Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.slf4j.MarkerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * ACL service for mongo db. * * @author * @since 1.0.0 */ public class MongoAclService implements AclService, InitializingBean { protected static final Marker ACL = MarkerFactory.getDetachedMarker("acl"); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoAclService.class); private static final String DEFAULT_ACL_COLLECTION_NAME = "acl"; private static final String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ID_FIELD_NAME = "objectId"; private static final String DEFAULT_CLASS_FIELD_NAME = "class"; private static final String DEFAULT_IDENTITY_FIELD_NAME = "identity"; private static final String DEFAULT_PARENT_OBJECT_FIELD_NAME = "parent"; private static final String DEFAULT_OWNER_FIELD_NAME = "owner"; private static final String DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL_FIELD_NAME = "principal"; private static final String DEFAULT_SID_FIELD_NAME = "sid"; private static final String DEFAULT_ENTRIES_FIELD_NAME = "entries"; private static final String DEFAULT_ENTRIES_INHERITING_FIELD_NAME = "entriesInheriting"; private static final String DEFAULT_MASK_FIELD_NAME = "mask"; private static final String DEFAULT_GRANTING_FIELD_NAME = "granting"; private static final String DEFAULT_AUDIT_SUCCESS_FIELD_NAME = "auditSuccess"; private static final String DEFAULT_AUDIT_FAILURE_FIELD_NAME = "auditFailure"; private final Field acesField = FieldUtils.getField(AclImpl.class, "aces"); protected final AclCache aclCache; private final PermissionGrantingStrategy permissionGrantingStrategy; private final AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy; private PermissionFactory permissionFactory = new DefaultPermissionFactory(); private DB db; protected String aclCollectionName = DEFAULT_ACL_COLLECTION_NAME; protected String objectIdFieldName = DEFAULT_OBJECT_ID_FIELD_NAME; protected String classFieldName = DEFAULT_CLASS_FIELD_NAME; protected String identityFieldName = DEFAULT_IDENTITY_FIELD_NAME; protected String parentObjectFieldName = DEFAULT_PARENT_OBJECT_FIELD_NAME; protected String ownerFieldName = DEFAULT_OWNER_FIELD_NAME; protected String principalFieldName = DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL_FIELD_NAME; protected String sidFieldName = DEFAULT_SID_FIELD_NAME; protected String entriesFieldName = DEFAULT_ENTRIES_FIELD_NAME; protected String entriesInheritingFieldName = DEFAULT_ENTRIES_INHERITING_FIELD_NAME; protected String maskFieldName = DEFAULT_MASK_FIELD_NAME; protected String grantingFieldName = DEFAULT_GRANTING_FIELD_NAME; protected String auditSuccessFieldName = DEFAULT_AUDIT_SUCCESS_FIELD_NAME; protected String auditFailureFieldName = DEFAULT_AUDIT_FAILURE_FIELD_NAME; protected String qualifiedObjectIdClassFieldName; protected String qualifiedObjectIdIdentityFieldName; protected String qualifiedParentObjectClassFieldName; protected String qualifiedParentObjectIdentityFieldName; public MongoAclService(Mongo mongo, String databaseName, AclCache aclCache, PermissionGrantingStrategy permissionGrantingStrategy, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy) { this(mongo.getDB(databaseName), aclCache, permissionGrantingStrategy, aclAuthorizationStrategy); } public MongoAclService(DB db, AclCache aclCache, PermissionGrantingStrategy permissionGrantingStrategy, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy) { this.db = db; this.aclCache = aclCache; this.permissionGrantingStrategy = permissionGrantingStrategy; this.aclAuthorizationStrategy = aclAuthorizationStrategy; } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { this.qualifiedObjectIdClassFieldName = this.objectIdFieldName + "." + this.classFieldName; this.qualifiedObjectIdIdentityFieldName = this.objectIdFieldName + "." + this.identityFieldName; this.qualifiedParentObjectClassFieldName = this.parentObjectFieldName + "." + this.classFieldName; this.qualifiedParentObjectIdentityFieldName = this.parentObjectFieldName + "." + this.identityFieldName; if (!this.db.collectionExists(aclCollectionName)) { LOG.debug(ACL, "Creating collection for name '{}'", aclCollectionName); DBCollection aclCollection = this.db.createCollection(aclCollectionName, new BasicDBObject()); aclCollection.createIndex( new BasicDBObject(qualifiedObjectIdClassFieldName, 1).append(qualifiedObjectIdIdentityFieldName, 1), new BasicDBObject("unique", 1).append("name", "acl_objectId_ix").append("background", 1)); aclCollection.createIndex( new BasicDBObject(qualifiedParentObjectClassFieldName, 1) .append(qualifiedParentObjectIdentityFieldName, 1), new BasicDBObject("name", "acl_parent_ix").append("background", 1)); } this.acesField.setAccessible(true); } protected final DBCollection getAclCollection() { return this.db.getCollection(aclCollectionName); } @Override public List<ObjectIdentity> findChildren(ObjectIdentity parentIdentity) { LOG.debug(ACL, "Looking for children of object identity {}", parentIdentity); DBObject query = queryByParentIdentity(parentIdentity); DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(objectIdFieldName, true); DBCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getAclCollection().find(query, projection); if (cursor.count() == 0) { LOG.debug(ACL, "No child object found for identity {}", parentIdentity); return null; } LOG.trace(ACL, "Streaming cursor in order to retrieve child object identities"); List<ObjectIdentity> oids = new ArrayList<ObjectIdentity>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { oids.add(toObjectIdentity((DBObject); } return oids; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } @Override public Acl readAclById(ObjectIdentity object) throws NotFoundException { return readAclById(object, null); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Acl readAclById(ObjectIdentity object, List<Sid> sids) throws NotFoundException { LOG.trace(ACL, "Reading ACL for object identity {}", object); Acl acl = aclCache.getFromCache(object); if (acl != null && acl.isSidLoaded(sids)) { LOG.debug(ACL, "ACL for id {} found in cache: {}", object, acl); return acl; } else { LOG.trace(ACL, "No ACL found in cache for id {}: looking into backend.", object); DBObject result = getAclCollection().findOne(queryByObjectIdentity(object)); if (result == null) { LOG.warn(ACL, "No ACL found for object identity {}", object); throw new NotFoundException("No ACL found for object identity " + object); } LOG.trace(ACL, "Trying to loading parent ACL if needed."); Acl parentAcl = null; DBObject parentDbo = (DBObject) result.get(parentObjectFieldName); if (parentDbo != null) { parentAcl = readAclById(toObjectIdentity(parentDbo)); } LOG.trace(ACL, "Extracting loaded SIDs"); List<DBObject> entries = (List<DBObject>) result.get(entriesFieldName); Set<Sid> loadedSids = new HashSet<Sid>(); if (sids != null) { loadedSids.addAll(sids); } if (entries != null) { for (DBObject entry : entries) { loadedSids.add(toSid((DBObject) entry.get(sidFieldName))); } } Sid owner = toSid((DBObject) result.get(ownerFieldName)); AclImpl loadedAcl = new AclImpl(object, result.get("_id").toString(), aclAuthorizationStrategy, permissionGrantingStrategy, parentAcl, new ArrayList<Sid>(loadedSids), (Boolean) result.get(entriesInheritingFieldName), owner); if (entries != null) { List<AccessControlEntry> aces = new ArrayList<AccessControlEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { aces.add(toAccessControlEntry(i, loadedAcl, entries.get(i))); } try { acesField.set(loadedAcl, new ArrayList<AccessControlEntry>(aces)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to set ACEs.", ex); } } aclCache.putInCache(loadedAcl); return loadedAcl; } } @Override public Map<ObjectIdentity, Acl> readAclsById(List<ObjectIdentity> objects) throws NotFoundException { return readAclsById(objects, null); } @Override