Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * Mongo operations token store. * * @author * @since 1.0.0 */ public class MongoTokenStore implements TokenStore, InitializingBean { private static final Marker TOKEN = MarkerFactory.getDetachedMarker("token"); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoTokenStore.class); private static final WriteConcern DEFAULT_WRITE_CONCERN = WriteConcern.NORMAL; private static final String DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_COLLECTION_NAME = "access_tokens"; private static final String DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_COLLECTION_NAME = "refresh_tokens"; private static final String DEFAULT_TOKEN_ID_FIELD_NAME = "tokenId"; private static final String DEFAULT_TOKEN_FIELD_NAME = "token"; private static final String DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_ID_FIELD_NAME = "authenticationId"; private static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME = "username"; private static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID_FIELD_NAME = "clientId"; private static final String DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_FIELD_NAME = "authentication"; private static final String DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_FIELD_NAME = "refreshToken"; private AuthenticationKeyGenerator authenticationKeyGenerator = new DefaultAuthenticationKeyGenerator(); private final DB db; private String accessTokenCollectionName = DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_COLLECTION_NAME; private String refreshTokenCollectionName = DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_COLLECTION_NAME; private String tokenIdFieldName = DEFAULT_TOKEN_ID_FIELD_NAME; private String tokenFieldName = DEFAULT_TOKEN_FIELD_NAME; private String authenticationIdFieldName = DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_ID_FIELD_NAME; private String usernameFieldName = DEFAULT_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME; private String clientIdFieldName = DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID_FIELD_NAME; private String authenticationFieldName = DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_FIELD_NAME; private String refreshTokenFieldName = DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_FIELD_NAME; private WriteConcern writeConcern = DEFAULT_WRITE_CONCERN; public MongoTokenStore(Mongo mongo, String databaseName) { this(mongo.getDB(databaseName)); } public MongoTokenStore(DB db) { Assert.notNull(db, "DB is required"); this.db = db; } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (!this.db.collectionExists(accessTokenCollectionName)) { LOG.trace(TOKEN, "Creating {} collection", accessTokenCollectionName); DBCollection collection = this.db.createCollection(accessTokenCollectionName, new BasicDBObject()); collection.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, 1), new BasicDBObject("name", accessTokenCollectionName + "_" + tokenIdFieldName + "_ix") .append("background", 1)); collection.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(authenticationIdFieldName, 1), new BasicDBObject("name", accessTokenCollectionName + "_" + authenticationFieldName + "_ix") .append("background", 1)); LOG.debug(TOKEN, "Collection {} successfully created and indexed", accessTokenCollectionName); } if (!this.db.collectionExists(refreshTokenCollectionName)) { LOG.trace(TOKEN, "Creating {} collection", refreshTokenCollectionName); DBCollection collection = this.db.createCollection(refreshTokenCollectionName, new BasicDBObject()); collection.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, 1), new BasicDBObject("name", refreshTokenCollectionName + "_ix")); LOG.debug(TOKEN, "Collection {} successfully created and indexed", accessTokenCollectionName); } } private final DBCollection getAccessTokenCollection() { return db.getCollection(accessTokenCollectionName); } private final DBCollection getRefreshTokenCollection() { return db.getCollection(refreshTokenCollectionName); } public OAuth2AccessToken getAccessToken(OAuth2Authentication authentication) { OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = null; String key = authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication); try { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(authenticationIdFieldName, key); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBObject token = getAccessTokenCollection().findOne(query, projection); if (token != null) { accessToken = deserializeAccessToken((byte[]) token.get(tokenFieldName)); } else { LOG.debug("Failed to find access token for authentication {}", authentication); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.error("Could not extract access token for authentication " + authentication, e); } if (accessToken != null && !key.equals(authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(readAuthentication(accessToken.getValue())))) { removeAccessToken(accessToken.getValue()); // Keep the store consistent (maybe the same user is represented by this authentication but the details have // changed) storeAccessToken(accessToken, authentication); } return accessToken; } public void storeAccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken accessToken, OAuth2Authentication authentication) { String refreshToken = null; if (accessToken.getRefreshToken() != null) { refreshToken = accessToken.getRefreshToken().getValue(); } if (readAccessToken(accessToken.getValue()) != null) { removeAccessToken(accessToken.getValue()); } DBObject token = new BasicDBObject(); token.put(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(accessToken.getValue())); token.put(tokenFieldName, serializeAccessToken(accessToken)); token.put(authenticationIdFieldName, authenticationKeyGenerator.extractKey(authentication)); if (!authentication.isClientOnly()) { token.put(usernameFieldName, authentication.getName()); } else { token.put(usernameFieldName, null); } token.put(clientIdFieldName, authentication.getOAuth2Request().getClientId()); token.put(authenticationFieldName, serializeAuthentication(authentication)); token.put(refreshTokenFieldName, extractTokenKey(refreshToken)); getAccessTokenCollection().insert(token, writeConcern); } public OAuth2AccessToken readAccessToken(String tokenValue) { OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = null; try { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(tokenValue)); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBObject token = getAccessTokenCollection().findOne(query, projection); if (token != null) { accessToken = deserializeAccessToken((byte[]) token.get(tokenFieldName)); } else {"Failed to find access token for token {}", tokenValue); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize access token for " + tokenValue, e); removeAccessToken(tokenValue); } return accessToken; } public void removeAccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken token) { removeAccessToken(token.getValue()); } public void removeAccessToken(String tokenValue) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(tokenValue)); getAccessTokenCollection().remove(query, writeConcern); } public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(OAuth2AccessToken token) { return readAuthentication(token.getValue()); } public OAuth2Authentication readAuthentication(String token) { OAuth2Authentication authentication = null; try { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(token)); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(authenticationFieldName, 1); DBObject accessToken = getAccessTokenCollection().findOne(query, projection); if (accessToken != null) { authentication = deserializeAuthentication((byte[]) accessToken.get(authenticationFieldName)); } else {"Failed to find access token for token {}", token); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize authentication for " + token, e); removeAccessToken(token); } return authentication; } public void storeRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken, OAuth2Authentication authentication) { DBObject token = new BasicDBObject(); token.put(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(refreshToken.getValue())); token.put(tokenFieldName, serializeRefreshToken(refreshToken)); token.put(authenticationFieldName, serializeAuthentication(authentication)); getRefreshTokenCollection().insert(token, writeConcern); } public OAuth2RefreshToken readRefreshToken(String token) { OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = null; try { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(token)); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBObject savedToken = getRefreshTokenCollection().findOne(query, projection); if (savedToken != null) { refreshToken = deserializeRefreshToken((byte[]) savedToken.get(tokenFieldName)); } else {"Failed to find refresh token for token {}", token); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize refresh token for token " + token, e); removeRefreshToken(token); } return refreshToken; } public void removeRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken token) { removeRefreshToken(token.getValue()); } public void removeRefreshToken(String token) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(token)); getRefreshTokenCollection().remove(query, writeConcern); } public OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken token) { return readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(token.getValue()); } public OAuth2Authentication readAuthenticationForRefreshToken(String value) { OAuth2Authentication authentication = null; try { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(tokenIdFieldName, extractTokenKey(value)); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(authenticationFieldName, 1); DBObject savedToken = getRefreshTokenCollection().findOne(query, projection); if (savedToken != null) { authentication = deserializeAuthentication((byte[]) savedToken.get(authenticationFieldName)); } else {"Failed to find access token for token {}", value); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize access token for " + value, e); removeRefreshToken(value); } return authentication; } public void removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken) { removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(refreshToken.getValue()); } public void removeAccessTokenUsingRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(refreshTokenFieldName, extractTokenKey(refreshToken)); getAccessTokenCollection().remove(query, writeConcern); } public Collection<OAuth2AccessToken> findTokensByClientId(String clientId) { List<OAuth2AccessToken> accessTokens = new ArrayList<OAuth2AccessToken>(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(clientIdFieldName, clientId); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getAccessTokenCollection().find(query, projection); if (cursor.count() > 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { OAuth2AccessToken token = mapAccessToken(; if (token != null) { accessTokens.add(token); } } } else {"Failed to find access token for clientId {}", clientId); } return accessTokens; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } public Collection<OAuth2AccessToken> findTokensByUserName(String userName) { List<OAuth2AccessToken> accessTokens = new ArrayList<OAuth2AccessToken>(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(usernameFieldName, userName); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getAccessTokenCollection().find(query, projection); if (cursor.count() > 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { OAuth2AccessToken token = mapAccessToken(; if (token != null) { accessTokens.add(token); } } } else {"Failed to find access token for username {}.", userName); } return accessTokens; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } public Collection<OAuth2AccessToken> findTokensByClientIdAndUserName(String clientId, String userName) { List<OAuth2AccessToken> accessTokens = new ArrayList<OAuth2AccessToken>(); DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(clientIdFieldName, clientId).append(usernameFieldName, userName); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(tokenFieldName, 1); DBCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getAccessTokenCollection().find(query, projection); if (cursor.count() > 0) { while (cursor.hasNext()) { OAuth2AccessToken token = mapAccessToken(; if (token != null) { accessTokens.add(token); } } } else {"Failed to find access token for clientId {} and username {}.", clientId, userName); } return accessTokens; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } protected String extractTokenKey(String value) { if (value == null) { return null; } MessageDigest digest; try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("MD5 algorithm not available. Fatal (should be in the JDK)."); } try { byte[] bytes = digest.digest(value.getBytes("UTF-8")); return String.format("%032x", new BigInteger(1, bytes)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("UTF-8 encoding not available. Fatal (should be in the JDK)."); } } private final OAuth2AccessToken mapAccessToken(DBObject token) { try { return deserializeAccessToken((byte[]) token.get(tokenFieldName)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { getAccessTokenCollection().remove(token); return null; } } protected byte[] serializeAccessToken(OAuth2AccessToken token) { return SerializationUtils.serialize(token); } protected byte[] serializeRefreshToken(OAuth2RefreshToken token) { return SerializationUtils.serialize(token); } protected byte[] serializeAuthentication(OAuth2Authentication authentication) { return SerializationUtils.serialize(authentication); } protected OAuth2AccessToken deserializeAccessToken(byte[] token) { return SerializationUtils.deserialize(token); } protected OAuth2RefreshToken deserializeRefreshToken(byte[] token) { return SerializationUtils.deserialize(token); } protected OAuth2Authentication deserializeAuthentication(byte[] authentication) { return SerializationUtils.deserialize(authentication); } /* * Collection and field name customization. */ public void setAuthenticationKeyGenerator(AuthenticationKeyGenerator authenticationKeyGenerator) { this.authenticationKeyGenerator = authenticationKeyGenerator; } public void setAccessTokenCollectionName(String accessTokenCollectionName) { this.accessTokenCollectionName = accessTokenCollectionName; } public void setRefreshTokenCollectionName(String refreshTokenCollectionName) { this.refreshTokenCollectionName = refreshTokenCollectionName; } public void setTokenIdFieldName(String tokenIdFieldName) { this.tokenIdFieldName = tokenIdFieldName; } public void setTokenFieldName(String tokenFieldName) { this.tokenFieldName = tokenFieldName; } public void setAuthenticationIdFieldName(String authenticationIdFieldName) { this.authenticationIdFieldName = authenticationIdFieldName; } public void setUsernameFieldName(String usernameFieldName) { this.usernameFieldName = usernameFieldName; } public void setClientIdFieldName(String clientIdFieldName) { this.clientIdFieldName = clientIdFieldName; } public void setAuthenticationFieldName(String authenticationFieldName) { this.authenticationFieldName = authenticationFieldName; } public void setRefreshTokenFieldName(String refreshTokenFieldName) { this.refreshTokenFieldName = refreshTokenFieldName; } public void setWriteConcern(WriteConcern writeConcern) { this.writeConcern = writeConcern; } }