Java tutorial
package com.carolinarollergirls.scoreboard.viewer; /** * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Mr Temper <> * * This file is part of the Carolina Rollergirls (CRG) ScoreBoard. * The CRG ScoreBoard is licensed under either the GNU General Public * License version 3 (or later), or the Apache License 2.0, at your option. * See the file COPYING for details. */ import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import*; import twitter4j.*; import twitter4j.conf.*; import twitter4j.auth.*; import com.carolinarollergirls.scoreboard.*; import com.carolinarollergirls.scoreboard.event.*; public class TwitterViewer implements ScoreBoardViewer { public TwitterViewer() { reset(); } public void setScoreBoard(ScoreBoard sB) { scoreBoard = sB; formatSpecifier = new FormatSpecifierViewer(scoreBoard); } public void addConditionalTweet(String conditionFormat, String tweet, TwitterExceptionListener exceptionListener) throws TooManyListenersException { synchronized (conditionalListeners) { String key = getConditionalListenerKey(conditionFormat, tweet); if (conditionalListeners.containsKey(key)) throw new TooManyListenersException("Conditional tweet with given parameters already exists"); ScoreBoardListener tweetListener = new TweetScoreBoardListener(tweet, exceptionListener); ScoreBoardListener conditionalListener = new FormatSpecifierScoreBoardListener(formatSpecifier, conditionFormat, tweetListener); conditionalListeners.put(key, conditionalListener); scoreBoard.addScoreBoardListener(conditionalListener); } } public void removeConditionalTweet(String conditionFormat, String tweet) { synchronized (conditionalListeners) { ScoreBoardListener listener = conditionalListeners .remove(getConditionalListenerKey(conditionFormat, tweet)); if (null != listener) scoreBoard.removeScoreBoardListener(listener); } } protected String getConditionalListenerKey(String format, String tweet) { return "CONDITIONFORMAT:" + format + "TWEET:" + tweet; } public String getAuthURL(String callbackURL) throws TwitterException, IllegalStateException { synchronized (twitterLock) { if (null != requestToken) reset(); requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(callbackURL); return requestToken.getAuthorizationURL(); } } public void setOAuthVerifier(String verifier) throws TwitterException { synchronized (twitterLock) { /* should throw exception if no requestToken or already logged in */ AccessToken accessToken = twitter.getOAuthAccessToken(requestToken, verifier); userId = twitter.getId(); twitterStream = twitterStreamFactory.getInstance(accessToken); twitterStream.addListener(userStreamListener); twitterStream.user(); requestToken = null; loggedIn = true; } } public void addTweetListener(TweetListener listener) { synchronized (twitterLock) { if (!tweetListeners.containsKey(listener)) tweetListeners.put(listener, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()); } } public void removeTweetListener(TweetListener listener) { synchronized (twitterLock) { if (tweetListeners.containsKey(listener)) tweetListeners.remove(listener).shutdown(); } } protected void notifyTweetListeners(final String tweetText) { synchronized (twitterLock) { Iterator<TweetListener> listeners = tweetListeners.keySet().iterator(); while (listeners.hasNext()) { final TweetListener listener =; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.tweet(tweetText); } }; tweetListeners.get(listener).submit(r); } } } public String getScreenName() throws TwitterException { synchronized (twitterLock) { return twitter.getScreenName(); } } public void logout() { synchronized (twitterLock) { reset(); } } protected void reset() { if (null != twitter) twitter.shutdown(); twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance(); userId = 0; requestToken = null; if (null != twitterStream) { // cleanUp has a bug where it blocks until its internal thread // blocks until a new status comes in or it times out. // We don't need or want to wait so let's do the cleanup // in a separate thread. final TwitterStream tS = twitterStream; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { tS.cleanUp(); } }; new Thread(r).start(); } twitterStream = null; loggedIn = false; } public void tweet(String tweet) throws TwitterException { String parsedTweet = formatSpecifier.parse(tweet); synchronized (twitterLock) { if (isTestMode()) { notifyTweetListeners(parsedTweet); } else { /* will throw exception if not logged in */ twitter.updateStatus(parsedTweet); } } } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return loggedIn; } public void setTestMode(boolean t) { testMode = t; } public boolean isTestMode() { return testMode; } private ConfigurationBuilder getConfigurationBuilder() { return new ConfigurationBuilder().setDebugEnabled(false).setUserStreamRepliesAllEnabled(false) .setOAuthConsumerKey("LcSklLv7gic519YE5ylK1g") .setOAuthConsumerSecret("BXjvuTrbl6rTIgybxqCTIfZS7obv2OdUYiM1n8V3Q"); } protected TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(getConfigurationBuilder().build()); protected TwitterStreamFactory twitterStreamFactory = new TwitterStreamFactory( getConfigurationBuilder().build()); protected ScoreBoard scoreBoard; protected FormatSpecifierViewer formatSpecifier; protected Map<String, ScoreBoardListener> conditionalListeners = new HashMap<String, ScoreBoardListener>(); protected Twitter twitter; protected Object twitterLock = new Object(); protected long userId; protected boolean loggedIn = false; protected boolean testMode = false; protected RequestToken requestToken = null; protected TwitterStream twitterStream = null; protected Map<TweetListener, ExecutorService> tweetListeners = new HashMap<TweetListener, ExecutorService>(); protected UserStreamListener userStreamListener = new UserStreamAdapter() { public void onStatus(Status status) { if (status.getUser().getId() == userId) notifyTweetListeners(status.getText()); } }; protected class TweetScoreBoardListener implements ScoreBoardListener { public TweetScoreBoardListener(String t, TwitterExceptionListener l) { tweet = t; exceptionListener = l; } public void scoreBoardChange(ScoreBoardEvent e) { try { if (isLoggedIn() || isTestMode()) tweet(tweet); } catch (TwitterException tE) { exceptionListener.twitterException(tweet, tE); } } protected String tweet; protected TwitterExceptionListener exceptionListener; } public static interface TweetListener { public void tweet(String tweet); } public static interface TwitterExceptionListener { public void twitterException(String tweet, TwitterException exception); } }