Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package com.celements.calendar; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xwiki.context.Execution; import org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference; import com.celements.calendar.plugin.CelementsCalendarPlugin; import com.celements.calendar.util.CalendarUtils; import com.celements.common.collections.ListUtils; import com.celements.web.plugin.cmd.EmptyCheckCommand; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Element; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Property; import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument; import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject; import com.xpn.xwiki.web.Utils; public class Event implements IEvent { public static final String CLASSES_SPACE = "Classes"; public static final String CALENDAR_EVENT_CLASS_DOC = "CalendarEventClass"; public static final String CALENDAR_EVENT_CLASS = CLASSES_SPACE + "." + CALENDAR_EVENT_CLASS_DOC; private static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(Event.class); private Map<String, BaseObject> eventObj; private DocumentReference eventDocRef; private String defaultLang; private String language; private ICalendar calendar; @Deprecated public Event(XWikiDocument eventDoc, XWikiContext context) { this(eventDoc .getXObjects(new DocumentReference(context.getDatabase(), CLASSES_SPACE, CALENDAR_EVENT_CLASS_DOC)), eventDoc.getDocumentReference().getSpaceReferences().get(0).getName(), context); this.eventDocRef = eventDoc.getDocumentReference(); } @Deprecated public Event(String eventDocName, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { this(context.getWiki().getDocument(eventDocName, context), context); } @Deprecated public Event(DocumentReference eventDocRef, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { this(eventDocRef); } public Event(DocumentReference eventDocRef) { this.eventDocRef = eventDocRef; } public Event(List<BaseObject> objList, String space) { initObjectMap(objList, space); if (getEventObjMap().size() > 0) { BaseObject artObj = getEventObjMap().values().iterator().next(); this.eventDocRef = artObj.getDocumentReference(); } } /** * * @param objList * @param space * @param context * * @deprecated instead use Event(List<BaseObject>, String) */ @Deprecated public Event(List<BaseObject> objList, String space, XWikiContext context) { this(objList, space); } private void initObjectMap(List<BaseObject> objList, String space) { if (objList != null) { for (BaseObject artObj : objList) { init(artObj, space); } } } Map<String, BaseObject> getEventObjMap() { Map<String, BaseObject> eventObjMap = getEventObjMap_internal(); if (eventObjMap.isEmpty() && (eventDocRef != null)) { try { XWikiDocument eventDoc = getContext().getWiki().getDocument(eventDocRef, getContext()); initObjectMap(eventDoc.getXObjects( new DocumentReference(getContext().getDatabase(), CLASSES_SPACE, CALENDAR_EVENT_CLASS_DOC)), eventDocRef.getLastSpaceReference().getName()); } catch (XWikiException exp) { LOGGER.error("getEventObjMap failed to get event document [" + eventDocRef + "].", exp); } } return eventObjMap; } private Map<String, BaseObject> getEventObjMap_internal() { if (eventObj == null) { eventObj = new HashMap<String, BaseObject>(); } return eventObj; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#init(BaseObject, java.lang.String) */ final private void init(BaseObject artObj, String space) { if (artObj != null) { String langValue = artObj.getStringValue(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_LANG); if (langValue != null) { getEventObjMap_internal().put(langValue, artObj); } else { getEventObjMap_internal().put("", artObj); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getTitle(java.lang.String) */ public String getTitle() { return getStringPropertyDefaultIfEmpty(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_TITLE, getLanguage()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getDescription(java.lang.String) */ public String getDescription() { return getStringPropertyDefaultIfEmpty(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, getLanguage()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getLocation() */ public String getLocation() { return getStringProperty(getObj(), CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_LOCATION); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getDateString(java.lang.String) */ public String getDateString(String dateField, String format) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, new Locale(getLanguage())); Date date = getDateProperty(getObj(), dateField); String dateString = ""; if (date != null) { dateString = sdf.format(date); } return dateString; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getEventDate() */ public Date getEventDate() { return getDateProperty(getObj(), CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#isSubscribable() */ public Boolean isSubscribable() { return getBooleanProperty(getObj(), CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_IS_SUBSCRIBABLE); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getEventDocument() */ public XWikiDocument getEventDocument() { try { return getContext().getWiki().getDocument(this.eventDocRef, getContext()); } catch (XWikiException exp) { LOGGER.error("Failed to get cal doc for [" + this.eventDocRef + "].", exp); } return null; } @Deprecated public String displayOverviewField(String name, String link, XWikiContext context) { return displayOverviewField(name, link); } public String displayOverviewField(String name, String link) { ICalendar cal = getCalendar(getContext()); boolean hasLink = cal.hasDetailLink() && needsMoreLink(getContext()); hasLink &= (!cal.getOverviewFields().contains("detaillink") || name.equals("detaillink")); LOGGER.debug("cal.hasDetailLink(): " + cal.hasDetailLink()); LOGGER.debug("needsMoreLink(context): " + needsMoreLink(getContext())); LOGGER.debug("!cal.getOverviewFields().contains('detaillink'): " + !cal.getOverviewFields().contains("detaillink")); LOGGER.debug("name.equals('detaillink'): " + name.equals("detaillink")); LOGGER.debug("hasLink: " + hasLink); String value = ""; if (hasLink) { value += "<a href='" + link + "'>"; } value += displayField(name, getContext()); if (hasLink) { value += "</a>"; } return value; } @Deprecated public String displayField(String name, XWikiContext context) { return displayField(name); } public String displayField(String name) { return internalDisplayField(name, true); } String internalDisplayField(String name, boolean addSpans) { LOGGER.debug("display: '" + name + "'"); String value = ""; String[] parts = name.split("-"); String prevPartName = null; for (String partName : parts) { boolean notDisplayIfSame = partName.endsWith("."); partName = partName.replaceAll("\\.", ""); String displayPart = getDisplayPart(partName, notDisplayIfSame); if ((parts.length > 1) && !"".equals(displayPart)) { displayPart = addDateTimeDelimiter(prevPartName, partName, displayPart); if (addSpans) { displayPart = "<span class=\"cel_cal_" + partName + "\">" + displayPart + "</span>"; } } value += displayPart; prevPartName = partName; } return value; } private String addDateTimeDelimiter(String prevPartName, String partName, String displayPart) { if (("date_end".equals(partName) || "time_end".equals(partName)) && ("date".equals(prevPartName) || "time".equals(prevPartName)) && !"".equals(displayPart)) { displayPart = getFromDictionary("cel_cal_datetime_delim") + displayPart; } return displayPart; } private String getFromDictionary(String dictKey) { String dictValue; if (getContext().get("msg") != null) { dictValue = getContext().getMessageTool().get(dictKey); } else { dictValue = dictKey; } return dictValue; } String getDisplayPart(String name, boolean notDisplayIfSame) { String value = ""; if (name.equals("date")) { value = getDateString(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE, "dd.MM.yyyy"); } else if (name.equals("time")) { value = getTimeString(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE, notDisplayIfSame); } else if (name.equals("date_end")) { String startDay = getDateString(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE, "dd.MM.yyyy"); String endDay = getDateString(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE_END, "dd.MM.yyyy"); if (!notDisplayIfSame || !startDay.equals(endDay)) { value = endDay; } } else if (name.equals("time_end")) { value = getTimeString(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_DATE_END, notDisplayIfSame); } else if (name.equals("title")) { value = getTitle(); } else if (name.equals("location")) { value = getLocation(); } else if (name.equals("detaillink")) { if (needsMoreLink(getContext())) { value = getContext().getMessageTool().get("cel_cal_more_detaillink"); } } else { value = getStringProperty(name, getLanguage()); } LOGGER.debug("display part: '" + name + "'" + " = " + value); return value; } private String getTimeString(String fieldName, boolean notDisplayIfSame) { String value = ""; String startTime = getDateString(fieldName, "HH:mm"); if (!notDisplayIfSame || !startTime.equals("00:00")) { value = startTime; } return value; } @Deprecated public boolean needsMoreLink(XWikiContext context) { return needsMoreLink(); } public boolean needsMoreLink() { boolean needsLink = false; List<String> additionalFields = getAdditionalPropertyNames(); if (additionalFields != null) { needsLink = (getNonEmptyFields(additionalFields).size() > 0); } return needsLink; } private List<String> getAdditionalPropertyNames() { Set<String> detailFieldsSet = new HashSet<String>(); detailFieldsSet.addAll(splitIntoPropertyNames(getCalendar().getDetailviewFields())); List<String> additionalFields = ListUtils.subtract(Arrays.asList(detailFieldsSet.toArray(new String[0])), splitIntoPropertyNames(getCalendar().getOverviewFields())); return