public Map<ObjectIdentity, Acl> readAclsById(List<ObjectIdentity> objects, List<Sid> sids) throws NotFoundException { Map<ObjectIdentity, Acl> result = new HashMap<ObjectIdentity, Acl>(); for (ObjectIdentity oid : objects) { result.put(oid, readAclById(oid, sids)); } // Check every requested object identity was found (throw NotFoundException if needed) for (ObjectIdentity oid : objects) { if (!result.containsKey(oid)) { throw new NotFoundException("Unable to find ACL information for object identity '" + oid + "'"); } } return result; } protected final AccessControlEntry toAccessControlEntry(int id, Acl acl, DBObject dbo) { Sid sid = toSid((DBObject) dbo.get(sidFieldName)); Permission permission = permissionFactory .buildFromMask(Number.class.cast(dbo.get(maskFieldName)).intValue()); boolean granting = (Boolean) dbo.get(grantingFieldName); Boolean auditSuccess = (Boolean) dbo.get(auditSuccessFieldName); if (auditSuccess == null) { auditSuccess = Boolean.FALSE; } Boolean auditFailure = (Boolean) dbo.get(auditFailureFieldName); if (auditFailure == null) { auditFailure = Boolean.FALSE; } return new AccessControlEntryImpl(id, acl, sid, permission, granting, auditSuccess, auditFailure); } protected final Sid toSid(DBObject dbo) { final boolean principal = (Boolean) dbo.get(principalFieldName); final String sid = (String) dbo.get(sidFieldName); if (principal) { return new PrincipalSid(sid); } else { return new GrantedAuthoritySid(sid); } } protected final ObjectIdentity toObjectIdentity(DBObject dbo) { final String type = dbo.get(classFieldName).toString(); final String identity = dbo.get(identityFieldName).toString(); return new ObjectIdentityImpl(type, identity); } protected final DBObject queryById(Object id) { return new BasicDBObject("_id", id.toString()); } protected final DBObject queryByParentIdentity(ObjectIdentity oid) { return new BasicDBObject(qualifiedParentObjectClassFieldName, oid.getType()) .append(qualifiedParentObjectIdentityFieldName, oid.getIdentifier().toString()); } protected final DBObject queryByObjectIdentity(ObjectIdentity oid) { return new BasicDBObject(qualifiedObjectIdClassFieldName, oid.getType()) .append(qualifiedObjectIdIdentityFieldName, oid.getIdentifier().toString()); } /* * Generic configuration setter. */ public void setAclCollectionName(String aclCollectionName) { this.aclCollectionName = aclCollectionName; } public void setObjectIdFieldName(String objectIdFieldName) { this.objectIdFieldName = objectIdFieldName; } public void setClassFieldName(String classFieldName) { this.classFieldName = classFieldName; } public void setIdentityFieldName(String identityFieldName) { this.identityFieldName = identityFieldName; } public void setParentObjectFieldName(String parentObjectFieldName) { this.parentObjectFieldName = parentObjectFieldName; } public void setOwnerFieldName(String ownerFieldName) { this.ownerFieldName = ownerFieldName; } public void setPrincipalFieldName(String principalFieldName) { this.principalFieldName = principalFieldName; } public void setSidFieldName(String sidFieldName) { this.sidFieldName = sidFieldName; } public void setEntriesFieldName(String entriesFieldName) { this.entriesFieldName = entriesFieldName; } public void setEntriesInheritingFieldName(String entriesInheritingFieldName) { this.entriesInheritingFieldName = entriesInheritingFieldName; } public void setMaskFieldName(String maskFieldName) { this.maskFieldName = maskFieldName; } public void setGrantingFieldName(String grantingFieldName) { this.grantingFieldName = grantingFieldName; } public void setAuditSuccessFieldName(String auditSuccessFieldName) { this.auditSuccessFieldName = auditSuccessFieldName; } public void setAuditFailureFieldName(String auditFailureFieldName) { this.auditFailureFieldName = auditFailureFieldName; } public void setPermissionFactory(PermissionFactory permissionFactory) { this.permissionFactory = permissionFactory; } }