Java tutorial
/* * Created on Apr 30, 2006 * */ package com.cartmatic.estore.common.helper; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import com.cartmatic.estore.Constants; import com.cartmatic.estore.common.model.system.Store; import com.cartmatic.estore.common.util.FileUtil; import com.cartmatic.estore.core.model.Message; import com.cartmatic.estore.core.util.I18nUtil; import com.cartmatic.estore.core.util.StringUtil; import com.cartmatic.estore.system.service.StoreManager; import com.cartmatic.estore.system.service.SystemConfigManager; import com.cartmatic.estore.webapp.util.RequestContext; /** * ????Java??APIJSP${appConfig.isDemoMode}EL<BR> * ConfigRegistry<BR> * * @author Ryan */ public class ConfigUtil { private final static ConfigUtil configUtil = new ConfigUtil(); /** * ??,${xxxx},setter. */ private Pattern unresolvablePlaceholders = Pattern.compile("^\\$\\{(.)*\\}$"); private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ConfigUtil.class); private final static String[] supportedSystemModes = new String[] { "dev", "demo", "production", "test" }; public static ConfigUtil getInstance() { return configUtil; } private String searchServerUrl = null; private boolean autoStartScheduler = false; private String ctxPath = "Not Initialized"; private boolean isStoreFront = false; private boolean rememberMeEnabled; private boolean serverSideDataCacheEnabled = true; //private String storeFrontInstallationPath = null; private String assetsPath = null; private SystemConfigManager systemConfigManager; //private CompanyInfoManager companyInfoManager; private StoreManager storeManager; private String systemMode = "production"; private String webAppRootPath = null; private String orderNoPrefix = ""; private String orderNoSuffix = ""; //private String storeFrontSiteUrl = null; private String mailMarketerUrl = null; private String poNoPrefix = ""; /** * ?,????. */ //private String storeSearchPath = null; private String cmsAccessCategories = ""; //private String mediaUrlPath; /** * key = Host * value = Code */ private HashMap<String, String> storeHostAndCodeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * key = Code * value = Store */ private HashMap<String, Store> storeMap = new HashMap<String, Store>(); /** * ?? */ private Properties templateConfig = null; private ConfigUtil() { } /** * ???URL?????? * */ public void checkConfigAtStartup() {"Initializing servlet context path..."); //"Using config [StoreAdminSiteUrl]: " + ConfigUtil.getInstance().getStoreAdminSiteUrl()); //"Using config [StoreFrontSiteUrl]:" + ConfigUtil.getInstance().getStoreFrontSiteUrl()); String tmpCtxPath = ""; //init storeMap List<Store> stores = storeManager.getAllActiveStores(); for (Store store : stores) { store.setDomain(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreDomain")); store.setKeyWords(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreKeyWords")); store.setTitle(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreTitle")); store.setDescription(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreDescription")); store.setFooterDescription(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreFooterDescription")); store.setDefaultAnalytics(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreDefaultAnalytics", "")); store.setSpareAnalytics(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreSpareAnalytics", "")); store.setIsTrackCheckout(this.getConfigAsBool(store.getCode() + "_StoreIsTrackCheckout", true)); store.setIsTrackOrder(this.getConfigAsBool(store.getCode() + "_StoreIsTrackOrder", true)); store.setExtraMeta1(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreExtraMeta1")); store.setExtraMeta2(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreExtraMeta2")); store.setExtraMeta3(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreExtraMeta3")); store.setEmail(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreEmail")); store.setPhone(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StorePhone")); store.setEmailSender(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreEmailSender", getDefaultSystemEmail())); store.setCategoryListPerSize(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreCategoryListPerSize", 