additionalFields; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#isFromSubscribableCalendar(java.lang.String) */ public boolean isFromSubscribableCalendar(String calendarSpace) { boolean result = true; if (getDocName().startsWith(calendarSpace + ".")) { result = false; } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getDocName() */ @Deprecated public String getDocName() { for (String key : getEventObjMap().keySet()) { return getEventObjMap().get(key).getName(); } return ""; } public String getDocumentName() { return getDocumentReference().getName(); } public DocumentReference getDocumentReference() { return this.eventDocRef; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getStringPropertyDefaultIfEmpty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public String getStringPropertyDefaultIfEmpty(String name, String lang) { String result = getStringProperty(getObj(lang), name); if ((result.trim().length() <= 0) && !lang.equals(getDefaultLang())) { result = getStringProperty(getObj(), name); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getStringProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public String getStringProperty(String name, String lang) { return getStringProperty(getObj(lang), name); } private String getStringProperty(BaseObject obj, String name) { String result = ""; if (obj != null) { result = obj.getStringValue(name); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getDateProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public Date getDateProperty(String name, String lang) { return getDateProperty(getObj(lang), name); } private Date getDateProperty(BaseObject obj, String name) { Date result = null; if (obj != null) { result = obj.getDateValue(name); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getBooleanProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public Boolean getBooleanProperty(String name, String lang) { return getBooleanProperty(getObj(lang), name); } // not set = null, false = 0, true = 1 private Boolean getBooleanProperty(BaseObject obj, String name) { Boolean result = null; if (obj != null) { result = obj.getIntValue(name) == 1; } return result; } //FIXME public should return an API Object and not base Object -> refactore to use // BaseObject only internally. public BaseObject getObj() { return getObj(getDefaultLang()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.celements.calendar.IEvent#getObj(java.lang.String) */ //FIXME public should return an API Object and not base Object -> refactore to use // BaseObject only internally. public BaseObject getObj(String lang) { BaseObject obj = null; if (getEventObjMap().containsKey(lang)) {"'" + getDocName() + "' - Getting object for lang '" + lang + "'"); obj = getEventObjMap().get(lang); } else { if (getEventObjMap().containsKey(getDefaultLang())) {"'" + getDocName() + "' - Getting object for defaultLang '" + lang + "'"); obj = getEventObjMap().get(getDefaultLang()); } else { if (getEventObjMap().containsKey("")) {"'" + getDocName() + "' - Getting object failed for lang ''"); obj = getEventObjMap().get(""); } else {"'" + getDocName() + "' - Getting object failed for lang '" + lang + "' and defaultLang '" + getDefaultLang() + "'"); } } }"Object found: doc " + (obj != null ? "name='" + obj.getDocumentReference() + "'" : "no object found! ") + " obj='" + obj + "'"); return obj; } @Deprecated public Element[] getProperties(String lang, XWikiContext context) { return getProperties(lang); } public Element[] getProperties(String lang) { BaseObject obj = getObj(lang); if (obj != null) { return new com.xpn.xwiki.api.Class(obj.getXClass(getContext()), getContext()).getProperties(); } else { LOGGER.error("getProperties failed. No object found."); } return new Property[] {}; } @Deprecated public ICalendar getCalendar(XWikiContext context) { return getCalendar(); } public ICalendar getCalendar() { if (calendar == null) { try { XWikiDocument calDoc = CalendarUtils.getInstance() .getCalendarPageByCalendarSpace(getEventPrimarySpace(), getContext()); calendar = internal_getCalendarByDoc(calDoc); } catch (XWikiException e) { LOGGER.debug("No calendar doc found.", e); } } return calendar; } public String getEventPrimarySpace() { return getDocumentReference().getLastSpaceReference().getName(); } private ICalendar internal_getCalendarByDoc(XWikiDocument calDoc) { if (calDoc != null) { return ((CalendarUtils) CalendarUtils.getInstance()).getCalendarByCalDoc(calDoc, false, getContext()); } return null; } @Deprecated public List<List<String>> getEditableProperties(String lang, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException { return getEditableProperties(lang); } public List<List<String>> getEditableProperties(String lang) throws XWikiException { Set<String> confIndep = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> confDep = new HashSet<String>(); splitLanguageDependentFields(confIndep, confDep, splitIntoPropertyNames(getCalendar().getOverviewFields())); splitLanguageDependentFields(confIndep, confDep, splitIntoPropertyNames(getCalendar().getDetailviewFields())); if (getCalendar().isSubscribable()) { confIndep.add(CelementsCalendarPlugin.PROPERTY_EVENT_IS_SUBSCRIBABLE); } Element[] allProps = getProperties(lang); LOGGER.debug("getEditableProperties: allProps - " + Arrays.deepToString(allProps)); LOGGER.debug("getEditableProperties: confIndep - " + Arrays.deepToString(confIndep.toArray())); LOGGER.debug("getEditableProperties: confDep - " + Arrays.deepToString(confDep.toArray())); List<String> lIndependantProps = getProps(allProps, confIndep); List<String> lDependantProps = getProps(allProps, confDep); List<List<String>> editProp = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); editProp.add(lIndependantProps); editProp.add(lDependantProps); LOGGER.debug("getEditableProperties: return editProp - " + Arrays.deepToString(editProp.toArray())); return editProp; } private List<String> splitIntoPropertyNames(List<String> fieldList) { List<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fieldName : fieldList) { if (fieldName.contains("-")) { for (String propName : fieldName.split("-")) { propertyNames.add(propName.replaceAll("\\.", "")); } } else { propertyNames.add(fieldName.replaceAll("\\.", "")); } } return propertyNames; } void splitLanguageDependentFields(Set<String> confIndep, Set<String> confDep, List<String> propertyNames) { ArrayList<String> propNamesCleanList = new ArrayList<String>(); propNamesCleanList.addAll(propertyNames); propNamesCleanList.remove("detaillink"); if (propNamesCleanList.contains("date") || propNamesCleanList.contains("time")) { propNamesCleanList.remove("date"); propNamesCleanList.remove("time"); propNamesCleanList.add("eventDate"); } if (propNamesCleanList.contains("date_end") || propNamesCleanList.contains("time_end")) { propNamesCleanList.remove("date_end"); propNamesCleanList.remove("time_end"); propNamesCleanList.add("eventDate_end"); } LOGGER.debug("splitLanguageDepFields: " + propNamesCleanList.toString()); for (String propName : propNamesCleanList) { if (propName.startsWith("l_")) { confDep.add(propName); } else { confIndep.add(propName); } } } private List<String> getProps(Element[] allProps, Set<String> conf) { List<String> props = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < allProps.length; i++) { if ((allProps[i] != null) && ((conf.size() == 0) || (conf.contains(allProps[i].getName())))) { LOGGER.debug("addProp: " + allProps[i].getName()); props.add(allProps[i].getName()); } else { LOGGER.debug("NOT addProp: " + allProps[i].getName()); } } return props; } @Deprecated public List<String> getNonEmptyFields(List<String> fieldList, XWikiContext context) { return getNonEmptyFields(fieldList); } public List<String> getNonEmptyFields(List<String> fieldList) { EmptyCheckCommand emptyCheckCmd = new EmptyCheckCommand(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fieldName : fieldList) { String fieldValue = internalDisplayField(getDetailConfigForField(fieldName), false); if ((fieldValue != null) && !emptyCheckCmd.isEmptyRTEString(fieldValue)) { result.add(fieldName); } } return result; } String getDetailConfigForField(String fieldName) { for (String colFields : getCalendar().getDetailviewFields()) { if (isIncludingFieldAsOptional(fieldName, colFields)) { fieldName = fieldName + "."; } } return fieldName; } boolean isIncludingFieldAsOptional(String fieldName, String colFields) { return colFields.matches("^([^-]*-)*" + fieldName + "\\.(-[^-]*)*$"); } private final String getDefaultLang() { if (defaultLang == null) { defaultLang = getContext().getWiki().getWebPreference("default_language", getEventPrimarySpace(), "", getContext()); } return defaultLang; } public String getLanguage() { if (language != null) { return language; } return getDefaultLang(); } public void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language; } /** * for Tests only!!! * @param xWikiDocument */ @Deprecated void internal_setEventDoc(XWikiDocument testEventDoc) { this.eventDocRef = testEventDoc.getDocumentReference(); } public void internal_setDocumentReference(DocumentReference eventDocRef) { this.eventDocRef = eventDocRef; } /** * for Tests only!!! * @param string */ void internal_setDefaultLanguage(String defLang) { defaultLang = defLang; } /** * for Tests only!!! * @param string */ void internal_setCalendar(ICalendar testCalendar) { calendar = testCalendar; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Event)) { return false; } Event theEvent = (Event) obj; return theEvent.getDocumentReference().equals(this.getDocumentReference()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.getDocumentReference().hashCode(); } private XWikiContext getContext() { Execution execution = Utils.getComponent(Execution.class); return (XWikiContext) execution.getContext().getProperty("xwikicontext"); } }