Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 CAN YAPAN * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.canyapan.randompasswordgenerator; /** * This algorithm was originally published in javascript on */ public class PasswordMeter { /** * Meters strength of a given password. * * @param password A password to meter. * @return Strength in percent. */ public static Result check(final String password) throws PasswordMeterException { int score, uniqueCharacters, length, requirements = 0, alphaUC = 0, alphaLC = 0, number = 0, symbol = 0, midChar = 0, alphasOnly = 0, numbersOnly = 0, repChar = 0, consecutiveAlphaUC = 0, consecutiveAlphaLC = 0, consecutiveNumber = 0, consecutiveSymbol = 0, consecutiveCharType = 0, sequentialAlpha = 0, sequentialNumber = 0, sequentialSymbol = 0, sequentialChar = 0; double repInc = 0d; if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(password)) { throw new PasswordMeterException("Password cannot be blank"); } final String alphas = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; final String numerics = "01234567890"; final String symbols = ")!@#$%^&*()"; length = password.length(); String[] arrPwd = password.replaceAll("\\s+", "").split("\\s*"); int arrPwdLen = arrPwd.length; int tmpAlphaUC = -1, tmpAlphaLC = -1, tmpNumber = -1, tmpSymbol = -1; /* Loop through password to check for Symbol, Numeric, Lowercase and Uppercase pattern matches */ for (int a = 0; a < arrPwdLen; a++) { if (arrPwd[a].matches("[A-Z]")) { if (tmpAlphaUC != -1 && (tmpAlphaUC + 1) == a) { consecutiveAlphaUC++; consecutiveCharType++; } tmpAlphaUC = a; alphaUC++; } else if (arrPwd[a].matches("[a-z]")) { if (tmpAlphaLC != -1 && (tmpAlphaLC + 1) == a) { consecutiveAlphaLC++; consecutiveCharType++; } tmpAlphaLC = a; alphaLC++; } else if (arrPwd[a].matches("[0-9]")) { if (a > 0 && a < (arrPwdLen - 1)) { midChar++; } if (tmpNumber != -1 && (tmpNumber + 1) == a) { consecutiveNumber++; consecutiveCharType++; } tmpNumber = a; number++; } else if (arrPwd[a].matches("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")) { if (a > 0 && a < (arrPwdLen - 1)) { midChar++; } if (tmpSymbol != -1 && (tmpSymbol + 1) == a) { consecutiveSymbol++; consecutiveCharType++; } tmpSymbol = a; symbol++; } /* Internal loop through password to check for repeat characters */ boolean charExists = false; for (int b = 0; b < arrPwdLen; b++) { if (arrPwd[a].equals(arrPwd[b]) && a != b) { /* repeat character exists */ charExists = true; /* Calculate increment deduction based on proximity to identical characters Deduction is incremented each time a new match is discovered Deduction amount is based on total password length divided by the difference of distance between currently selected match */ repInc += Math.abs(arrPwdLen / (b - a)); } } if (charExists) { repChar++; uniqueCharacters = arrPwdLen - repChar; repInc = uniqueCharacters > 0 ? Math.ceil(repInc / uniqueCharacters) : Math.ceil(repInc); } } /* Check for sequential alpha string patterns (forward and reverse) */ for (int s = 0; s < 23; s++) { String fwd = alphas.substring(s, s + 3); String rev = new StringBuilder(fwd).reverse().toString(); if (password.toLowerCase().contains(fwd) || password.toLowerCase().contains(rev)) { sequentialAlpha++; sequentialChar++; } } /* Check for sequential numeric string patterns (forward and reverse) */ for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { String fwd = numerics.substring(s, s + 3); String rev = new StringBuilder(fwd).reverse().toString(); if (password.toLowerCase().contains(fwd) || password.toLowerCase().contains(rev)) { sequentialNumber++; sequentialChar++; } } /* Check for sequential symbol string patterns (forward and reverse) */ for (int s = 0; s < 8; s++) { String