20)); store.setSearchAttribute(this.getConfigAsMap(store.getCode() + "_StoreSearchAttribute", "")); store.setSearchSkuOption(this.getConfigAsMap(store.getCode() + "_StoreSearchSkuOption", "")); store.setMediaUrlPath(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreMediaUrlPath", "/media/")); String emailSiteUrl = this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreEmailSiteUrl", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(emailSiteUrl)) { emailSiteUrl = store.getSiteUrl(); } store.setEmailSiteUrl(emailSiteUrl); String emailSiteName = this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreEmailSiteName", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(emailSiteName)) { emailSiteName = store.getName(); } store.setEmailSiteName(emailSiteName); store.setProductCategoryDisMaxRequestHandler(this.getConfig( store.getCode() + "_StoreProductCategoryDisMaxRequestHandler", "category_edismax_default")); store.setSearchProductDisMaxRequestHandler(this.getConfig( store.getCode() + "_StoreSearchProductDisMaxRequestHandler", "search_product_edismax_default")); store.setUrlBuilderClass(this.getConfig(store.getCode() + "_StoreUrlBuilderClass", "com.cartmatic.estore.catalog.util.DefaultUrlBuilder")); // store.setCatalogId(store.getCatalogId()); storeMap.put(store.getCode(), store); } if (getIsStoreFront()) { try { for (Store store : stores) { //storeMap.put(store.getCode(), store); URL site = new URL(store.getSiteUrl()); if (store.getCode().equals(Constants.STORE_DEFAULT_CODE)) { tmpCtxPath = site.getPath(); } storeHostAndCodeMap.put(site.getHost(), store.getCode()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error( "StoreFrontSiteUrl is not configured correctly. Start StoreAdmin and correct it, then retry.", e); } } else { try { URL storeAdminUrl = new URL(ConfigUtil.getInstance().getStoreAdminSiteUrl()); tmpCtxPath = storeAdminUrl.getPath(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Store Admin site url is not configured correctly!" + ConfigUtil.getInstance().getStoreAdminSiteUrl(), e); } } initContextPath(tmpCtxPath); /** * ?? */ InputStream in; try { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(getAssetsPath() + "/templates/")); templateConfig = new Properties(); templateConfig.load(in); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Store getStore() { String code = RequestContext.getCurrentStoreCode(); return storeMap.get(code); } public Store getStore(String code) { return storeMap.get(code); } public HashMap getStoreMap() { return storeMap; } public final boolean checkInvalidSystemConfigs() { if (systemMode.equals("dev")) { return false; } // TODO,IP??download?? int oriMsgSize = RequestContext.getSessionMessageCount(); // if (getStoreFrontSiteUrl().indexOf("localhost") > 0 // || !UrlUtil.isUrlValid(getStoreFrontSiteUrl())) { // saveInvalidConfigMessage("StoreFrontSiteUrl"); // } // if (getStoreAdminSiteUrl().indexOf("localhost") > 0 // || !UrlUtil.isUrlValid(getStoreAdminSiteUrl())) { // saveInvalidConfigMessage("StoreAdminSiteUrl"); // } File tmpFile = new File(getAssetsPath()); if (!tmpFile.exists()) { saveInvalidConfigMessage("AssetsPath"); } return (RequestContext.getSessionMessageCount() - oriMsgSize > 0); } public Collection<String> getAllStoreCodes() { return storeHostAndCodeMap.values(); } /** * * @param host * @return */ public String getStoreCode(String host) { return storeHostAndCodeMap.get(host); } public String getConfigCategorys() { return getConfig("ConfigCategorys"); } public int getBrowserSidePageCacheSeconds() { return getConfigAsInt("BrowserSidePageCacheSeconds", 600); } public String getBugReportEmail() { return getConfig("BugReportEmail"); } public String getDefaultSystemEmail() { return getConfig("DefaultSystemEmail", "CartMatic <>"); } public String getMailHost() { return getConfig("MailHost", ""); } public String getMailProtocol() { return getConfig("MailProtocol", ""); } public int getMailPort() { return getConfigAsInt("MailPort", 0); } public String getMailUsername() { return