Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package com.celements.web.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference; import com.celements.inheritor.InheritorFactory; import com.celements.navigation.NavigationClasses; import com.celements.navigation.TreeNode; import com.celements.navigation.filter.ExternalUsageFilter; import com.celements.navigation.filter.INavFilter; import com.celements.navigation.filter.InternalRightsFilter; import com.celements.navigation.service.ITreeNodeCache; import com.celements.navigation.service.ITreeNodeService; import com.celements.navigation.service.TreeNodeService; import com.celements.pagetype.IPageType; import com.celements.pagetype.PageTypeApi; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.AttachmentURLCommand; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.EmptyCheckCommand; import com.celements.web.service.IWebUtilsService; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Attachment; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document; import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument; import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject; import com.xpn.xwiki.web.Utils; import com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiMessageTool; public class WebUtils implements IWebUtils { private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(WebUtils.class); private static IWebUtils instance; private AttachmentURLCommand attachmentUrlCmd; private InheritorFactory injectedInheritorFactory; private ITreeNodeService injectedTreeNodeService; /** * FOR TEST ONLY!!! * Please use getInstance instead. */ WebUtils() { } public static IWebUtils getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new WebUtils(); } return instance; } void injectInheritorFactory(InheritorFactory injectedInheritorFactory) { this.injectedInheritorFactory = injectedInheritorFactory; } InheritorFactory getInheritorFactory() { if (injectedInheritorFactory != null) { return injectedInheritorFactory; } return new InheritorFactory(); } void injectTreeNodeService(ITreeNodeService injectedTreeNodeService) { this.injectedTreeNodeService = injectedTreeNodeService; } private ITreeNodeService getTreeNodeService() { if (injectedTreeNodeService != null) { return injectedTreeNodeService; } ITreeNodeService ret = Utils.getComponent(ITreeNodeService.class); if (injectedInheritorFactory != null) { ((TreeNodeService) ret).injectInheritorFactory(injectedInheritorFactory); } return ret; } private ITreeNodeCache getTreeNodeCache() { return Utils.getComponent(ITreeNodeCache.class); } private IWebUtilsService getWebUtilsService() { return Utils.getComponent(IWebUtilsService.class); } private AttachmentURLCommand getAttachmentUrlCmd() { if (attachmentUrlCmd == null) { attachmentUrlCmd = new AttachmentURLCommand(); } return attachmentUrlCmd; } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeCache */ @Deprecated public int queryCount() { return getTreeNodeCache().queryCount(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeCache */ @Deprecated public void flushMenuItemCache(XWikiContext context) { getTreeNodeCache().flushMenuItemCache(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public List<String> getDocumentParentsList(String fullName, boolean includeDoc, XWikiContext context) { ArrayList<String> docParents = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String nextParent; if (includeDoc) { nextParent = fullName; } else { nextParent = getParentFullName(fullName, context); } while (!"".equals(nextParent) && (context.getWiki().exists(nextParent, context)) && !docParents.contains(nextParent)) { docParents.add(nextParent); nextParent = getParentFullName(nextParent, context); } } catch (XWikiException e) { LOGGER.error(e, e); } return docParents; } @Deprecated private String getParentFullName(String fullName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return context.getWiki().getDocument(fullName, context).getParent(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use EmptyCheckCommand */ @Deprecated public boolean isEmptyRTEDocument(XWikiDocument localdoc) { return isEmptyRTEString(localdoc.getContent()); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use EmptyCheckCommand */ @Deprecated public boolean isEmptyRTEString(String rteContent) { return new EmptyCheckCommand().isEmptyRTEString(rteContent); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public int getActiveMenuItemPos(int menuLevel, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getActiveMenuItemPos(menuLevel, menuPart); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public int getMenuItemPos(String fullName, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getMenuItemPos(getRef(fullName), menuPart); } /** * * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService.getSubNodesForParent */ @Deprecated public List<com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object> getSubMenuItemsForParent(String parent, String menuSpace, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { ExternalUsageFilter filter = new ExternalUsageFilter(); filter.setMenuPart(menuPart); return getSubMenuItemsForParent(parent, menuSpace, filter, context); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 use getSubNodesForParent instead */ @Deprecated public List<BaseObject> getSubMenuItemsForParent_internal(String parent, String menuSpace, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { InternalRightsFilter filter = new InternalRightsFilter(); filter.setMenuPart(menuPart); return getSubMenuItemsForParent(parent, menuSpace, filter, context); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use TreeNodeService directly */ @Deprecated public List<TreeNode> getSubNodesForParent(String parent, String menuSpace, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getSubNodesForParent(parent, menuSpace, menuPart); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 use getSubNodesForParent instead */ @Deprecated public <T> List<T> getSubMenuItemsForParent(String parent, String menuSpace, INavFilter<T> filter, XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getSubMenuItemsForParent(parent, menuSpace, filter); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use TreeNodeService directly */ @Deprecated public <T> List<TreeNode> getSubNodesForParent(String parent, String menuSpace, INavFilter<T> filter, XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getSubNodesForParent(parent, menuSpace, filter); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public List<com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object> getMenuItemsForHierarchyLevel(int menuLevel, String menuPart, XWikiContext context) { String parent = getParentForLevel(menuLevel, context); if (parent != null) { List<com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object> submenuItems = getSubMenuItemsForParent(parent, "", menuPart, context); LOGGER.debug("submenuItems for parent: " + parent + " ; " + submenuItems); return submenuItems; } LOGGER.debug("parent is null"); return new ArrayList<com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object>(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getParentForLevel(int menuLevel, XWikiContext context) { String parent = null; if (menuLevel == 1) { parent = ""; // mainMenu } else { List<String> parentList = getDocumentParentsList(context.getDoc().getFullName(), true, context); int startAtItem = parentList.size() - menuLevel + 1; if (startAtItem >= 0) { parent = parentList.get(startAtItem); } } return parent; } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public BaseObject getPrevMenuItem(String fullName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { TreeNode prevTreeNode = getTreeNodeService().getPrevMenuItem(getRef(fullName)); if (prevTreeNode != null) { DocumentReference docRef = prevTreeNode.getDocumentReference(); return context.getWiki().getDocument(docRef, context).getXObject(getRef("Celements2.MenuItem")); } return null; } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public BaseObject getNextMenuItem(String fullName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { TreeNode nextTreeNode = getTreeNodeService().getNextMenuItem(getRef(fullName)); if (nextTreeNode != null) { DocumentReference docRef = nextTreeNode.getDocumentReference(); return context.getWiki().getDocument(docRef, context) .getXObject(new NavigationClasses().getMenuItemClassRef(context.getDatabase())); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.web.utils.IWebUtils#getConfigDocByInheritance(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument, java.lang.String, com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext) */ @Deprecated public XWikiDocument getConfigDocByInheritance(XWikiDocument doc, String className, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { XWikiDocument preferenceDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(doc.getSpace() + ".WebPreferences", context); if (preferenceDoc.getObject(className, false, context) == null) { preferenceDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument("XWiki.XWikiPreferences", context); if (preferenceDoc.getObject(className, false, context) == null) { String skinDocName = context.getWiki().getSpacePreference("skin", context); if ((skinDocName != null) && (context.getWiki().exists(skinDocName, context))) { preferenceDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(skinDocName, context); } } } return preferenceDoc; } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getDocSectionAsJSON(String regex, String fullName, int section, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return getWebUtilsService().getDocSectionAsJSON(regex, getRef(fullName), section); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getDocSection(String regex, String fullName, int section, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return getWebUtilsService().getDocSection(regex, getRef(fullName), section); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public int countSections(String regex, String fullName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return getWebUtilsService().countSections(regex, getRef(fullName)); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public IPageType getPageTypeApi(String fullName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return new PageTypeApi(fullName, context); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public List<String> getAllowedLanguages(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getAllowedLanguages(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public Date parseDate(String date, String format) { return getWebUtilsService().parseDate(date, format); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public XWikiMessageTool getMessageTool(String adminLanguage, XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getMessageTool(adminLanguage); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public XWikiMessageTool getAdminMessageTool(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getAdminMessageTool(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public String getAdminLanguage(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getAdminLanguage(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public String getAdminLanguage(String userFullName, XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getAdminLanguage(userFullName); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public boolean hasParentSpace(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().hasParentSpace(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getParentSpace(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getParentSpace(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use TreeNodeService */ @Deprecated public Integer getMaxConfiguredNavigationLevel(XWikiContext context) { return getTreeNodeService().getMaxConfiguredNavigationLevel(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public List<Attachment> getAttachmentListSorted(Document doc, String comparator) throws ClassNotFoundException { return this.getWebUtilsService().getAttachmentListSorted(doc, comparator); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public List<Attachment> getAttachmentListSorted(Document doc, String comparator, boolean imagesOnly, int start, int nb) throws ClassNotFoundException { return this.getWebUtilsService().getAttachmentListSorted(doc, comparator, imagesOnly, start, nb); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getAttachmentListSortedAsJSON(Document doc, String comparator, boolean imagesOnly) { return this.getWebUtilsService().getAttachmentListSortedAsJSON(doc, comparator, imagesOnly); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getAttachmentListSortedAsJSON(Document doc, String comparator, boolean imagesOnly, int start, int nb) { return this.getWebUtilsService().getAttachmentListSortedAsJSON(doc, comparator, imagesOnly, start, nb); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use ImageService */ public List<Attachment> getRandomImages(String fullName, int num, XWikiContext context) { try { Document imgDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(fullName, context).newDocument(context); List<Attachment> allImagesList = getWebUtilsService().getAttachmentListSorted(imgDoc, "AttachmentAscendingNameComparator", true); if (allImagesList.size() > 0) { List<Attachment> preSetImgList = prepareMaxCoverSet(num, allImagesList); List<Attachment> imgList = new ArrayList<Attachment>(num); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { int nextimg = rand.nextInt(preSetImgList.size()); imgList.add(preSetImgList.remove(nextimg)); } return imgList; } } catch (XWikiException e) { LOGGER.error(e, e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } <T> List<T> prepareMaxCoverSet(int num, List<T> allImagesList) { List<T> preSetImgList = new Vector<T>(num); preSetImgList.addAll(allImagesList); for (int i = 2; i <= coveredQuotient(allImagesList.size(), num); i++) { preSetImgList.addAll(allImagesList); } return preSetImgList; } int coveredQuotient(int divisor, int dividend) { if (dividend >= 0) { return ((dividend + divisor - 1) / divisor); } else { return (dividend / divisor); } } /** * @deprecated since 2.11.6 instead use WebUtilsService directly */ @Deprecated public boolean isAdminUser(XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().isAdminUser(); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getJSONContent(XWikiDocument cdoc, XWikiContext context) { return getWebUtilsService().getJSONContent(cdoc); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use AttachmentURLCommand directly */ @Deprecated public String getAttachmentURL(String link, XWikiContext context) { return getAttachmentUrlCmd().getAttachmentURL(link, context); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use AttachmentURLCommand directly */ @Deprecated public String getAttachmentName(String link) { return getAttachmentUrlCmd().getAttachmentName(link); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use AttachmentURLCommand directly */ @Deprecated public String getPageFullName(String link) { return getAttachmentUrlCmd().getPageFullName(link); } /** * @deprecated since 2.14.0 instead use AttachmentURLCommand directly */ @Deprecated public boolean isAttachmentLink(String link) { return getAttachmentUrlCmd().isAttachmentLink(link); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getUserNameForDocName(String authorDocName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return getWebUtilsService().getUserNameForDocRef(getRef(authorDocName)); } /** * @deprecated since 2.17.0 instead use WebUtilsService */ @Deprecated public String getMajorVersion(XWikiDocument doc) { return getWebUtilsService().getMajorVersion(doc); } DocumentReference getRef(String s) { return getWebUtilsService().resolveDocumentReference(s); } }