Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 CA, Inc. All rights reserved. * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ package; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; import org.apache.cordova.LOG; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Set; public class MASStoragePlugin extends MASCordovaPlugin { private static final String TAG = MASStoragePlugin.class.getCanonicalName(); private static final int CORDOVA_MAS_LOCAL_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION = 0; private static final int CORDOVA_MAS_LOCAL_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION_FOR_USER = 1; private static final int CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_USER = 0; private static final int CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION = 1; private static final int CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION_FOR_USER = 2; @Override protected void pluginInitialize() { super.pluginInitialize(); } @Override public boolean execute(String action, final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("saveToLocal")) { saveToLocal(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("findByUsingKeyAndModeLocal")) { findByUsingKeyAndModeLocal(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteByUsingKeyAndModeLocal")) { deleteByUsingKeyAndModeLocal(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteAllUsingModeLocal")) { deleteAllUsingModeLocal(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("keySetForModeLocal")) { keySetForModeLocal(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("saveToCloud")) { saveToCloud(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("findByUsingKeyAndModeCloud")) { findByUsingKeyAndModeCloud(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("deleteByUsingKeyAndModeCloud")) { deleteByUsingKeyAndModeCloud(args, callbackContext); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("keySetForModeCloud")) { keySetForModeCloud(args, callbackContext); } else { callbackContext.error("Invalid action"); return false; } return true; } private void saveToLocal(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureLocalStorage(); String key = args.optString(1); Object data = args.opt(2); int segment_0 = args.getInt(3); int segment = fetchSegmentLocal(segment_0);, data, segment, new MASCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { success(callbackContext, true, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void findByUsingKeyAndModeLocal(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureLocalStorage(); String key = args.optString(0); int segment_0 = args.getInt(1); int segment = fetchSegmentLocal(segment_0); storage.findByKey(key, segment, new MASCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) { JSONObject response = null; try { response = getResultJson(result); success(callbackContext, response, false); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(ex)); } } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void deleteByUsingKeyAndModeLocal(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureLocalStorage(); String key = args.optString(0); int segment_0 = args.getInt(1); int segment = fetchSegmentLocal(segment_0); storage.delete(key, segment, new MASCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { success(callbackContext, true, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { LOG.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void deleteAllUsingModeLocal(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASSecureLocalStorage storage = new MASSecureLocalStorage(); int segment_0 = args.getInt(0); int segment = fetchSegmentLocal(segment_0); storage.deleteAll(segment, new MASCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { success(callbackContext, true, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { LOG.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void keySetForModeLocal(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureLocalStorage(); int segment_0 = args.getInt(0); int segment = fetchSegmentLocal(segment_0); storage.keySet(segment, new MASCallback<Set<String>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Set<String> result) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(result); success(callbackContext, array, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { LOG.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void saveToCloud(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureStorage(); String key = args.optString(1); Object data = args.opt(2); int segment_0 = args.getInt(3); int segment = fetchSegmentCloud(segment_0);, data, segment, new MASCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { success(callbackContext, true, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void findByUsingKeyAndModeCloud(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureStorage(); String key = args.optString(0); int segment_0 = args.getInt(1); int segment = fetchSegmentCloud(segment_0); storage.findByKey(key, segment, new MASCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) { JSONObject response = null; try { response = getResultJson(result); success(callbackContext, response, false); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.e(TAG, ex.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(ex)); } } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { LOG.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void deleteByUsingKeyAndModeCloud(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureStorage(); String key = args.optString(0); int segment_0 = args.getInt(1); int segment = fetchSegmentCloud(segment_0); storage.delete(key, segment, new MASCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { success(callbackContext, true, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private void keySetForModeCloud(final JSONArray args, final CallbackContext callbackContext) { try { MASStorage storage = new MASSecureStorage(); int segment_0 = args.getInt(0); int segment = fetchSegmentCloud(segment_0); storage.keySet(segment, new MASCallback<Set<String>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Set<String> result) { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(result); success(callbackContext, array, false); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e); callbackContext.error(getError(e)); } } private @MASStorageSegment int fetchSegmentCloud(int segment) { switch (segment) { case CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_USER: return MASConstants.MAS_USER; case CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION: return MASConstants.MAS_APPLICATION; case CORDOVA_MAS_CLOUD_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION_FOR_USER: return MASConstants.MAS_USER | MASConstants.MAS_APPLICATION; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This segment is not mapped to any of the present segments"); } } private static @MASStorageSegment int fetchSegmentLocal(int segment) { switch (segment) { case CORDOVA_MAS_LOCAL_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION: return MASConstants.MAS_APPLICATION; case CORDOVA_MAS_LOCAL_STORAGE_SEGMENT_APPLICATION_FOR_USER: return MASConstants.MAS_USER | MASConstants.MAS_APPLICATION; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This segment is not mapped to any of the present segments"); } } private JSONObject getResultJson(Object result) throws Exception { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); if (result == null) { response.put("mime", "text/plain"); response.put("value", ""); return response; } DataMarshaller marshaller = StorageDataMarshaller.findMarshaller(result); String mime = marshaller.getTypeAsString(); byte[] bytes = null; try { response.put("mime", mime); bytes = marshaller.marshall(result); String b64 = new String(Base64.encode(bytes, 0), "UTF-8"); StringBuilder base64String = new StringBuilder(); base64String.append(b64); if (base64String.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("line.separator")) != -1) { base64String.deleteCharAt(base64String.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("line.separator"))); } if (base64String.lastIndexOf("\r") != -1) { base64String.deleteCharAt(base64String.lastIndexOf("\r")); } response.put("value", base64String.toString()); return response; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }