJB, which must * be configured with container managed transactions */ public DatabaseAccess(String database_name) { if (database_name == null) { if (INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE == null) { INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE = ApplicationConstants.MDW_FRAMEWORK_DATA_SOURCE_NAME; } this.database_name = INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE; } else { this.database_name = database_name; } connection = null; queryTimeout = 0; //Default - 0 means no timeout overwrite, so DBCP implementation's default. Currently (Apache DBCP-1.4.3), no timeout on queries if (this.database_name.startsWith("jdbc:oracle")) isMySQL = false; else if (this.database_name.startsWith("jdbc:mysql") || this.database_name.startsWith("jdbc:mariadb")) isMySQL = true; if (this.database_name.startsWith("jdbc:mariadb")) { isMariaDB = true; } if (this.database_name.equals(INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE)) { String dbprop = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_URL); isMySQL = dbprop != null && (dbprop.startsWith("jdbc:mysql") || dbprop.startsWith("jdbc:mariadb")); isMariaDB = dbprop != null && dbprop.startsWith("jdbc:mariadb"); isEmbedded = dbprop != null && isMariaDB && isEmbeddedDb(dbprop); } if (isEmbedded) { try { checkAndStartEmbeddedDb(); } catch (SQLException ex) { LoggerUtil.getStandardLogger() .severeException("Failed to start embedded DB: " + INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE, ex); } } if (!StringHelper.isEmpty(PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_MONGODB_HOST))) isMongoDB = true; if (isMongoDB && mongoClient == null) // Check and open client for MongoDB openMongoDbClient(); } public DatabaseAccess(String dbName, Map<String, String> connectParams) { this(dbName); this.connectParams = connectParams; } /** * Whether this VM instance should start up an embedded database. */ private static boolean isEmbeddedDb(String jdbcUrl) { String dbprop = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_EMBEDDED_HOST_PORT); return (jdbcUrl.contains("localhost") || (dbprop != null && jdbcUrl.contains(ApplicationContext.getServerHost()) && ApplicationContext.getServerHostPort().equalsIgnoreCase(dbprop))); } private static synchronized void checkAndStartEmbeddedDb() throws SQLException { if (embedded == null) { String url = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_URL); String user = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_USERNAME); String password = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_PASSWORD); String assetLoc = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_ASSET_LOCATION); if (assetLoc == null) throw new SQLException( "Missing property required for embedded db: " + PropertyNames.MDW_ASSET_LOCATION); String baseLoc = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_BASE_LOC); if (baseLoc == null) baseLoc = assetLoc + "/../data/db"; String dataLoc = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_DATA_LOC); if (dataLoc == null) dataLoc = assetLoc + "/../data/mdw"; embedded = new EmbeddedDataAccess(); try { embedded.create(url, user, password, assetLoc, baseLoc, dataLoc);; } catch (DataAccessException ex) { throw new SQLException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } public Connection openConnection() throws SQLException { if (connectionIsOpen()) return connection; ps = null; rs = null; if (database_name.startsWith("jdbc:oracle:thin:")) { int slash_loc = database_name.indexOf('/'); int at_loc = database_name.indexOf('@'); if (slash_loc < 0 || at_loc < 0 || at_loc < slash_loc) { throw new SQLException("Incorrect Oracle connection spec: " + database_name); } String dbuser = database_name.substring(17, slash_loc); String dbpass = database_name.substring(slash_loc + 1, at_loc); String dburl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + database_name.substring(at_loc); try { try { DriverManager.getDriver(dburl); } catch (SQLException e) { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); } // driver needs to be loaded when running this stand-alone, but not within WLS java.util.Properties dbprops = new java.util.Properties(); dbprops.put("user", dbuser); dbprops.put("password", dbpass); if (connectParams != null) { for (String paramName : connectParams.keySet()) dbprops.put(paramName, connectParams.get(paramName)); } connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dburl, dbprops); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot find Oracle Driver class"); } } else if (database_name.startsWith("jdbc:mysql:") || database_name.startsWith("jdbc:mariadb:")) { int qmark_loc = database_name.indexOf('?'); if (qmark_loc < 0) { throw new SQLException("Incorrect MySQL connection spec: " + database_name); } String dburl = database_name.substring(0, qmark_loc); String rest = database_name.substring(qmark_loc); int amp_loc = rest.indexOf('&'); if (amp_loc < 0) throw new SQLException("Incorrect MySQL connection spec: " + database_name); if (!rest.startsWith("?user=")) throw new SQLException("Incorrect MySQL connection spec: " + database_name); String dbuser = rest.substring(6, amp_loc); rest = rest.substring(amp_loc); if (!rest.startsWith("&password=")) throw new SQLException("Incorrect MySQL connection spec: " + database_name); String dbpass = rest.substring(10); try { try { DriverManager.getDriver(dburl); } catch (SQLException e) { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } // driver needs to be loaded when running this stand-alone, but not within WLS connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dburl, dbuser, dbpass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SQLException("Cannot find MySQL Driver class"); } } else { try { DataSource dataSource = ApplicationContext.getDataSourceProvider().getDataSource(database_name); connection = dataSource.getConnection(); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new SQLException("Failed to find data source " + database_name, e); } } connection.setAutoCommit(false); return connection; } private static synchronized void openMongoDbClient() { if (mongoClient == null) { String mongoHost = PropertyManager.getProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_MONGODB_HOST); int mongoPort = PropertyManager.getIntegerProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_MONGODB_PORT, 27017); int maxConnections = PropertyManager.getIntegerProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_MONGODB_POOLSIZE, PropertyManager.getIntegerProperty(PropertyNames.MDW_DB_POOLSIZE, 100)); MongoClientOptions.Builder options = MongoClientOptions.builder(); options.socketKeepAlive(true); if (maxConnections > 100) // MongoClient default is 100 max connections per host options.connectionsPerHost(maxConnections); mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(mongoHost, mongoPort),; LoggerUtil.getStandardLogger().info(mongoClient.getMongoClientOptions().toString()); } } public void commit() throws SQLException { connection.commit(); } public void rollback() { try { if (connectionIsOpen()) { connection.rollback(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } public void closeConnection() { closeStatement(); closeResultSet(); try { if (connection != null) { Connection temp = connection; connection = null; // temp.commit(); // commit at close connection temp.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { } } public boolean isDefaultDatabase() { return database_name.equals(INTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE); } public void closeStatement() { try { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ps = null; } public void closeResultSet() { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } rs = null; } public boolean connectionIsOpen() { if (connection == null) return false; try { return !connection.isClosed(); } catch (SQLException e) { connection = null; return false; } } private ResultSet logExecuteQuery(String query) throws SQLException { if (queryTimeout > 0 && ps != null) ps.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); if (connection instanceof QueryLogger) return ((QueryLogger) connection).executeQuery(ps, query); else return ps.executeQuery(); } private int logExecuteUpdate(String query) throws SQLException { if (queryTimeout > 0 && ps != null) ps.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); if (connection instanceof QueryLogger) return ((QueryLogger) connection).executeUpdate(ps, query); else return ps.executeUpdate(); } private int[] logExecuteBatch(String query) throws SQLException { if (queryTimeout > 0 && ps != null) ps.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeout); if (connection instanceof QueryLogger) return ((QueryLogger) connection).executeBatch(ps, query); else return ps.executeBatch(); } public ResultSet runSelect(String query, Object arg) throws SQLException { closeStatement(); closeResultSet(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); if (arg != null) setStatementArgument(1, arg); rs = logExecuteQuery(query); return rs; } public ResultSet runSelect(String query, Object[] arguments) throws SQLException { closeStatement(); closeResultSet(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); if (arguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { setStatementArgument(i + 1, arguments[i]); } } rs = logExecuteQuery(query); return rs; } public int runUpdate(String query, Object arg) throws SQLException { this.closeStatement(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); if (arg != null) setStatementArgument(1, arg); return logExecuteUpdate(query); } public int runUpdate(String query, Object[] arguments) throws SQLException { this.closeStatement(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); if (arguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { setStatementArgument(i + 1, arguments[i]); } } return logExecuteUpdate(query); } public Long runInsertReturnId(String query, Object[] arguments) throws SQLException { this.closeStatement(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); if (arguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { setStatementArgument(i + 1, arguments[i]); } } logExecuteUpdate(query); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( return rs.getLong(1); // else throw new SQLException("Failed to obtain generated key"); else return null; } public void prepareStatement(String query) throws SQLException { this.closeStatement(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(query); } public void addToBatch(Object[] arguments) throws SQLException { if (arguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { setStatementArgument(i + 1, arguments[i]); } } ps.addBatch(); } public int[] runBatchUpdate() throws SQLException { return logExecuteBatch("(batch)"); } public ResultSet runSelectWithPreparedStatement(Object arg) throws SQLException { closeResultSet(); if (arg != null) setStatementArgument(1, arg); return logExecuteQuery("(prepared query)"); } public int runUpdateWithPreparedStatement(Object arg) throws SQLException { setStatementArgument(1, arg); return logExecuteUpdate("(prepared update)"); } public int runUpdateWithPreparedStatement(Object[] arguments) throws SQLException { if (arguments != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { setStatementArgument(i + 1, arguments[i]); } } return logExecuteUpdate("(prepared update)"); } private void setStatementArgument(int i, Object value) throws SQLException { if (value == null) ps.setString(i, isMySQL ? null : ""); else if (value instanceof String) ps.setString(i, (String) value); else if (value instanceof Integer) ps.setInt(i, ((Integer) value).intValue()); else if (value instanceof Long) ps.setLong(i, ((Long) value).longValue()); else if (value instanceof java.sql.Date) ps.setDate(i, (java.sql.Date) value); else if (value instanceof Date) ps.setTimestamp(i, createDate((Date) value)); else if (value instanceof Clob) ps.setClob(i, (Clob) value); else if (value instanceof Blob) ps.setBlob(i, (Blob) value); else ps.setObject(i, value); } private Timestamp createDate(Date date) { return new Timestamp(date.getTime()); } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * This should be only used by CommonDataAccess.startTransaction() * @param conn */ public void setConnection(Connection conn) { connection = conn; } public long getDatabaseTime() throws SQLException { if (db_time_diff == null) { String query = isMySQL ? "select now()" : "select sysdate from dual"; Timestamp ts; if (connection == null) { openConnection(); ResultSet rs = runSelect(query, null);; ts = rs.getTimestamp(1); closeConnection(); } else { ResultSet rs = runSelect(query, null);; ts = rs.getTimestamp(1); } long raw_diff = ts.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis(); long r = (raw_diff + 30000) % 1800000; // Remaining millisecs after dividing by 1/2 hour long q = (raw_diff + 30000) / 1800000; // quotient after dividing by 1/2 hour // ignore reminder if the difference millisec is less than a minute and return nearest half-hour db_time_diff = new Long(Math.abs(r) < 60000 ? q * 1800000 : raw_diff); System.out.println( "Database time difference: " + db_time_diff / 1000.0 + " seconds (raw diff=" + raw_diff + ")"); TaskInstance.setDbTimeDiff(db_time_diff); } return System.currentTimeMillis() + db_time_diff.longValue(); } public static long getCurrentTime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() + db_time_diff.longValue(); } /** * The current database Date/Time. If db_time_diff is not known (eg Designer), server time is returned. */ public static Date getDbDate() { return db_time_diff == null ? new Date() : new Date(getCurrentTime()); } public String pagingQueryPrefix() { if (isMySQL) return ""; else return "select * from ( select allrows.*, rownum rnum from (\n"; } /** * * @param startRow the first row to display, index starting from 0 * @param rowCount * @return */ public String pagingQuerySuffix(int startRow, int rowCount) { if (isMySQL) return " limit " + startRow + ", " + rowCount; else return "\n) allrows where rownum <= " + (startRow + rowCount) + ") where rnum > " + startRow; } public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { queryTimeout = seconds; } public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException { return queryTimeout; } public String toString() { return database_name; } /** * MongoDB doesn't allow keys to have dots (.) or to start with $. This method encodes such keys if found * and returns a new BSON document */ public static org.bson.Document encodeMongoDoc(org.bson.Document doc) { org.bson.Document newDoc = new org.bson.Document(); for (String key : doc.keySet()) { Object value = doc.get(key); if (value instanceof org.bson.Document) value = encodeMongoDoc(doc.get(key, org.bson.Document.class)); else if (value instanceof List<?>) { for (int i = 0; i < ((List<?>) value).size(); i++) { Object obj = ((List<?>) value).get(i); if (obj instanceof org.bson.Document) ((List<org.bson.Document>) value).set(i, encodeMongoDoc((org.bson.Document) obj)); } } String newKey = key; if (key.startsWith("$")) newKey = "\\uff04" + key.substring(1); if (key.contains(".")) { newKey = newKey.replace(".", "\\uff0e"); } newDoc.put(newKey, value); } return newDoc; } /** * MongoDB doesn't allow keys to have dots (.) or to start with $. This method decodes such keys back to dots and $ if found * and returns a new BSON document */ public static org.bson.Document decodeMongoDoc(org.bson.Document doc) { org.bson.Document newDoc = new org.bson.Document(); for (String key : doc.keySet()) { Object value = doc.get(key); if (value instanceof org.bson.Document) value = decodeMongoDoc(doc.get(key, org.bson.Document.class)); else if (value instanceof List<?>) { for (int i = 0; i < ((List<?>) value).size(); i++) { Object obj = ((List<?>) value).get(i); if (obj instanceof org.bson.Document) ((List<org.bson.Document>) value).set(i, decodeMongoDoc((org.bson.Document) obj)); } } String newKey = key; if (key.startsWith("\\uff04")) newKey = "$" + key.substring(6); if (key.contains("\\uff0e")) { newKey = newKey.replace("\\uff0e", "."); } newDoc.put(newKey, value); } return newDoc; } }