Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package com.celements.web.service; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Component; import org.xwiki.component.annotation.Requirement; import org.xwiki.context.Execution; import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference; import org.xwiki.query.Query; import org.xwiki.query.QueryException; import org.xwiki.query.QueryManager; import org.xwiki.script.service.ScriptService; import com.celements.appScript.IAppScriptService; import com.celements.navigation.cmd.DeleteMenuItemCommand; import com.celements.rendering.RenderCommand; import com.celements.sajson.Builder; import com.celements.validation.IFormValidationRole; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.AttachmentURLCommand; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.CreateDocumentCommand; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.ImageMapCommand; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.PlainTextCommand; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document; import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument; @Component("celementsweb") public class CelementsWebScriptService implements ScriptService { public static final String IMAGE_MAP_COMMAND = "com.celements.web.ImageMapCommand"; private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(CelementsWebScriptService.class); @Requirement QueryManager queryManager; @Requirement IAppScriptService appScriptService; @Requirement IWebUtilsService webUtilsService; @Requirement IFormValidationRole formValidationService; @Requirement Execution execution; private XWikiContext getContext() { return (XWikiContext) execution.getContext().getProperty("xwikicontext"); } public boolean hasDocAppScript(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.hasDocAppScript(scriptName); } public boolean hasLocalAppScript(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.hasLocalAppScript(scriptName); } public boolean hasCentralAppScript(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.hasCentralAppScript(scriptName); } public DocumentReference getAppScriptDocRef(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.getAppScriptDocRef(scriptName); } public DocumentReference getLocalAppScriptDocRef(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.getLocalAppScriptDocRef(scriptName); } public DocumentReference getCentralAppScriptDocRef(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.getCentralAppScriptDocRef(scriptName); } public String getScriptNameFromDocRef(DocumentReference docRef) { return appScriptService.getScriptNameFromDocRef(docRef); } public String getAppScriptTemplatePath(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.getAppScriptTemplatePath(scriptName); } public boolean isAppScriptOverwriteDocRef(DocumentReference docRef) { return appScriptService.isAppScriptOverwriteDocRef(docRef); } public boolean isAppScriptAvailable(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.isAppScriptAvailable(scriptName); } public String getAppScriptURL(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.getAppScriptURL(scriptName); } public String getAppScriptURL(String scriptName, String queryString) { return appScriptService.getAppScriptURL(scriptName, queryString); } public boolean isAppScriptCurrentPage(String scriptName) { return appScriptService.isAppScriptCurrentPage(scriptName); } public String getScriptNameFromURL() { return appScriptService.getScriptNameFromURL(); } public boolean isAppScriptRequest() { return appScriptService.isAppScriptRequest(); } public String getCurrentPageURL(String queryString) { if (isAppScriptRequest()) { return getAppScriptURL(getScriptNameFromURL(), queryString); } else { return "?" + queryString; } } public String convertToPlainText(String htmlContent) { LOGGER.trace("convertToPlainText called on celementsweb script service for [" + htmlContent + "]."); return new PlainTextCommand().convertToPlainText(htmlContent); } public Builder getNewJSONBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public boolean deleteMenuItem(DocumentReference docRef) { String docFN = webUtilsService.getRefLocalSerializer().serialize(docRef); try { if (getContext().getWiki().getRightService().hasAccessLevel("edit", getContext().getUser(), docFN, getContext())) { return new DeleteMenuItemCommand().deleteMenuItem(docRef); } } catch (XWikiException exp) { LOGGER.error("Failed to check 'edit' access rights for user [" + getContext().getUser() + "] on document [" + docFN + "]"); } return false; } public List<String[]> getLastChangedDocuments(int numEntries) { return getLastChangedDocuments(numEntries, ""); } //TODO write unit tests public List<String[]> getLastChangedDocuments(int numEntries, String space) { String xwql = "select doc.fullName, doc.language from XWikiDocument doc"; boolean hasSpaceRestriction = (!"".equals(space)); if (hasSpaceRestriction) { xwql = xwql + " where = :spaceName"; } xwql = xwql + " order by desc"; Query query; try { query = queryManager.createQuery(xwql, Query.XWQL); if (hasSpaceRestriction) { query = query.bindValue("spaceName", space); } return query.setLimit(numEntries).execute(); } catch (QueryException exp) { LOGGER.error("Failed to create whats-new query for space [" + space + "].", exp); } return Collections.emptyList(); } public String getHumanReadableSize(int bytes, boolean si) { return getHumanReadableSize(bytes, si, getContext().getLanguage()); } public String getHumanReadableSize(int bytes, boolean si, String language) { return getHumanReadableSize(bytes, si, getLocal(language)); } public String getHumanReadableSize(long bytes, boolean si) { return getHumanReadableSize(bytes, si, getContext().getLanguage()); } public String getHumanReadableSize(long bytes, boolean si, String language) { return getHumanReadableSize(bytes, si, getLocal(language)); } public String getHumanReadableSize(long bytes, boolean si, Locale locale) { int unit = si ? 