fwd = symbols.substring(s, s + 3); String rev = new StringBuilder(fwd).reverse().toString(); if (password.toLowerCase().contains(fwd) || password.toLowerCase().contains(rev)) { sequentialSymbol++; sequentialChar++; } } final int multiplierMidChar = 2, multiplierConsecutiveAlphaUC = 2, multiplierConsecutiveAlphaLC = 2, multiplierConsecutiveNumber = 2, multiplierSequentialAlpha = 3, multiplierSequentialNumber = 3, multiplierSequentialSymbol = 3, multiplierLength = 4, multiplierNumber = 4, multiplierSymbol = 6; score = length * multiplierLength; /* Modify overall score value based on usage vs requirements */ /* General point assignment */ if (alphaUC > 0 && alphaUC < length) { score += (length - alphaUC) * 2; } if (alphaLC > 0 && alphaLC < length) { score += (length - alphaLC) * 2; } if (number > 0 && number < length) { score += number * multiplierNumber; } if (symbol > 0) { score += symbol * multiplierSymbol; } if (midChar > 0) { score += midChar * multiplierMidChar; } /* Point deductions for poor practices */ if ((alphaLC > 0 || alphaUC > 0) && symbol == 0 && number == 0) { // Only Letters score -= length; alphasOnly = length; } if (alphaLC == 0 && alphaUC == 0 && symbol == 0 && number > 0) { // Only Numbers score -= length; numbersOnly = length; } if (repChar > 0) { // Same character exists more than once score -= repInc; } if (consecutiveAlphaUC > 0) { // Consecutive Uppercase Letters exist score -= consecutiveAlphaUC * multiplierConsecutiveAlphaUC; } if (consecutiveAlphaLC > 0) { // Consecutive Lowercase Letters exist score -= consecutiveAlphaLC * multiplierConsecutiveAlphaLC; } if (consecutiveNumber > 0) { // Consecutive Numbers exist score -= consecutiveNumber * multiplierConsecutiveNumber; } if (sequentialAlpha > 0) { // Sequential alpha strings exist (3 characters or more) score -= sequentialAlpha * multiplierSequentialAlpha; } if (sequentialNumber > 0) { // Sequential numeric strings exist (3 characters or more) score -= sequentialNumber * multiplierSequentialNumber; } if (sequentialSymbol > 0) { // Sequential symbol strings exist (3 characters or more) score -= sequentialSymbol * multiplierSequentialSymbol; } /* Determine if mandatory requirements have been met and set image indicators accordingly */ int minPwdLen = 8; if (length == minPwdLen) { requirements++; } else if (length > minPwdLen) { requirements++; } if (alphaUC == 1) { requirements++; } else if (alphaUC > 1) { requirements++; } if (alphaLC >= 1) { requirements++; } if (number >= 1) { requirements++; } if (symbol >= 1) { requirements++; } int minimumRequirementsChars = password.length() >= minPwdLen ? 3 : 4; if (requirements > minimumRequirementsChars) { // One or more required characters exist score += requirements * 2; } /* Determine complexity based on overall score */ if (score > 100) { score = 100; } else if (score < 0) { score = 0; } return new Result(score); } public enum Complexity { TooWeak("Too Weak"), Weak("Weak"), Good("Good"), Strong("Strong"), VeryStrong("Very Strong"); private final String text; Complexity(final String text) { this.text = text; } @Override public String toString() { return text; } } public static class Result { private final int score; private Complexity complexity; private Result(int score) { this.score = score; if (score >= 0 && score < 20) { complexity = Complexity.TooWeak; } else if (score >= 20 && score < 40) { complexity = Complexity.Weak; } else if (score >= 40 && score < 60) { complexity = Complexity.Good; } else if (score >= 60 && score < 80) { complexity = Complexity.Strong; } else if (score >= 80 && score <= 100) { complexity = Complexity.VeryStrong; } } public int getScore() { return score; } public Complexity getComplexity() { return complexity; } } }