getConfig("MailUsername", ""); } /** * email * @return */ public String getMailCustomer() { return getConfig("MailCustomer", ""); } /** * * @return */ public String getAnniverysaryStartDate() { return getConfig("AnniverysaryStartDate", "09/30/2014"); } /** * ? * @return */ public String getAnniverysaryEndDate() { return getConfig("AnniverysaryEndDate", "11/30/2014"); } public String getMailPassword() { return getConfig("MailPassword", ""); } public String getMailDefaultEncoding() { return getConfig("MailDefaultEncoding", ""); } public boolean getIsMailAuth() { return getConfigAsBool("IsMailAuth", true); } public String getMailTimeout() { return getConfig("MailTimeout", ""); } public boolean getIsMailTlsEnable() { return getConfigAsBool("IsMailTlsEnable", true); } // public String getBugReportEmailTemplate() { // return getConfig("BugReportEmailTemplate", null); // } public String getCachableUrls() { return getConfig("CachableUrls", ""); } public int getCartValidDays() { return getConfigAsInt("CartValidDays", 15); } public boolean getIsAnonymousAddFavorite() { return getConfigAsBool("anonymousAddFavorite", true); } public boolean getIsAllowAnonymousReview() { return getConfigAsBool("IsAllowAnonymousReview", false); } public boolean getIsProductReviewConfirmEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsProductReviewConfirmEnabled", true); } public boolean getIsCreateProductDefaultAllowReviewEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsCreateProductDefaultAllowReviewEnabled", true); } public int[] getProductReviewGivenPoints() { String temp_productReviewGivenPoints = getConfig("ProductReviewGivenPoints", "1,2,3,4,5"); int[] productReviewGivenPoints = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(temp_productReviewGivenPoints.split(","), int.class); return productReviewGivenPoints; } public int[] getFeedbackGivenPoints() { String temp_feedbackGivenPoints = getConfig("FeedbackGivenPoints", "1,2,3,4,5"); int[] feedbackGivenPoints = (int[]) ConvertUtils.convert(temp_feedbackGivenPoints.split(","), int.class); return feedbackGivenPoints; } //public CompanyInfo getCompanyInfo() { // return this.companyInfoManager.getDefaultCompany(); //} protected final String getConfig(String key) { String confValue = getConfigMap().get(key); if (confValue == null) { logger.warn("Requesting config not found register a default config. Config key is:[" + key + "]."); } return confValue; } protected final Integer getConfig(String key, int defValue) { return new Integer(getConfig(key, "" + defValue)); } protected final String getConfig(String key, String defValue) { String configValue = getConfig(key); return configValue == null ? defValue : configValue; } protected final String[] getConfigAsArray(String key) { return StringUtil.toArray(getConfig(key)); } protected final String[] getConfigAsArray(String key, String delim) { return StringUtil.toArrayByDel(getConfig(key), delim); } protected final boolean getConfigAsBool(String key, boolean defValue) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(getConfig(key, "" + defValue)); } protected final double getConfigAsDouble(String key, double defValue) { return Double.parseDouble(getConfig(key, "" + defValue)); } protected final int getConfigAsInt(String key, int defValue) { return Integer.parseInt(getConfig(key, "" + defValue)); } protected final Map<String, String> getConfigAsMap(String key, String defValue) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); String configValue = getConfig(key); if (StringUtils.isBlank(configValue)) { configValue = defValue; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configValue)) { String values[] = configValue.split(";"); for (String value : values) { String val[] = value.split("="); if (val.length == 2) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(val[0]) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(val[1])) { map.put(val[0].trim(), val[1].trim()); } } } } return map; } protected Map<String, String> getConfigMap() { return systemConfigManager.getConfigAsMap(); } public int getContinuouslyFailCountStopImport() { return