Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Andrei Pozolotin <> * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License. * * */ package com.carrotgarden.maven.scr; import static com.carrotgarden.maven.scr.MojoUtil.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.maven.model.Resource; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; /** * Generate component descriptors form annotated java classes. * * @goal generate * * @phase process-classes * * @inheritByDefault true * * @requiresDependencyResolution test * */ public class CarrotOsgiScrGenerate extends CarrotOsgiScr { /** * Empty DS descriptor included in the plugin jar. */ protected static final String NULL_XML = "null.xml"; /** * Progress counter for all classes. */ private int allclassesCounter; /** * Progress counter for DS component classes. */ private int descriptorCounter; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void execute() throws MojoFailureException { try { contextMessageClear(pomFile()); logInfo("generate"); logInfo("incremental: " + isContextIncremental()); if (!isProperPackaging()) { logInfo("skip for packaging=" + project.getPackaging()); return; } final File folder = outputDirectorySCR(); if (!folder.exists()) { logDebug(""); if (folder.mkdirs()) { logDebug("folder created : " + folder); } else { logError("failed to create folder : " + folder); } } logDebug(""); logDebug("excludedServices"); for (final String service : excludedServices) { logDebug("\t service=" + service); } logDebug(""); logDebug("properPackaging"); for (final String packaging : properPackaging) { logDebug("\t packaging=" + packaging); } descriptorCounter = 0; allclassesCounter = 0; final long timeStart = System.nanoTime(); if (!isProcessMainClasses && !isProcessTestClasses) { logError("you have not selected neither main nor test classes"); } if (isProcessMainClasses) { processClassFolder(ClassesSelector.COMPILE); } if (isProcessTestClasses) { processClassFolder(ClassesSelector.TESTING); } if (isIncludeEmptyDescriptor) { includeEmptyDescriptor(); } if (isIncludeGeneratedDescritors) { includeDescriptorResource(); } final long timeFinish = System.nanoTime(); logDebug(""); final long timeDiff = timeFinish - timeStart; final long timeRate = descriptorCounter == 0 ? 0 : timeDiff / descriptorCounter; logDebug("combined classes count = " + allclassesCounter); logDebug("descriptor class count = " + descriptorCounter); logDebug("time, millis total = " + timeDiff / 1000 / 1000); logDebug("rate, millis per descr = " + timeRate / 1000 / 1000); } catch (final Throwable e) { final String message = "generate failure: " + e; logError(message); contextMessageError(pomFile(), message, e); throw new MojoFailureException("bada-boom", e); } } /** * Check if resource with given target path is present in the list. */ protected boolean hasResource(final Resource resource, final List<Resource> resourceList) { for (final Resource existing : resourceList) { if (resource.getTargetPath().equals(existing.getTargetPath())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Attach DS descriptor resource folder to the final jar. */ protected void includeDescriptorResource() { if (isContextIncremental()) { logDebug("do not include descriptor resource for incremental build"); return; } final String sourcePath = outputDirectorySCR().getPath(); final String targetPath = targetDirectorySCR; final Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(sourcePath); resource.setTargetPath(targetPath); final List<Resource> resourceList = project.getResources(); logDebug(""); if (hasResource(resource, resourceList)) { logDebug("use existing descriptor resource = " + resource); return; } else { logDebug("include created descriptor resource = " + resource); resourceList.add(resource); } } /** * Attach empty place holder DS component descriptor to the final jar. */ protected void includeEmptyDescriptor() throws Exception { if (isContextIncremental()) { logDebug("skip including empty descriptor for incremental build"); return; } final URL source = getClass().getResource(NULL_XML); final File target = absolute(new File(outputDirectorySCR(), NULL_XML)); logDebug(""); logDebug("including empty descriptor = " + target); FileUtils.copyURLToFile(source, target); } /** * Generate extended class loader. * * @return class loader that will include both project and plug-in * dependencies **/ protected ClassLoader makeClassLoader(final ClassesSelector selector) throws Exception { final List<String> pathList = selector.getClasspathElements(project); final URL[] entryUrlArray = new URL[pathList.size()]; int index = 0; for (final String path : pathList) { final URL entryURL = absolute(path).toURI().toURL(); logDebug("\t dependency = " + entryURL); entryUrlArray[index++] = entryURL; } /** Maven plug-in class loader. */ final ClassLoader parentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); /** Combo class path loader for a selector. */ final URLClassLoader customLoader = new URLClassLoader(entryUrlArray, parentLoader); return customLoader; } /** * Generate full java class name. * * @return java class FQN */ protected String makeClassName(final File classesDirectory, final File classFile) { final URI folderURI = absolute(classesDirectory).toURI(); final URI fileURI = absolute(classFile).toURI(); final String path = folderURI.relativize(fileURI).getPath(); /** * Cut out file extension and convert to java class FQN. * <p> * from: com/carrotgarden/test/TestComp.class * <p> * into: com.carrotgarden.test.TestComp */ final int index = path.lastIndexOf("."); final String name = path.substring(0, index).replace("/", "."); return name; } /** * Generate DS descriptor file name. */ protected String outputFileSCR(final String name) { return name + "." + outputExtensionSCR; } /** * Generate DS component descriptors for given class path type. */ protected void processClassFolder(final ClassesSelector selector) throws Throwable { final File classesDirectory = selector.getClassesDirectory(this); logDebug(""); if (!classesDirectory.exists()) { logDebug("skip for missing classes directory"); return; } else { logDebug("input classes = " + classesDirectory); } /** Collect all class files. */ final Iterator<File> iter = processIterator(classesDirectory); if (!iter.hasNext()) { logDebug(""); logDebug("skip for no changes in classes directory"); return; } final ClassLoader loader = makeClassLoader(selector); logDebug(""); logDebug("output directory = " + outputDirectorySCR()); final Pattern excludePattern = Pattern.compile(excludeFileNameRegex); while (iter.hasNext()) { /** Discovered *.class file. */ final File file =; // logDebug("\t file : " + file); /** Ignore excluded files. */ if (excludePattern.matcher(file.getName()).matches()) { continue; } /** Resolved class name. */ final String name = makeClassName(classesDirectory, file); // logDebug("\t class : " + name); /** Make individual descriptor. */ final String text = maker().make(loader, name); /** Non components return null. */ final boolean isComponent = text != null; allclassesCounter++; if (isComponent) { final String outputFile = outputFileSCR(name); logDebug("\t descriptor = " + outputFile); saveDescriptor(name, text); descriptorCounter++; } else { logDebug("\t class is not a component: " + name); } } logInfo(""); if (descriptorCounter == 0) { logInfo("did not find any active scr components."); } else { logInfo("active components count = " + descriptorCounter); } } /** * Find changed class files in class folder. */ protected Iterator<File> processIterator(final File folder) { return contextIterator(folder, contextChanged(folder, "**/*.class")); } /** * Save generated DS descriptor and report changes to Eclipse. * <p> * Descriptor file name convention: * <p> * from: com.carrotgarden.test.TestComp * <p> * into: com.carrotgarden.test.TestComp.xml */ protected void saveDescriptor(final String name, final String text) throws Exception { final File file = new File(outputDirectorySCR(), outputFileSCR(name)); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(absolute(file), text); contextRefresh(file); } }