1000 : 1024; if (bytes < unit) { return bytes + " B"; } int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); String pre = (si ? "kMGTPE" : "KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1) + (si ? "" : "i"); NumberFormat decimalFormat = DecimalFormat.getInstance(locale); decimalFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); decimalFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); return String.format("%s %sB", decimalFormat.format(bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp)), pre); } public Locale getLocal(String language) { return new Locale(language); } public Locale getLocal(String language, String country) { return new Locale(language, country); } public Document createDocument(DocumentReference newDocRef) { return createDocument(newDocRef, null); } public Document createDocument(DocumentReference newDocRef, String pageType) { LOGGER.trace("create new document for [" + newDocRef + "] and pageType [" + pageType + "]."); XWikiDocument theNewDoc = new CreateDocumentCommand().createDocument(newDocRef, pageType); if (theNewDoc != null) { LOGGER.debug("created new document for [" + newDocRef + "] and pageType [" + pageType + "]."); return theNewDoc.newDocument(getContext()); } return null; } public List<String> getImageUseMaps(String rteContent) { return getImageMapCommand().getImageUseMaps(rteContent); } private ImageMapCommand getImageMapCommand() { if (getContext().get(IMAGE_MAP_COMMAND) == null) { getContext().put(IMAGE_MAP_COMMAND, new ImageMapCommand(getContext())); } return (ImageMapCommand) getContext().get(IMAGE_MAP_COMMAND); } public void addImageMapConfig(String configName) { getImageMapCommand().addMapConfig(configName); } public String displayImageMapConfigs() { return getImageMapCommand().displayAllImageMapConfigs(); } public String getSkinFile(String fileName) { return new AttachmentURLCommand().getAttachmentURL(fileName, getContext()); } public String getSkinFile(String fileName, String action) { return new AttachmentURLCommand().getAttachmentURL(fileName, action, getContext()); } public String getSkinFileExternal(String fileName, String action) { return new AttachmentURLCommand().getExternalAttachmentURL(fileName, action, getContext()); } private RenderCommand getCelementsRenderCmd() { RenderCommand renderCommand = new RenderCommand(); renderCommand.setDefaultPageType("RichText"); return renderCommand; } public String renderCelementsDocument(DocumentReference elementDocRef) { return renderCelementsDocument(elementDocRef, getContext().getLanguage(), "view"); } public String renderCelementsDocument(DocumentReference elementDocRef, String renderMode) { return renderCelementsDocument(elementDocRef, getContext().getLanguage(), renderMode); } public String renderCelementsDocument(DocumentReference elementDocRef, String lang, String renderMode) { try { return getCelementsRenderCmd().renderCelementsDocument(elementDocRef, lang, renderMode); } catch (XWikiException exp) { LOGGER.error("renderCelementsDocument: Failed to render " + elementDocRef, exp); } return ""; } public String renderCelementsDocument(Document renderDoc) { return renderCelementsDocument(renderDoc, "view"); } public String renderCelementsDocument(Document renderDoc, String renderMode) { //we must not get here for !getService().isAppScriptRequest() if ("view".equals(getContext().getAction()) && renderDoc.isNew()) {"renderCelementsDocument: Failed to get xwiki document for" + renderDoc.getFullName() + " no rendering applied."); return ""; } else { return renderCelementsDocument(renderDoc.getDocumentReference(), renderDoc.getLanguage(), renderMode); } } public String renderDocument(DocumentReference docRef) { LOGGER.trace("renderDocument: docRef [" + docRef + "]."); return new RenderCommand().renderDocument(docRef); } public String renderDocument(DocumentReference docRef, String lang) { LOGGER.trace("renderDocument: lang [" + lang + "] docRef [" + docRef + "]."); return new RenderCommand().renderDocument(docRef, lang); } public String renderDocument(Document renderDoc) { LOGGER.trace("renderDocument: renderDocLang [" + renderDoc.getLanguage() + "] renderDoc [" + renderDoc.getDocumentReference() + "]."); return new RenderCommand().renderDocument(renderDoc.getDocumentReference(), renderDoc.getLanguage()); } public String renderDocument(DocumentReference docRef, String lang, boolean removePre, List<String> rendererNameList) { try { RenderCommand renderCommand = new RenderCommand(); renderCommand.initRenderingEngine(rendererNameList); return renderCommand.renderDocument(docRef, lang); } catch (XWikiException exp) { LOGGER.error("renderCelementsDocument: Failed to render [" + docRef + "] lang [" + lang + "].", exp); } return ""; } public String renderDocument(Document renderDoc, boolean removePre, List<String> rendererNameList) { return renderDocument(renderDoc.getDocumentReference(), renderDoc.getLanguage(), removePre, rendererNameList); } public boolean useNewButtons() { return getContext().getWiki().getXWikiPreferenceAsInt("useNewButtons", "celements.usenewbuttons", 0, getContext()) == 1; } public String getDefaultLanguage() { return webUtilsService.getDefaultLanguage(); } public String getDefaultLanguage(String spaceName) { return webUtilsService.getDefaultLanguage(spaceName); } public List<Object> getDeletedDocuments() { List<Object> resultList = Collections.emptyList(); try { Query query = queryManager.createQuery(getDeletedDocsHql(), Query.HQL); resultList = query.execute(); } catch (QueryException queryExp) { LOGGER.error("Failed to parse or execute deletedDocs hql query.", queryExp); } return resultList; } private String getDeletedDocsHql() { return "select distinct ddoc.fullName from XWikiDeletedDocument as ddoc" + " where ddoc.fullName not in (select doc.fullName from XWikiDocument as doc)" + " order by 1 asc"; } public List<Object> getDeletedAttachments() { List<Object> resultList = Collections.emptyList(); try { Query query = queryManager.createQuery(getDeletedAttachmentsHql(), Query.HQL); resultList = query.execute(); } catch (QueryException queryExp) { LOGGER.error("Failed to parse or execute deletedAttachments hql query.", queryExp); } return resultList; } private String getDeletedAttachmentsHql() { return "select from DeletedAttachment as datt order by datt.filename asc"; } /** * * @return empty map means the validation has been successful. Otherwise validation * messages are returned for invalid fields. */ public Map<String, Set<String>> validateRequest() { return formValidationService.validateRequest(); } }