getConfigAsInt("ContinuouslyFailCountStopImport", 50); } public int getCookieMaxAge() { return getConfig("CookieMaxAge", Constants.COOKIE_DEFAULT_MAXAGE); } public String getCouponEmailTemplate() { return getConfig("CouponEmailTemplate", null); } /** * has leading / (when is not root web application), but no ending /. * * @return */ public String getCtxPath() { return ctxPath; } public String getDownloadPath() { return getWebAppRootPath() + getConfig("DownloadPath", "/download"); } public String getLowProductSkuEmailTemplate() { return "product/stockwarn.vm"; } public String getGiftCertificateEmailTemplate() { return getConfig("GiftCertificateEmailTemplate", null); } public int getGiftCertificateExpireYears() { return getConfig("GiftCertificateExpireYears", 2); } public int getGiftCertificateMaxAmt() { return getConfig("GiftCertificateMaxAmt", 1000); } public int getGiftCertificateMinAmt() { return getConfig("GiftCertificateMinAmt", 10); } public int getRecommendedProductExpireYears() { return getConfig("RecommendedProductExpireYears", 2); } public boolean getIsAlertLicense() { return getConfigAsBool("IsAlertLicense", false); } public boolean getIsAnonymousCheckoutEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsAnonymousCheckoutEnabled", true); } public boolean getIsAutoPostSiteMap() { return getConfigAsBool("IsAutoPostSiteMap", true); } /** * @return the autoStartScheduler */ public boolean getIsAutoStartScheduler() { return this.autoStartScheduler; } public boolean getIsCancelOrderEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsCancelOrderEnabled", true); } public boolean getIsRecalculateShippingAndTaxAfterModified() { return getConfigAsBool("IsRecalculateShippingAndTaxAfterModified", false); } // ?? // public boolean getIsDeleteSystemSeeAlso() { // return this.getConfigAsBool("IsDeleteSystemSeeAlso", false); // } public boolean getIsDemoMode() { return "demo".equals(systemMode); } public boolean getIsDevMode() { return "dev".equals(systemMode); } public boolean getIsProductionMode() { return "production".equals(systemMode); } /** * ??emailCode????ConfigRegistry?? * * @param emailCode * @return */ public boolean getIsEmailEnabled(final String emailCode) { return this.getConfigAsBool("Is" + StringUtils.capitalize(emailCode) + "EmailEnabled", true); } public boolean getIsGzipEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsPageGzipEnabled", true); } public boolean getIsRecentViewEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsRecentViewEnabled", false); } /** * customer is needed to confirm to activate, true or false return. * * @return */ public Short getIsRegisterCustomerConfirmEnabled() { return Short.valueOf(getConfig("IsCustomerRegisterConfirmEnabled", "0")); } public boolean getIsRememberMeEnabled() { return rememberMeEnabled; } /** * TODO, remove this method, not in use now * * @return */ public boolean getIsServerSideDataCacheEnabled() { return serverSideDataCacheEnabled; } public boolean getIsShopPointPresentAfterPay() { return this.getConfigAsBool("IsShopPointPresentAfterPay", true); } public boolean getIsStoreFront() { return isStoreFront; } public boolean getIsSupportWrapExpress() { return this.getConfigAsBool("IsSupportWrapExpress", false); } public boolean getIsValidationCodeEnabled() { return getConfigAsBool("IsValidationCodeEnabled", false); } public int getLoginShopPointAmount() { return getConfigAsInt("LoginShopPointAmount", 1); } public int getMaxLoginFailTimes() { return getConfig("MaxLoginFailTimes", 3); } public String getMediaPath() { return getConfig("MediaStorePath", "/media"); } public String getMediaStorePath() { return getAssetsPath() + getConfig("MediaStorePath", "/media"); } public int getOrderRecentDays() { return getConfig("OrderRecentDays", 7); } //public String getPasswordEncryptionAlgorithm() { // return getConfig("PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm", "SHA"); //} public int getRegistrationShopPointAmount() { return getConfigAsInt("RegistrationShopPointAmount", 10); } public String getSearchServerUrl() { return searchServerUrl != null ? searchServerUrl : getConfig("SearchServerUrl", "http://localhost:8080/searchServer"); } public int getServerSidePageCacheSeconds() { return getConfigAsInt("ServerSidePageCacheSeconds", 600); } public String getSiteMapPostUrl() { return getConfig("SiteMapPostUrl", ""); } public String getStockAlertRecipientEmail() { return getConfig("StockAlertRecipientEmail"); } public String getStoreAdminSiteUrl() { return getConfig("StoreAdminSiteUrl", "http://localhost:8080/StoreAdmin"); } //public String getStoreFrontInstallationPath() { // return storeFrontInstallationPath != null ? storeFrontInstallationPath // : FileUtil.formatPath(getConfig("StoreFrontInstallationPath")); //} public String getAssetsPath() { return assetsPath != null ? assetsPath : FileUtil.formatPath(getConfig("AssetsPath")); } //public String getStoreFrontSiteUrl() { // if (storeFrontSiteUrl == null) // return getConfig("StoreFrontSiteUrl", "ERROR: StoreFrontSiteUrl_NOT_Configured"); // else // return storeFrontSiteUrl; //} public Locale getSystemLocale() { return I18nUtil.getLocaleByCode(getSystemLocaleCode()); } public String getSystemLocaleCode() { return getIsStoreFront() ? getConfig("StoreFrontLocale", "zh_CN") : getConfig("StoreAdminLocale", "zh_CN"); } public String getSystemMode() { return systemMode; } public int getValidationSessionTime() { return getConfig("ValidationSessionHours", 2); } public String getWebAppRootPath() { return this.webAppRootPath; } public String getWeightUnit() { return getConfig("WeightUnit", "g"); } public String getLengthUnit() { return getConfig("LengthUnit", "cm"); } public String getDefaultCurrencySymbol() { return getConfig("DefaultCurrencySymbol", ""); } private void initContextPath(String in_ctxPath) { if ("/".equals(ctxPath)) { ctxPath = ""; } else { ctxPath = in_ctxPath; } // use be used in EL like: ${applicationScope.ctxPath} RequestContext.getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.CONTEXT_PATH, ctxPath); RequestContext.getServletContext().setAttribute(Constants.CONTEXT_RES_PATH, ctxPath + "/resources"); } /** * ?Map * * @param configKey * @param configValue */ public final void onConfigChanged(String configKey, String configValue) {"Updating system all config by change configKey=" + configKey); checkConfigAtStartup(); } private final void saveInvalidConfigMessage(String configKey) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("["); sb.append(I18nUtil.getInstance().getMessage("" + configKey)); sb.append("]"); sb.append(I18nUtil.getInstance().getMessage("conf.invalid.prompt")); sb.append("["); sb.append(I18nUtil.getInstance().getMessage("conf.err." + configKey)); sb.append("]"); String msg = sb.toString(); RequestContext.saveSessionMessage(Message.infoMsg(msg)); logger.warn(msg); } /** * @param autoStartScheduler * the autoStartScheduler to set */ public void setAutoStartScheduler(boolean autoStartScheduler) { this.autoStartScheduler = autoStartScheduler; } /** * @param rememberMeEnabled * the rememberMeEnabled to set */ public void setRememberMeEnabled(boolean rememberMeEnabled) { this.rememberMeEnabled = rememberMeEnabled; } public void setServerSideDataCacheEnabled(boolean avalue) { this.serverSideDataCacheEnabled = avalue; } public void setIsStoreFront(boolean isStoreFront) { this.isStoreFront = isStoreFront; } public void setAssetsPath(String path) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(path) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(path).matches()) { assetsPath = FileUtil.formatPath(path); } } //public void setStoreFrontSiteUrl(String url) //{ // if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(url) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(url).matches()) { // storeFrontSiteUrl = url; // } //} public void setSystemConfigManager(SystemConfigManager systemConfigManager) { this.systemConfigManager = systemConfigManager; } //public void setCompanyInfoManager(CompanyInfoManager companyInfoManager) { // this.companyInfoManager = companyInfoManager; //} public void setStoreManager(StoreManager avalue) { this.storeManager = avalue; } public void setSystemMode(String systemMode) { Assert.isTrue(ArrayUtils.contains(supportedSystemModes, systemMode), "System