Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.CardPaymentGateway; import com.MainFiles.Functions; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONObject; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; /** * * @author Simon Maingi */ public class GatewayAirtimeTopUp { String strCardNumber = ""; String strDeviceid = ""; String strExpiryDate = ""; String strAccountNumber = ""; String strResponse = ""; String strAgentID = ""; String strAmount = ""; double amount; String strTrack2Data = ""; String strAgencyCashManagement = ""; String[] strCardInformation; String[] strReceivedData; String strPhoneNumber = ""; String strRefNo = ""; String strProcessingCode = ""; String strpin = ""; String strBillNumber = ""; Functions func = new Functions(); public void run(String incomingMessage, String intid) { try { strReceivedData = incomingMessage.split("#"); strProcessingCode = strReceivedData[0]; strAmount = strReceivedData[1]; strTrack2Data = strReceivedData[2]; strpin = strReceivedData[3]; strPhoneNumber = strReceivedData[4]; //strBillNumber=strReceivedData[5]; strRefNo = strReceivedData[5]; strDeviceid = strRefNo; if (strTrack2Data.contains("=")) { strCardInformation = strTrack2Data.split("="); strCardNumber = strCardInformation[0]; //strExpiryDate = strCardInformation[1].substring(0, 4); int strlen = strCardNumber.length(); if (strlen < 16) { strResponse = func.strPOSResponseHeader2(strDeviceid); strResponse += "--------------------------------" + "#"; strResponse += "INVALID PAN #"; //strResponse += "CARDNO: "+strCardNumber+ "#"; //strResponse += "ExPiryDate: "+strExpiryDate+ "#"; strResponse += func.strPOSResponseFooter(strDeviceid); func.SendPOSResponse(strResponse, intid); return; } strExpiryDate = strCardInformation[1].substring(0, 4); //String[] strTrack2Data1 = strCardInformation[1].split("\\?"); //strField35 = strCardInformation[0] + "=" + strTrack2Data1[0]; } else if (strTrack2Data.contains("D")) { strCardInformation = strTrack2Data.split("D"); strCardNumber = strCardInformation[0]; int strlen = strCardNumber.length(); if (strlen < 16) { strResponse = func.strPOSResponseHeader2(strDeviceid); strResponse += "--------------------------------" + "#"; strResponse += "INVALID PAN #"; strResponse += func.strPOSResponseFooter(strDeviceid); func.SendPOSResponse(strResponse, strDeviceid); return; } strExpiryDate = strCardInformation[1].substring(0, 4); //String[] strTrack2Data1 = strCardInformation[1].split("\\?"); //strField35 = strCardInformation[0] + "=" + strTrack2Data1[0]; } //send transactionDetails from pos to PaymentGateway //Auth key Variables String uniqueKey = "!Eclectic%IsThe BomB%Limited!??hehehe"; String phoneNumber = strPhoneNumber; //Transaction Details Json Data JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("Amount", strAmount); object.put("CardNo", strCardNumber); object.put("Channel", "POS"); object.put("Organization", "Eclectics"); object.put("ExpiryDate", strExpiryDate); object.put("RefNo", strRefNo); object.put("PhoneNumber", strPhoneNumber); object.put("MessageType", "0200"); object.put("Country", "Kenya"); object.put("Pin", strpin); object.put("ProcessingCode", "000200"); object.put("Biller", "Safaricom"); object.put("PaymentMode", "Card"); object.put("Account", strPhoneNumber); System.out.println("JSON DATA= " + object); String jsonString = object.toString().replaceAll("\"", ""); String tobase64String = new BASE64Encoder().encode(jsonString.getBytes());//. Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(jsonString.getBytes()); //System.out.println("TO BASE64 STRING= "+tobase64String); //Auth key String authKeyString = uniqueKey + phoneNumber; //base64 of authKey String base64AuthString = new BASE64Encoder().encode(authKeyString.getBytes());// ++Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(authKeyString.getBytes()); //generate authKey sha512 String sha512AuthKey = null; try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); byte[] hash = md.digest(base64AuthString.getBytes()); sha512AuthKey = convertToHex(hash); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { func.log("\nSEVERE GatewayAirtimeTopUp() :: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n" + func.StackTraceWriter(ex), "ERROR"); } System.out.println("SHA512 AUTH KEY= " + sha512AuthKey); //send request String response = authentication(tobase64String, sha512AuthKey); System.out.println(response); String noCurly = response.replaceAll("[{}]", ""); String formatResponse[] = noCurly.split(","); strResponse = func.strPOSResponseHeader2(strDeviceid); strResponse += "--------------------------------" + "#"; strResponse += " AIRTIME TOP UP #"; for (int i = 0; i < formatResponse.length; i++) { strResponse += formatResponse[i] + "#"; } strResponse += func.strPOSResponseFooter(strDeviceid); func.SendPOSResponse(strResponse, strDeviceid); } catch (Exception ex) { func.log("\nSEVERE GatewayAirtimeTopUp() :: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n" + func.StackTraceWriter(ex), "ERROR"); } } /** * Converts the given byte[] to a hex string. * @param raw the byte[] to convert * @return the string the given byte[] represents */ private String convertToHex(byte[] raw) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { sb.append(Integer.toString((raw[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)); } return sb.toString(); } //invoking the web service client reference private static String authentication(java.lang.String tranDetails, java.lang.String authKey) { com.CardPaymentGateway.Request service = new com.CardPaymentGateway.Request(); com.CardPaymentGateway.IncomingTransaction port = service.getIncomingTransactionPort(); return port.authentication(tranDetails, authKey); } }