Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 Hurence ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class RPCAOutlierAlgorithm implements OutlierAlgorithm { private static final double EPSILON = 1e-12; public static final String THRESHOLD_CONF = "rpca.threshold"; private final double LPENALTY_DEFAULT = 1; private final double SPENALTY_DEFAULT = 1.4; public static final String LPENALTY_CONFIG = "lpenalty"; public static final String SPENALTY_CONFIG = "spenalty"; public static final String FORCE_DIFF_CONFIG = "forceDiff"; public static final String MIN_RECORDS_CONFIG = "minRecords"; private Double lpenalty; private Double spenalty; private Boolean isForceDiff = false; private int minRecords = 0; private double threshold = EPSILON; private ScalingFunctions scaling = ScalingFunctions.NONE; public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm() { } public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm withLPenalty(double lPenalty) { this.lpenalty = lPenalty; return this; } public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm withSPenalty(double sPenalty) { this.spenalty = sPenalty; return this; } public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm withForceDiff(boolean forceDiff) { this.isForceDiff = forceDiff; return this; } public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm withMinRecords(int minRecords) { this.minRecords = minRecords; return this; } public RPCAOutlierAlgorithm withScalingFunction(ScalingFunctions scaling) { this.scaling = scaling; return this; } // Helper Function public double[][] VectorToMatrix(double[] x, int rows, int cols) { double[][] input2DArray = new double[rows][cols]; for (int n = 0; n < x.length; n++) { int i = n % rows; int j = (int) Math.floor(n / rows); input2DArray[i][j] = x[n]; } return input2DArray; } public double outlierScore(List<DataPoint> dataPoints, DataPoint value) { double[] inputData = new double[dataPoints.size() + 1]; int numNonZero = 0; if (scaling != ScalingFunctions.NONE) { int i = 0; final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) { inputData[i++] = dp.getValue(); stats.addValue(dp.getValue()); numNonZero += dp.getValue() > EPSILON ? 1 : 0; } inputData[i] = value.getValue(); GlobalStatistics globalStats = new GlobalStatistics() { { setMax(stats.getMax()); setMin(stats.getMin()); setMax(stats.getMean()); setStddev(stats.getStandardDeviation()); } }; for (i = 0; i < inputData.length; ++i) { inputData[i] = scaling.scale(inputData[i], globalStats); } } else { int i = 0; for (DataPoint dp : dataPoints) { inputData[i++] = dp.getValue(); numNonZero += dp.getValue() > EPSILON ? 1 : 0; } inputData[i] = value.getValue(); } int nCols = 1; int nRows = inputData.length; if (numNonZero > minRecords) { AugmentedDickeyFuller dickeyFullerTest = new AugmentedDickeyFuller(inputData); double[] inputArrayTransformed = inputData; if (!this.isForceDiff && dickeyFullerTest.isNeedsDiff()) { // Auto Diff inputArrayTransformed = dickeyFullerTest.getZeroPaddedDiff(); } else if (this.isForceDiff) { // Force Diff inputArrayTransformed = dickeyFullerTest.getZeroPaddedDiff(); } if (this.spenalty == null) { this.lpenalty = this.LPENALTY_DEFAULT; this.spenalty = this.SPENALTY_DEFAULT / Math.sqrt(Math.max(nCols, nRows)); } // Calc Mean double mean = 0; for (int n = 0; n < inputArrayTransformed.length; n++) { mean += inputArrayTransformed[n]; } mean /= inputArrayTransformed.length; // Calc STDEV double stdev = 0; for (int n = 0; n < inputArrayTransformed.length; n++) { stdev += Math.pow(inputArrayTransformed[n] - mean, 2); } stdev = Math.sqrt(stdev / (inputArrayTransformed.length - 1)); // Transformation: Zero Mean, Unit Variance for (int n = 0; n < inputArrayTransformed.length; n++) { inputArrayTransformed[n] = (inputArrayTransformed[n] - mean) / stdev; } // Read Input Data into Array // Read Input Data into Array double[][] input2DArray = new double[nRows][nCols]; input2DArray = VectorToMatrix(inputArrayTransformed, nRows, nCols); RPCA rSVD = new RPCA(input2DArray, this.lpenalty, this.spenalty); double[][] outputE = rSVD.getE().getData(); double[][] outputS = rSVD.getS().getData(); double[][] outputL = rSVD.getL().getData(); return outputS[nRows - 1][0]; } else { return Double.NaN; } } @Override public Outlier analyze(Outlier outlierCandidate, List<DataPoint> context, DataPoint dp) { double score = outlierScore(context, dp); Severity severity = Severity.NOT_ENOUGH_DATA; if (!Double.isNaN(score)) { severity = Math.abs(score) > threshold ? Severity.SEVERE_OUTLIER : Severity.NORMAL; } outlierCandidate.setSeverity(severity); if (severity == Severity.SEVERE_OUTLIER) { if (dp.getMetadata() == null) { dp.setMetadata(new HashMap<String, String>()); } dp.getMetadata().put(OutlierMetadataConstants.REAL_OUTLIER_SCORE.toString(), Math.abs(score) + ""); } return outlierCandidate; } @Override public void configure(OutlierConfig config) { { Object thresholdObj = config.getConfig().get(THRESHOLD_CONF); if (thresholdObj != null) { threshold = ConfigUtil.INSTANCE.coerceDouble(THRESHOLD_CONF, thresholdObj); } } { Object lPenaltyObj = config.getConfig().get(LPENALTY_CONFIG); if (lPenaltyObj != null) { withLPenalty(ConfigUtil.INSTANCE.coerceDouble(LPENALTY_CONFIG, lPenaltyObj)); } } { Object sPenaltyObj = config.getConfig().get(SPENALTY_CONFIG); if (sPenaltyObj != null) { withSPenalty(ConfigUtil.INSTANCE.coerceDouble(SPENALTY_CONFIG, sPenaltyObj)); } } { Object forceDiffObj = config.getConfig().get(FORCE_DIFF_CONFIG); if (forceDiffObj != null) { withForceDiff(ConfigUtil.INSTANCE.coerceBoolean(FORCE_DIFF_CONFIG, forceDiffObj)); } } { Object minRecordsObj = config.getConfig().get(MIN_RECORDS_CONFIG); if (minRecordsObj != null) { withMinRecords(ConfigUtil.INSTANCE.coerceInteger(MIN_RECORDS_CONFIG, minRecordsObj)); } } } }