mode [" + systemMode + "] is not supported."); this.systemMode = systemMode;"Using system mode:" + this.systemMode); } public void setWebAppRootPath(String webAppRootPath) { this.webAppRootPath = webAppRootPath; } public void setSearchServerUrl(String avalue) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(avalue) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(avalue).matches()) searchServerUrl = avalue; } public int getOrderRobotReviewDelayMinutes() { return getConfigAsInt("OrderRobotReviewDelayMinutes", 45); } public String getOrderNoPrefix() { return orderNoPrefix; } public void setOrderNoPrefix(String avalue) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(avalue) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(avalue).matches()) { if (avalue.length() > 5) //?5? avalue = avalue.substring(0, 5); this.orderNoPrefix = avalue; } } /** * ?? * @return */ public String getOrderNoSuffix() { return orderNoSuffix; } public void setOrderNoSuffix(String avalue) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(avalue) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(avalue).matches()) { if (avalue.length() > 5) //?5? avalue = avalue.substring(0, 5); this.orderNoSuffix = avalue; } } /** * PO?? * @return */ public String getPoNoPrefix() { return poNoPrefix; } public void setPoNoPrefix(String avalue) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(avalue) && !unresolvablePlaceholders.matcher(avalue).matches()) { if (avalue.length() > 5) //?5? avalue = avalue.substring(0, 5); this.poNoPrefix = avalue; } } public String getStoreSearchPath() { return this.getAssetsPath() + "/solrHome"; } public String getSalesOrderPrefix() { return getConfig("SalesOrderPrefix", "S"); } public Integer getPrecentOfProductCost() { return this.getConfigAsInt("precentOfProductCost", 80); } public String[] getBulkProdCommAttrs() { String temp[] = this.getConfig("BulkProdCommAttrs").split(","); while (ArrayUtils.contains(temp, "")) { temp = (String[]) ArrayUtils.removeElement(temp, ""); } return temp; } public String[] getBulkSkuCommAttrs() { String temp[] = this.getConfig("BulkSkuCommAttrs").split(","); while (ArrayUtils.contains(temp, "")) { temp = (String[]) ArrayUtils.removeElement(temp, ""); } return temp; } public String[] getBulkProdAttrs() { String temp[] = this.getConfig("BulkProdAttrs").split(","); while (ArrayUtils.contains(temp, "")) { temp = (String[]) ArrayUtils.removeElement(temp, ""); } return temp; } public BigDecimal getShopPointUseGiftPercent() { BigDecimal shopPointUseGiftPercent = new BigDecimal(getConfigAsInt("ShopPointUseGiftPercent", 10)); shopPointUseGiftPercent = shopPointUseGiftPercent.divide(new BigDecimal(100)); return shopPointUseGiftPercent; } public boolean getIsAllowSystemRulesWhenUseCoupon() { return this.getConfigAsBool("IsAllowSystemRulesWhenUseCoupon", false); } public String getGoogleMapAPIKey() { return this.getConfig("GoogleMapAPIKey", ""); } //wholesale news ?rss public String getRssURL() { return this.getConfig("RssUrl", ""); } public String getMailMarketerUrl() { return mailMarketerUrl; } public void setMailMarketerUrl(String mailMarketerUrl) { this.mailMarketerUrl = mailMarketerUrl; } public List<String[]> getIpAdressUserInfo() { List<String[]> users = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String ipAdressUserInfo = this.getConfig("IpAdressUserInfo", ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ipAdressUserInfo)) { String temp_users[] = ipAdressUserInfo.split(";"); for (String temp_user : temp_users) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(temp_user)) { String temp_name_pwd[] = temp_user.split(","); if (temp_name_pwd.length > 1) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(temp_name_pwd[0]) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(temp_name_pwd[1])) users.add(new String[] { temp_name_pwd[0], temp_name_pwd[1] }); } else if (temp_name_pwd.length == 1) { users.add(new String[] { temp_name_pwd[0], "" }); } } } } return users; } public int getOrderCancelDays() { return getConfig("OrderCancelDays", 7); } //???? public boolean getOrderCancelIncludeCod() { return getConfigAsBool("OrderCancelIncludeCod", false); } public boolean getSitemapIncludeHomepage() { return this.getConfigAsBool("SitemapIncludeHomepage", true); } public boolean getSitemapIncludeProductCategories() { return this.getConfigAsBool("SitemapIncludeProductCategories", true); } public boolean getSitemapIncludeProducts() { return this.getConfigAsBool("SitemapIncludeProducts", true); } public boolean getSitemapIncludeContents() { return this.getConfigAsBool("SitemapIncludeContents", true); } public String getSitemapHomepageFrequency() { return this.getConfig("SitemapHomepageFrequency", "daily"); } public String getSitemapProductCategoriesFrequency() { return this.getConfig("SitemapProductCategoriesFrequency", "daily"); } public String getSitemapProductsFrequency() { return this.getConfig("SitemapProductsFrequency", "weekly"); } public String getSitemapContentsFrequency() { return this.getConfig("SitemapContentsFrequency", "monthly"); } public String getSitemapHomepagePriority() { return this.getConfig("SitemapHomepagePriority", "1.0"); } public String getSitemapProductCategoriesPriority() { return this.getConfig("SitemapProductCategoriesPriority", "0.6"); } public String getSitemapProductsPriority() { return this.getConfig("SitemapProductsPriority", "0.3"); } public String getSitemapContentsPriority() { return this.getConfig("SitemapContentsPriority", "0.1"); } public boolean getSitemapProductIncludeImages() { return this.getConfigAsBool("SitemapProductIncludeImages", false); } public String[] getSitemapContentCategories() { List<String> contentCategories = new ArrayList<String>(); String temp[] = this.getConfig("SitemapContentCategories", "").split(","); for (String string : temp) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(string)) { contentCategories.add(string); } } return contentCategories.toArray(new String[] {}); } public String getCmsAccessCategories() { return cmsAccessCategories; } public void setCmsAccessCategories(String cmsAccessCategories) { this.cmsAccessCategories = "," + cmsAccessCategories + ","; } // public String getMediaUrlPath() { // return mediaUrlPath; // } // // public void setMediaUrlPath(String mediaUrlPath) { // this.mediaUrlPath = mediaUrlPath; // } public String getTaoBaoAppKey() { return getConfig("TaoBaoAppKey", ""); } public String getTaoBaoAppSecret() { return getConfig("TaoBaoAppSecret", ""); } public List<String> getProductTemplates() { List<String> templateList = new ArrayList<String>(); String templates[] = templateConfig.getProperty("product.templates").split(","); for (String template : templates) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template)) { templateList.add(template.trim()); } } return templateList; } public List<String> getCategoryTemplates() { List<String> templateList = new ArrayList<String>(); String templates[] = templateConfig.getProperty("category.templates").split(","); for (String template : templates) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template)) { templateList.add(template.trim()); } } return templateList; } public List<String> getContentTemplates() { List<String> templateList = new ArrayList<String>(); String templates[] = templateConfig.getProperty("content.templates").split(","); for (String template : templates) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template)) { templateList.add(template.trim()); } } return templateList; } public List<String> getAdvertisementTemplates() { List<String> templateList = new ArrayList<String>(); String templates[] = templateConfig.getProperty("advertisement.templates").split(","); for (String template : templates) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template)) { templateList.add(template.trim()); } } return templateList; } public List<String> getSaleTemplates() { List<String> templateList = new ArrayList<String>(); String templates[] = templateConfig.getProperty("sale.templates").split(","); for (String template : templates) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(template)) { templateList.add(template.trim()); } } return templateList; } }